Episode 26 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Will Carafello of the New York Mets: Snippets

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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On episode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast, New York Mets Director of Social Media Will Carafello discussed connecting team and fans on social, his career path, in-game posting strategy, and more. What follows are some snippets from the episode. Listen to the full podcast on iTunes or at www,DSMSports.net.

Transcript of Episode 26 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Will Carafello of the New York Mets: Snippets

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On episode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast, Will Carafello, Director of Social Media for the New York Mets, discussed how he ushered in fan engagement and social media with the New Jersey Devils and the Mets. And why it's more simple than it seems.

What follows are some snippets from the episode. Listen to the full podcast on iTunes or DSMSports.net

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Will's career path:

Wanted to work in sports going back to college, attending Seton Hall (after attending a junior college) and studied sport management → Did an internship with Madison Square Garden in group sales while attending school → Turned his one-semester internship into one lasting 16 months! → Then worked with the Newark Bears minor league baseball team with a ticket sales job (did all the little jobs at games, too!)

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Will's career path:

“Looking back, it was a really good experience and gave me the opportunity to see how everything was done. A quick crash course on seeing how all the different departments worked.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Will's career path:

“It's not who you know, it's who knows you...” Madison Square Garden called him about an opening for a marketing coordinator position working on their non-team sports events→ Took a position in marketing with the Harlem Globetrotters, which took him all around the country

“Being able to travel with the Globetrotters, seeing how different buildings do it...was a great experience.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Will's career path:

→ Spent one season with Globetrotters and then moved to a marketing role at The Meadowlands in New Jersey (leveraging a connection with a former Madison Square Garden colleague); did marketing for both arena and stadium→ Shifted to marketing job at the newly opened Prudential Center (in New Jersey), liking the idea of going into a venue with n history, starting from scratch → After AEG was bought out by the New Jersey Devils, he took the same position for the Devils NHL club and later became Director of Marketing, where he also first started getting into social media strategy (including the Devils Generals and social media command center)

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“At the time, I didn't even use social media...but I knew this was an emerging technology that everyone was using...Not only did I have to use it, but I had to be the best at it...It wasn't two-way communication (at the outset), which is what the Prudential Center's (social media) became.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“It was kind of an evolve or die. I knew this was something that was big...that was going to change everything. It's not how I make a living...I knew that if we used this correctly, this could be huge. It'll help us sell tickets, to put out information (from a PR standpoint), it will help us help customers. We can even eliminate the media, to some extent, putting out our own stories.

“That's kind of where I made my name in the social media world (discusses Mission Control and Devils Army Generals social media projects)

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“We changed the way social media was looked at; one from within the organization and also from within the industry...”

“Mission Control was basically our digital command center and the Devils Army Generals were a select group of 25 social savvy Devils fans. That ranged from everyone to a mom with three kids to high school kids to college kids...We had a nice array of the Devils fan base as kind of sounding board for us for different ideas.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Will's transition from the Devils to the Mets –

An agency and internal connection led to him interviewing for the job with the Mets

“At the time, I didn't realize how big a jump this would be...I didn't fully understand how excited the (Mets) fan base is...”

“The nice part about it was they had a social media by-committee...all different departments contributing to it...but the negative was they all these different people doing their thing, so it's hard to create a (consistent) brand...They were already doing things well and had a lot of fans, they just needed a quarterback to help (guide) the situation.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Will describes how he has had great success already with the Mets, citing their Klout score going from 16th in MLB to 2nd (trailing only Dodgers)

“I always joke with people that 'I'm no expert, I just know a lot about this' [social media].”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“First and foremost (we wanted to) build a voice. We wanted to be on with the fans...There (had been) a disconnect with the fans. There wasn't one voice. The fans didn't feel that the Mets, as an organization, wasn't in the same boat with them.

Now, we'll use 'we' and 'us...'”

(Will also cites importance of consistent content, especially providing in-game updates)

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“Coming from hockey, I didn't know the formula for (in-game tweeting) for baseball. I appreciated the fan being patient with me during spring training (as I learned).”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

This episode's Helpful Tool: Square-Ready -

A free mobile app to easily and instantly frame or crop photos to fit visibility needs for Instagram

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Will on in-game tweeting:

“In hockey, we always had the big moments. We're keeping you updated. I look at myself as the poor man's Howie Rose...This may be the only source you have of keeping up with the Mets...so the goal is to (provide information).”Also notes he makes sure there is at least one update every 15-20 minutes, regardless

Will also notes during games, when engagement and attention is highest, is to run partner activations scheduled ahead of time

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Will on in-game tweeting:

“The goal is to keep (fans) informed...I want to paint the picture. I'm also just as excited as the fans. It's a lot of work, but it's so much fun. I get pumped with a home run or a big inning, so I want to enjoy it with the fans. I don't want to just tell them, but be one with them (too).”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“When you have social media perfect (and I don't know many that do) is when you have 50% marketing and 50% PR. That's a very simplistic way of looking at it because we have so many departments (included in it) now...but that is the super cliff-notes way of putting it.”

