Ephesians 6 1 24

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Eph 6:1-24

Transcript of Ephesians 6 1 24

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Changing Our Hearts, Our Habits, and Our Holiness

Chapter 6:1-24

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Imitators of God

A life of Love – unconditional and sacrificial – to put others first.

No Hint of Sinfulness – in attitude and in action. Avoid even the appearance of evil.

Children of Light – dispelling the darkness around us and in others.

Live in Wisdom – understand the thinking of God and the impact of righteousness.

Understand His Will – He will reveal His specific will to you when you obey His general will. No obedience – no revelation.

Filled with the Spirit – it is a continuous thing. Like wine – filling will affect our actions and behaviour. Goofiness may result.

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Submission Wives to Husbands – submit as to the Lord – submit to sacrificial

love and service

Husbands to Wives – submit to serve in humility and to love sacrificially – as the Lord

Church to Christ – submit to His love, cleansing, and restoration.

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

God set up the leadership of Husbands and Fathers to be one of loving authority

The submission to authority is one of obedience.

The role of a child is to honour their parents through obedience.

The role of the Father (primarily) is not to provoke a child to anger or bitterness (exasperate).

God brings the blessing with obedience

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Paul connects obedience to employers to submission to Christ.

This obedience extends beyond what is asked to what is expected.

The role of the employee is to live up to expectations when there is no one watching – diligence, responsible, and reputable.

The role of the Employer is to treat their employees with respect, diligence, and responsibility. Threats and favouritism are not acceptable in the eyes of God

God brings the rewards with obedience

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Shoes of the Gospel Protects our walk and provides a firm footing on which to


Sword of the Spirit Must be wielded under the complete guidance of the Holy

Spirit. It is His sword. It is His Word.

Shield of Faith Used to defend our weakest areas in ourselves and others Combined faith is greater than the sum of the parts Faith is only effective if it has been anointed with the oil of

the Holy Spirit

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Breastplate of Righteousness Secures the vital areas and adds: integrity, holiness, purity

of life and sincerity. His righteousness provides our invulnerability.

Helmet of Salvation It protects our minds – our thoughts and our will. For as a

man thinks, so he is.

Belt of Truth Integrity in all aspects of the Christian life. Walking the

talk. The belt holds all other pieces of armour together. If there is no consistency of truth, the armour will fall apart

and you will fall victim to the enemy.

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

This must be our understanding everyday. We must realize that we are in a battle everyday.

It is about Standing for: Truth, Nobleness, Righteousness, Purity, Love and

Beauty, Admirable things, and Praiseworthiness

Everyday we must clothe ourselves in the Armour of God – the Armour of Light Put off the old and put on the new

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Not Flesh and Blood. Our battle is NEVER against people

Rulers Satan seeks to rule through governance structures. E.g. school boards, governments, church boards, bible study groups

Principality People groups and Areas – demography and geography E.g. unwed mothers, abandoned teenagers E.g. the wrong side of the tracks, downtown

Powers Satan supplants a power where a sin has been committed

innumerable times. E.g. Greed in Las Vegas

Some material from YWAM – Dean Sherman – has been referenced

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Prayers of Intercession Be willing to put yourself between the enemy and the object of

intercession – families, churches, illness, and people

Holy Living A holy life, committed to truth, will dispel the powers of darkness

Delivering the Gospel Putting in the light of God in people’s lives, dispels the darkness of

sin and corruption

Righteous Reactions Reacting with the righteousness of God in midst of adversity

Fasting Looses the bands of wickedness and sets the oppressed free

Some material from YWAM – Dean Sherman – has been referenced

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Giving Giving generously will break the bonds of Greed and God will rebuke

the devourer

Determined Vision Be determined to establish the kingdom of God at all costs – it drives

back the powers of darkness

Steps of Faith Anything God says is believable based on the whole counsel of God

– His Word and His Character. Acting on that in faith – defeats the enemy.

Praise It releases angelic ambushes against the enemy

Some material from YWAM – Dean Sherman – has been referenced

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Resist the Devil Resistance only starts when you submit to God.

Endurance Determined patience and a willingness to outlast the devil.

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries


Children to Fathers

Employees to Employers

Loving Authority

Fathers to Children

Employers to Employees


Blessing of long life and prosperity from God.

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Armour of God We must clothe ourselves in it everyday Shoes of the Gospel, Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith, Breastplate

of Righteousness, Helmet of Salvation, and Belt of Truth

Spiritual Warfare Mankind is never our target We must battle the Rulers, Principalities, and Powers in the

Heavenly Realms

We fight Intercession, Holy Living, Delivering the Gospel, Righteous

Reactions, Fasting, Giving, Determined Vision, Steps of Faith, Praise, Resisting the Devil, and Endurance.