Established 1914 Volume XIX, Number 203 Fullmoon Day of … · 2014-02-09 · Established 1914...

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Transcript of Established 1914 Volume XIX, Number 203 Fullmoon Day of … · 2014-02-09 · Established 1914...

Established 1914

Volume XIX, Number 203 Fullmoon Day of Tazaungmon 1373 ME Thursday, 10 November, 2011

Our Three MainNational Causes

* Non-disintegration of the Union

* Non-disintegration of National


* Perpetuation of Sovereignty

NAY PYI TAW, 9 Nov—Four successfulsurgical operations on the Siamese twins had beenbreakthroughs of Myanmar’s medical history.Yangon Children’s Hospital today added onemore to the history.

Two years and ten months old conjoinedtwins Ma Ingyin Khaing and Ma Ingyin Hlaingof Kawtin village in Launglon Township of

Yangon Children’s Hospitalsuccessfully separates fifthconjoined twins Ma IngyinKhaing, Ma Ingyin Hlaing

Taninthayi Region came through surgicaloperation well in Yangon Children’s Hospital thismorning.

Dawei People’s Hospital referred the twinsborn on 25 January 2009 to Yangon Children’sHospital the next day.

Two surgical teams comprised of four sur-geons each and two anesthetic teams comprised

of 12 anesthetists performed the operation withthe help of 19 nurses and four nursing aides.

Professor Dr Htoo Han, leader of surgicalteam (1) successfully separated the twin baby girlsat 11.30 am.

Union Minister for Health Dr Pe Thet Khin,Yangon Region Chief Minister U Myint Swe and

(See page 8)

YANGON, 9 Nov—Union Minister for Envi-ronmental Conservationand Forestry U Win Tundiscussed ongoing envi-ronmental conservationactivities and future planswith Resident Representa-tive Mr TomohlroSnibayama of Japan In-ternational CooperationAgency (JICA) and partyat Town Hall of Bogale inAyeyawady Region on 7November.

In his address toRegion-level Coordina-tion Meeting and Seminaron Mangrove Forest ofAyeyawady Region, the

Union Minister in AyeyawadyRegion on mission of

mangrove forest conservation

Union Minister for Environmental

Conservation and Forestry U Win Tun

addresses Region-level Coordination

Meeting and Seminar on Mangrove

Forest of Ayeyawady Region.


Union Minister for

Health Dr Pe Thet

Khin, Yangon Region

Chief Minister U

Myint Swe view

surgical operation on

conjoined twins

through CCTV



Union Minister said man-grove forests were con-served at forest reservessince earlier 19th century,but they were degradedfollowing socio-eco-nomic changes of thecountry.

He underscored theconservation of man-grove forests as an engineto alleviate poverty in ruralregions as it would createbetter livelihoods andgenerate more incomes forrural people.

He also alerted thelocal people that interna-tional assistances were justfor infrastructures and theywere to conserve the man-grove forests in the longrun.

Resource personnel

read papers on mangroveforest conservation at theseminar. The UnionMinister inspectedmangrove forests alongBogale river course.

He instructed theofficials to reach out to the

public in educativeactivities and to distributesaplings to each house start-ing from 2012 monsoon,underlining the contribu-tion of mangrove foreststo prevention againstnatural disasters.—MNA

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 10 November, 2011

PERSPECTIVESThursday, 10 November, 2011

Today is the Fullmoon Day of Tazaungmon1373 ME.

While residing at mango garden ofphysician Jivaka in Rajagjo with His disciples,Lord Buddha expounded the sermon onSamaññaphala Sutta which means the benefitsof attaining monkhood, at the request of KingAjatasat. Referring to the expounding ofSamaññaphala Sutta, Fullmoon Day ofTazaungmon was designated asSamaññaphala Day.

Seasonal Khawei flowers are in full bloomin Tazaungmon, the eighth month of Myanmarcalendar. The zodiac sign of this month isScorpio and the constellation is in crow shape.Tazaungmon was called Tazaunghmon inBagan Period and finally becameTazaungmon in Inwa Period.

In ancient times, Myanmar people definedTazaungdine as “light post” and offered lightsto Culamani Pagoda in the celestial abode ona grand scale.

The word “Kahtein” derives from Paliword “Kathina” which means “firm andsteady”. Since the time of the Exalted One,Buddhists have been celebrating the Kathina-robe offering ceremony in the month ofTazaungmon.

Associated with the festival of the Kahteinrobe offering is the weaving of Mathoe robe,which if literally translated means “no-stale”robe. Mathoe robes are made overnight andoffered to the Lord Buddha before dawn.Accompanied by music and dance, Mathoe-robe weaving competitions are held annuallyon the day before Fullmoon Day of Tazaungmonat famous pagodas nationwide.

Another traditional custom of Myanmarpeople in connection with Tazaungmon is toeat mezali bud salad on fullmoon night of thismonth. There is a wide belief that all theguardian spirits of herbs gather together atthe place of guardian spirit of mezali plant onfullmoon night and mezali leaves and buds areblessed with medicinal properties thisparticular night.

Buddhists are, therefore, exhorted to hearthe sermon of Samaññaphala Sutta, offerKathina robes and lights to the Buddha onFullmoon Day of Tazaungmon.

Do meritorious deeds onFullmoon Day of Tazaungmon

Union Defence Minister receives MalaysianAmbassador to Myanmar

NAY PYI TAW, 9 Nov— Union Minister forDefence Lt-Gen Hla Min received MalaysianAmbassador to the Republic of the Union ofMyanmar Dr. Ahmad Muhamad at the UnionMinister’s office here this afternoon.

They discussed matters relating to holdingLIMA Exhibition in Langkawi of Malaysia from 6to 10 December, 2011.

Also present at the call were Deputy MinisterMaj-Gen Kyaw Nyunt.—MNA

Sagaing Region

Chief Minister

U Tha Aye addresses

coordination meeting

of Zeyapadaytha

Foundation at

Region Government.


YANGON, 9 Nov— Tomark the MyanmarSarsodaw Day, MingalaTaungnyunt TownshipWriters and JournalistsAssociation donated K100,000, Ni Ni(Myanmarsar) of BahanTownship WJA, U WinHlaing (Maung Yadanar)and Daw Win Mar (WinMar family), K 30,000each, U Than Win (MinYin Su), U Kyaw Soe(Maung Kyaezu) andDaw Khin Yin family, K15,000 each, Ni Nyein(Anyar Tekkatho), DawThaung Nyan (ThaungNyan-Panhtawkyun),10,000 each and Daw

Cash donated to respect-paying ceremony

Myint Myint Than (MayZun), Daw Si Si Nyunt(Ma Sein Zaw-Wakema),K 5,000 each to theceremony to pay respectsto the doyen literatithrough officials ofMyanmar Writers andJournalists Association atthe cash donationceremony. Those wishingto donate cash and kindto the ceremony maycontact MWJA (Central)at No.529 on second floorof Sarpay BeikmanBuilding on MerchantStreet in KyauktadaTownship, Yangon (Ph:252417 and 385273).


NAY PYI TAW, 9 Nov — Deputy Minister for HealthDr Win Myint met Southeast Asian Regional CoordinatorMrs. Florence Mary Bevan of UK-based AID to HospitalWorldwide at his office, here, this afternoon.

The deputy minister received documents related tohospital equipment worth £ 71130.41 presented by theregional coordinator, and spoke words of thanks.


Union A&I Minister receives Chairman of KirloskarBrother Co Ltd and party

NAY PYI TAW, 9 Nov—Union Minister for Agricultureand Irrigation U Myint Hlaing received a delagation ledby Chairman of Kirloskar Brother Co Ltd Mr Sonjay CKirloskar of India at his office at 3 pm yesterday.

At the meeting, they discussed matters on mutualcooperation for the agricultural development andinvestment in agro-based industries and farmequipment.—MNA

Deputy Health Ministeraccepts medical equipment

Chairman of Aungmyaythazan Township Writersand Journalists Association U Tun Hla Aung

(Moe Zaw Aung-Mandalay) donated 50 copies ofjournals to library of No (38) Basic Education

Post-Primary School on 1 October.—NLM

Sagaing Region Chief Minister attends work coordmeeting of Zeyapadaytha Foundation

NAY PYI TAW, 9 Nov—The work coord meeting1/2011 of Zeyapadaytha Foundation of SagaingRegion took place at the meeting hall of theRegion Government Office on 4 November withan address by Sagaing Region Chief Minister U

Tha Aye.Afterwards, a general round of discussions

followed. The meeting came to an end with theconcluding remarks by the region chief minster.


DPS launches Yangon TouristMap (YTM-14)

YANGON, 8 Nov—Design Printing Services CoLtd (DPS) has distributed over 1.8 million copies ofTourist Guide Map under the guidance of the Ministryof Hotels and Tourism since 1995. It is distributing30000 copies of free Yangon Tourist Map (YTM-14) in this open season.

The YTM-14 is detailed map of Yangon, withdomestic airlines, hotels, restaurants and tour

companies stated clearly.Hotels, tourism and related industries and tour

guides are to take out YTM-14 at Myanma TourismIndustry (Sule) and DPS office at No (165-167),first floor, 35th street, Kyauktada Township, Yangon,(Ph: 95-1) 204020 and 09-5030177, and Ph/Fax:(95-1) 245230 in office hours.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 10 November, 2011 3

An Afghan securityman checks the

wreckage of a civiliancar which was hit by a

roadside bomb inNangarhar Province,

east of Kabul,Afghanistan recently.


LONDON, 9 Nov—A pilot from RedArrows air display team died Tuesdayin an accident on the ground at thesquadron’s base, the RAF said, threemonths after a colleague was killed in acrash. “The pilot was ejected from hisaircraft while the aircraft was on theground,” said Royal Air Force GroupCaptain Simon Blake, adding that aninvestigation was under way into the“tragic incident”.

“It would be inappropriate tospeculate on the cause of the incidentuntil that inquiry is complete. Theinvestigation will determine the facts,”he said. Paramedics were called to theRed Arrows’ base, at RAF Scampton inLincolnshire after the accident, which

A BAE Systems Red Arrows display team Hawk jet on the ground at RAFScampton in Lincolnshire, England late on 8 Nov, 2011, with part of itsfront canopy missing. A pilot was reportedly killed Tuesday after beingejected from an aircraft while it was still on the ground. The RAF said a

full independent inquiry was being launched into the incident. In August aRed Arrow pilot died after his plane came down while returning from a


CANBERRA, 9 Nov—Another three Australiansoldiers were injured inAfghanistan when anAfghan National Army(ANA) soldier opened fireto his colleagues,Australian Defence Forceconfirmed on Wednesday.

The incident came just10 days after threeAustralian soldiers werekilled and seven otherswere injured in a similarattack in Afghanistan.

