EPiServer Engage Magazine

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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This issue explores several hot e-commerce and digital marketing topics, including: - Big Data: Taking Small Steps to BIG benefits - Mobile Commerce: Survey Results of Mobile & Tablet Shoppers - User Engagement: Give users what they want, event if they don't know what it is yet! - Customer Case Studies: Silverpop, C&H Distributors, Fusion Retail Brands, & More!

Transcript of EPiServer Engage Magazine


Website: www.episerver.com Project manager EPiServer: Joakim Holmquist Email: joakim.holmquist@episerver.com Address: European HQ – EPiServer AB, Regeringsgatan 67, Box 7007, 103 86 Stockholm, Sweden; US HQ – EPiServer Inc. 2 Mid America Plaza, Suite 600. Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 USA. Editoral production: Spoon, Stockholm Editor: Chad Henderson Design: Ulrika Jonasson Website: www.spoon.se Repro: Spoon Printed by: Elanders

It seems everyone has been talking about big data forever, but now for the first time companies of all sizes can start gaining real benefits. On your website you can stop guessing

about what works best, who your visitors are, and what they want – the data can and should tell you.

However, more data can mean more noise, so it is important to hone in on your objectives, so that the data can support your goals and increase



Get smart about data

In this issue:

Nir Eyal explains how to hook users. Page 14.

New survey on mobile device use. Page 12.

Benefiting from data big and small. Page 6.

Simple tests that increase success. Page 17.

conversions. In our theme article you can read more about how to do this and how EPiServer products can help.

We all know the digital world is changing rapidly, with users hopping from device to device and going mobile more than ever. Inside find out how our improved EPiServer Commerce applies these insights to provide a truly great customer experience across all channels.

Happy reading!

IAn WrIGhTFusion reTail Brands, MelBourneJob title: chief information officerWebsite: fusionretailbrands.com.auEPiServer products: episerver cMs and episerver commercePartner: vivid Group

CHALLENGE:Fusion Retail Brands is an Australian retailing group com-prising five brands – Diana Ferrari, JAG, Mathers, Williams and Colorado. In 2012, it asked Vivid Group to develop an integrated e-commerce platform to replace its existing sites that were dated and fragmented, with limited functionality. The vision was to create a user-friendly online presence that would facilitate cross-brand sales.

SOLUTION:“One of our objectives was to reduce the time and number of steps needed to complete a purchase. The JAG brand’s online revenue is up by 30 percent, while pages per visit and time to purchase have been reduced by 65 percent and 30 percent, respectively. Across the board, the conversion rate has almost doubled.

Thanks to EPiServer’s user-friendly solution, content can be changed more regularly, with greater ease. Changing the content keeps customers engaged because every visit feels like a new experience. As a result, year-on-year online sales are up 160 percent. Moreover, 60 percent of our visitors are returning customers.

Having six sites integrated in one e-commerce solution is like having six stores in the high street, with an option to shop in all of them at once. If you buy a pair of jeans from one brand, the site can sug-gest a top, a pair of shoes and a bag to go with them – using one checkout desk.”

The conversion rate has almost doubled

Website: www.episerver.com Project manager EPiServer: Joakim Holmquist Email: joakim.holmquist@episerver.com Address: European HQ – EPiServer AB, Regeringsgatan 67, Box 7007, 103 86 Stockholm, Sweden; US HQ – EPiServer Inc. 2 Mid America Plaza, Suite 600. Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 USA. Editoral production: Spoon, Stockholm Editor: Chad Henderson Design: Ulrika Jonasson Website: www.spoon.se Repro: Spoon Printed by: Elanders

sOlutIONsHow oTHers cliMBed THe MounTain




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Get smart about data

CHALLENGE: C&H Distributors was founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, over 75 years ago and is a provider of industrial equipment and supplies. Histori-cally, its primary method of reaching custom-ers has been through a printed catalogue that customers get in the mail. Customers would then call in their orders to C&H over the phone. Since 1999, C&H began embracing the internet with a growing e-commerce business, and in

January 2013 started using EPiServer CMS.

