Est. 1867 24, 2018 · Est. 1867 NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST JUNE 24, 2018 . The Nativity of...

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The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 1 June 24, 2018

St. Alphonsus Catholic Church 210 E. Logan, Lemont

Parish Office Center 630-257-2414 Fax 630-257-2476 Religious Ed. Office 630-257-2371 School Office 630-783-2220 20W145 Davey Road Website: E-mail:

Business Hours: Monday thru Thursday: 8 am - 4 pm

Friday: 8 am– 2 pm

Mass Schedule Weekend Schedule

Saturday: 4:00 pm Vigil Mass Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am and 11:00 am

Tri– Parish Weekday Schedule

May-June 30 Monday-Saturday 7:30 am in the Church

Holy Days to be announced

Eucharistic Adoration

Tuesday—8:00 am—8:00 pm, chapel

Sacramental Life Reconciliation

Saturday—3:00 to 3:30 pm Or by appointment


Baptisms are usually celebrated the second and third Sunday of every month.

No Baptisms during Lent

Marriage Prospective bride and groom must be

registered parishioners for at least 6 months before a wedding date may be scheduled

Sick and Homebound

Contact the office, 257-2414 to receive a visit from a Minister of Care


C O M M U N I T Y Est. 1867


The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 2 June 24, 2018

From Father Brian’s Desk As you may recall, I have mentioned in my Pastor Column for the past few weeks that the pastors of the Southwest Suburban Catholic Churches will include a series of articles on the RENEW MY CHURCH program in our Pastor Columns. RENEW MY CHURCH is a program that is being implemented by the Archdiocese of Chicago that addresses numerous challenges facing the Archdiocese of Chicago while trying to attend to the ministerial needs of parishes. Here is the last of the three-part series of articles... Dear Parishioners, For the past two weeks we shared an overture of the Archdiocesan initiative RENEWMYCHURCH. Two weeks ago, we presented an overview of the reasons behind this effort. Last week, we wrote about some practical aspects of the process. This week we will share information about preliminary work we are doing, along with a spiritual perspective of what this might mean for us all. As of this date, the formal process has not begun in any of the groupings in our region (Deanery V-E). Informally, however, we have begun working behind the scenes. Let us highlight a few areas of cooperation. Long before RENEWMYCHURCH began, the Catholic parishes in Lemont began cooperating in a number of ways. They have shared an associate pastor. St. Alphonsus and St. Patrick Schools merged into one over 50 years ago. There is a Tri-Parish Youth Minister, a Tri-Parish Rite of Christian Initiation experience, Tri-Parish Respect Life Program, and Tri-Parish Lenten and Advent Missions. In the summer, three of the parishes share the 7:30 a.m. Daily Mass. In a number of ways, these efforts have strengthened the Lemont Catholic community. Similarly and more recently, other parishes have made similar strides: sharing a youth minister, partnering in the RCIA, coordinating Respect life Groups, to name just a few collaborative efforts. In many ways, when we ask the question about a particular ministry, the perspective includes how we might work together. The pastors throughout our area our looking at their Mass schedules. As the number of available priests shrink, it will be necessary to adjust Mass schedules on Sunday in many places. It will certainly mean that parishes will become more cooperative with daily Mass times as well. It makes no sense for every parish to have daily Mass at the same time. For the last couple of years, we have also published the reconciliation schedules from other parishes for Advent and Easter to assist parishioners. In the Orland Park/Tinley Park grouping, we are organizing a special experience with Chris Stefanic and the Real Life Catholic Team this fall. This will strengthen our own vitality and our commitment to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others. The truth is change is at times disconcerting. As pastors, we feel this as well. All of us must recognize that change brings new opportunities. As Catholics, we hold tight to the Paschal mystery of Jesus. This means that there is a dying and there is a rising. All of us must understand that while some routines may die, new opportunities will open up. We will be asked to move beyond a narrow sense of church as parish into a greater appreciation of Church as a larger community that shares much. This process has begun in other parts of the Archdiocese. Soon it will begin here. As we move forward we are comforted by the promise of Jesus to be with us always and con ident of the Holy Spirit’s guidance as we RENEWMYCHURCH.

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 3 June 24, 2018

Welcome Guests and Visitors . . We’re so glad that you’re here and invite you to join us in thanksgiving for God’s action in our lives. Our goal is to provide a spiritual home where all are welcome, where the healing, reconciling, liberating love of God flows through us to all people. In this way, we believe that the Church is the sacrament of God’s saving presence in the world.

“Please come to Mass early enough not to disrupt. Leave late enough not to insult (the Mass does not end until the final blessing).