The ANA soldier is onthe run after he shot andwounded the threeAustralians and two of hiscolleagues in theCharmestan region onTuesday. According toDefence force chief DavidHurley, there was notenough information todecide whether Tuesday’sattack was linked to theearlier incident.


KABUL, 9 Nov—Eleven Afghans including ninecivilians were killed as a roadside bomb struck policevan in Badghis province 555 km northwest of AfghanCapital Kabul on Monday, a Press release of InteriorMinistry said Tuesday. “In a roadside bomb that strucka police vehicle in Qadis District of Badghis Provinceon Monday 11 people including nine civilians and twopolice were martyred,” the Press release added.

Among those killed in the blast are six children andtwo women, it further said. Three others including a 10-years old child and two policemen sustained injuries inthe blast, the Press release asserted. The Press releasedid not furnish more details. It also blamed Talebanmilitants for organizing the deadly roadside bombattack, but the outfit has yet to make comment.


ZAMBOANGA CITY, 9 Nov— Two military pilots were hurt when their planecrashed Wednesday in this southern Philippine City.

According to Lt Col Randolf Cabangbang, spokesman for the WesternMindanao Command, the OV10 bronco bomber plane with body number 801was on a routine test when it crashed around 9:50 am local time at the EdwinAndrews Air Base while it was trying to make an emergency landing.

Second Red Arrows pilot killed inthree months

involved a Hawk T1 aircraft. The pilot,who has not yet been named, died afterbeing taken to hospital with seriousinjuries. The low-flying aircraft in theRed Arrows distinctive scarlet are fittedwith ejection seats designed to firethrough a canopy, the BBC reported,citing eyewitnesses who said they saw aplane with the canopy smashed through.

In August, the Red Arrows wereplunged into mourning after pilot JonEgging died when his plane crashed atan air show near Bournemouth Airportin southern England.

The team is currently carrying outtheir winter training at RAF Scamptonafter holding their final display of theseason in September.—Internet

Another threeAustralian

soldiers injuredin Afghanistan

Roadside bomb kills 11Afghans

Bomber plane crashes in S Philippines,two pilots hurt

He said the test pilots of the ill-fated planeejected and bailed out successfully from the aircraftseconds before it hit the ground. They’reundergoing medical checkup at the base’s clinic.Cabangbang identified the pilots as Maj Trajanoand Lt Buscas. Trajano suffered fracture whileBuscas sustained minor injuries.

“They are now safe. They were trying to landthe plane as one engine had trouble,” he said.

The pilots tried to bring down the plane safelybut the sudden gust of wind forced the aircraft to flyout of its landing path prompting the pilots to ejectwithin the altitude of 50 to 60 metres. The plane hitthe ground and subsequently exploded. Cabangbangsaid the plane, on a maintenance flight when theaccident happened, was a “total wreck.” Militaryofficials are investigating the incident.—Xinhua

Photo shows an Iraqi armysoldier inspects the damageat Camp Ashraf in Khalis,

north of Baghdad, Iraq. Thetop UN envoy to Iraq, Martin

Kobler, offeredon 3 Nov, 2011, to broker

the peaceful closing of CampAshraf, a camp of Iranian

exiles, before the governmentin Baghdad forces its

residents out at the endof the year.


Residents gather at the site of a suicide bombattack in Swabi, located in northwest Pakistan

on 7 Nov, 2011.—REUTERS

BEIJING, 9 Nov—The Copyright Protection Center of China has deletedmore than 400,000 unauthorized Internet audio video links since June 2010,according to a statement released Wednesday.

As part of the country’s efforts to crack down on rampant copyrightinfringements, the center launched services for both domestic and overseascopyright owners last summer. Since then, it has detected more than 410,000links of copied video and audio materials and deleted 97 percent of them, thestatement said. Copyright owners are informed by letter if infringements ontheir works are found by the center’s round-the-clock monitoring service. Sofar, more than 2,400 such letters have been sent.—Xinhua

China deletes 400,000 web links forcopyright piracy

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 10 November, 2011

Autistic brains are heavier, with more neuronsWASHINGTON, 9 Nov—

A post-mortem analysis ofhalf a dozen autistic boysshowed that their brainswere heavier andcontained many moreneurons than counterpartswithout the disorder, USresearchers said Tuesday.

The study, while small,suggests that brainovergrowth may beoccurring in the womb,according to the findingspublished in the 9November issue of theJournal of the AmericanMedical Association.

Researchers examin-ed the brains of seven

autistic boys, age two to16, most of whom haddied by drowning. The 16-year-old’s cause of deathwas undetermined and oneeight-year-old died ofmuscle cancer.

When they comparedthem to a control group ofsix boys without autismwho died in accidents, theyfound that the brains ofautistic boys had 67 percentmore neurons in theprefrontal cortex and werenearly 18 percent heavierthan normal brain weightfor age. “Because corticalneurons are not generatedin postnatal life, this

pathological increase inneuron numbers in autisticchildren indicates prenatalcauses,” the study said. Theresearchers suggested that

“faulty prenatal cell birthor maintenance may beinvolved in thedevelopment of autism.”


China October inflation drops, more policytweaks seen

BEIJING, 9 Nov—China’s annual inflation rate fell sharply in October to 5.5percent in a further pullback from July’s three-year peak, giving Beijing moreroom to fine tune policy to help an economy feeling the chill of a global slowdown.

Customers inspectwashing machinesat a supermarketin Wuhan, Hubei

province on 8 Nov,2011.—REUTERS

Inflation fell from 6.1 percent in September andmarked the third straight decline since a peak of 6.5percent in July, bolstering expectations that pricepressures were on a solid downtrend.

Premier Wen Jiabao said prices had fallen furthersince October, adding to the view that policymakerswill edge toward more pro-growth policies, althoughinflation is still too high to expect a cut in interest rates.

“As inflation worries ease, the room for fine-tuning monetary tightening is getting bigger,” saidTing Lu, an economist at Bank of America/MerrillLynch in Hong Kong.—Reuters



OTTAWA, 9 Nov—Health Canada is warning ofmix-ups caused by the similar-sounding names oftwo prescription drugs, Pradax and Plavix.

The drugmakers for the two products teamed upwith the federal agency Tuesday to alert patients ofthe risk of medication errors associated with nameconfusion.

“Mix-ups between the drug names Pradax andPlavix have been associated with similarities in thenames, when spoken or written, and in their use inpatients with certain heart conditions or at risk ofblood clots,” the statement said.

Health Canada reports mix-ups with Pradax and Plavix Health

Pradax (dabigatran) is a blood thinner prescribedto patients who have an irregular heartbeat, and it isalso prescribed to patients after hip or kneereplacement surgery to prevent blood clots.

Plavix (clopidogrel) helps keep platelets in theblood from sticking together and forming clots thatcould lead to heart attack or stroke. When combinedwith acetylsalicylic acid, or ASA, it can also beprescribed to patients with an irregular heartbeat

who cannot take blood thinners.Receiving Pradax instead of Plavix, or vice

versa, could lead to a greater risk of bleeding, stroke,heart attack or blood clots, the advisory said.Patients are encouraged to:

* Be aware of the names and uses of themedications they are taking and keep a list ofcurrent medications with them.

* Make sure they can clearly read the name of themedication on any written prescription. If not,ask the doctor to print the name.

* Make sure they know why the doctor hasprescribed the medication.

* Discuss with the pharmacist the reason for themedication and the properties of the drug.

* Read the patient leaflet provided with themedication.

* Know what their medications look like and raisequestions if there is a change in appearance.


RIO DE JANEIRO, 9Nov—Brazilian PresidentDilma Rousseff onTuesday launched anationwide home health-care programme whichwill be completely free ofcharge. The so-called“Better at Home”

Brazil launches nationwide homehealthcare programme Health

program is aimed atpatients who areundergoing physicaltherapy, the elderly,people with chronic butnot grave diseases andpost-op patients.

With the homehealthcare initiative, the

government expects toreduce the notoriouslylong lines in Brazil’spublic hospitals andvacate some beds ininfirmaries. Rousseff saidthat the program will offer“quality treatment, closeto the patients’ families,

with the feeling of safetywe get when at home, andwithout the psychologicalpressures that we feel in ahospital.” By the end ofRousseff’s term inDecember 2014, thegovernment intends tohave 1,000 multidis-ciplinary teams and 400support teams in theprogramme.—Xinhua

Worldwide economic slowdownto be top agenda at ASEAN

SummitJAKARTA, 9 Nov—The impact of the worldwide

economic downturn on Southeast Asian countries willbe one of the top issues to be discussed at the 19thASEAN Summit next week, the Jakarta Post quotedan official as saying on Wednesday.

Trade Ministry’s ASEAN Cooperation DirectorIman Pambagyo said on Tuesday that the issue wouldbe highlighted during the upcoming high-level meeting,as ASEAN countries would be affected by the slumpin Europe and the United States because of its inclusionin an increasingly integrated world economy.

ASEAN leaders and economic ministers will meetfrom 17 to 19 Nov in Nusa Dua, Bali.

Intra-ASEAN trade grew significantly in recentyears, reaching 470 billion US dollars in 2008, 376.2billion dollars in 2009 and 519.7 billion dollars in2010.—Xinhua


Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo, strikead alliance Business

WASHINGTON, 9 Nov—Yahoo Inc, Microsoft Corpand AOL Inc have set up an advertising partnershipas Google and Facebook’s online ad dominancegrows. The alliance, announced on Tuesday, allowseach of the companies to sell each other’s unsoldpremium advertising inventory — known as displayads — by early next year.

Display units are big splashy units that appear onWeb pages and attract marketers interested inbranding their products or services. Typically, theseads command higher rates.

General view of Microsoft Corporation newheadquarters in Issy-les-Moulineaux, near Paris

on 6 Oct, 2009.—REUTERS

Rik van der Kooi, corporate vice president of theMicrosoft Advertising Business Group characterizedthe partnership in a statement as a “rising tide thatlifts all boats.”

While the companies are striking a partnership,they still actively competing with each other for bothadvertiser spending and publisher partners, as wellas maintain their own set of controls.

Yahoo, AOL and Microsoft executives said theyare not expecting any issues from the Department ofJustice, which could potentially frown upon thepartnership because it could reduce competition oreffect ad pricing.—Reuters

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 10 November, 2011 5

LOS ANGELES, 9 Nov—YouTube and The WaltDisney Co announced onMonday they are teamingup to produce an originalvideo series and feature“family-friendly” Disneyprogramming on thepopular video-sharing site.

Disney Interactive andGoogle-owned YouTubesaid the programming willbe available and onYouTube and the

WASHINGTON, 9 Nov—Consumer Reports, theinfluential magazine forproduct reviews, gave athumbs up to Apple’snew iPhone on Tuesdayafter declining torecommend the previousmodel because ofreception problems.“Apple’s newestsmartphone (the iPhone4S) performed very wellin our tests, and while it

WAKO, 9 Nov—Honda’s human-shapedrobot can now run faster,balance itself on unevensurfaces, hop on one foot,pour a drink and evenalmost “think” on its own.