SOLUTION: “We now consider

ourselves to be multichannel. E-commerce is currently a relatively underdeveloped portion of our business and we expect it to grow quickly over the coming years. The reason we picked EPiServer's platform is because we lacked efficiency in our e-commerce business and were not agile enough in our online marketing. For example, simple things like updating our online store could take hours or even days. Now with EPiServer we can get it done in minutes. The same goes for our online marketing. Before it could take someone as long as eight hours to build a landing page. Now we have that process cut down to a matter of minutes. With EPiServer Commerce, we have a solid platform to stand on and feel we are nicely positioned for a digital future.”

Hours of work cut down to minutes

MelISSA BAGleyc&H disTriBuTorsJob Title: director of e-commerce Website: chdist.comEPiServer Products: episerver cMs and episerver commercePartner: Guidance




To: ericH



CHALLENGE:PensionDanmark’s EPiServer solution supports four sites through which the company interacts with its 630,000 pension holders and 30,000 corporate customers. The sites are designed to maximize the amount of customer contact taking place online – in accordance with PensionDanmark’s objective to be the digital leader on the Danish pensions and insurance market.

SOLUTION:“Our extranet allows members to adjust their pensions and insurances using a simple self-service system. By minimizing ‘noise’ and administration, we’ve seen a 76 percent increase in self-service insurance actions since 2011.

Thanks to the ease of maintaining the site using dynamic

blocks, we can dedicate more resources to functionality and personalization. Content is targeted to specific visitor segments, thereby ensuring that members only see relevant data. This explains why the number of logins has increased by 22 percent in the last year.

We make it our business to know our members, and what we know, we store – no one is ever asked to input the same

information twice. In fact, it takes less than a minute to transfer a policy to Pen-sionDanmark. As a result, the number of members pooling their savings with us increased by 533 percent from 2011 to 2012.”

ADAM oSBIrk-JenSenpensiondanMark, copenHaGenJob title: internet project ManagerWebsite: pension.dkEPiServer products: episerver cMs Partner: netcompany a/s

We make it our business to know our members

Hours of work cut down to minutes


To: To

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you have heard its name too many times to count: big data. psychologist dan ariely says, “Big data is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it.” Big data, though, doesn’t need to be so mysterious or overwhelming. For the first time, companies of all sizes have the opportunity to easily start taking action on the massive amounts of data available. read on to find out how you can use data – both big and small – to more effectively meet your users’ needs and increase your conversions.



By AlExANdRA�coRiNth

How big is big?The online world is growing so rapidly that new names are needed for the amount of data being generated. The once mighty terabyte has been surpassed by petabytes (1,000 terabytes), exabytes (1,000 petabytes) and zettabytes (1,000 exabytes). It is estimated that 90 percent of the data in the world has been created in the last two years. The data is coming from everywhere: increased internet usage; social media sites; digital books, music and videos; cell phone GPS signals; purchase records; as well as sensors that monitor and track a wide variety of phenomena. This activity generates an exabyte of data every day, which is equivalent to about 250 million DVDs of information.

Doing big dataThough people have been talking about “big data” since the mid-1990s, it has really only gained momentum in the past few years. Big data is essentially what it sounds like: the analysis of huge amounts of data in order to gain insight about users or customers. To put it more concretely, big data is based on three Vs: Volume, Velocity, and Variety. In other words, big data encompasses a high volume of different kinds of data that is created very quickly. From detecting disease outbreaks to helping Barack Obama get re-elected in 2012, to getting people to buy diapers in your store, big data analysis has only just begun to shape our world.

Structured vs. unstructured dataBig data is comprised both of structured data and unstructured data. With an email, for example, the sender, recipient and date of the email are all structured data – they can be easily listed in a spreadsheet under defined categories. The content of an email, however, represents unstructured data – there is not usually an easy way to categorize and organize this kind of content. Similarly, you might have some overview of who visits your website and where they are located (structured), but you probably have much less of an overview of what they are saying about you on Twitter or Facebook (unstructured).

