Essay writing for success

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of Essay writing for success

Essay Writing for Success

• 5 paragraphs• 5-7 sentences per

paragraph• Interesting, engaging,

exciting thesis statement

• Conclusion that wraps up the “flavor” of the paper

Essay Organization

• Introductory Paragraph

• Bing

• Bang

• Bongo

• Conclusion Paragraph

Thesis Statement must include…

• The topic

• Can ask a question

• Make a statement of your opinion

• Be “catchy”


• Make the reader want to continue


• Boring…. “ I am going to tell you about the characteristics of a good friendship.”


• Minimal effort…”A good friendship includes many characteristics.”

“The Thesis”

• What I’m looking for…. “An acquaintance is common, a friend is nice to have, but a true friend is priceless.” or “In order for a friendship to be considered extraordinary it must encompass many characteristics, otherwise they are just people you know.”

Introductory Paragraph

• Begin with thesis statement

• 2-3 additional sentences to introduce general details

• Conclusion statement to get reader ready to read additional text

Introductory Paragraph Example

In order for a friendship to be considered extraordinary it must encompass many characteristics, otherwise they are just people you know. After examining your relationships it becomes apparent the kinds of qualities that are important to sustain a true friendship; mine are honesty, a sense of adventure, and finally a belief in a Higher power to help guide you.

Body of Essay

• Must have at least 3 details to support your topic

• If you do not have 3 details you do not have a point!!!!! Try again.

Bing Bang Bongo


• Bing-first detail

• Bang-second detail

• Bongo-third detail


This is the first detail paragraph

1. Introductory sentence-catchy, explains what the detail is going to be

2. At least 3 additional details to support your reasoning

3. Conclusion sentence to “wrap up” idea

Bing Example Prewriting

1. Honesty

A. Being honest improves trust

B. Can rely on honest people

C. Don’t have to worry when you ask a question

D. Get to know the real person

Bing Example ParagraphWhen I examine my true friendships to determine what ingredients are necessary, I recognize that I hold honesty in high regard. An honest person is someone that can be trusted with personal feelings, beliefs, and experiences. It seems that a friend who also embraces honesty is one that can be easily relied upon when they are really needed. Honesty allows the true person to be present in communication, thoughts, and actions; without authenticity a person is not truly known or understood. As far a personal relationships go an honest person is always welcome.


This is the second detail paragraph

1. Introductory sentence-catchy, explains what the detail is going to be

2. At least 3 additional details to support your reasoning

3. Conclusion sentence to “wrap up” idea

Bang Example Prewriting

2. Adventurous/funA. Willing to try new things

B. Likes some of the same things I do

C. Can laugh at themselves

D. Lives life to the fullest

Bang Example ParagraphSome people see life as an adventure, others just something

to make it through, perspective says it all! The people I choose to surround myself with love to try new things and are willing to put themselves “out there”. Having hobbies and experiences in common allows the friendship to grow and continue long after the initial “get-to-know” phase. By being an adventurous person it is easy to learn to laugh at yourself and find your mistakes to be fodder for great conversation. Those who choose to live their lives to the fullest everyday find that friendship is a natural extension of the living adventure. As people accumulate friendships it becomes important to surround themselves with positive people who are willing to take on the adventure of living- together.


This is the third detail paragraph

1.Introductory sentence-catchy, explains what the detail is going to be

2.At least 3 additional details to support your reasoning

3.Conclusion sentence to “wrap up” idea

Bongo Example Prewriting

3. Similar morals and values

A. Value people over money

B. Spiritual belief

C. Dedication to improving the world

D. Feeling responsible for our “brothers”

Bongo Example ParagraphTrue friendships are based on a number of virtues, but morals

and values take a very important place in the list. In our society it seems that money is the God, that people have lost focus of what is truly important. In order to become someone in the inner circle of friendship I believe that the importance of people over money needs to be apparent. One’s spiritual beliefs enhance the person, and their understanding of their place in the universe creating a friend who can weigh their words and actions before presenting them. I look for people who are dedicated to improving the world around them through their actions, resources, and dedication. In the same vein, as friends we must recognize that we are all our brother’s keepers, and with that we stand up and support each other. Living our beliefs and passions, values and morals, and following the paths we believe in we become the true friends that are necessary for a life of happiness and peace among those who can celebrate and share in similar experiences.

Conclusion ParagraphThis is the paragraph that allows you to

reiterate your ideas and to bring your point home!!!

It may only be 1-2 sentences long, but it must be interesting and powerful.

Conclusion Paragraph Example

Friendship is necessary for a quality life, but true friendships are the life-blood of existence. In order to qualify as true friendship the relationship must be based on honesty, adventure, and common spirituality or the makings for sustaining the bond just aren’t present. Pick your friends carefully, examine their character flaws and attributes, and enjoy the person fully, their influence in your life may be invaluable.

Finally….Edit your work

• Spelling• Capitalization• Punctuation• Complete sentences• Variety of sentences• Indent paragraphs


Reread your paper …...not once

……….not twice but at least THREE times before turning it in!

Find your OWN mistakes…if you think it’s boring so will I…

fix it!