Worship reverently enough not to distract. Dress proudly enough not to offend.”

St. Alphonsus Catholic Church

Parish Registration

Everyone 18 years and older should register for the parish.

To register, please call the Office Center, 257-2414 or you can register online at

Parish Staff Pastor

Fr. Brian Ardagh Part-time Associate Pastor

Fr. Tom Hoffman Resident

Fr. Robert Rohrich Weekend Celebrant

Fr. Lou Zake Diaconal Ministry:

Deacon Terry McGuire Deacon Dan Rittenhouse

Deacon Bill Lubben Director of Religious Education

Kevin Cody Admin. Assistant for Religious Ed.

Lynn Houser School Principal:

Robert Priest Pastoral Associate: Linda O’Connor

Office Coordinators: Barbara Betley

Melanie Terrazas Accountant: Carol Levas

Music Director Joseph Martorano

SPRED: Carol Levas

Parish Pastoral Council Members

Mike Bruno Bill Doherty Diane Kaye

Deborah Kornacker Sharon Kostes

Roy Tam Terese Turner

James Zuccarelli

LEAST LIKELY TO SUCCEED Few, if any, of us would be likely to choose John the Baptist as the one to prepare the world to meet its savior. Most of us would feel awkward around John, given his food and clothing choices, and his constant reminders to repent of our sins. John's own father, Zechariah, doubted God's providence when he learned his wife Elizabeth would give birth to John. As a punishment, the angel Gabriel removed Zechariah's ability to speak. Luke's Gospel reading today recounts the moment when Zechariah acknowledges God's plan for his son. He supports Elizabeth--who had trusted in God's providence all along--and regains his voice. Zechariah rejoices in God's wisdom, praising God to all their neighbors. John's story reminds us how our instincts often run counter to God's wisdom. Though we avoid awkward and difficult people, God chooses a locust-eating man to show us the way to Jesus. The lesson of John the Baptist is never to underestimate the power and wisdom of God. This inspires hope! We, like John, are "fearfully, wonderfully made" (Psalm 139). God has beautiful plans for each of us. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

The second collection next weekend will be for the Peter’s Pence Collection which supports the charitable works of Pope Francis. This collection is taken up by Catholics around the globe and helps the Holy Father reach out to people suffering in our world, especially those enduring the effects of war and violence, natural disasters, and religious persecution.

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 4 June 24, 2018

Religious Education Update

Kevin Cody, DRE, 630-257-2371,,

REGISTRATION FOR 2018-19 Application forms have been distributed to students. Contact the RE Office if you can’t locate your form.

New families should contact the RE Office to register. We will be happy to assist you in setting your child on a journey with Christ within a supportive faith community. Visit our website,, for information on our programs.

RE SUMMER INTENSIVE PROGRAM We completed our 2-week program on Friday. I can’t thank our devoted catechists enough! Viv Brueckmann, Angie Pascente, Diane Kaye, and Nanci Smith kept their passion and energy up over the 3 hours Mon-Fri the past 2 weeks with kids who were also showing a great deal of energy at times! They thank the battalion of Confirmation candidates who helped them in the classrooms. It was a hot final week, but we managed to sneak out for some fresh air every now & then. We focused on morality and living out one’s faith, particularly with the help of the Sacraments and entering into the Church seasons of Lent and Easter. The 2-week Summer Intensive is an alternate religious education program for children whose schedules make it difficult to follow our weekly schedule, or who thrive better on mornings when school is out. Parents will continue their children’s religious formation during the year by bringing them to Mass regularly, attending a spiritual event as a family, and doing a family service project. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Summer. May you create many holy moments!

You must like and be able to work with children, and be a good example of Catholic faith. If you have no experience and are unsure about teaching by yourself, we may be able to team you up with an experienced catechist. Catechists on each grade-level have the option of meeting with each other to discuss lesson plans and share ideas. A core catechist for each grade will be available to lend assistance. You can also attend a comprehensive “Getting Started” workshop provided by the Chicago Office For Catechesis.

QUESTIONS PEOPLE ASK ABOUT CATHOLICISM This is a continuation of a summer series on questions that people ask or that I come across. Q. Did Jesus really exist? Is there proof? A. The early Christians orally documented and passed along the events of Jesus’ life and teachings in great detail. Beyond these, both Jewish and Roman historians wrote about Jesus – the most famous of these was Josephus. Jesus is a clearly established historical figure who has influenced human history more than any other person.

Why wait to answer the call? … No experience necessary.