Honda’s demonstrat-

MOSCOW, 9 Nov—A400-metre-wide asteroidharmlessly zipped pastearth early Wednesday,closer to our planet thanthe Moon’s orbit.

The “space rock”named 2005 YU55approached earth at adistance of 325,000 kmat 3.28 am Tuesday,

Moscow, 9 Nov—Russia has launched anunmanned probe on a daring mission to reachPhobos, a moon of Mars, and to fly samples of itssoil back to Earth.

The Phobos-Grount (Phobos-Soil) craft wassuccessfully launched by a Zenit-2 booster rocketat 12:16 am Moscow time Wednesday (2016 GMTTuesday) from the Russian-leased Baikonurcosmodrome in Kazakhstan. It will take the roboticprobe a few hours to conduct a series of preliminarymanoeuvrs before it can shoot off to the Red Planet.

The return vehicle is expected to carry up to200 grams of soil from Phobos back to Earth inAugust 2014.

The $170 million endeavour would be Russia’sfirst interplanetary mission since the Soviet times.A previous 1996 robotic mission to Mars ended infailure when the probe crashed in the Pacificfollowing an engine failure.


Honda shows smarter robot, helps in nuclear crisisHonda Motor


shaped robot“Asimo” runs

during anews

conference atthe Japaneseautomaker’s

researchfacility in

Wako, nearTokyo, on 8Nov, 2011.INTERNET

ion of the revamped“Asimo” on Tuesday at itsTokyo suburban researchfacility was not only toprove that the bubble-headed childlike machinewas more limber and a bitsmarter.

It was a way to try toanswer some critics thatAsimo, first shown in2000, had been of littlepractical use so far, provingto be nothing more than aglorified toy and cuteshowcase for the HondaMotor Co brand.

Honda PresidentTakanobu Ito told reporterssome of Asimo’stechnology was used todevelop a robotic arm injust six months with theintention of helping withthe nuclear crisis innortheastern Japan.

The mechanical armcan open and close valvesat Fukushima Dai-ichinuclear power plant,which went intomeltdown after the Marchtsunami, according toHonda. The automaker isworking with the utility

behind the problem plant,Tokyo Electric Power Co,to try to meet demands tobring the plant undercontrol.

Asimo was able towalk without falling over 2centimetre (0.8 inch)padded bumps on the floor.

It can also now jogfaster than it did in 2005, at9 kilometers per hour (5.6mph), instead of the earlier6 kph (3.7 mph), pushingbetter with its toes so its runwas smoother and not asjerky.

Asimo was also able todistinguish the voices ofthree people spoken atonce, using facerecognition and analyzingsound, to figure out thatone woman wanted hotcoffee, another orangejuice, and still another milktea.—Internet

Big space rock flies close to Earth, no harm done

iPhone 4S gets thumbs up fromConsumer Reports

Russia launchesunmanned probe to Mars’

moon Phobos

YouTube, Disney teaming up

The Martian moon Phobos is seen in an imagereleased by NASA on 9 April, 2008.


moving at a speed of 13.7km/sec. Scientists aroundthe globe have beenmonitoring the approachof the 2005 YU55 onand off ever since theasteroid has beendiscovered by RobertMcMillan form theUniversity of Arizona sixyears ago. 2005 YU55

has never been classifiedas a real threat to earthbut rather as anopportunity forastronomers to study theasteroid in its closest flybyof our planet in 200 years.

The gravitationalinfluence of the “spacevisitor” had nodetectable effect on Earth,

including tides andtectonic plates, as NASAexperts earlier predicted.

The next time a known“space rock” of a similarsize will come close toearth will be in 2028,when the 2001 WN5asteroid flies by Earth at adistance of 248,000km.—Internet

iPhone 4S

closely resembles theiPhone 4 in appearance,it doesn’t suffer thereception problem wefound in its predecessor,”Consumer Reports said.

“In special receptiontests of the iPhone 4Sthat duplicated those wedid on the iPhone 4, thenewer phone did notdisplay the samereception flaw,” it said ina post on its website.

Consumer Reports saidthe iPhone 4 continues tolose signal strength whena spot is touched on thedevice’s lower left sidewhile in an area with aweak signal.

“Because of the flaw,we continue to omit theiPhone 4 from our list ofrecommended models,despite its otherwise fineperformance,” ConsumerReports said.—Internet

PASADENA, 9 Nov—A giant sunspot that eruptedlast week has been ranked as one of the largest solarflares seen in years, US scientists said.

NASA said a powerful solar flare that eruptedThursday on the sun’s surface has been classifiedas a powerful X1.9 flare.

The flare triggered some disruption to radiocommunications, the US space agency said on itsWeb site. “Scientists are continuing to watch thisactive region as it could well produce additionalsolar activity as it passes across the front of thesun,” NASA said.—Internet

Giant solar flare detected

“complementary onlinevideo destinations” willlaunch in early 2012.“Disney Interactive willproduce and programmethe co-branded videodestinations for and YouTube,providing a family-friendlyexperience for viewersacross both platforms,”Disney and YouTube said.

The programming willinclude original video fromDisney, Disney Interactiveoriginal series, some DisneyChannel programming andcontent created by Disneyusers. The first project willlaunch in February and willbe an original video seriesbased on Disney’s mobilegame “Where’s MyWater?” According to TheNew York Times, DisneyInteractive and YouTubewill spend a combined $10million to $15 million onoriginal video series.








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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 10 November, 2011

Ana Julia Torrespats an injured

camel at the VillaLorena Shelter inCali, capital of the

Valle del CaucaDepartment, in

western Colombia,on 8 Nov, 2011. AnaJulia Torres, ownerof the Villa LorenaShelter, established

the institution 17years ago to rescue

injured andmistreated animals.


Brazil’s soccer legend Pele holds his officialbiography book in Sao Paulo on 8 Nov, 2011.


PHNOM PENH, 9 Nov—Cambodia commemoratedthe 58th anniversary of the declaration of

Cambodia marks 58th anniversary of independencefrom French protectorate

Cambodian children hold portraits of Cambodia’sformer King Norodom Sihanouk and incumbent King

Norodom Sihamoni (1st L) during a celebrationmarking the 58th anniversary of independence fromFrench protectorate, in Phnom Penh on 9 Nov, 2011.


Independence Day fromFrench protectorate onWednesday.

The event was held atthe IndependenceMonument under thepresidency of CambodianKing Norodom Sihamoniand the participation ofNational Assembly Presi-dent Heng Samrin,Cambodia’s PrimeMinister Hun Sen, the FirstVice President of SenatePrince Sisowath Chivan

Monirak, and other high-ranking officials, diplomaticcorps, armed forces, as well as students, totaling about

20,000 people.During the celebration, King Norodom Sihamoni

laid the wreath and lit thevictory torch inside themonument.

The victory flame willbe kept burning for threedays.

Cambodia gainedindependence from theFrench protectorate on 9Nov, 1953 after the retiredKing Norodom Sihanoukhad conducted the royalcrusade in 1952.

France had ruledCambodia for 90 years

until the country declared independence.Xinhua

SINGAPORE, 9 Nov—The navies of Singaporeand New Zealand havebeen conducting a jointexercise over the past twodays, local daily theStraits Times reported onWednesday.

The bilateral exercisein Singapore, codenamedLion Zeal, involved 265personnel from the two

Singapore, New Zealand navies conductjoint exercisenavies, it said.

The Lion Zeal seriesof exercise, established in1999, aimed to enhancethe inter-operability andprofessionalism of bothnavies.

Besides professionalexchanges in conven-tional operations, theparticipants shared bestpractices in navigation,

naval aviation, fire-fighting and damagecontrol, too.

The Ministry ofDefence said the exerciseunderscored the close andlong-standing bilateraldefence relationshipbetween both countries,adding that the two naviesinteract regularly.


LUSAKA, 9 Nov—At least 78 peoplehave been admitted to a local hospitalin western Zambia following anoutbreak of an unknown disease, thePost of Zambia reported on Tuesday.

A strange disease has broken outin Kalabo District in Western Province.

The strange disease is makingpeople to vomit, have diarrhea andpneumonia.

Dr Reuben Mbewe, Ministry ofHealth spokersperson, said the districthad been reporting increased numberof patients presented with sudden onsetof fever since 24 Oct.

The health official has however

Unknown disease breaks out inwestern Zambia

said signs and symptoms of the diseasewere consistent with typhoid butconfirmatory laboratory investigationswere still being awaited. “The diseaseis affecting all ages of both male andfemale patients.

There have been no deathsamongst the hospitalized cases, “ hewas quoted as saying by the paper.

He said of the 78 people that wereadmitted, 65 were still receivingtreatment while 13 have beendischarged, adding that health officialsin the district have responded welland providing appropriate medicalattention to the patients.—Xinhua

MOSCOW, 9 Nov—Russia would increase itssubmarine task force along its Northern Sea Route,Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.

Speaking at a national transport industry conferencein Russian’s White Sea port City of Novosibirsk, Putinsaid new submarines were arriving this week at thecity’s Sevmash shipyard after sea trials.

“We will build our forces there. Russia willundoubtedly work to ensure security in the northernregion,” said Putin, Xinhua reported, citing the Interfaxnews agency.

He said the Northern Sea Route — a Russianshipping lane that runs from the Atlantic Ocean tothe Pacific Ocean along the Russian Arctic coast tothe Bering Strait and Far East — was one of Russia’spriority transport lanes and the Russian emergencysituations ministry would also deploy forces there.


Russia to build up NorthernSea naval presence

BERLIN, 9 Nov—German ChancellorAngela Merkel andRussian President DmitryMedvedev on Tuesdayturned the tap of the Balticpipeline which connectsthe Western Europe andone of the world’s mostabundant natural gas fieldsin Siberia.

“When we talk of

Merkel, Medvedev inaugurate new Baltic sea pipeline

security of supply, we mustthink of diversi-fication,”said Merkel at theinauguration ceremony.

Medvedev spokehighly of the pipeline,referring to it as animportant step to“strengthen relations withthe EU and Germany,”despite that fact that theproject still remainedlargely controversial.

“This pipeline will allowus to provide the WesternEuropean consumersreliably and at anacceptable, reasonableprice,” Medvedev said atthe beginning of theinstallation work.

