Est-ce que l'engagement est mort?

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Est-ce que l'engagementest mort?


Voir la matrice

tre en mesure de (se) poser les bonnes questions

Are truly open Are not asked with a correct answer in mind Invite introspection Reveal additional solutions Almost always lead to greater creativity and insight Send people into a realm of discovery

Is there another way? How can you do that better? Can you explain that to me? What will this get you? What is it were not seeing? What is your responsibility?

Je prends pour acquis que...

Mise en situation

Source :Emmanuel Chenu

Mini-Triangle : date+budget+scope

Sprint 1 - 2

Sprint 3 - n



Dette technique

Autres choses?

Scrum Guide Juillet 2011

Commit is now forecast

Acte par lequel on s'engage accomplir quelque chose; promesse, convention ou contrat par lesquels on se lie.

Engagement n. m. [gam]

Prvoir v. t. [pevwa]

Penser, d'aprs certaines donnes, qu'un fait futur est trs probable.




Plan d'actions (Rtro)

Valeurs et principes Agile

L'objectif du Sprint (goal)



engagement de transparence engagement de respecter la dfinition de termin engagement de concentration sur lobjectif du sprint

Engagement sur l'objectifsengager rpondre une problmatique.

Can the team commit to

Satisfying the customer with the delivery of valuable software by the end of the Sprint?

Working with the business people a daily basis? Dropping emails and communicate through face-to-face conversation? Working at a sustainable pace? Continuously pay attention to technical excellence and good design? Maximizing the amount of work not done? Inspecting and adapting?

The detailed story level commitment is an elaboration on that anyhow. If our product backlog is very fragmented and not feature oriented we will have a tough time using an effective sprint goal though.



Sprint 1 - 2

Sprint 3 - n

Image: Emmanuel Chenu

Que voyez-vous?




Peur des conflits






Dfinitionde DONE





Tous les modles sont faux...Mais certains sont utiles -George E. P. Box

Consider in constructing a model and thus help us to make sense of the world.

George E. P. Box

Teamwork is an individual (not a group) skill and responsibility. -Christopher Avery

Christopher Avery,

Sur la dfensive











Image: Emmanuel Chenu





Dfinitionde DONE

Fonctionne seulement si appliqu soi-mme

Consciemment refuser les penses dirresponsabilits

Effet ngatif si appliqu aux autres

Les 3 cls de la responsabilisation


Prise de conscience de soi

Faire face

Intention:The first key to unlocking and mastering responsibility is to clearly and powerfully intend to operate as much as possible from a mental position of responsibility. Without this key, the others dont matter. Thats why its first.Intending to respond from Responsibility when things go wrong.Awareness:the second key to unlocking and mastering responsibility is to develop an ever-increasing awareness of the Responsibility Process operating in your thoughts, language, and actions. Unlocking and mastering responsibility means overcoming the temptation to behave irresponsibly, and that requires self-awareness.Catching yourself in the mental states of Denial, Lay Blame, Justify, Shame, Obligation, and Quit.CONFRONT:The third key is to face the truth. I call this confront, which means to face. As a key to unlocking and mastering responsibility it means to face yourself, examine the situation, and see whats true about how you are or are not responding resourcefully. The purpose of confronting yourself is to see the truth of the situation and generate new responses to it. Effectively confronting yourself always leads to growth, expanded perspectives, and change.Facing yourself to see what is true that you can learn, correct, or improve.

Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry.They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.

- Patrick Lencioni

Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Image: Emmanuel Chenu





Dfinitionde DONE

- Harmonie artificielle?- Chaque membre est engag?- Transparence?

Manque de confiance

Peur de la confrontation

Absence d'engagement

vitement de la responsabilisation

Inattention porte aux rsultats


Dmontre vulnrabilit

Encourage les dbats

Exige clart & conclusion

Rappel l'engagement

Focus sur rsultatcollectif

A culture establishes the conditions for judging internal effectiveness. ...and what effectiveand ineffective mean in the organization

- William E Schneider

Image : Micheal Sahota

organization culture is to organizations what personality is to people.

Culture combines many things: work practices, values, how processes and other systems are carried out, styles of leadership, decision making and thinking about organizational challenges and solutions.

there is no right answer or better culture.

Any culture (like a personality) can be adaptive to its environment or not, in balance or not, and authentic or not.

ONE dimension (or maybe two) of some 50-odd different dimensions that separate organisational mindsets into e.g. Ad-hoc, Analytic, Synergistic and Chaordic.

Whether successful or not, companies get comfortable with their processes.

Many people still believe requirements change because they are poorly managed. They cannot comprehend a process that embraces change.

Most managers have been trained to control events. Empowering the development team to deliver and own the project is not intuitive or logical.

Job protection. In larger companies whole groups are dedicated to regulating and overseeing projects. An Agile team has less need for these services.

Source: Michael Spayd, Collective Edge

if you are implementing Agile into a Competence or (especially) a Control culture, beware. (There are ways to mitigate this risk, but that is beyond the scope of this blog).

Les individus et leurs interactionsDes logiciels oprationnelsLa collaboration avec les clients Ladaptation au changement

les processus et les outilsdocumentation exhaustivela ngociation contractuellele suivi dun plan


there's a primary culture and then a secondary supporting culture.

every division has its own culture.

development may be much more collaboration and creative and the operations

folks may be much more about control because they have to keep the systems up and operational.We need compentent world-class people. But that's not enough.

We only succeed by working together, so people who are not team players have no role here.

Collaboration and cultivation culture : Agile + Scrum

control culture : Corpo

competence culture : Software Craftsmanship + personal goal + XP

- culture in large organizations can take 10 years to change- Team culture quick- Be careful the organization doesn't reject it as a foreign organism

the Kotter model. And the 8 phases

Control culture : What to do?- Just make the current system less painful- Are we going to try to create a protective umbrella - Interface hings like the PMO. Maybe the best thing for team to do is create a Gantt chart.

there's a primary culture and then a secondary supporting culture.

every division has its own culture.

development may be much more collaboration and creative and the operations

folks may be much more about control because they have to keep the systems up and operational.We need compentent world-class people. But that's not enough.

We only succeed by working together, so people who are not team players have no role here.

Collaboration and cultivation culture : Agile + Scrum

control culture : Corpo

competence culture : Software Craftsmanship + personal goal + XP

- culture in large organizations can take 10 years to change- Team culture quick- Be careful the organization doesn't reject it as a foreign organism

the Kotter model. And the 8 phases

Control culture : What to do?- Just make the current system less painful- Are we going to try to create a protective umbrella - Interface hings like the PMO. Maybe the best thing for team to do is create a Gantt chart.








there's a primary culture and then a secondary supporting culture.

every division has its own culture.

development may be much more collaboration and creative and the operations

folks may be much more about control because they have to keep the systems up and operational.We need compentent world-class people. But that's not enough.

We only succeed by working together, so people who are not team players have no role here.

Collaboration and cultivation culture : Agile + Scrum

control culture : Corpo

competence culture : Software Craftsmanship + personal goal + XP

- culture in large organizations can take 10 years to change- Team culture quick- Be careful the organization doesn't reject it as a foreign organism

the Kotter model. And the 8 phases

Control culture : What to do?- Just make the current system less painful- Are we going to try to create a protective umbrella - Interface hings like the PMO. Maybe the best thing for team to do is create a Gantt chart.










Mike Cohn, Succeeding with Agile (ADAPT)






Twitter : @agilep

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