
Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Essay about the Wit of the primitive man.

Transcript of Essay

The Wit of The Primitive Man.

When the universe was created there was a planet among them called earth in which small

creatures that later on were known as humans lived. These Beings didn’t have any knowledge

about how to live in the so called Earth, but with time they started learning.

Their instincts were to feed as they saw the other animals, they learned by them, lived with them

and it is said that they even understood each other. Can you imagine? A world in which we were

able to communicate with not only each other but also with animals? Or even living among

them? It is said that in the past men used to live above trees as well, like primates, but because of

fear they had to find others places to live.

Fear of What? You might be asking yourself, well fear of other predators that were stronger than

us, and even nowadays are capable of destroying us and we wouldn’t be able to defend

ourselves. So, that’s how simple men became cavemen, hiding inside caves during night time and

going out during day time, to collect food and migrate to other places.

But, one lucky day, when caveman were working in making their tools, feeling the warmth that

the big and bright element that was upon them providing them with heat during certain hours,

Rocko was sanding two rocks against each other to make an arrow as his father had taught him,

being the clumsy kid he was, or so his parents and everyone at the tribe thought him to be,

making him the laughing stock of the place, made the rocks gleam as they collided with one

another which cause him to get really shocked and amused at the same time. How could he do

that?! Was his thought, thankfully nothing happened.

He kept working on his task and again another spark flowed, but he wasn’t as lucky this time,

because the breeze that passed earlier on had brought some dried leaves, and as soon as the spark

sprang to live after the contact with the rocks, something happened, the leaves started to dissolve,

and Troll, another kid that was working with him was shocked and called the people around him,

but when he got back there was nothing to see, so he pressured Rocko to do it again, over the

dried leaves and as he did, that happened again, they “dissolved”, and the people were really

amazed with what Rocko had discovered that they wanted him to teach them.

After practicing for a while, they discovered fire was really helpful to them, they could light up

the cave during night time, and eventually leave the cave, because they found out predators were

scared of fire. That was how our cavemen left the darkness of the cave and started creating their

shelters on land, near rivers and the earth where they planted food and other goods to feed their

families, creating communities, respecting the forest around them, for the Forest God would not

appreciate any damage to his precious child.

Thousands of years later, men started building up stronger houses, far away from the predators

that were still left, because they hadn’t the chance to hunt them yet, but preserved some to show

on circuses and zoos, so the newer generations got to know what types of animals surrounded

them and they got to conquer. The trees that existed had been cut, because as human population

had increased there was a need of space, and trees were in the way.

Little did men know how important the trees were for nature, having God in a second plane, and

nature forgotten, things started to change in how Mother Nature, as it had been known back in

the days, nowadays Weather, would change its behavior.

Storms, Waves of Heat, Decrease of Food Production and Lack of Rain in certain places, have

created an unbalance in the ecological equilibrium of nature, leaving the modern man in concern

about what is to happen to the world, and how they’re going to stop the damage or at least

control it. That’s why some campaigns have emerged, trying to save energy and affect less the


In the end we traveled a journey that started with the cavemen, their innocence and the few

discoveries they had and how in their own ways they had survived to what had emerged and how

their believes made them respect whatever their “Gods” had sent them, being nature one of them,

and how they interacted with the beings that belonged around them. It contradicts the reaction of

modern man, whom, even though had more knowledge, destroyed everything around them.

So, that leaves us one question, who’s the wisest of all? The man that with a few tools and little

knowledge of the world knew instinctually how to coexist with the wildness, or modern man

who’s knowledge and progress got to conquer not only lands but also ecosystems, destroying

everything in his stride?