Essay Scaffolds

Post on 04-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Essay Scaffolds

  • 7/30/2019 Essay Scaffolds


    Essay scaffolds

    TEEL Formula

  • 7/30/2019 Essay Scaffolds



    Paper for Yr


    HSC Area of

    Study formatThree sections

    Unseen text s/a

    Creative writing

    Analytical Essay




    Year 10 English

    Area of Study PRACTICE Paper

    Total marks: 45

    Section I Pages (2 - 5)

    15 marks

    Attempt Question 1

    Allow about 40 minutes for this section

    Section II Page (6)

    15 marks Attempt Question 2 Allow about 40 minutes for this section

    Section III Page (7)

    15 marks Attempt Question 3

    Allow about 40 minutes for this section

    General Instructions

    Reading time 10 minutes

    Working time 2 hours

    Write using black or blue pen

    Write your Student Name atthe top of the page and on any

    writing booklets used

  • 7/30/2019 Essay Scaffolds



    Paper for Yr


    Section 1

    Unseen texts including-visual text


    -non fictionShort answer



    Text oneVisual text

    (a) Identify ONE visual technique used to represent the nature of power. 1

    (b) Explain how the graphic and the written text shapes your understanding of the

    ways power may be held by individuals and people.2

    Text twoPoem

    (c) Identify ONE langage technique used in the poem. Explain how this technique is

    used to empower the individual.2

    Text threeNon Fiction Extract

    (d) Identify THREE techniques used in the extract and explain how they shape your

    understanding of the power of persuasion. Support your answer with detail from

    the extract.


    Texts one, two and threeVisual text, Poem and Non Fiction extract,

    (e) Evaluate the effectiveness of TWO of the texts in exploring power. 6

  • 7/30/2019 Essay Scaffolds



    Paper for Yr


    Section 2Creative


    Section II

    15 marks

    Attempt Question 2

    Allow about 40 minutes for this section

    Answer the question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available.

    In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:

    express understanding of power in the context of your studies organise, develop and express ideas using language appropriate to audience, purpose

    and context.

    Question 2 (15 marks)

    You have been invited to contribute a piece of creative writing for a book entitledPowerful Stories. Compose a short story using ONE of the following chapter headings;

    Chapter 1 - The power of knowledge.


    Chapter 2The power of persuasion.


    Chapter 3The power of class.


    Chapter 4The power of personality.


    Chapter 5The power of leadership

    End of Question 2

  • 7/30/2019 Essay Scaffolds



    Paper for Yr


    Section 3Analytical


    Use the TEEL


    Section III

    15 marks

    Attempt Question 3

    Allow about 40 minutes for this section

    Answer the question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra booklets are available.

    In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:

    demonstrate understanding of the concept of the power in the context of your study. analyse, explain and assess the ways power is represented in a variety of texts organise, develop and express ideas using language appropriate to audience, purpose

    and context.

    Question 3 (15 marks)

    How has your understanding of the consequences of power been shaped by the techniques

    used by the composers of your prescribed texts?

    The prescribed texts are:

    Novels Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird- William GoldingLord of the Flies

    End of paper

  • 7/30/2019 Essay Scaffolds


    EnglishMid Year



    for Q3

    Scaffold for draft essayArea of Study Power


    How has your understanding of the concept of power been shaped by the language features

    and structure of your set texts To Kill a Mockingbirdand Lord of the Flies?

    Follow the following steps to answer this question

    1. Underline the key words & highlight the action words2. Mind map the essay question3. Establish a structure try sequencing the points listed in the mind map4. Re-read the essay question

    Para 1 INTRODUCTION/THESIS - example below

    Power is

    Para 2-6 ESSAY BODY

    Para 2 Topic Sentence your first insight into some aspect of the concept of powerExplanation of your topic sentence / your insight and link to its representation in the text

    Evidence/Quote identify literary technique in the quote/describe event supporting the TS

    Link your paragraph / insight to the question / your thesis

    Para 3 Topic Sentence Your second insight into some aspect of the concept of power

    Explanation of your topic sentence / your insight and link to its representation in the text