(Notes the mix of providing information and to keep them updated on what's going in terms of games to attend)

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“We want to make money by selling tickets off social media, but it's not our number one goal. Social media makes up a small part of our ticket sales, but it's a valuable tool for us to get information out to fans...Our number one goal is to build that community of Mets fans and engage with them.”

[Will notes that the Mets, in his short tenure there, have already tripled the revenue driven from social media as compared to last season]

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“We're changing little things...It's just focusing on 'now we know the fan base and can (message them) the right way...'

If we don't have a community of people engaged and activating with us, it's going to be very hard to get them to come out to the ballpark and be part of the group.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On difference between MLB and NHL jobs

“162 games is a grind...I'm beat and I'm just tweeting...I can't imagine playing every day. It's such a mental grind (too).”“One of the other things is Major League Baseball Advanced Media. That is a resource hockey doesn't have. To be able to send an email anytime (requesting any content)...is a phenomenal resource...

To be able to have people working around the clock and to be able to ask for just about anything is a blessing.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On local vs. non-local Mets fans:

“As a Mets fan my entire life, I don't think I realized how big the Mets fan base is and how passionate they are...We focus a lot of our information for the local fan...but we've got fans internationally and in different markets, so (we have to serve them, too).”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

This episode's Shareable Stat: 581,000 unique users tweeting during the 2014 MLB All-Star Game

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The best part of being at a ball game:

“Obviously the fans...When a huge home run is hit and you put out something fun, to see so many people excited and people tweeting 'we love the Mets' social media, you're so much fun,' it makes my day.”

(Also notes how great it is to sit in the press box, working alongside PR Director Jay Horwitz and PR Assistant Ethan Wilson)

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The difference between a Mets fan and a Yankees fan is: __________.

“I don't know enough Yankees fans, so I'll speak to Mets fans...They are of high character. They're so passionate...I won't speak to the other fans, but the Mets fans are great.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

In 60 seconds or less, how do you define engagement / ROI of engagement?

“Engagement, very simply, is getting a response. Whether it's a favorite, a like, a retweet, or a share. I'd put the highest value on a share or a retweet. When a fan wants to share something on their channels, that is the highest compliment we can get...Any time we can get fans to interact with us is fantastic.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The tastiest food item at Citi Field:

“This is almost a no-contest. Out in the fan fest area, you got Blue Smoke next to Shake Shack. You can't go wrong with a Shake Shack burger...for this year, the Box Frites, the bacon cheddar fries...if you only have one thing at Citi Field (have those)...it's phenomenal.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Besides 50-Cent, the most unusual ceremonial first pitch or game promotion you've seen

“Fifty changed the game not only for the hip-hop industry, but for the first pitch industry...It's almost too hard to go past that, but definitely some credit to the people at our minor league affiliate in Brooklyn as they (recently) did “Seinfeld Night...From Keith's magic loogie to bobble heads to having the Soup Nazi throw out the first pitch...they did so many things with that promotion and got a ton of publicity...

“A close second has to go to the other affiliate down in Savannah (GA). They did Forrest Gump Night...had an actor dressed as (Gump) throw out the first pitch and had 5,000 fans take home boxes of chocolate.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

If the Mets make the World Series, who would their American League opponent be:

Will's pick → “Between the Angels and Oakland...those are two teams that look ready to take the next step...If I had to (pick), it's a 1973 rematch, with hopefully a different outcome, so I'll go A's.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Social Media All-Star To Follow:

Vic Black – @Vic_Black_2

Also @MrMet → “He just joined Twitter right before the season started and he has a lot of fun content, as well...Mr. Met is on Snapchat, too (@MrMet).”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Where to find Will and the Mets on social media:

Follow Will on Twitter @WillCarafello and the @Mets on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google Plus

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Will Carafello of the NY MetsEpisode 26 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Thanks very much to Will Carafello for sharing his experience, knowledge, and personality with us on the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast!

For more, visit www.dsmsports.net and follow me, Neil Horowitz, on Twitter @njh287

@njh287; DSMSports.net