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 5 June 24, 2018

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 6 June 24, 2018

Let’s Fill the Shelves...Food Pantry Update

We greatly appreciate your continued support of our local food pantries. As the summer months approach, donations to the food pantries decline. Unfortunately, their need does not. With this in mind, we will break from featuring a “product of the month”. We ask that you continue to donate ANY ITEMS that you can. The products and monetary donations you provide are so important. In August, we will return to our featured item request. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Weekly Offering

June 17 & 18, 2018 Week’s Need $12,869.00 Sunday Collection $ 8,412.50 EFT $ Surplus (Deficit) $ (4,456.50) Fiscal Year to Date Surplus (Deficit) $16,787.23 Last Year’s Weekly Collection $ 7,709.00

Thank you for your support of our parish.

Are you interested in going to Italy? All are welcome to attend an informal informational meeting to learn more about this upcoming pilgrimage. Join us on THURSDAY, JUNE 28 at 8:00PM in the Parish Hall*. (*new location) Please come by and hear how you too could be a part of this once in a lifetime experience. If you have already committed to joining us, you may bring your deposit to this meeting. Any questions about this trip or meeting, please contact Joe Martorano at 708-828-5095

Electronic Fund Transfer

Electronic Fund Transfer, (EFT), is the process of automatically having your contribution offering transferred from your checking or saving account to St. Al’s account.

What will EFT do for you?

• No more check writing • No more remembering your envelope • No more looking for the correct currency • Automated record keeping

What will EFT do for St. Al’s?

• Your offering arrives even when you are not able to attend mass

• You help us simplify our record keeping • We are better able to plan and budget If your financial situation changes, you may change or stop your payment at any time by calling the parish office. To sign up for Electronic Fund Transfer, complete the request for an EFT form. Return the completed form by mail or place in the collection basket marked Attn. Office Center. You will be sent an EFT form with more information about the EFT process. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the parish office, 630-257-2414.

Electronic Funds Transfer Request Form Name:____________________________________ Address:__________________________________ City/Zip:__________________________________ Phone :___________________________________ Envelope Number:__________________________

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 7 June 24, 2018

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 8 June 24, 2018

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 9 June 24, 2018


“A Time to be Born through Baptism” — “A Time to Love in Holy Matrimony” — “A Time to Heal” —Names will remain on the prayer list for two months. Please contact the office if you need to change, add, or extend a prayer request.

“A Time of War” —

“A Time to Die” — Mary Rita Dooley-Seifert

The military and innocent civilians who have died in the war. Please keep all these listed, and their families, in your prayers.

Dennis Cerniuk Mary Kasten Michelle Rimbo Gene Malak David Goreham Nathan Parry Lorraine Repchak

Brayden Edward Fran Urban Dan Nimtz Mary Ann Olkiewicz Brett Kostes Fran Berst Tony Goode

Charlene Counter Donald Rittenhouse Dorothy Pecka Marvin Pecka Anita Bromberek John Gilman Emily Kolody

Dave Chiapetti Joe Catino Dan Coghlan Roy Christ Rob Pociask Mark Gowgiel Pat Perkey

Jordan Skrobot Gerry Malak

Scott Bosco, USA, Kuwait Christopher Durkovic, USA, Korea Jake Hoffman, USA, Afghanistan Joshua Plucinski, US Air Force, Germany Jacob Christine, US Navy Andrew J Bosko, Jr., USN, Djibouti, Horn of Africa And all who serve our country

Counseling By Fr. Rohrich

Counseling services are available by Fr. Bob Rohrich at the DePaul Center, 212 Custer, Lemont. Appointment times on weekdays are:

10 and 11 am and 5, 7, 8 and 9 pm.

Father Bob counsels the engaged and married, as well as individuals for depression, anxiety, grieving, separation, divorce and other personal


The cost is a $10 donation for each session. Please call 630-257-9235.

Tri-Parish Daily Mass Schedule

Monday– Saturday at 7:30am

April 30– June 30 Mass will be held in the church at St. Alphonsus July 2– August 31 Mass will be held at SS. Cyril & Methodius

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 10 June 24, 2018

Congratulations to our parishioners Kyle Kohn-Dean’s List Nathan Hornik– Honors on their achievements in the second semester at Marist High School.

• Runners and walkers are welcome! • Picturesque scenery through natural hills and wooded

areas in Lemont. • Challenging all terrain course. • Participants receive a medal & dry fit shirt. If registered

before September 20th, shirt size is guaranteed. • VIRTUAL RACE OPTION for those who can’t be

there. • $20.00 for children 12 and under who walk or run with a parent. • FREE VENDOR TABLES. SPONSORS, DONORS, and VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. Contact Carrie Peters at or 630-257-7844 ext. 223.

