Eren karahan

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Eren karahan

Common Sentence Errors

Eren Karahan285528


Sentence Fragments

A sentence fragment is a word group that is attempting to function as a sentence but lacking an independent clause. In some circumstances, they can be easy to notice, but when placed near related sentences, it can become more difficult.


1) A sentence must have a subject and a verb if it is to make sense.

2) A subordinate clause (also sometimes called a dependent clause) is not a complete sentence if it does not have a main clause even though it may have a subject and verb.

3) Sometimes in conversation only sentence fragments make sense.       

Examples1) Incorrect: John, being a friendly computer salesman and baseball fan.Correct: John, being a friendly computer salesman and baseball fan, refused to argue.

2) Incorrect: Because we are baseball fans. Correct: We watched the All-Star Game because we are baseball fans.

3) Incorrect: The colony in the north.

Correct: We really like the people, the colony in the north.

4) Incorrect: Purdue offers many majors in engineering .

Correct:Purdue offers many majors in engineering, such as

electrical, chemical, and industrial engineering.

5) Incorrect: Coach Dietz exemplified this behavior by walking off the field in the middle of a game. Correct: Coach Dietz exemplified this behavior by walking off the field in the middle of a game, leaving her team at a time when we needed her.

6) Incorrect: I need to find a new roommate. Correct: I need to find a new roommate because the one I have now isn't working out too well.

7) Incorrect: The current city policy on housing is incomplete as it stands. Correct: Because the current city policy on housing is incomplete as it stands, we believe the proposed amendments should be passed.

8)Incorrect: A story with deep thoughts and emotions.Correct: She told a story with deep thoughts and emotions.

9) Incorrect: Toys of all kinds thrown everywhere.  Correct: They found toys of all kinds thrown everywhere.

10) Incorrect: A record of accomplishment beginning when you were first hired.Correct: A record of accomplishment began when you were first hired.

Run-on Sentences

A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses are combined without correct punctuation. An independent clause is a complete, simple sentence, meaning that it contains a subject, a verb, and a complete thought. There are a few ways to correct run-on sentences. Consider the following run-on sentence and the following options for revising it.

ExamplesIncorrect: The grocery store was really packed with people there must have been a big sale today. Corrections:1)The grocery store was really packed with people. There must have been a big sale today. 2) The grocery store was really packed with people, so there must have been a big sale today.3) Because the grocery store was really packed with people, there must have been a big sale.4) Incorrect: I waited tables straight through from 3:30 to 11:30 I never sat down for even one break.  Correct: I waited tables straight through from 3:30 to 11:30, and I never sat down for even one break.

5) Incorrect: They weren't dangerous criminals they were detectives in disguiseCorrect: They weren't dangerous criminals; they were detectives in disguise.

6) Incorrect: I didn't know which job I wanted I was too confused to decide.Correct: I didn't know which job I wanted, and I was too confused to decide.

7) Incorrect: He enjoys walking through the country. He often goes backpacking on his vacations. Correct: He enjoys walking through the country, and he often goes backpacking on his vacations.

8) Incorrect: He often watched TV when there were only reruns. She preferred to read instead. Correct: He often watched TV when there were only reruns; she preferred to read instead.

9) Incorrect: They weren't dangerous criminals they were detectives in disguise.

Correct: They weren't dangerous criminals; they were detectives in disguise.

10) Incorrect: I didn't know which job I wanted I was too confused to decide.

Correct: I didn't know which job I wanted, so I was too confused to decide.

Comma Splices

Comma splices are similar to run-on sentences because they also incorrectly connect independent clauses. A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are connected with only a comma. As with a run-on sentence, there are a few different ways to correct a comma splice. Consider the following sentence and the revised versions that follow it. 

ExamplesIncorrect: My family bakes together nearly every night, we then get to enjoy everything we make together.1)Correction 1: My family bakes together nearly every night. We then get to enjoy everything we make together.2)Correction 2: My family bakes together nearly every night, and we then get to enjoy everything we make together.3)Correction 3: After my family bakes together nearly every night, we get to enjoy everything we make together.

Incorrect: I didn’t like the movie, it was way too long. 4)Correction 1: I didn’t like the movie. It was way too long.

5) Correction 2: I didn’t like the movie because it was way too long.

Incorrect: She and Jerry are getting married in the fall, they didn’t want a summer wedding. 6)Correction 1: Because they didn’t want a summer wedding, she and jerry are getting married in the fall. 7)Correction 2: She and Jerry didn’t want a summer wedding, so they are getting married in the fall. 

Incorrect: My favorite bands are all really loud, playing loud music is good for stress relief.8)Correction 1: My favorite bands are all really loud; playing loud music is good for stress relief.  9)Correction 2: My favorite bands are all really loud because playing loud music is good for stress relief.

Non-parallel Sentences

• Parallel Structure expresses similar ideas in similar grammatical form.

• Items to be compared.

Examples1)Incorrect: Jan is tall, blond, and blue-eyed. Correct:  Jane is tall, blond, and with blue eyes.

2) Incorrect: In spincasting, your stance, your manner of distance and accuracy. Correct: In spincasting, your stance, how you hold affect distance and accuracy.

3)Incorrect: He asked me to return his bike and that I should lock it up. Correct: He asked me to return his bike and to lock it up.

4)Incorrect: I like tennis better than indoor games. Correct: I like tennis better than to play indoor games.

5)Incorrect:I like either football or track events.Correct: I like either football or taking part in track events.

6) Incorrect: Mary likes hiking, swimming, and riding a bicycle.Correct: Mary likes hiking, swimming, and to ride a bicycle.

7) Incorrect: The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and thoroughly. Correct: The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and in a detailed manner.

8) Incorrect: The teacher said that he was a poor student because he waited until the last minute to study for the exam, completed his lab problems in a careless manner, and lacked motivation. Correct: The teacher said that he was a poor student because he waited until the last minute to study for the exam, completed his lab problems in a careless manner, and his motivation was low.

9) Incorrect: The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and that they should do some warm-up exercises before the game. Correct: The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and to do some warm-up exercises before the game.

10)Incorrect: The salesman expected that he would present his product at the meeting,that there would be time for him to show his slide presentation, andthat prospective buyers would ask him questions. Correct: The salesman expected that he would present his product at the meeting,that there would be time for him to show his slide presentation, andthat questions would be asked by prospective buyers.