Big benefitsWhat companies like Facebook, Target and Amazon have found, is that analyzing data about users and customers enables them to take some of the guesswork out of their products, services and marketing. It means that their advertising campaigns can be targeted using this data in almost real time. They can suggest a book or friend to a user based on real data about the user’s online behavior, which can significantly improve results. Even smaller companies can reap similar benefits. The more you are able to give customers and users what they want, based on real data about their online behavior, the more successful your website or e-commerce site will become.

Is bigger really better?In some cases, bigger really is better. Take the example of Target, the second-largest discount retailer in the US. For years Target has been linking individual customer “guest ID numbers” to customers’ credit cards purchases, coupons, surveys and website visits. Then Target had an idea – what if they could predict which of their customers was pregnant (which often leads to major changes in purchasing behavior) and target ads specifically to them? By analyzing their vast amounts of data ( including what pregnant women have bought before), Target can now predict which customers are in their second trimester and get a head start on the competition.



The giants of big dataInternet giants like Facebook, LinkedIn, and many others survive and thrive thanks to the implementation of big data. In August of last year, Facebook revealed that it processes over 500 terabytes of data every day, which allows them to enact design and product changes in nearly real-time. Facebook also revealed that it stores more than 100 petabytes of data on a single Hadoop disk cluster. While it is unlikely that your company will need to incorporate such a quantity of big data, the basic principles that Facebook uses to tailor their ad campaigns for each of its users could easily be translated to your company and your customers.

New data professionsWith all of this new structured and unstructured data comes much more noise in the system, and new kinds of experts are required to analyze it. Big data has now produced “data scientists” trained in computer science, statistics, analytics and math, who must also keep the business value of their work in mind. Even the world of journalism has been touched by big data, paving the way for data editors like Kenneth Cukier of The Economist. Cukier tells the Guardian: “Instead of basing stories on a string of anecdotes with a single statistic dropped in, we can invert the form and make the data the story.”

Where to startThere are several things you can do right away to ensure that you use data to deliver an outstanding customer experience online and increase conversions. Start by looking at what you can or cannot measure on your website. For example, can you track everyone that visited your landing page and viewed your product video? Hopefully you have a clear idea of the goals of your website, but can you measure all of them? In addition, make sure you cultivate a culture in which each piece of content that is created has some sort of goal attached to it, so you have a possibility to actually optimize it. If you don’t know what a particular type of content should do, there is no way to measure its success.


Know your customersThe challenge of big data is how to reduce it down to the level of the individual customer. You need to know your audience’s values, identities and needs, and how your brand fits into these. So make sure you are set up to gather the right data. Knowing, for example, the characteristics of your visitors who browse your site via a tablet in the evening will enable you to add value by adapting the content to suit them. Though there is much to be gained from a simpler data-driven approach, you can take it one step further by combining data from different sources, such as online communities or in-store purchases.

Start personalizing your content now: episerver.com/personalization

Getting personalAmazon has proven that providing a personalized experience and recommendations to your customers pays off big time. Just as Amazon can recommend a book based on the context, the EPiServer platform can present content or products based on what the user has done on the site before and what page they are currently on. Serving the right content to the right people in the right context results in increased engagement and improved conversions. Personalization also enables you to target content based on the user’s loca-tion and device, which can present huge opportunities.

Learn more about how this works in EPiServer: episerver.com/ content-optimization

Find out how EPiServer uses testing on its own website: episerver.com/improve-optimize

Continuous testing Once you are able to measure all of your goals, you can start using A/B and multivariate testing to understand your users’ behavior and make assessments about what scenarios are more likely to drive visitors toward your goals. Let the data decide which option to show your visitors. You will be surprised how often you are wrong about what really converts. And keep testing, pit winning options against other versions to see if you can further increase conversion rates.

Self-optimizationTo get the most out of data, you need to be able to make changes quickly – preferably in real time – to contextualize content or campaigns based on the user’s behavior. The EPiServer platform enables you to test several different webpage configurations at the same time, which creates useful data about which

set-ups work best for different customer groups. It also saves

time on usability testing so marketers can focus more on tracking and engaging with customers. The system is self-optimizing so it learns and automatically displays the versions that are more likely to convert.