    Evidence/Quote identify literary technique in the quote or describe event supporting the TS

    Link your paragraph / insight to the question / your thesis

    Para 4 Topic Sentence Your third insight into some aspect of the concept of power

    Explanation of your topic sentence / your insight and link to its representation in the text

    Evidence/Quote identify literary technique in the quote or describe event supporting the TS

    Link your paragraph / insight to the question / your thesis

    Para 5 Topic Sentence Your fourth insight into some aspect of the concept of power

    Explanation of your topic sentence / your insight and link to its representation in the text

    Evidence/Quote identify literary technique in the quote or describe event supporting the TS

    Link your paragraph / insight to the question / your thesis

    Para 6 Topic Sentence Your fifth insight into some aspect of the concept of power

    Explanation of your topic sentence / your insight and link to its representation in the text

    Evidence/Quote identify literary technique in the quote or describe event supporting the TS

    Link your paragraph / insight to the question / your thesis

    ConclusionInclude a strong conclusion that briefly sums up your key points and finishes with an insightfulcomment.

  • 7/30/2019 Essay Scaffolds


    Essay Scaffold

    Topic sentences are your insight into some aspect ofthe concept of power

    Explanation sentences link your insight on power toits representation (how it is shown) in the text

    Evidence comes from the text and supports yourinsight. It can be a description of an event or quote

    (include a literary technique). Linking sentences link your insight back to the

    question and to your thesis

  • 7/30/2019 Essay Scaffolds


    Typical Paragraph

    (TOPIC SENTENCE) The nature of power is oftenlinked to mans primitive instincts. (EXPLANATION)Inthe novel Lord of the Flies, Golding explores thisidea by depicting a society descending into chaos,

    seen in the boys growing primitive behaviour; theirbloodlust and bullying.(EVIDENCE) The connectionbetween the thrill of the hunt and the desire forpower can be seen when, after the boys fail to kill a

    pig, Jack says Use a littlun forshadowing the huntfor Ralph.(LINK) As the group descends into chaosthe struggle for power, in particularly Jacksleadership, is linked inextricably with mans innateprimitive instincts.

  • 7/30/2019 Essay Scaffolds






    scaffoldto write



    for Q3

    Scaffold for draft essayArea of Study Power


    How has your understanding of the concept of power been shaped by the language features

    and structure of your set texts To Kill a Mockingbirdand Lord of the Flies?

    Follow the following steps to answer this question

    1. Underline the key words & highlight the action words2. Mind map the essay question3. Establish a structure try sequencing the points listed in the mind map4. Re-read the essay question

    Para 1 INTRODUCTION/THESIS - example below

    Power is

    Para 2-6 ESSAY BODY

    Para 2 Topic Sentence your first insight into some aspect of the concept of powerExplanation of your topic sentence / your insight and link to its representation in the text

    Evidence/Quote identify literary technique in the quote/describe event supporting the TS

    Link your paragraph / insight to the question / your thesis

    Para 3 Topic Sentence Your second insight into some aspect of the concept of power

    Explanation of your topic sentence / your insight and link to its representation in the text

    Evidence/Quote identify literary technique in the quote or describe event supporting the TS

    Link your paragraph / insight to the question / your thesis

    Para 4 Topic Sentence Your third insight into some aspect of the concept of power

    Explanation of your topic sentence / your insight and link to its representation in the text

    Evidence/Quote identify literary technique in the quote or describe event supporting the TS

    Link your paragraph / insight to the question / your thesis

    Para 5 Topic Sentence Your fourth insight into some aspect of the concept of power

    Explanation of your topic sentence / your insight and link to its representation in the text

    Evidence/Quote identify literary technique in the quote or describe event supporting the TS

    Link your paragraph / insight to the question / your thesis

    Para 6 Topic Sentence Your fifth insight into some aspect of the concept of power

    Explanation of your topic sentence / your insight and link to its representation in the text

    Evidence/Quote identify literary technique in the quote or describe event supporting the TS

    Link your paragraph / insight to the question / your thesis

    ConclusionInclude a strong conclusion that briefly sums up your key points and finishes with an insightful
