Estonian national food_and_healty_eating

Post on 26-May-2015

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Transcript of Estonian national food_and_healty_eating


Estonian national food and healthy eating

Estonian national drinks

Birch juice or maple juice


Estonian national cold foods

Cottage cheese with caraway seeds

Dried fishSour milk cheese (in

the first picture)Salted herringMeat jelly (picture 2)

Estonian national desserts

Oatmeal cookies

Baked apples

In estonian called ‘kama’

Estonian national soups

Sauerkraut soup (in picture)

Bean soupMilk soup

Other Estonian national foods

Mulk cabbage

Rye bread

Black pudding

Alcholic drinks

The most popular spirit in Estonia- herb liqueur Vana Tallinn

Estonians also drink a lot of beer- A.Le.Coq, the most popular brewery in Estonia

Vodka is also popular- Viru Valge

Healthy eating

Estonians often go pick mushrooms and pick berries. One of the most popular mushrooms is the girolle

A rare and delicious berry found in the estonian forests – the cloudberry.

Healthy Eating

Eat on the Morning, Afternoon and in the Eveing

The most important is to eat the breakfast

Between eating times, eat snacks which are healthy

The most suitable drink is water, which you have to drink, even when you are not thirsty

Eat a lot of vegetables, fruits


To lose weight fast, you have to control your Calories and exercise a lot and drink water, which flushes bad minerals out from your body

Don’t eat too much burgers, chips

Never drink alcohol, smoke, use drugs, because they are bad for your health and they cause a lot of problems