Environmentally sustainable housing for women's single living

Post on 27-May-2015

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This is the final project for my master degree.

Transcript of Environmentally sustainable housing for women's single living

Environmentally Sustainable Housing for Women’s Single Living!- Mobile App Design!

Conducted  by    Chao  Guo  May  2014  

Content! Introduction!Background!Purpose of Study!Scope!!User Research!Overview!Data Collection!Data Analysis!General Insights!Typology!Bi-axial Map!Snapshot!!Design!Information Architecture!Mockups!Usability Testing!UI Design!Demo Video!!Conclusion!SWOT Analysis!Future Implication!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

Sustainable housing offers a great spectrum of opportunities to promote economic development, environmental stewardship, quality of life and social equality.(Golubchikov, 2012)!!Sustainable housing serves not only individuals, but also the entire society.(Armstrong, 2000)!!Building construction and use share the largest responsibilities in global resource use and pollution emission. (ISOVER, 2008)!!



This study aims to recognize the opportunities, identify insights, and propose a mobile application concept with multiple functions that could help encourage women’s transition toward environmentally sustainable housing. !  

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!


�  Environmental Dimension of Sustainable Housing!�  Women’s Behaviors!

�  Housing Condition in US!  

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!







Insights  +  


Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

Participant Strategy!

Recruitment:!Post the information on Facebook and encourage my friends to share it.!!Potential Participants:!Women living alone!Living in US!Aged between 20 to 35!  

12  Par8cipants  

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

Data Collection!


Survey! Interview!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

Data Analysis!Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

General Insights!

General Insight 1:!Women who live single have the sense of sustainability even it cannot be reflected by their

behaviors.!General Insight 2:!

women care about how much money they should pay for housing, which somewhat determines their behaviors in the upcoming future.!

General Insight 3:!

The majority of problems associated with the environmental sustainability of participants’ housing stem from the use of their household appliances.!

General Insight 4:!

Energy consumption is a good point to consider environmentally sustainable housing.!!* These insights are generated from both the survey and interview.!



Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

Bi-axial Map!

* Biaxial map enabled to study users separately and identify different opportunities based on their characteristics. The vertical axis stands for the level of women’s economic concerns about housing. The horizontal axis stand for the level of women’s knowledge in the field of sustainable housing. The four groups of women were labeled by different names based on their characteristics.!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!


Explorer Women (More Economic Concerns × Less Knowledgeable ): !

Insight 1:!They are sensitive to money, instead of the amount of energy.!Opportunity 1:!A convertor to translate the amount of energy into the amount of money.!!Insight 2:!They only want the tips of selected appliances, instead of the general guidelines. !Opportunity 2:!An instruction booklet (paper or digital) specifically created for their appliances.!  

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

Free-style Women (Less Economic Concerns × Less Knowledgeable): !

Insight:!They need an motivation to care about environmentally sustainable housing. !!Opportunity:!Attractive items to encourage them to pay attention to sustainable housing !  

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!Snapshot!

Self-contradictory Women (More Economic Concerns × More Knowledgeable):!

Insight:!They use their knowledge to recognize gaps of sustainable housing, and prefer cheap tools.!!Opportunity:!Manual-control tools are used to help record the detailed information about energy consumption.!  

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!Snapshot!

Free-style Women (Less Economic Concerns × Less Knowledgeable): !

Insight:!They care about the quality and usability of the products or services. !!Opportunity:!Advanced and innovative techniques are desired to achieve environmentally sustainable homes.!  

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!Snapshot!

Research ! Design!Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

Function Mapping!Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

Information Architecture!

Phase 1! Phase 2!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

Information Architecture!

Phase 3!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

Sketch Board!Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!


Welcome Page & Home Page!These are the two screens shared with all users.!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

Old User & New User Access!The text (user name) will be replaced with the user’s actual name.!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!Wireframe!

Calculator – Select Apartment!Before entering the real calculator, users are required to select their apartments first. They are allowed to save the apartment information in this App for the future use.!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!Wireframe!

Calculator !In this phase, the calculator for individual appliance is available.!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!Wireframe!

Booklet Generator!The booklet is generated based on the appliances which users selected. The purpose of the booklet is to provide some using tips in order to save energy.!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!Wireframe!

Booklet Filter!Users are allowed to view the tips for one specific appliance. Also, they can download the information or send it over via email. !

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!Wireframe!

Post Screen!This screen presents all the saved articles and blogs. Users can review them or share with others anytime.!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!Wireframe!

Journal - Calendar!The consumption of the energy is recorded separately for the individual day. A calendar is employed to organize these records.!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!Wireframe!

Journal !The consumed energy for the appliances is calculated based on time and money.!!More options are provided to view the records for the entire week or month.!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!Wireframe!

Journal - Weekly!For the records of the entire week, users can check the consumed energy for each appliance by tapping the icon of the specific appliance.!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!Wireframe!

Mockups!Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

Usability Testing!

* I found two target user to try the demo app. This was not a serious test, but their feedbacks also contributed to high-level user experience.!!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

UI Design!Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!UI Design!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!UI Design!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!UI Design!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!UI Design!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!UI Design!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!UI Design!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!UI Design!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!UI Design!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!UI Design!

Demo Video!


Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

SWOT Analysis!Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

Future Implication!

� Additional project to test the effectiveness of the app.!� The study of environmentally sustainable housing for other regions and other groups of users.!

� The research of other dimensions (economic, social, cultural) of sustainable housing.!!

Introduction! User Research! Design! Conclusion!

