Esther daniel (researching and planning)

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Esther daniel (researching and planning)



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Esther Daniel

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This is the Main image of the contents page and it has filled up most of the contents page. It also stands out from everything else in the contents page and is the only image on it. This is a medium shot and the artist is obviously trying to get the readers attention as he is looking directly towards the camera, so it is like he is looking at you.

The masthead issue number ,logo and date are all written not only in capital letters but are made bold, this is done to show that this is the most important part of the contents page .

In this box of information you can see there is a lot of words in it which can put people of or they might skip some part of the information , so the writer of the article put the the title in bold capital letters to tell the reader what will be addressed in the box.

Layout :The layout of this magazine is very simple , I believe it is aimed at the older generation as they don’t really care about too many fancy colours and pictures. . Most of the writing is on the right side of the contents page and there is only a little on the left side because if there was writing on both sides it wouldn't’t look like a contents page anymore.

In both of these sub titles they are both bold and have white writing on top of a black background. The color white is a bright colour and because black is a dull colour the writing really stands out , which will catch the readers eye.

Layout:The layout of this contents page is very simple , which shows it is aimed at a much older audience.

The word “ contents” is the masthead , this is written in the biggest font unlike the rest of the text in the contents page and is really bold which stands out from the rest of text suggesting tis the most important .

This is the subtitle which has the second largest font in the contents page which shows that it is also a relevant piece of information on the contents page

This is the Main image on the contents page as it is placed in the Centre of the contents page bringing attention to the image. This image looks similar to the image on the front cover of a magazine however this image is a long shot we makes it different .

the colours used in this image are very pop art and girly suggesting that this magazine is aimed at females.

Magazine 1

This is the Main image as it fills up most of the front cover , also looking at the image you can see that katy is giving the reader eye contact

This is the masthead, which from all the pieces of writing on the page is written in the biggest font

This is a box or puff out, which is containing little information about what might be inside the magazine

Magazine 2

Magazine, Forms and Conventions

MastheadThis is the name of the magazine

SkylineThis is information found on the top of the page

Main cover lineThis is the main and most important thing in magazine to get the reader to want to read more

Main ImageThis is the most important and largest image in a magazine and is normally on the front of them magazine .

Cover lineThis contains smaller pieces of information about other articles within the magazine

Price and Issue The issue number and cost of the magazine

Puffs or box outs This is shapes that have quotes or small information that links to the magazine .

Anchorage text This is words or phrases that link to the main image or topic.

BarcodeThis is a digital pattern used to take note of the sale of a magazine.

Different type of social groups(1) Group AThis group consists of :BankersLawyersDoctorsSurgeonsEtc…-People in this group often live in their own houses that are expensive and go on the most elegant holidays. They even drive prestigious cars such as Ferrari's, Mercedes and many more .-They buy recognized expensive brands of clothing and jewelry.-They are willing to pay more for food and services due to health and concerns related to food .-They do not have time for social media or any social entertainment due to their busy lifestyle.

Group BThis group consists of :TeachersMiddle management Fairly well paid professionals -People in this group often live in their own homes and don’t live off government benefits.-They own health insurance, reliable cars and have the ability to invest in private education for children.-They buy recognized brands of clothing and jewelry .-They go on packaged holidays at least once or twice a year.-They spend 2-3 hours a day in front of the TV -They eat at high street restaurants that are fairly expensive. -They don’t really have time for social media .

Group C1This group consists of :Junior managementBank clerks Nurses ‘White collar’ professionals-people in this group live in a property that has low mortgage and receive benefits from the government .-They invest in leisure in fitness, holiday and more -They buy recognized brands yet not expensive.-They spend 2-3 hours on social media and watching TV .-They own at least one car and search for discounted packaged holidays for at least once a year .-

Different type of social groups(2) Group C2This group consists of :ElectriciansPlumbersCarpenters -People in this group live in rented property and receive benefits mostly from the government.-They buy their food from local stores.-They own a car which counts as their vehicle they use for work .-They spend 4-5 hours in front of the TV and on social media.-They read newspaper like The sun and Daily mirror-They spend their leisure in visiting local attractions .

Group DThis group represents audience stereotypes Manual workers such as :DriversPost sortersWarehouse Pickers-People in this group live in properties that are usually provided by local agencies .-They live on a extremely tight budget.-They shop at cheap shops like Primark, pound land etc.-they spend 6-7 hours in front of the TV-They have no concern about fashion-They shop online for bargains .

Group EThis group includes:StudentsUnemployedPensioners-People in this group live on benefits and state welfare.-They do not care about the brand of clothes they wear .-They spend a lot of time in front of the TV and on social media .-They read most of the time free media -They watch programs such as I'm a celebrity get me out of here -They spend their money the way they want .

Magazine Institutions and Distribution

What is a media institution ? A media institution is a organization public or privately owned that distributed media products




Representing and appealing to social groups

Mise-En-SceneThis describes the way stuff are shown and arranged and also can convey the story of a scene through a single shot.

Props and costumesProps> this is used with a characters costume to contribute to how they are represented.Costume> this is used to conveys a characters personality or status and they use certain colours and designs to also convey a character

LightingThe hardness and softness of light effects mood, for example if the lighting in a film is really bright that could represent joy , however if its dark it could represents sadness.

LocationThis creates both a sense of place and a mood . It is also important because it also can relate to a character and that will have an effect on the viewer.

Use of languageBody language is a form of non verbal communication and can provide ideas of the attitude or state of mind of a person. Uses body to communicate their thoughts or emotions to contribute to how they are represented.

Camera angleThis always refers to the way a shot is composed and is the angle between the camera and the subject.

Type of pose of body languageThere are three main types of body language which are eye contact, body position and gesture and movement and all three of these can convey a message to the viewer.

Mode of addressThis is how media shouts out the audience , which could be in the way they write in a magazine (formal, informal)

Consider eye-contactEye contact is vital because if you look in the wrong places you can receive a lack of attention from the audience you are trying to attract and you want to draw that person attention to you.

Behavior reflected in the photograph and stereotypes connected in the social groupLooking at an image of a individual in a magazine you should be able to tell the type of person they are . For example, if the image of the person has them smiling you can see they are quite happy , whereas if it was an image of someone giving dirty looks you would then think they have an attitude.