Last fall, when US-based digital marketing technology provider, Silverpop, started looking for a flexible, user-friendly CMS system, the choice soon fell on EPiServer CMS. Since then, EPiServer and Silverpop have gone on to integrate their product platforms, enabling marketers around the world to deliver even more timely, relevant and personalized content to their target audiences.

“We decided to partner with EPiServer for a variety of reasons,” explains Dave Faupel, Vice President Marketing, Silverpop. “Aside from the fact that our technologies could be easily integrated, EPiServer’s solution supported our objective constantly to improve and enhance the customer experience.”

Silverpop Engage is a digital marketing tool that leverages user behavior to deliver greater efficiency and return on investment. Silverpop’s

products include a solution for managing email marketing campaigns, as well as a sophisticated marketing automation tool that analyzes prospect behavior and demographics to maximize campaign effectiveness and drive revenue.

“It’s easy to see why the integration of our systems is mutually beneficial,” Faupel says. “EPiServer’s technology has enabled us to give prospects and customers an even more relevant, personalized user experience, while Silverpop Engage allows EPiServer to take its technology to the next level – measuring digital interactions and customer behavior to increase conversions.”

Faupel believes that it is important to analyze user behavior and make use of testing, in order to improve the effectiveness of a website.

“Testing is about enhancing the user experience, as well as increasing the conversion rate,” he says. “The more you know about who’s visiting your site

and what they’re doing, the easier it is to figure out how to make your content more relevant and get prospects to convert.”

Aside from offering the integrated EPiServer and Silverpop platforms to its customers, Faupel says that Silverpop has benefited from using EPiServer CMS on its own website.

“Our previous CMS system lacked the sophistication of EPiServer CMS,” he says. “We were limited in terms of what we could do with personalization, integration and design. The main goal of our website is for customers and prospects to engage with our content and for prospects to use our web forms to convert into customers. We have more than 30 marketers using EPiServer CMS every day, and this solution has met and exceeded our expectations in terms of both flexibility and usability.”


By iSAbEllE�KliGER


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ABouT SIlverpopDigital marketing technology provider, Silverpop, offers a unique platform that combines marketing automation with email, mobile and social. By engaging the individual based on his or her behavior and delivering personalized experiences, Silverpop promises to achieve superior return on relationship, lead-ing to increased revenue, improved return on investment and enhanced brand loyalty. With its corporate headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, US, Silverpop has more than 5,000 customers around the world.


Learn more about how this works in EPiServer: episerver.com/ content-optimization

MoBile coMMerce 2013

MoBIle AnD TABleT uSAGe In The ukHow are consumers responding to the increasingly mobile nature of the internet? EPiserver surveyed over 1,000 people in the uK about their use of mobile devices and apps to find out.


Find out which UK retailers

have the best mobile strategies at

episerver.com/ m-commerce


Growth of mobile device ownership

When do they give up?

55%try mobile website or app

2–3 times before giving up.

47%stop using an app if it's hard to use.

28%will go to a competitor if they have

difficulty with a mobile site.

What triggers them to use mobile?

47%boredom when


31%when receiving

e-mail offer44%

find info when travelling

35%quicker access than PC/laptop

When are they frustrated with mobile use?

49% SPEED: sites slow to load

48% NAvigAtioN: horizontal and vertical scroll to read text

42% MiSSiNg FUNCtioNALitY: compared to desktop site

Mobile website vs. app usage

Where do they use mobile?

SmartphoneTablet Purchases via website

Purchases via app

Daily access,website

Daily access,app
















TABleTSHome ...........................................................................80%

SMArTphoneSHome ...........................................................................62%public transport ............................................33%office .........................................................................31%



nIr eyAl Age: 35 Resides: San Francisco Bay Area Background: MBA – Stanford Graduate School of Business, worked in the gaming and advertising industries, sold two start-ups: Sunshine Business Development and AdNectar Hobbies: Running, reading non-fiction, writing Good to know: Used his knowledge of habit creation to lose 10 kg and now sports a six pack


DeSIre. ThAT’S WhAT drives every successful digital product, both the producer’s drive to create and the consumer’s compulsion to use. This

desire is, according to lecturer, writer and en-trepreneur Nir Eyal, not for money or prestige, it’s a deeper motivation, “a psychological need, an itch you’re scratching.”