The project of theBaltic Pipeline has beenenthusiastically acclaimedby the Russian media,which draw the historical

comparisons with Peter theGreat, who founded thecity of St Petersburg toopen up a window to thewest. The Nord Streampipelne, which runs 1,224kilometres, has beenproceeding on smoothlyin a record 16 months,while the work on thesecond section of thepipeline has been put onschedule.—Xinhua

French Prime MinisterFrancois Fillon, CEO ofGerman energy companyE.on Johannes Teyssen,

German ChancellorAngela Merkel,

Netherland’s PrimeMinister Mark Rutte,

Russian President DmitryMedvedev, CEO of

Gazprom Alexej Millerand EU Commissionerfor Energy GuentherOettinger, from left,

officially open the NordStream pipeline in

Lubmin at the BalticSea, Germany,

on 8 Nov, 2011.XINHUA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 10 November, 2011 7

Chinese Huawei in Android patent talkswith Microsoft

LONDON, 9 Nov—China’s leading telecomcompany Huawei hasconfirmed that it is intalks with Microsoft overthe use of Androidsoftware.

Huawei Device’schief marketing officer,Victor Xu, said thediscussions are “inprogress”.

He also revealed thatthe firm plans to open anew design centre inLondon, and would

expand to expand into theUS, Japan and India nextyear, and then other partsof the world in 2013.

“Over the next threeyears we are aiming to bein the top five smartphonemakers, and in the top threein the next five years. Wehave established veryaggressive targets in themarket,” the BBC quotedXu, as saying.

Meanwhile, it issuspected that Huawei’smobile device roll-out

could lead it into a clashwith Microsoft.

The US company hasclaimed that the Androidsystem, which is used byHuawei’s devices, exploitssome of its innovations.

Xu, however, hintedthat his firm is able todefend itself.

“We always respectthe intellectual property ofkey companies. At themoment we have morethan 65,000 patents andwe have enoughinstruments to protect ourinterests,” Xu said.

Microsoft said itwould not comment onthe status of “confidentialpatent licensing discuss-ions”.


16 killed in stampede in IndiaNEW DELHI, 9 Nov—

At least 16 people werekilled and 10 others injuredin a stampede which brokeout at an abode in thenorthern Indian holy Townof Hardwar Tuesday, saidpolice. The incidenthappened when hundredsof people had gathered forthe centenary celebrationsof Hindu religious GuruPandit Sriram Sharma atShantikunj Ashram. Thestampede broke out whena large number offollowers tried to enter thegate of the holy place place

to take part in a “yagya”(chant) as part of thecelebrations.

Senior administrativeand police officials haverushed to the spot of theincident. According tolocal TV footage, theinjured were removedfrom the site to ambulancesby organizers of the event,which was supposed todraw 5 million people.

Stampede takes placefrom time to time incrowded religious eventsin India.


Visitors look at bonsai trees displayed at a bonsaiexhibition in Suzhou Art Gallery, Suzhou, east

China’s Jiangsu Province, 8 Nov, 2011.—XINHUA

Michael Jackson’s doctor Conrad Murrayplaced on suicide watch after guilty verdictLONDON, 9 Nov—Conrad Murray,

the doctor who was found guilty ofinvoluntary manslaughter in MichaelJackson’s death, has been put on suicidewatch in a Los Angeles prison amidsuggestions that he could be set to cashin on his crime.

The 58-year-old cardiologist hasbeen assigned special protection byprison authorities to prevent him beingattacked by other inmates, theTelegraph reported. He will have asingle cell and an escort will go withhim when he moves around inside theLos Angeles County jail.

After his conviction it appearedthat Murray had been co-operatingwith a documentary team for the lasttwo years, and the film will be broadcastaround the world later this week.

The film, ‘Michael Jackson andThe Doctor: A Fatal Friendship,’ wasmade by British producers October Filmsand directed by award-winningdocumentary maker Tom Roberts.

October Films said Murray was paida nominal 1million dollars fee for thefilm. But the doctor could later profitthrough interview and book deals inAmerica. California’s so-called “Son ofSam” law, which had prevented felonsprofiting from publicity surroundingtheir crimes, was struck down by thestate Supreme Court in 2002, allowingconvicts like Murray to sell their stories.

Murray also gave filmmakers accessto his lawyers’ meetings.

will be shown on Channel 4 in theUK and MSNBC in the United Statesthis week.—Internet Photo shows

Vertical Horizons


Paradise, Cave

Junction, Oregon,

one of the world’s

most unique luxury



Malaria battle changed Cheryl Cole’s lifeLONDON, 9 Nov—Cheryl Cole’s battle against malaria opened her eyes to

healthy living.The former “X Factor” judge caught the disease after visiting Africa last year

and although she was hospitalised, she insists it did benefit her as it made herfocus more on the important things in life, reports

“It opened my eyes to health and things I hadn’t focused on before. It’s nowless about work, work, work and more about taking time to chill and be with myfriends and family,” she said.

The 28-year-old singer was left bed-ridden by the effects of malaria. She hasrevealed the disease ate away her muscles and turned her complexion yellow.

“I was yellow because of my kidneys, it was a bit like jaundice. It was hardto find a matching foundation, let me tell you,” she said.—Internet

A woman watchesremembrance crosses

outside theWestminster Abbey in

London, Britain, 8Nov, 2011. Variousactivities were held

across the UK for theforthcoming ArmisticeDay to commemorate

lives lost in theconflicts since theFirst World War.


Death toll rises to 10 in central Chinarock burst accident

ZHENGZHOU, 9 Nov—After medical efforts failed for two seriouslyinjured miners, the death toll rose to ten following a rock burst in acoal mine in central China’s Henan province, a mine officialconfirmed on Tuesday.

They were two of three critically injured miners among 53trapped miners that had been pulled out by rescuers, the official said.

A rock burst occurred in the Qianqiu Coal Mine in the City ofSanmenxia, Henan Province, following a 2.9-magnitude earthquakeon Thursday.

Of the 75 miners working in the shaft, eight died and 14 managedto escape. Rescuers saved 53 others, including 45 who had beentrapped underground for 40 hours.

The cause of the accident is still under investigation.—Xinhua

Overseas Chinese welcome the Chinese Navy “Peace Ark” hospital shipin Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 8 Nov, 2011.—XINHUA

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 10 November, 2011

(from page 1)Yangon Region Minis-ter for Social Affairs DrMyint Thein witnessedthe operation throughlive coverage fromCCTV cameras.

In the afternoon,the Union Minister again

Yangon Children’s Hospi-tal successfully separatesfifth conjoined…

visited the pediatrichospital and expressedhis congratulationsto the surgeons, special-ists and nurses who suc-cessfully performed thefifth operation for thecountry. He also saidhello to parents of the

twin sisters.The Union Health

Minister inspected thecondition of the Siamesetwins yesterday morningbefore they underwentthe major operation.

The condition of theconjoined twins, whoare currently under in-tensive care of the unitconstituted with profes-sors, is reportedly de-veloping.


NAY PYI TAW, 9 Nov—Union Minister forHealth Dr Pe Thet Khin attended special meeting ofexecutive board of World Health Organization heldat WHO (Head Office) in Geneva of Switzerlandfrom 1 to 3 November.

The meeting was also attended by healthministers of member countries, senior officials, WHODirector-General Dr Magret Chan and officials.

The Union Minister touched on health careprojects of the country, fight against transmitteddiseases, capacity building of health staff and coop-eration with international organizations.—MNA

Union HealthMinister attendsWHO executive

board special meeting


twins Ma



and Ma





of 6th

Meeting ofASEANExpert

group onCommuni-

cableDiseases inprogress.


Union Minister for Health Dr Pe Thet Khin poses with surgical teams which successfullyperform operation of separating conjoined twins.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 9 Nov—The 6th Meeting ofASEAN Expert Group on Communicable Diseaseshosted by Myanmar was opened today at HotelYangon in Yangon this morning.

Director-General Dr Tun Naing Oo of theHealth Department gave a speech. Director (Epi-demic) Dr Soe Lwin Nyein acted the chairman ofthe meeting which is co-chaired by MDM. Lalitha

6th Meeting of ASEANExpert Group onCommunicableDiseases held

Kuruputham of Epidemiology and Disease controlDivision of the Ministry of Health of Singapore.

The meeting focused on matters related toprevention against and responses to pandemic

diseases, exchange of information and upgradingof labs, surveillance on epidemics. The three-daymeeting ends 11 November.


NAY PYI TAW, 9 Nov—Leading Myanmar sportscontingents who willparticipate in the XXVISEA Games to be held inIndonesia from 11 to 22November, 2011,Chairman of MyanmarNational Sports Commit-tee Union Minister forSports U Tint Hsan flew

Union Sports Minister, Myanmar sportscontingents leave for Indonesia

to Indonesia at 10:00 amtoday as the first group,to attend the opening cer-emony of the XXVI SEAGames and the South EastAsia Games FederationCouncil meeting.

He was accompaniedby General Secretary ofthe committee DeputyMinister U Aye Myint Kyu

and members, acting sec-retary of the committeeleader of Myanmar sportscontingents Director-General of Sports andPhysical Education De-partment U Thaung Htaikand administration group,shooting, billiard andsnooker, swimming,chess, sepak takaraw, ac-

robatics, track and fieldathletes, totaling 142.

The host Indonesiaof the XXVI SEA Gamesrespectively holds 22kinds of sports in Jakartaand 20 kinds of sports inPalembang. A total of 560Myanmar contingentspartake in 27 sports.


YANGON, 9 Nov—Organized by Banks Su-pervisory Committee of the Ministry of Finance andRevenue, Banking Services Diploma Course No(5) was opened at the MBA Building here thismorning.

Speaking on the occasion, Governor of theCentral Bank of Myanmar U Than Nyein urged thetrainees to strive for development of banking serv-ices with knowledge gained from the course. A totalof 63 trainees, one from the Central Bank ofMyanmar and 62 from State-run and private banksare attending the one-year course.


Banking Services Diplomacourse opens

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 10 November, 2011 9

Region/State Hluttaw sessions continue

NAY PYI TAW, 9 Nov—Firstday second regularsession of firstAyeyawady RegionHluttaw was held underthe headship of theRegion Hluttaw Speakeryesterday morning atRegion Hluttaw Office,with the attendance ofRegion Chief Minister UThein Aung, heads ofinstitutions of the Regionand 69 Hluttaw re-presentatives.

A total of 11questions were raised andanswered, RegionHluttaw representativeswilling to discuss Regionbudgets were invited tosubmit their name listsand two proposals weresubmitted at the session.

Second day secondregular session of firstKachin State Hluttaw washeld this morning at StateHluttaw Office, with theattendance of State Chief

Minister U La John NganHsai and State HluttawSpeaker U Ya Wun Joneand 46 Hluttawrepresentatives.

A total of 20questions were raised andanswered, Regionbudgets and threeproposals were approvedand four proposals weresubmitted at today’ssession.

Second day secondregular session of firstKayah State Hluttaw washeld this morning at StateHluttaw Office, with theattendance of State ChiefMinister U Khin MaungOo and State HluttawSpeaker U Kyaw Sweand 19 Hluttawrepresentatives.

