Epcccccccc (2)

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Epcccccccc (2)

tan wing hoetey thien hee

effective public communicationoral presentation

religious building

chartres cathedral


• fire that largely destroyed the previous church in 1194• new choir being complete by 1221• whole building consecrated in 1260


• fire in 1134• rebuilding began in 1145• Two flanking towers were combined• three portals were clearly separated• formed a unified whole• connected by a horizontal band or frieze of sculptures

structure and layout

flying buttress

pointed arches

ribbed vault

structure and layout

pointed arches• recognizable shape from the gothic period• Relieved thrust• More emphasis on the vertical

flying buttresses• External characteristic• taking weight of the walls• Transferring force to ground

structure and layout

ribbed vault

structure and layout

• support the weight of building• delineated the vaults• sense of unity

structure and layout


aisle- run parallel to the main areas

apse- circular of angular end of church

choir- section of the church east of the transept

nave- central area of church

transept- section crosses the nave

structure and layout


sculptures & carving

• Leaves, flowers, conventional pattern and large statues.

• Statues were saints or person.


gargoyles• Convey water from roof away from the side of buil• Concept of evil • Scared evil spirits away from church



stone• hard enough to stand up• last a thousand years• strong in compression• bending and sheering



wood• framed in massive• complex structure of wood


iron• form of iron reinforcement• iron stabilisers across the nave


• Spiritual, meditative and emotional• Plainly visible by the subjects• Walls become windows• Created the effect of interior lightness and space


the end