ePortfolios at the University of Guelph

Post on 10-May-2015

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a snapshot of current ePortfolio use (using Desire2Learn's eP tool) at the University of Guelph.

Transcript of ePortfolios at the University of Guelph

( )ePortfolios @ UofG...a snapshot

( )First Year Experience, Experiential Learning,

Academic Progress, Learning Styles and Outcomes

( )First Year Experience


( )Assignment - Reflections - Progress

( )Cooperative Education - Practicum

( )Graduate Students - Teaching Assistants

( )Continuing Education

( )Event planning - Promotion - Collaboration

( )Scholarship - Reflection - Journaling

( )⊛ Accreditation

⊛ Fine Art

⊛ Theatrical Design

⊛ Capstone Experiences

⊛ Faculty Use

⊛ Staff Performance Evaluations

New Initiatives

( )Orientation and Support

⊛ Help files and tutorials

⊛ Phone and Email support

⊛ Drop-ins

⊛ Departmental Contacts

⊛ Train the Trainer

⊛ Train the Faculty