Essential GRE Words: Level 2 Lesson 3

Post on 04-Dec-2014

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Ultimate Vocabulary's Essential GRE Words is a video lesson series specifically designed to help you boost your GRE score. This is the fastest and easiest way to improve your GRE score - because you are learning the words that appear most frequently on the GRE Exam. Includes definitions, synonym/antonyms, and examples all sourced from the Ultimate Vocabulary software. To view the video, visit

Transcript of Essential GRE Words: Level 2 Lesson 3


WORD LIST Adhere Arbitrary Complement Consistency Devise Epic Fabulous Genealogy Imply

Initiate Magnitude Maxim Narrative Partition Prototype Susceptible Versatile


VERB: stick to firmly

“Not because we adhere to some outdated idea that to be commercial is to be tainted and somehow of no interest, but we felt we were redressing an imbalance.”


ADJECTIVE: based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice

“Although Morgan could be arbitrary and intrusive with companies he financed, he insisted on sound, professional management and – with some notable exceptions – conservative financial policy.”

COMPLEMENT NOUN: something added to complete or embellish

or make perfect SYNONYM: accompaniment “His equitable temperament would complement

perfectly a tough production but this one kicked off soft.”

CONSISTENCY NOUN: the property of holding together and

retaining its shape SYNONYMS: consistence, substance, body “Gradually add the egg, beating well after each

inclusion, until the mixture is shiny and of piping consistency.”


VERB: come up with an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle

SYNONYMS: invent, contrive, formulate, forge

“The designer’s problem is to devise sufficient variety of ways to knock him down, revive him and weave a pattern of rests between the peaks of conflict.”


ADJECTIVE: very imposing or impressive

SYNONYMS: heroic, larger-than-life

“In such a society, as in southern Italy, the stronger spirits took to brigandage or smuggling and became the epic heroes of a depressed race.”


ADJECTIVE: extremely pleasing

SYNONYMS: extraordinary, fantastic

“It was a magnificent summer day, with the fabulous, rounded arches of the bridge highlighted against the clear blue sky.”


NOUN: the study or investigation of ancestry and family history

“The genealogy of the other lineages confirmed the exchange of women to make peace, for there were the reciprocal brides, carefully placed, isolated in a line of men.”

IMPLY VERB: express or state indirectly SYNONYM: connote “These objections imply that technology cannot be a

guide to other aspects of society, or in other words that there is no inevitable association between technology and other aspects of society.”


VERB: take the lead or initiative

SYNONYM: pioneer

“It is hoped that the first year’s crop of students will stay on at Hooke Park to help initiate a production plant there.”


NOUN: the relative size or extent

“A look at the last ten years or so clearly demonstrates the magnitude and the velocity of the winds of change that have blown through the energy business.”


NOUN: a saying that is widely accepted on its own merits

SYNONYM: axiom

“This is a case in which Paul’s maxim might well apply: where the words are not ambiguous, there is no call to raise questions of intention.”


ADJECTIVE: consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story

“This also means that the narrative tempo of the novel changes on many occasions, and on perhaps most occasions is particularly slow as a tempo.”


NOUN: something that separates a space into two or more areas

SYNONYMS: division, screen

“A partition divided the room into a small studio and the control/transmitter room.”

PROTOTYPE NOUN: a standard or typical example SYNONYMS: paradigm, epitome, image “The only way to develop a prototype is for the

analyst to get inside the head of the user and, thinking like a user, decide what sort of system is required.”


ADJECTIVE: yielding readily to or capable of

ANTONYM: resistant

“I’m keen on the scabious family and I’m trying to grow old wallflowers, but they are difficult and susceptible to virus.”


ADJECTIVE: competent in many areas and able to turn with ease from one thing to another

“To create great styles from one cut, you need versatile styling products.”