“Take Zuckerberg and Facebook or Page and Brin and their Google search engine – they were inspired by their own problem and they addressed it.”

Eyal’s interest in human behavior was piqued during his time in the gaming and advertising industries and strengthened as he incubated and sold two tech start-ups.

“I have an insatiable curiosity, and this has been driven by my growing understanding of why consumers act the way they do.”

he TurneD hIS focus to psychology and consumer behavior, and now lectures at The Stanford Graduate School of Business, writes for the likes of Forbes and TechCrunch and is a sought-after speaker and start-up consultant in Silicon Valley.

Understanding user habits is increasingly important, says Eyal, especially as there is growing demand for attention as people are constantly connected. You need to know how to make sure your site cuts through the clutter and becomes an integral part of your user’s life. “Just making a decent product that’s func-tional is not good enough. If it’s not embedded in someone’s life, it will be ignored.”

This is particularly evident when you look at the various digital platforms. Before, when we all used desktop computers, an icon acted as a reminder, but now “the real estate is so much

smaller, so your site needs to be top of mind so that it’s used frequently, and thus becomes a habit.”

AnD ThIS IS where Eyal really gets into his stride. He’s spent the past two years research-ing decades worth of consumer behavior, in particular how we allow products to form our lives. His most surprising discovery is that in each case, there’s a particular behavioral pat-tern. “I have taken this pattern and applied it to how we create habits. The result is my Hook Model. In it, each pattern has a trigger, an ac-tion, a reward and an investment.”

To illustrate this, consider Twitter.The first time you hear about it, is from a

friend, or maybe you see a Twitter post on Facebook. So you click on it. This is the action.

Immediately, you’re shown interesting content, and here’s your reward: information. Your investment starts when you begin to follow people, and the product improves for you. As you invest more of your time in it, your Twitter account becomes personally valuable, it’s something curated for and by you.

In The pAST, when you were bored or needed escapism, you might have turned online to sports, news or fashion. Now your first stop is Twitter. And this – boredom or what is called

on The hook

By JANE�chRiStiE�-SMith�pHoTo JAy�WAtSoN

Look at your product and consider: is the

trigger clear; is the action simple; do you immediately get what you want?

Give users what they want – even if they don’t know what it is yet, says entrepreneur Nir Eyal.


FOMO, fear of missing out – is the trigger, the itch that Twitter scratches.

If your site or product requires habitual use, this model can be applied to all aspects of your planning, building and design. “There are lots of mistakes one can make in building a new product or start-up,” says Eyal. “The Hook Model can act as a lens to show product weaknesses – so you’ll know what to build, or more importantly, what not to build.” Look at your product and consider: is the trigger clear; is the action simple; do you immediately get what you want; does it leave you wanting more; does it get better with use?

This is also applicable to a site’s design and user-interface. “Map the user flow,” he says, “then take each step of the Hook Model and work through it. This not only helps you

understand your user, but it is also aids good design and usability."

In terms of current user development and design – for habitual and non-habitual user sites – Eyal feels we’re not yet where we need to be. Even though we listen to cus-tomers and track how they use our product, it is not enough. We should also focus on the user’s brain, on his or her intentions, ones that they might not even be aware of. “Psy-chology is the best place to start with any product, understand what drives people, find the trigger, serve a need, a desire – and then provide the solution.”

So, We’re BAck to desire, and the reason why Eyal headed down this path of habit study. He laughs quickly. His interest was not purely academic. “Yes, I struggle with

my own habits, ones that are endemic to Silicon Valley.”

Each night, Eyal and his wife would head to bed and “caress our devices – not each other!” The focus was the last email, tweet or blog comment. “To break the habit, our phones are no longer in the bedroom – did you know that 65 percent of Americans have their phones next to their beds and that a third of Americans would give up sex rather than lose their mobile phones? – and I’ve connected an inexpensive timer to my router that cuts off my internet connec-tion at 10pm.” Looking at this through his behavioral model, Eyal removed the trigger (his phone or laptop), and created space between the action (being able to go online) and the trigger in order to break the hook. “I still slip up, but I have found this is a useful tool for changing my own habits.”