A total of ninequestions were raised andanswered, two proposalswere submitted andRegion budgets wereapproved at today’s

session.Second day second

regular session of firstTaninthayi RegionHluttaw was held thismorning at RegionHluttaw Office, with theattendance of RegionHluttaw Speaker U HtinAung Kyaw and 27Hluttaw representatives.

A total of 10questions were raised andanswered, Regionbudgets and projectswere approved and thesession concludedsuccessfully.

Second day secondregular session of firstChin State Hluttaw washeld this morning at StateHluttaw Office, with theattendance of State ChiefMinister U Hong NgaiState Hluttaw Speaker UHauk Khin Kham and 24Hluttaw representatives.

A total of 10questions were raised and

Nyan Win and RegionHluttaw Speaker U WinTin and 74 Hluttawrepresentatives.

New Hluttawrepresentative swornoath, 29 questions wereraised and answered,and projects werereported.

Fourth day secondregular session of firstRakhine State Hluttawwas held this morning atState Hluttaw Office,with the attendance ofState Chief Minister UHla Maung Tin and StateHluttaw Speaker UHtein Lin and 47 Hluttawrepresentatives.

A total of 20questions were raisedand answered, Regionbudgets were put on

record.Fifth day second

regular session of firstMandalay RegionHluttaw was held thismorning at RegionHluttaw Office, with theattendance of RegionChief Minister U YeMyint, Region HluttawSpeaker U Win Maungand 70 Hluttawrepresentatives.

A total of 17questions were raisedand answered and fourproposals were sub-mitted. Hluttaw approv-ed poverty alleviationtasks of Region govern-ment and of recorded themessage of condolenceand cash donation ofRegion Hluttaw re-presentatives forPakokku floods.


answered.Fourth day second

regular session of firstBago Region Hluttaw washeld this morning atRegion Hluttaw Office,with the attendance ofRegion Chief Minister U

Ruby Dragon Foundation to be establishedto help mining newcomers emerge

(Article: Aung Theinga; Photo: Ko Ko Lay)

Amyotha Hluttawapproved the proposalof U Nay Win Tun ofShan State Constituency(9) to allow establishinga foundation for miningdevelopment in accordwith existing laws on43rd-day second regularsession of first AmyothaHluttaw on 1November, followingdiscussions of 12seconders.

U Nay Win Tun

when asked about thefoundation said, “It willbe formed as RubyDragon Foundation.After drawing organiza-tional structure, requestwill be submitted to theMinistry of Home Affairsfor the formation. It willstart its operation justafter the permission isgranted under rules andregulations of theMinistry of Mines.”

The foundation willbe formed with MPs ofAmyotha Hluttaw andRegion/State Hluttawsplus experts andtechnicians of RubyDragon Company.Branches will be openedin each Region andState.

U Nay Win

Tun to lend

a hand to



U Nay Win Tun,also Chairman of RubyDragon Company,guarantees miningnewcomers will beprovided with capital,marketing, technicaland regulatoryassistances.

“Capital will beloaned with no interest.Assistances will featuredepartmental pro-cedures for startingmining business,

systematic formation ofcompany, miningtechnologies and so on.The non-profit foun-dation will focus onbringing about wealthto the State andpeople,” he explained.

U Nay Win Tun willput K 1500 millions intothe fund of thefoundation with like-lihood to add more ifrequired.


Fourth day second regular session of first Bago Region Hluttaw

in progress.—MNA

Fourth day second regular session of first RakhineState Hluttaw in progress.


All this needs to be known* Do not be frightened whenever


* Do not be bolstered whenever flattered

* Do not be softened whenever appeased

10-11-2011 NL.pmd 11/10/2011, 7:34 AM9

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 10 November, 2011

Laser treatment to change eye colourBEIJING, 9 Nov—After

20-second treatment,people can turn their browneyes to blue. It is not magic,but a surgery that a USdoctor is working on.

Dr Gregg Homer,chairman and chiefscientific officer of StromaMedical, a medical firm inthe US, claimed he coulduse laser light to removepigment in brown eyes sothey gradually turn blue.

“The laser can agitatethe pigment on the surfaceof the iris,” Dr Homer toldthe BBC, after 20 secondslaser treatment, brown huein the eyes would fadeaway and blueness

appeared in two to fourweeks.

By far, 17 patientswith a high degree of shortsights from Mexico haveundergone the lasertreatment and reported noharm. In return for takingpart in the trials, the patientswere offered lenstransplants.

BBC reports that DrHomer is now seeking upto 750,000 US dollars ofinvestment to continueclinical trials. He intendsto manufacture hundredsof lasers and launch trialsoverseas within 18 months.

But eye experts havecast doubts on it.

Some say that thepigment is there for areason; if lost, there will beproblems like glare ordouble vision.

In response to theconcern, Dr Homer statedthe laser only removed thepigment from the eye’ssurface and it was “onethird to one half as thick asthe pigment at the back ofthe iris and has no medicalsignificance”.

Dr Gregg Homer wasonce an entertainmentlawyer. In mid-1990s hegave up his career andstarted to study biology atStanford University inCalifornia.—Xinhua

A sweeper cleans snow off the sidewalk during a snowfall in Teheran,capital of Iran, on 8 Nov, 2011. The first snowfall in 2011 hit Teheran

and other northern cities on Tuesday.XINHUA

Director Gao Xiaosong (1st L) and leading actorHan Geng (1st R) of “My Kingdom” attend the

opening ceremony of the 2nd New York ChineseFilm Festival at the Lincoln Centre in New York,

the United States, on 8 Nov, 2011.—XINHUA

How to eat more food and still lose weightLONDON, 9 Nov—You

can really eat more foodand still lose weight if arecent study by theHarvard School of PublicHealth is to be believed.

Research monitoring12,000 people over 20years showed eatinglarger portions of healthyfood can be more effectivein helping you slim thandiets that encourage you

to consume less.Weight-loss diets

don’t necessarily meanmeagre portions said AineO’Connor, nutritionscientist at the BritishNutrition Foundation(BNF).

“It’s all about theenergy density of yourdiet, that is how manycalories it has per gram,”the Daily Express quoted

O’Conno as saying.“For example, taking

a standard spaghettibolognese recipe andreducing the meatcontent, using half-fatcheese and adding plentyof vegetables can reducethe energy density by halfwhich means you can eattwice as much for the samecalories,” she added.


Death tollreaches 529in floods inThailandBANGKOK, 9 Nov—A

total of 529 people wereconfirmed dead and twopeople were missing inthe floods that haveinundated the upper partof the country for almostthree months, theDisaster Prevention andMitigation Departmentreported on Wednesday.

Two more peoplewere confirmed dead onTuesday in centralProvince of Phichit.

Central Province ofAyutthaya has thehighest death toll of 90people, following bycentral Province ofNakhon Sawan, ofwhich 62 people died inthe flood.

Floods were causedby the heavy monsoon“Nock-Ten” andoverflow from severaldams in upper part of thecountry since mid July.

On Wednesday,floods still prevail in 24of 77 provinces and areaffecting about 2.8million people from 1.1million households.

The flood haveaffected about 3.3million households andabout 11.3 millionpeople in 64 of 77provinces since 25 July.


Two baby black jaguars born at the

Chapultepec Zoo, walk during their presentation

to the local media in Mexico City, Mexico, on 8

Nov, 2011. The Environment Ministry presented

two baby black jaguars, male “Sicaru” and

female “Nikte”, species considered to be in

serious danger of extinction. No other black

jaguars were born at the Chapultepec Zoo since


Death toll rises to 22 by flash floods incentral Vietnam

HANOL, 9 Nov—Continual heavy rains inthe recent few days causinglarge-scale floods inVietnam’s centralprovinces killed at least 22and made another twomissing as of Wednesday,according to updatedreport by the local Stormand Flood Control Center(SFCC).

Heavy rain poureddown Quang Binh andQuang Nam Provinces,with water level rising to5-15 mm on the average,

while water from localrivers receded to thewarning level 2, said thereport.

Floods also sunk threefishing boats and driftedanother three in central DaNang, and inundated morethan 36,000 houses inThua Thien-Hue Province.About 30,000 people fromThua Thien-Hue andQuang Nam Provinceswere evacuated to safeareas.

According to theHydro-meteorology Fore-

cast Centre, the currenttropical depression wouldcause strong winds andheavy rain over coastalcentral provinces, fromQuang Tri to Quang Nam,as of Wednesdayafternoon.

The national SFCCissued an emergencymessage to instruct localauthorities to update theirresidents about the floodsand have plans to protecthuman and public workproperty.


A high wave isseen on the

Promenade desAnglais street in the

southern French Cityof Nice. Heavy rain

and flooding hitsouthern France atthe weekend, seeinghundreds of people


5.6-magnitude quake hitseastern Turkey

ANKARK, 9 Nov—An earthquake measuring 5.6on the Richter scale jolted eastern Turkey earlyWednesday at about 00: 05 local time (2205 GMTTuesday), the US Geological Survey said.

The epicentre, with a depth of 9.40 km, wasinitially determined to be at 38.7143 degrees northlatitude and 43.1330 degrees east longitude.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 10 November, 2011 11

Swans are seen at aswan habitat

conservation area inthe Ili River valley in

Yining County,northwest China’s

Xinjiang UygurAutonomous Region,

Nov. 7, 2011.INTERNET

A Somalifishermancarries a

swordfish tomarket on hisshoulders inMogadishu,

Somalia, on 4Nov, 2011.


Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang attends aceremony of the launching of the book on the

development history of China’s electrical machineryindustry held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing,

Capital of China, on 8 Nov, 2011.—XINHUA

Finland’s largest ever data leakuncovered

HELSINKI, 9 Nov—Adata leak has beenuncovered in Finland,in which personaldetails of around 16,000people were uploadedonto a file-sharingwebsite, according toFinnish media reports.

This act is the largestever of its kind inFinland. The data leakis being looked into bythe Finnish NationalBureau of Investigation.

A n o n y m o u sFinland Mondayclaimed responsibilityfor the publication ofpersonal details of

thousands of Finns. Thegroup temporarilypublished a sample ofinformation on 16,000people as proof of thehack that was motivatedby an apparent desireto shame the Finnishgovernment intoimproving datasecurity, reportedXinhua.

Finnish NationalBureau of Investigationhas not confirmed theclaims that a loose groupof hackers known asAnonymous was behindthe data leak.

The list that was put

on the Internet containsthe names, full socialsecurity numbers,addresses, telephonenumbers, streetaddresses, and emailaddresses of the victims.

Some civil servantsand students of thePolice College ofFinland are mentionedby name.

Finnish police haveconfirmed that thenames of some FinnishDefence Forces staff areon the list. The militarysaid the leak did not posea security threat.


LONDON, 9 Nov—Thedefunct British tabloidNews of the World hireda private investigatorwho spied on twoprominent lawyersrepresenting victims ofphone hacking, it hasemerged.

