ESFIM-National Project Proposal - · PDF file• Lack of agriculture insurance services:...

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Transcript of ESFIM-National Project Proposal - · PDF file• Lack of agriculture insurance services:...

  • Research Proposal UNFFE Uganda 1

    Research Proposal


    May 2009

  • Research Proposal UNFFE Uganda 2


    NAADS: National Agricultural Advisory Services

    FAO: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations

    IFAP: International Federation of Agricultural Prod ucers

    UCA: Uganda Cooperative Alliance

    DFA: District Farmer Association

    UNFFE : Uganda National Farmers Federation

    NARO: National Research Organisation

    USAID: United States Agency for International Development

    ECART: European Consortium for Agricultural Research in the Tropics

  • Research Proposal UNFFE Uganda 3


    LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................... 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. 3 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 4 2.0 BACKGROUND TO PROJECT ......................................................................... 4 3.0 CONTEXT OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT .................................................. 5 4.0 RESEARCH PROBLEM ..................................................................................... 6 5.0 RESEARCH QUESTION .................................................................................... 6 6.0 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ................................................................................ 6 7.0 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE RESEARCH ...................................... 7 8.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................... 8 9.0 WORK PLAN ......................................................................................................10 10 BUDGET SUMMARY ....................................................................................... 11 11. DETAILED ACTIVITY BUDGET FOR UNFFE-IFAP RESEARCH PROJECT ........................................................................................................................ 12

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    1.0 INTRODUCTION About Uganda National Farmers Federation Uganda National Farmers Federation (UNFFE) is a home to over six million (6,000,000) farmers across Uganda. The Federation draws its history from farmers agricultural competitions which were organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) government from 1988 - 1993. As a spontaneous need emerged to institutionalize these competitions, the Ministry facilitated the formation of Uganda National Farmers Association (UNFA) on 22nd January 1992. The Association later metamorphosed into Uganda National Farmers Federation (UNFFE) in 2002 to incorporate large National Farmers enterprise specific groups and corporate enterprises. Membership has since grown from 39 in 1992 to current 91 comprising of mainly the District Farmer Associations. UNFFE structures run up to the parish level, with a parish farmers association being the lowest unit with registered individual farmers as members. All UNFFE branches have elaborate capacity and are institutionally sound with operational offices run by farmer coordinators at district and sub county level where as parish farmer associations are run by parish extension link farmers. UNFFE is an active member of the International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP). 2.0 BACKGROUND TO PROJECT 1. Small-holder farming is the major economic activity for over 80% of Uganda population. Most of the farmers live in rural areas that are characterized by endemic poverty. Their households barely have access to essential services such as water, electricity, health facilities, good roads and means of communication. Their crops are produced on small fragmented plots of land, typically less than 4 acres. With each new generation, the size of land owned by each household is becoming smaller due to inheritance practice that lead to dividing up the land into smaller plots to be shared up among descendants of the deceased. 2. Small holder farmers in Uganda are unable to access markets due to lack of capacity to produce in sufficient quantities on a sustainable basis. They also lack information and means of implementing standards required for accessing international markets. Costs of essential inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides are beyond what the farmers can afford. Their production is highly dependent on rainfall patterns and is becoming less predictable each year due climatic changes that induce spells of long draughts, floods, hail storms that damage crops, and such other unpredictable natural calamities. Farmers lack means of influencing policies on issues that affect their lives such as conservation of the environment, land use, taxation and tariff regimes, crisis prevention/mitigation, government funding for the agricultural sector, regional and international trade issues, etc. 3. Majority of Small holder farmers in Uganda produce at subsistence level. In actual fact, many of these producers are elderly parents that have the burden of bringing up

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    orphans of their children or relatives that have passed away due to HIV.\/AIDS. Small-holder commercial farming is still largely confined to traditional cash crops such as coffee, cotton and tobacco as well as maize, beans, groundnuts, sorghum and millet. Upland rice has been recently introduced in the country. Other crops such as vanilla, ginger and pepper have been tried out but have been unsuccessful due to failure to sustain their markets. In all cases, farmers lack means of storing their produce and losses are incurred when what cannot be sold off or consumed is simply thrown away. 4. Due to the need to sell off the farm produce urgently, the farmers are usually underpaid by traders who buy off their products at ridiculously low prices. The farmers lack means of adding value to their products. They also lack voice and means of influencing policy makers towards creating a friendly agro-business investment environment that would favor the small-holder farmers. 5. Whereas there have been many actors that have attempted to address some of the above issues, the approach has been rather random and uncoordinated. There exists data from several actors such as World Bank, FAO, USAID, NARO, NGOs, CBOs, local governments, microfinance institutions, NAADS and other national programs, and this data needs to be integrated, condensed and disseminated to the farmers associations so that members of these organisations may become well informed to take advantage of existing markets. 3.0 CONTEXT OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT The proposed research study shall take place in 20 districts out of 80 in Uganda and shall be reached through their District Farmers Associations (DFA) and a network of Savings and Credit operatives that are members of the Uganda Cooperative Alliance (UCA). In December 2008 UNFFE organized a national workshop that identified and ranked key constraints related with the policy and regulatory environment of small farmers that limit their access to markets. The National workshop also identified entry points for action to remove the said constraints and evaluated the need for research in addressing small holder farmers constraints in the markets. Notable among these are:

    Difficulties encountered by farmers in accessing credit for their inputs and investments; low coverage of microfinance services, and reluctance of commercial banks to extend credit to small-holder farmers.

    The need to address difficulties faced by DFA in implementing warehouse receipt arrangements. These warehouses are to be based on the model of those that existed in the pre-privatization era.

    Lack of commercial orientation for the majority of farmers, and extremely low levels of competence in marketing and money management.

    Lack of agriculture insurance services: The rural financial services, especially credit, are faced with many challenges ranging from the nature of economic activities (agriculture, market uncertainties) and other vulnerabilities like illness and death of the people.

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    The need for capacity building for farmers groups: Weak farmer groupings lead to weak bargaining positions of the farmers and lack of incentives/mechanisms to adhere to quality standards and sustain bulk quantity market requirements. Stronger groupings would also enable farmers market their products more effectively. They would also enable them acquire the critical mass required for negotiating on issues such as taxes, rural infrastructure development, acquisition of machines, and attracting long term projects such as solar irrigation, tractors, etc.

    4.0 RESEARCH PROBLEM In line with IFAP aim to stimulate learning and sharing of experiences between farmers organisations on key international policy issues, the proposed study to be undertaken by Uganda National Farmers Federation (UNFFE) intends to obtain data on important bottlenecks that prevent small-holder farmers in Uganda from participating in local, regional and international markets. This data is to be used for generating policy advocacy positions and proposals. Whereas a number of actors such as development agencies, universities, local governments, line ministries, national programs and private research institutions have attempted to obtain such data, the involvement of the small-holder farmers has been minimal. Therefore this study aims at empowering the local farmers with the information, knowledge, skills and platform for identi