Eyal firmly believes that this is where the future lies – “developers inspired by their own problems, finding the ideal solution for no other reason than you really understand the customer.”

Nir Eyal’s book Hooked will be available free to subscribers of his blog NirAndFar.com by the end of 2013.

Four ways to increase your online community’s customer engagement

recognize triggers: what brings your user in? Is it an email or alert about new content or is it when they

need help or advice in one of their own projects? Identify what draws people in through prompted triggers – like emails – and unprompted triggers – like emotional cues.

Simplify action: how easy is it to access your content? Knowing what users want and making sure they can get

to it quickly, is crucial.

variable rewards: don’t keep giving your customers the same type of content. “Do you check your email in

the hopes of finding the same stuff there? No, you hope to find something new each time.” Try tip blogs, hot discussion highlights or recommendations.

Get them invested: get users personally invested in your community. After they’ve been rewarded, give

them an opportunity to take simple steps to improve their experience.





Getting personal“Personalized data is going to be a requirement. The real future of the web is the idea that products shape themselves for the user. You need to give users what they want and then give them the opportunity to choose how they want to individualize the product. Technology products should get better with use.”

ImproveLena sPeGeL iNformatioN maNagEr, EpiSErvEr

1 2 3


SETTING Up THE TEST By presenting several alternatives of

content in blocks you can easily test what content, layout and images are most effective for your target group and lead to the most conversions. Let’s say that you want to invite users to an event and you have three different suggestions of banner images. You create three different blocks that all lead to-wards the same goal: to sign up for a cooking class.

ADDING vArIATIONS You add the self-optimizing block to the

page you want to promote the event on, for example the start page. You then add all three variations of the invitation. Finally you define the goal page, the page the visitor will end up on when they have signed up for the event. The self-optimizing block will be shown with a special highlight effect that only the editor can see.

WHICH WOrKS BEST?After a while you will be able to analyze

the progress and conversion rate of the three variations of invitation blocks. You will receive statistics and data that show how many times better a specific block has converted. The blocks are also self-optimizing so the system will automatically display which block works best.

Optimize your content for greater conversions EPiserver 7 CMs learns what content works best with your different visitor segments, and automatically displays that content more often. the multivariate test feature is a powerful tool for optimizing content, and it is easy to handle since you use the same drag-and-drop functionality that you use with content.

Sign Up Now!Our online cooking classes help you turn into

the chef extraordinaire you truly are.

Sign Up Now!Our online cooking classes help you turn into

the chef extraordinaire you truly are.

Sign Up Now!Our online cooking classes help you turn into

the chef extraordinaire you truly are.

Read more about how to

use the tool here: episerver.com/



What is new in this release of epiServer commerce? The platform will provide an enhanced user experience to e-commerce managers, merchan-disers and marketers. A unique combination of e-commerce and digital marketing software will enable our customers to manage their product catalogs even more quickly and intuitively across multiple sites and markets.

What are some of the new features?The Multi-Screen feature allows users easily to manage and optimize the e-commerce customer

experience consistently in all digital channels, while Multi-Market has been designed to help grow revenues across geographical locations, brands or customer offerings. Finally, Multi-Stock is a feature for managing multiple stock locations in multiple markets or stores.

What are the main benefits for users?Users will be able to change layouts and content more quickly and with greater ease, as well as to adapt their product and merchandizing strategies, in order to maximize conversion rates. Thanks to an easy-to-use range of tools, EPiServer Commerce

makes working with e-commerce intuitive, simple and constructive. It also enables businesses to respond more effec-tively to changing market trends and optimize the way their products are displayed online.

When will it be available? The new EPiServer Commerce will be released in the second half of 2013.

EPiserver will soon launch a new version of its multi-channel e-commerce solution. Product Manager David Bowen talks us through some of the new features.


