Erwin Rommel. Early Life Of Erwin Rommel Rommel was born in Heidenheim, Germany just a few...

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Transcript of Erwin Rommel. Early Life Of Erwin Rommel Rommel was born in Heidenheim, Germany just a few...

Erwin Rommel

Early Life Of Erwin Rommel Rommel was born in Heidenheim, Germany

just a few kilometers from Ulm. His father was a Protestant headmaster of

a secondary school at Aalen and his mother was a daughter of a prominent dignitary.

Rommel had also two brothers named Karl and Gerhard, and a sister named Helene.

Early Life Continued At the age of fourteen, him and a friend built a full

scale glider. Through his childhood he considered becoming a engineer and continued to show his abilities.

But because of his father he joined the 124th Württemberg Infantry Regiment as an officer cadet in 1910. He was sent to Officer Cadet School in Danzig, and he graduated in 1911 and commissioned as a lieutenant by 1912.

While in Cadet School he met his future wife and was married in 1916 and had a son in 1928.

Rommel In World War I Erwin Rommel fought in France, Romania, and

Italy as apart of the Württemberg Mountain Battalion of the Alpenkorps. While he was serving Rommel gained a reputation of being a quick thinking tactician, taking advantage of the enemies confusion. While fighting he was wounded three times and awarded the Iron Cross, First and Second Class, and Prussia’s highest award the Pour le Merite.

Rommel In World War II Poland 1939 – Rommel Continued command of

the Führerbegleitbataillon during the Polish Campaign often moving close to the frontlines and seeing much of Hitler. He actually returned to Berlin to conduct Hitler’s victory parade and was apart of Hitler’s entourage.

Rommel also asked Hitler for the command of a panzer division and on Feb. 6th 1940, just three months before the invasion of France and the Low Countries, he was given command of the 7. Panzer Division.

Rommel In World War II Continued

Rommel took part in the invasion of France and the other Low Countries. His Division was given the name Gespenster-Division or “Ghost Division” because he always had the element of surprise and the higher ups could never keep track of his divisions movements.

Rommel In World War II (North Africa) For Rommel achievements he was promoted and given the 5th Light

Division. It was in Africa where he was given the name “The Desert Fox”.

He lead a offensive strike against the British Commonwealth forces that had been fighting against the Italian forces and previous to Rommel’s arrival had captured 130,000 Italian soldiers and nearly 400 tanks. With about 7,000 Italian soldiers left Rommel lead them against the British and actually pushed the British back to a port called Tobruk.

Rommel In World War II (North Africa Continued) Axis and Allied forces throughout the North African Campaign

sustained massive casualties and the lines moved back and forth. Final Rommel was defeated in Africa due to not enough German forces. He Returned to Germany and while he was there his staff car was strafed by a British Spitfire, he was hospitalized and had sustained major head injures. While he was in the hospital a plot against Hitler was put into motion but had failed to overthrow him. There was an investigation and Rommel’s name came up, but it was disproved and no evidence was found. Closer to the end of the war he was given the option of going against the People’s Court or to commit suicide and be remembered as a hero. Rommel chose to commit suicide and died secretly, but he did explain the situation to his wife and son.