According to theDaily Mail, a privateinvestigator was hired totail lawyers Mark Lewisand Charlotte Harris andrecord their movements.

Lewis representedthe family of MillyDowler, whose mobilephone was hacked by the

NOTW hired private investigator to spyon phone hacking victims’ lawyers

paper when she wentmissing in 2002.

Harris is a high-profile media lawyer,acting for several peoplewho have complained oftheir phones beinghacked, includingfootball agent SkyAndrew.

The investigator,who has been named bythe BBC as Derek Webb,ran a private inves-tigations firm called SilentShadow, and reportedlyfilmed members ofLewis’s family on ashopping trip.

A NewsInternational spokesmansaid that the mediacompany’s inquirieshave led the firm tobelieve that Lewis andHarris were subject tosurveillance last year.

“While surveillanceis not illegal, it wasclearly deeply inappro-priate in these circum-stances.

This action was notcondoned by any currentexecutive at thecompany,” the spokes-man added.


MOSCOW, 9 Nov—Russia has delivered thefirst batch of 80 Mi-17V-5 tactical transporthelicopters to India undera 1.345 billion dollarsdeal in 2008, Russianarms sales agencyRosoboronexport said onThursday.

The helicopters arebeing built by RussianHelicopters’ KazanHelicopter Factory (KVZ)subsidiary, RIA Novostireported. The Mi-17V-5 isdesigned for utility cargowork and can carry up to36 passengers or four

Russia delivers first batch of 80 Mi-17helicopters to India

BEIJING, 9 Nov—China is looking to develop a33-tonne heavy-lift helicopter with Russian help.

A major helicopter producer is holding talkswith its Russian counterpart to develop the 33-tonne heavy-lift helicopter, reported China Daily.

“China can produce helicopters with a take-offweight from 1 tonne to 13 tonnes, but only theUnited States and Russia can produce chopperswith lift-off weight of more than 20 tonnes,” XiaQunlin, an official, was quoted as saying.

“If approved by the government, the 33-tonneheavy-lift helicopter is expected to fill a gap inChina... and play important roles in rescue missionsand fighting forest fires,” he added.—Internet

China to develop heavy-lifthelicopter

SYDNEY, 9 Nov—Afamous US futurist andinventor has predictedthat in few years,computers will overtakehumans and facilitatethem to live forever.

Ray Kurzweil hasclaimed that in the firsthalf of this century therewill be a ‘Singularity’, aphase in which there willbe incredible rapidtechnological change,triggered by the moment

Computers ‘will soon enable humans tolive forever’

that computers becomesmart enough to improvethemselves withouthuman intervention.

He has set 2029 asthe year when computerswill overtake humansand the things startgetting really weird -disease will be cured,death defeated, theuniverse will become theplayground of immortalsuper-beings, theSydney Morning Herald

reported.“Every aspect of

human life will beirreversibly trans-formed,” says Kurzweil.

He has envisagedthat computers will enterour bodies and brainsand the pace of changewill be beyond ourunderstanding unless weenhance ourselves withartificial intelligenceboosts.


People enjoy a sunny andwarm day at the Indianocean beach, in Durban,South Africa, recently. Thefirst time scientists exploreddeep in the Indian Ocean,they found a new species ofglowing squid. Now res-earchers who are departingfrom South Africa onMonday with even betterequipment are hoping forsimilar success.—INTERNET

tons. The machinefeatures advancedmultifunction cockpitdisplays and upgradedTV3-117VM engines.

India is one of theworld’s largest Mi-8 andMi-17 operators with over200 aircraft in service.The Mi-8/17 family is themost widely producedhelicopter design inhistory, with over 11,000delivered to more than110 countries. Airbornetroops and Navy SpecialForces have long usedthe Mi-17. Its modifiedversion can land several

crews at once via severalonboard exit points. TheMi-17 is the most recentupgrade for the IndianAir Force. The lasthelicopter deliveriesoccurred between 2000and 2004.—Internet

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 10 November, 2011


Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTAMACHAN VOY NO (323) are hereby notified that thevessel has arrived on 10.11.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV SUPA BHUM VOY NO (199)Consignees of cargo carried on MV SUPA BHUM

VOY NO (199) are hereby notified that the vesselhas arrived on 10.11.2011 and cargo will be dis-charged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lieat the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Daynow declared as the third day after final dischargeof cargo from the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

Vintage cars on marks for rallyLONDON, 9 Nov — More than 500 vintage cars are due to take part in the 78th

London to Brighton Veteran Car Run. The vehicles will leave Hyde Park just after7am to travel the 60 miles to the annual event’s finish line on Brighton seafront.

The oldest car set to take part is an 1894 Benz Velo which will be driven by theevent’s youngest driver - 17-year-old Oliver Wright, from Skyreholme nearSkipton, North Yorkshire. Other vehicles making the journey include an 1896steam Salvesen open cart and a Delahaye limousine dating from 1897. The rallyis not a race and is instead described by organisers the Royal Automobile Club as“an endurance of man and machine”. It will start at sunrise, around 7.02am, andthe last car should arrive in Brighton by 4pm.—Internet

Cars will travel at an average speed of between20mph and 25mph during the London toBrighton Veteran Car Run.— INTERNET

The new city site and the ancient castle are seen inHavana, capital of Cuba, on 22 Oct, 2011. TheRepublic of Cuba, with an area of some 110,000square kilometres and Havana as its capital, lies atthe entrance of the Gulf of Mexico in the northwesternCaribbean Sea. Being the largest island country in theWest Indies, Cuba is an archipelago of two mainislands, Cuba and the Isla de la Juventud (Isle ofYouth), and about 1,600 islets. Cuba has a populationof 11.24 million, most of whom are of Spanish andAfrican origin. Spanish is its official language. Cubais honored as "the Pearl of the Caribbean" due to itsenjoyable scenery. The historical center of Havanawas listed as a world cultural heritage by the


Posters of "SherlockHolmes 2".—XINHUA

Jobs’ letter of love inspirescreativity in his fans

BEIJING, 9 Nov—Onemonth after Steve Jobs'death, his love letter to hiswife for their 20th wed-ding anniversary has in-spired a string of transla-tions and retranslations as

fans of the Apple co-founder search for the per-fect words to express theirappreciation. Netizens in-cluding Luo Huiqiang, 30,known as Jonny_Law onhis micro blog, were un-happy with the wording inthe official Chinese ver-sion of the biography,Steve Jobs, which theysaid was plain and nottouching. They set out towrite their own versions.

"I use elaboratewordings to share my lovefor Jobs," Luo said. Thenext day, nearly 30,000micro blog users for-warded his version of thelove letter. "I felt sur-prised," Luo told ChinaDaily. —Xinhua

Five die in fire atCalif home for

disabledMARINA, 9 Nov—A

body of a fifth victim wasfound on Sunday in thedebris of a fire that sweptthrough a home for disa-bled adults in Marina,Calif, authorities said. Asixth resident was hospi-talized in critical condi-tion, Salinas' KION-TVsaid. The TV station saidthree Marina police offic-ers and two caregiverssuffered smoke inhalation.

The fire broke outshortly before midnightSaturday at the MountCarmel Adult ResidentialFacility. —Internet

Photo taken on 7 Nov, 2011 showsthe launch event of commemorativestamps for the 80th anniversary of

the founding of Xinhua NewsAgency, in Ruijin, east China's

Jiangxi Province, on 7 Nov, 2011.XINHUA

PHILADELPHIA, 9 Nov—A safeworking environment for nurses isalso a safe environment for the patientsin their care, US researchers found.

Study leader Dr Jennifer Taylor ofthe Drexel University School of PublicHealth found the safety climate wasassociated with both patient and nurseinjuries, suggesting patient and nursesafety may be linked outcomes.

The study included data from alarge urban hospital, including 28,876patient discharges on 29 nursing unitsemploying 723 registered nurses.

For each nursing unit, researcherscollected nurses’ responses to a surveyof safety attitudes — a measure ofsafety climate — as well as hospital-reported nurse and patient injury datacollected the following year.


Nurse safety, patientsafety linked

China gold demand mayhit 400 tons in 2011

TIANJIN, 9 Nov—China’s gold output mayexceed 350 tons and consumption reach 400tons this year, according to the head of ChinaGold Association.

The output in the first nine months of theyear hit 259 tons, up 4.32 percent from a yearago, said Sun Zhaoxue, also the president ofChina National Gold Group Corp., at the ChinaMining Congress and Expo 2011 that concludedTuesday in the northern coastal city of Tianjin.

“I’m optimistic about the prospect ofChina’s gold industry. The output is estimatedto reach 400 tons in the next few years and thereis potential for further increase,” Sun said.

The consumption, however, is estimated tohit 400 tons this year, a surge from 270 tons in2010, Sun said. The purchase of gold bars isexpected to nearly double to 270 tons amidsafe-haven buying, he added.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 10 November, 2011 13

LONDON, 9 Nov—“The Help” actressJessica Chastain is set toplay late Princess Dianain a new movie.

LONDON, 9 Nov—Actress MichelleWilliams says shealways finds working onfilm sets a little difficult.

The Oscar-nominat-ed actress has taken onher biggest role till dateas Marilyn Monroe in“My Week withMarilyn”.

“It is the mostchallenging role I’ve

NEW YORK, 9 Nov—Robert Pattinson hasrevealed that he is worriedabout his future after theend of the ‘Twilight’ saga. LONDON, 9 Nov—

Kristen Stewart says shelikes fashion but she is ajeans and t-shirt kind of agirl and prefers casualclothes to designer wear.

The “Twilight”actress goes for designerdresses for film premieresand glamorous showbizparties,

“I like fashionbecause it’s part of mywork. I dive into the newtrends when I have to, butI’m more of jeans and t-shirt kind of girl,” she said.


LONDON, 9 Nov—Lindsay Lohan, who wasawarded 30-day sentenceover probation violence,was allowed to leave afterserving just 4.5 hours inprison.

LiLo enjoyed a lastsushi dinner in Venicebefore checking into thejail just before 9pm to beginserving her sentence.

However she was notrequired to pack anovernight bag as she was

Workers participat-ing in a restoration projectat Kensington Palace inLondon said theyuncovered some 109-year-old graffiti. Lee Prosser,buildings curator atHistoric Royal Palaces,said workers removed aconcealed piece of timberfrom a post supporting theceiling next to the royalresidence’s front door anddiscovered a neatly-written obscenity accom-panied by the name “Peter

An unemployedBrazilian mason allegedlyrobbed a cellphone storeonly to be locked in andcaptured by the store clerkafter returning for aforgotten folder.

Security camera videoof last week’s incidentallegedly showed EmídioRogerio Alves, 24,

A tractor-trailer overturned on Interstate 81 inChenango, N.Y., and spilled doughnuts across theroadway and median, Broome County SheriffTom Sienko said. “A lot of doughnuts” spilledfrom their boxes after the truck hit a guardrail androlled over about 2:30 am Friday, Sienko said.