Proceeds support the ministries of the

Sisters of St. Francis at Mt. Assisi. Run on your own or walk the course with the Sisters.

Bring the whole family!

Who becomes Catholic today?

RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults You, or someone you know, may be in one of the following situations: • You are engaged to marry a Catholic and

want to share with your future spouse, not only your values, but also your faith.

• You are your spouse are expecting your first child, or have a child starting school, and feel this is the right time to join a faith community that will help you discover God’s love and presence in your lives.

• You were baptized a Catholic but were not brought up in the faith, and want to return to the practice of your faith.

• You were baptized in another faith, but now feel a tug to explore the Catholic faith.

If you are in any of these situations, or know someone who is, please contact Linda at 630-257-2414 or to learn more about RCIA. St. Alphonsus, St. Patrick and SS. Cyril & Methodius parishes join together to form a tri-parish RCIA program. Sessions are held at St. Alphonsus on Tuesday evenings beginning in the fall.

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 11 June 24, 2018

Gather Hymnal

Mass of Creation

Gloria #193 Gospel Accl. #194 Holy, Holy #198 Memorial Acclamation #200 Great Amen #202 Lamb of God #204

Liturgical Ministers Schedule Date Time Lector Ministers Servers Music June 30 4:00 pm A. Lichtenwalter L. O’Connor

G. August A. Pascente D. Josephitis

Filipek Family Parish Choir

July 1 7:30 am M.A. Doherty B. Betley P. Malak D. Betley

F. Loisi

9:00 am S. Ambrose M. Bruno C. Cacciato J. Cacciato

L. Tam L. Macari

Cantor Ensemble & Keyboard

11:00 am M. Loisi B. Rogers P. Loisi T. Turner C. Levas

F. Kula I. McGuire

Parish Choir

5:00 pm Lemont Tri-Parish Mass at SS. Cyril

St. Alphonsus Bulletin is a weekly publication of St. Alphonsus Catholic Community of Lemont, Illinois. All rights reserved. Print-ing by J. S. Paluch Co., Inc., Schiller Park, Illinois.

Mass Intentions Saturday, June 23 4:00 pm Bernard Kucharski - Wife Rose Domanski - Diane & Joe Patrick Joseph Walsh - Mary Beth & Kevin Walsh Pedro Escobedo - Maria M. Escobedo & Family Sunday, June 24 7:30 am Rocco Gaetano - MaryAnne & Bill Doherty Richard Forzley - Barb & Don Betley 9:00 am Ann Boras - Fr. Brian Ardagh Parishioners of St. Alphonsus 11:00 am Jack Schultz - Darlene & Bob Herb Donna Alberts - Betty Israel Mildred & Orville Tessem - Linn Eldred Rosaline Reed - Linn Eldred Monday, June 25 7:30am Bill Schafer– Friends Tuesday, June 26 7:30 am Elsbeth Betley– Friends Mary Ellen Korte– Mary Anne & Bill Doherty Keith Michalek– Dom & Joanne Filicicchia Wednesday, June 27 7:30 am Blessings on 65th Wedding Anniversary Dom & Joanne Filicicchia– Family Blessings on 54th Wedding Anniversary Fran & John Berst-Friends Thursday, June 28 7:30 am Ann Boras– Fr. Tom Hoffman Friday, June 29 7:30 am William A. Margalus– Family Thelma Rittenhouse– Gisela & Dan Rittenhouse

Saturday, June 30 7:30 am Healing for Brett Kostes & Gerry Malak- Bev & Paul Malak 4:00 pm Andrew & Elizabeth Braviak– Mary Kucharski Anna Mae Kluga– Josephine Herman Phyllis Josephitis– Family Roseann Lucas– Family Sunday, July 1 7:30 am Wanda Mierzwa– Bev & Paul Malak Bill Nitti– Mary Anne & Bill Doherty Healing for Norma Kenworthy– Keenan Family 9:00 am Mary Streeter Martin– St. Alphonsus Parish Parishioners of St. Alphonsus 11:00 am James Johanek– Christin Family Susan DeSensi– Fidanzo Family Linda Newton– Betty Israel

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Ps 48:2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps 119:33-37, 40; Mt 7:15-20 Thursday: 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 79:1b-5, 8, 9; Mt 7:21-29 Friday: Vigil: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 19:2-5; Gal 1:11-20; Jn 21:15-19 Day: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19 Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:15-17 Sunday: Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; 2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mk 5:21-43 [5:21-24, 35b-43]