David Bowen.

uPDAtEnews FroM episerverBy iSAbEllE�KliGER


The most recent version of EPiServer’s market-leading content management system, EPiServer 7.1 CMS, was officially released in April. Building on the success and flexibility of EPiServer 7 CMS, the new version is offered via a one-click upgrade available through the EPiServer add-on store. The upgrade offers marketers a range of new, innovative features, including multivariate testing and social message scheduling, all of which require minimal IT involvement. EPiServer Social Reach enables you to use a single interface to tailor socialized and personalized content across social channels, including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


one-click upgrade

the buying journey no longer takes place on a single device in a single context. Download our eBook from mobile to Desktop (and back again) to learn how to master communication on mobile, tablet and everything in-between. episerver.com/multiscreenenHanced searcH

FuncTionaliTy epiServer has completed the acquisition of Swedish search provider Euroling. By incorporating Euroling’s search technology into its existing capabilities, EPiServer will offer customers the ability to search across multiple structured and unstructured data sources.

“We know that customers have to analyze an abundance of data faster and use that information to present a unique, personal online experience to their visitors,” says EPiServer’s CEO Martin Henricson. “This initiative will enable us to improve the customer experience by delivering the best, most appropriate results to the visitor through advanced search functionality.”

EPiServer Find, designed for content retrieval applications and onsite search, is already available to customers. The search technology gained from the Euroling acquisition will be integrated with EPiServer Find, making it a state-of-the- art enterprise search application and a big data product.

sHarepoinT inTeGraTionepiServer connect for SharePoint is an add-on that integrates SharePoint 2013, 2010 or 2007 with EPiServer 7 CMS, allowing users to make the most of both solutions. The connector enables users to leverage their business-critical SharePoint assets by bringing them online in real time.

Content from SharePoint will be automatically published to the user’s website and can also be shared in social channels. Meanwhile, EPiServer 7 CMS will ensure that the content is put into the right context for maximum impact and that it looks good across screens – both on desktop and mobile devices.

This year will see the launch of EPiServer 7.5 CMS – a new version of EPiServer’s market-leading Content Management System – offering improved efficiency for some of the business user’s key tasks.

According to Product Manager Peter Sunna, the main theme for this release has been to reduce the time needed to complete the most common tasks, when creat-ing and optimizing the customer experience.

“EPiServer 7 CMS launched a new user inter-face that sought to make it easier to work with content,” he says. “With EPiServer 7.5 CMS, we’ve focused on efficiency by streamlining common tasks, such as adding a teaser to a page and defin-

ing how to display it. With our new self-optimizing blocks, users can also test what layout works best

and automatically display the winner.”Sunna explains that, as businesses continue to add more channels to

their marketing strategies, with a larger proportion of personal-ized content, EPiServer wanted to create a solution that would

make it possible to achieve greater impact with less work.

“Users of EPiServer 7.5 CMS will find a more responsive user interface that requires

fewer steps to create an effective, multi-channel customer experience,” he says.

EPiServer 7.5 CMS will be available in the second half of 2013.


Fuel your e-Commerce growth!

EPiServer Commerce is a multi-channel, multi-market e-Commerce platform built around the user.

Our e-Commerce solution incorporate the full scope of EPiServer’s best-in-class Web Content Management to power your end-to-end e-shop and help you reach

revenues and growth faster. No matter what channel or what market.

Visit www.episerver.com/Commerce

Connecting e-Commerce and Digital Marketing

Fuel your e-commerce growth!

EPiServer Commerce is a multi-channel, multi-market e-commerce platform built around the user.

Our e-commerce solution incorporates the full scope of EPiServer’s best-in-class web content management to power your end-to-end e-commerce site and help you

reach revenues and growth faster. No matter what channel or what market.

Visit www.episerver.com/Commerce

Fuel your e-Commerce growth!

EPiServer Commerce is a multi-channel, multi-market e-Commerce platform built around the user.

Our e-Commerce solution incorporate the full scope of EPiServer’s best-in-class Web Content Management to power your end-to-end e-shop and help you reach

revenues and growth faster. No matter what channel or what market.

Visit www.episerver.com/Commerce

Connecting e-Commerce and Digital Marketing