The sheriff said the southbound lanes wereclosed for less than an hour following the accident.

The driver, John Harrington, was taken to theUnited Health Services Wilson Medical Centre toreceive treatment for minor injures, the(Binghamton, NY) Press & Sun Bulletin reported.The sheriff’s office said Harrington was cited fora log-book violation, moving from his lane unsafelyand having an unsafe tire.

109-year-old graffiti uncovered at palaceJackson” and the date “1/2/1902,” The DailyTelegraph reportedFriday.

“When this waswritten he must havethought he was perfectlysafe, that nobody in theworld would ever lay eyeson it again,” Prosser said.“Sadly, we don’t knowvery much about PeterJackson, but evidently he,like many others through-out history, could not resistthe temptation to leave hismark on a royal palace. A

spokeswoman said thepiece of timber wasreplaced with a metal

support but will bepreserved and put ondisplay.

109-year-old graffitiuncovered at palace

Crash spills doughnuts onto I-81 in NY.

Crash spills doughnuts ontoI-81 in NY

News Album

Forgetful perp botches robberyentering the GSM PhonesShop in Votuporangacarrying a folder holdingworking papers documen-ting employment, theBrazilian newspaper OEstado de Sao Pauloreported.

Alves feigned a gununder his shirt, put thefolder on a display counter

and announced a robbery,demanding the only clerkon staff, Ailton Victor Jr,open the showcase ofmobile devices. WhenVictor refused, thecamera showed, Alvessmashed the displayglass, grabbed fourphones and ran out of thestore leaving his folder,

the newspaper said.After Alves

remem-bered his folderhe ran back into the storebut the clerk locked thedoor, sealing in thealleged robber who waseventually met byarresting police.

Jessica Chastain to playPrincess Diana

Michelle Williams finds work difficult

Kristen Stewart


loves casualdressing

taken, and I think italways will be.

There is a degreeof d i f f icul ty tha talways exists for me atwork, but this reallystepped it up.

I was nervous, ofcourse, but I tried notto think of her as anicon,” she said.

InternetActress Michelle


Robert Pattinson fears losing job ‘securityblanket’ after ‘Twilight’ series

Lindsay Lohan released after servingjust 4.5 hours in LA prison!

“The Help” actressJessica Chastain

The 30-year-old willportray the iconic Britishroyal who died in a carcrash in August 1997 inthe movie “Caught inFlight”,

Directed by OliverHirschbiegel, the filmwill revolve around thelove affair between Dianaand heart surgeon HasnatKahn, who was said tobe the love of her life.

The film will be shotin a number of locations,including Pakistan,Angola, the south ofFrance and Paris.


The 25-year-old starhas said that he isconcerned about nothaving a “securityblanket” once the series isover.

“In career terms‘Twilight’ was like asecurity blanket,” the NewYork Post quoted the actoras telling The Guardian.

“Not a blanket—asafety net. I had a three- orfour-month windowbetween each one duringwhich I could do anotherjob.

“But whatever I did, Iknew that I’d have another‘Twilight’ movie on theway, which is theoreticallyguaranteed to make a lotof money. So I couldalways afford to fail.

“After ‘BreakingDawn Part 2’ comes out,you can kind of have twofailures—and they’dbetter be low-budgetfailures. Because if youhave one big-budgetfailure you’re pretty muchdone in thisenvironment,” he added.


Robert Pattinson

released at approximately1:30am, after which sheheaded back to her rented

home, the Daily Mailreported. Lohan is nowsupposed to complete theremaining 53 days of hercommunity service,including at least 12 daysa month at the countymorgue.

The sentence alsorequires Lohan to undergo18 psychotherapy sessi-ons and appear monthly atcourt hearings betweenDecember 2011 andMarch 2012.—Internet

Lindsay Lohan

10-11-2011 NL.pmd 11/10/2011, 7:34 AM13

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 10 November, 2011

Wilshere: I’m a Gunner for life Yaya Toure: City are double top

Phil Mickelson of theUS in action during thepro-am event prior to

the Barclays SingaporeOpen at the SentosaGolf Club on 9 Nov,2011 in Singapore,


Barcelona’s Pep Guardiola believes fewer teamswould make La Liga more competitive

BARCELONA, 9 Nov — Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola claims that reducing thenumber of clubs in La Liga from 20 to 16 would make the league more competitive.

Speaking at a press conference, the 40-year-old told reporters that while thereduction in club numbers would provide a more challenging competition, theseason set-up would need tinkering.

"It will be a much more competitive league with 16 compared to 20 clubs,"Guardiola said. "But I don't know [how it would work].

"I think to win the titles, to win the games, is always difficult. I understand the gameand I understand the sport in that way. Nothing is simple."

Guardiola also stated that while the decrease in club numbers would not onlycreate a more competitive league, but would also give players more time to recover.

"You will have more time to rest, but I think that would increase the number ofinternational friendly games. The people demand to see the games."

While Guardiola believes the reduction should include the removal of four teamsfrom La Liga, Barcelona president Sandro Rosell believes the reduction should firstbe sized down to 18 clubs, and then 16 at a later stage.

Barcelona's next league game is at Real Zaragoza on 19 Nov after the interna-tional break.—Internet

The midfielder Jack Wilshere (C)suffered an ankle injury against

New York Red Bulls.

LONDON, 9 Nov — Midfielder JackWilshere has told Arsenal that he prom-ises to stay at the club for life. The 19-year-old has come through the youthranks with Arsenal and is now a keymember of their side.

Also an England international,Wilshere was quizzed about whether

he would remain loyal to the club - whichlost the likes of Cesc Fabregas and SamirNasri in the summer.

But the teenager insists he has noplans to quit the Emirates. "Can I promiseI will be at Arsenal for ever? I can promisethat, yes," he said at a media event inLondon."I've been at the club since I wasnine and I've learned to love it.

"From the (Patrick) Vieira days, to(Dennis) Bergkamp, (Cesc) Fabregas,I've watched them come through andmove on."But now there's a crop of newplayers, (Aaron) Ramsey, myself, KieranGibbs, hopefully we can really createsomething special."I love the club and Iwant to be part of its future."

Wilshere has yet to play for the clubthis season due to a stress fracture to hisright ankle but is set to step up his train-ing, six weeks after undergoing an op-eration on the injury.—Internet

Pardew won’t coolexpectations

Yaya Toure( C ) wants to makehistory with Manchester City

MANCHESTER, 9 Nov — MidfielderYaya Toure says Manchester City'ssecond-string would challenge for aChampions League place.

The Ivory Coast star has been inbrilliant form in recent weeks, withCity also in commanding mood; theysit on top of the Barclays PremierLeague, unbeaten and five points clear.

And Toure now says that City areequipped to take English football bystorm because they have such strengthin depth.

"We have more than one team now- we have got two teams," he insisted.

"If you see the team that beat Wolves5-2 in the Carling Cup, people said itwas the second team."For me, it is notthe second team because everybody isgood enough to play.

"The team that played againstWolves in the league at home won 3-

1, but it was difficult. We have gottwo teams now that can both play inthe Champions League.

"We have got a fantastic squad andeverybody is improving. For me it isamazing."I came here because Iwanted to make history. I want to bepart of history at this club.—Internet

Alan Pardew is happyfor fans to dream of a

top-four finish.INTERNET

Eagles set to soar

Juan Monaco of Argen-tina returns the ball toUS tennis player DonaldYoung during theirmatch in the Paris Ten-nis Masters tournament,on 8 Nov, 2011, in Paris, France.—INTERNET

LONDON, 9 Nov —Manager Alan Pardew ishappy for NewcastleUnited fans to dream ofChampions League quali-fication. The Magpies re-main unbeaten in theBarclays Premier Leagueafter beating Everton 2-1at St James' Park on Satur-day to tighten their gripon a place in the top four.

They are currently thirdand Pardew can under-stand the growing excite-ment among fans, al-though he is refusing toget carried away at thisstage. While the manageris proud of the way histroops have performedduring the early part ofthe campaign, he is stayingfocused on the next matchagainst Manchester Cityon 19th November.

"I don't want to dampenexpectations. I am not herefor that," said Pardew.

"I want fans to enjoythis and if they are dream-ing of the ChampionsLeague, let them dream, it

is fantastic, good luck tothem.

"In the dressing roomwe have to be a little moreconservative about ourapproach. We are a newteam, we have done ter-rifically well and we go tothe next game, that's it."

The trip to the EtihadStadium will be Newcas-tle's sternest test to dateand marks the beginningof a daunting set of fix-tures.—Internet


The midfielder scoredtwice in the 5-0 win

over Stoke City.INTERNET

LONDON, 9 Nov —Midfielder Chris Eaglessays Bolton Wanderersnever doubted they wouldrediscover their touch.Owen Coyle's strugglingside made a dramatic re-turn to form on Sunday asthey thrashed Stoke City 5-0 at the Reebok Stadium.

It was only their thirdBarclays Premier Leaguewin of the season and theirfirst points on their homeground.

The Trotters had been

handed a daunting fixturelist in the opening twomonths of the season - theylost to five of the current topseven - but disappointingdefeats by Sunderland,Swansea and Norwichbrought criticism.

Eagles, the Trotters'outstanding performer withtwo goals against thePotters, said: "None of usreally pay attention to whatpeople say.

"Anyone can put youdown, any job you do."Wedon't listen, we just go outthere and do our job. Westick together."People cancomment on everything,people think they can havea view on you.

“But with Owen, hekeeps it close-knit. We don'tlisten to anyone outside.We are fit, happy and hope-fully everyone can seethat.”—Internet

Roddick, Isner advanceat Paris Masters

US Andy Roddick eyesthe ball as he returns

to France's JulienBenneteau during theirParis Tennis MastersSeries indoor tourna-

ment tennis match on 8Nov, 2011.—INTERNET

PARIS, 9 Nov —Ameri-cans Andy Roddick andJohn Isner advanced Tues-day at the Paris Masters.

Roddick defeatedJulien Benneteau of France6-4, 6-4, making 12unforced errors comparedto 25 for his opponent.Isner relied on his strongserve to edge StanislasWawrinka 6-7 (3), 7-5, 7-6 (5). He had 20 aces,including on match point.

“I’ve been in that situa-tion, a bunch of tightmatches, where althoughI’m maybe a little tired,I’m still able to hit my

biggest serve,” Isner said.“That’s what I did.”

Isner is ranked 25thand hopes to get into thetop 10 “It’s something Idefinitely think I can do,”Isner said. “It won’thappen this year, but it’sgoing to be one of mygoals in 2012.”

Juan Monaco of Ar-gentina cruised pastDonald Young of theUnited States 6-4, 6-2, andRichard Gasquet ofFrance defeated KevinAnderson of South Africa6-4, 7-6 (4).—Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 10 November, 2011 15

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

Thursday,10 NovemberView on today1234567890123412345678901234


Programme Schedule(10-11-2011) (Thursday)

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am)MSTOverseas Transmission - (10-11-11 09:30 am ~ 11-11-11 09:30 am) MST

Local Transmission* Opening* News* Tazaungdaing Festival* Extraordinary Taunggyi Tazaungdaing* News* A Ceremony to Convey Buddha’s Tooth Relic* News* A Traditional Dish of Myanmar Lads* News* Moe Hnyin Than Buddhe (The Unique Pagoda

in Monywa)

Oversea Transmission* Opening* News* Tazaungdaing Festival* Extraordinary Taunggyi Tazaungdaing* News* A Ceremony to Convey Buddha’s Tooth Relic* News* A Traditional Dish of Myanmar Lads* News* Music Gallery* Moe Hnyin Than Buddhe (The Unique Pagoda

in Monywa)

* News* Cultural Trail from China to ASEAN

(Part-II)* News* Culture Stage* News* Myanmar-Malaysia Innovative Products &

Services ExpoMusic Gallery

* MI People’s Celebrities “Zaw Paing and MoeHay Ko”

* News* 6th Seacoop Cooperation Forum On ICT

Research And ICT For Development* Mazall Salad & Vermicell Soup* Myanmar Movie ‘‘One Precept-2’’

Weather forecast for 10th November, 2011

7:00 am 1. Paritta by Venerable

Mingun Sayadaw-UppatasantiParitta

7:30 am 2. Moring News7:40 am 3. “Sermon on


8:10 am 4. Dhamma Puji Song8:25 am 5. Songs Of

T a z a u n g d a i n gFestival

8:35 am 6. International News8:40 am 7. Metta Bhavana By

Mingun Sayadaw4:00 pm 1. Martial Song4:05 pm 2. Musical Programme4:15 pm 3. Cute Little Dancers4:25 pm 4. Joint Performace by

State TraditionalOrchestra and StateTraditional Orchestra

4:30 pm 5. Myanmar

Traditional CulturalPerforming ArtsCompetitions

4:35 pm

6. Teleplay (Health)4:40 pm 7. University of

DistanceEducation(TV Lectures)- Second Year(BusinessManagement)

4:55 pm 8. Songs for

UpholdingNational Spirit

5:00 pm 9. Song Of National

Races5:10 pm10. Science and

Environment5:20 pm11. Songs Of


5:35 pm

12. “Sammanaphala

Sutta” by Sitagu

Sayadaw6:00 pm13. Evening News

6:15 pm14. Weather Report

6:20 pm15. Pagoda Programme6:35 pm16. Approachaing

Science DiscoveryWorld

7:00 pm17. TV Drama Series8:00 pm18. News

19. InternationalNews

20. Weather Report

21. Documentary22. TV Drama Series

23. TV Drama Series

Tests find no cases of infectious salmonanemia in BC

OTTAWA, 9 Nov—TheCanadian Food InspectionAgency says tests on 48wild salmon samples havefound no cases ofinfectious salmon anemiain BC.

Con Kiley, director ofthe agency’s nationalaquatic animal healthprogram, says the testswere verified by anindependent lab inNorway.

The samples weretested after a laboratory atthe University of PrinceEdward Island suspectedthe highly infectioussalmon anemia in juvenilesockeye from Rivers Inleton BC’s central coast.

Paul Kitching, thechief veterinary officer forBC, says anyone who says

the virus is present in theprovince based on the PEIresults is misrepresentingthe science.

He says that as editor-in-chief of an internationalveterinary journal, heconsiders the science tobe poor and not likelypublishable.

The Cohen Commi-ssion, which is studyingwhat caused the collapseof the Fraser Riversockeye run in 2009, willhold two days of hearingnext month to put detailson the virus on record.


A spawning sockeye salmon is seen making itsway up the Adams River in Roderick

Haig-Brown Provincial Park near Chase, BC. on 4 Oct, 2011.


Temperature (°C/°F) For Tomorrow Sr.

No. Regions/States Maximum Minimu

m Forecast Percent

1 Kachin 29/84 14/57 Partly cloudy

2 Kayah 28/82 14/57 Partly cloudy

3 Kayin 35/95 21/70 Partly cloudy

4 Chin 19/66 04/39 Partly cloudy

5 Upper Sagaing 29/84 17/63 Partly cloudy

6 Lower Sagaing 30/86 17/63 Partly cloudy

7 Taninthayi 33/91 21/70 Likelihood isolated rain or thundershowers 60%

8 Bago 31/88 18/64 Partly cloudy

9 Magway 31/88 20/68 Partly cloudy

10 Mandalay 30/86 20/68 Partly cloudy

11 Mon 34/93 22/72 Partly cloudy

12 Yangon 33/91 20/68 Partly cloudy

13 Rakhine 31/88 17/63 Partly cloudy

14 Southern Shan 24/75 10/50 Likelihood isolated rain or thundershowers 60%

15 Northern Shan 28/82 16/61 Likelihood isolated rain or thundershowers 60%

16 Eastern Shan 27/81 12/54 Likelihood isolated rain or thundershowers 60%

17 Ayeyawady 32/90 20/68 Partly cloudy

18 Neighbouring Nay Pyi Taw 31/88 18/64 Partly cloudy

19 Neighbouring Yangon 33/91 20/68 Partly cloudy

20 Neighbouring Mandalay 30/86 20/68 Partly cloudy

Summary of

observations at

09:30 hr MST on


During the past (24) hours, light rain or thundershowers have been isolated in Mandalay Region

and Shan State, weather has been partly cloudy in Upper Sagaing, Yangon and Taninthayi

Regions, Kachin and Rakhine States and generally fair in the remaining Regions and States.

Night temperatures were (3°C) to (4°C) below November average temperatures in Lower

Sagaing, Bago, Yangon and Ayeyawady Regions, Chin State, (5°C) to (6°C) below November

average temperatures in Upper Sagaing Region, Kachin and Rakhine States, (3°C) above

November average temperatures in Mon State and about November average temperatures in the

remaining Regions and States.The significant night temperature were Haka (4°C) and Pinlaung

(7°C). The noteworthy amount of rainfall recorded was Kengtung (0.28) inch.

Bay Inference Weather is partly cloudy in the Andaman Sea and South Bay and generally fair elsewhere in

the Bay of Bengal.

State of the Sea Seas will be slight to moderate in Myanmar waters.

Outlook for sub-

sequent two days Likelihood of slight decrease of night temperatures in the Eastern Myanmar areas.

Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas

10-11-2011 NL.pmd 11/10/2011, 7:34 AM15

Thursday, 10 November, 2011Fullmoon Day of Tazaungmon 1373 ME

Pilgrims throng Uppatasanti Pagoda to pay homage toSacred Buddha Tooth Relic conveyed from PRC

NAY PYI TAW, 9 Nov— A large number ofpilgrims thronged Uppatasanti Pagoda, here, to payhomage to the Sacred Buddha Tooth Relic conveyedfor the fourth times from the People’s Republic ofChina to Myanmar for public obeisance from dawnto dusk today.

For the convenience of pilgrims, an elevator atsouth-west corner helps monks, the aged and thedisabled climb the hill. Apart from Myanmar people,visitors from Germany and Japan paid homage tothe Sacred Buddha Tooth Relic.

A total of 14 wellwishers who donated K 100,000and above and 22, various kinds of jewelries emergedtoday.

Among donors were U Myo Myint Aung and wifeDaw Khaing Su Yin and son Maung Ye Yint Aung ofMRTV in Nay Pyi Taw Tatkon who donated two goldrings worth K 312,000 and U Aye Kyaw and wife DawMyint Myint Than and family of Natalin in BagoRegion, a gold ring worth K 295,200. An official offinancial subcommittee received the donation andpresented certificates of honour to them.

Today’s donation amounted to K 18,406,511,US$ 39, 500 bahts, 500 pesos and 100,000Indonesia rupiahs and 47 kinds of jewelries worthK4,034,500.— MNA

Crop scientists now fret about heat not just water

Haze from forest fires engulfs La Paz City, on23 August, 2010.—INTERNET

CHICAGO, 9 Nov—Crop scientists in theUnited States, the world’slargest food exporter, arepondering an oddquestion: could thedanger of global warmingreally be the heat? Foryears, as scientists haveassembl-ed data onclimate change andpointed with concern atmelting glaciers and othervisible changes in the life-giving water cycle, theimpact on seasonal rainsand irrigation has worriedcrop watchers most.

What wouldbreadbaskets like the USMidwest, the CentralAsian steppes, the northChina Plain or Argentineand Brazilian crop landsbe like without normal

rains or water tables?Those were seen aslonger-term issues ofclimate change. Butscientists now wonder ifa more immediate issueis an unusual rise in day-time and, especially,night-time summer tem-peratures being seen incrop belts around theworld.

Interviews with cropresearchers at Americanuniversities paint thesame picture: hightemperatures havealready shrunken outputof many crops andvegetables. “We don’tgrow tomatoes in the deepSouth in the summer.Pollination fails,” saidKen Boote, a cropscientist with the

University of Florida.The same goes for

snap beans which can nolonger be grown inFlorida during thesummer, he added.

“As temperatures risewe are going to havetrouble maintaining theyields of crops that wealready have,” said

Gerald Nelson, aneconomist with theInternational Food PolicyResearch Institute (IFPRI)who is leading a globalproject initially funded bythe Bill and Melinda GatesFoundation to identifynew crop varieties adaptedto climate change.


Rambutan thriving in MohnyinWith rambutan

fetching high prices inthe market up to 100kyats per one,rambutan growers inMohnyin Township ofKachin State areenjoying profitscovering householdexpenses.

One of the

rambutan growers inAungthabyay Ward (1)of Mohnyin Townshipis U Myo Tun and DawHnin Hnin Htwe. DawHnin Hnin Htwe saidshe bought rambutansaplings from Yangonwhile visiting Flowersand Fruits Show inMyaypadethagyun in

1977. He then run a pilotfarm with 20 youngrambutan plants usingnatural fertilizer andfound that the trees werethriving fruitingabundantly. As arambutan tree can bearbetween 3000 to 4000fruits, she donates andpresents them in

September and October,the season of rambutan,and usually earns up tonearly 4 million kyatsfrom the sale oframbutan.

Rambutan ofMohnyin has a highdemand in the marketfor betterment in sizeand taste.


Thriving Rambutan fruits in Mohnyin.

Uppatasanti Pagoda packed with pilgrims who pay homage to Sacred Buddha Tooth Relic.MNA

Eagles set

to soar

Roddick, Isneradvanceat ParisMasters



Autisticbrains are

heavier,with moreneurons


10-11-2011 NL.pmd 11/10/2011, 7:34 AM16