Environmental system values Yucatan's Cenotes

Post on 21-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Environmental system values Yucatan's Cenotes

Yucatan's CenotesEnvironmental Value Systems


Environmental value systems are the set of paradigms that determine how individuals or societies measure the value of the ecosystem in which they live, and the way they perceive the issues that happen within there. 

This system's influences include cultural (including religious), economical and  socio-political context.

These are considered systems because they have inputs and outputs:

The Cenotes

Cenotes, also called sinkholes, are landforms typical of a limestone soil and other soft-porous terrains, originated by filtration of water and the subsequent erotion. 

They are placed in the area known as Riviera Maya, but they can also be found in Australia, USA, Canada, Malasya and China. 

Riviera Maya's cenotes stand out as numerous and  as importants for people who have been related with them such as the mayan civilization and the actual mexican inhabitants.

How cenotes are formed?

How cenotes are distributed?

Cenote's Ecosystem Characteristics-They hold mostly fresh water, but can be connected to sea water allowing some saltwater in the deeper areas of the cenote.

-Because of the characteristics of the soil (porosity, permeability and solubility) cenotes  intercoms virtually all existing water bodies in the area.

-Depending on the type of cenote (closed, semi-opened and opened) the variable sunlight also determined the amount and type of vegetation inside the cenotes. 

-Outside, the vegetation follows a gradient pattern, from lower amount and diversity far from cenotes, to a higher degree of both near this water bodies. 

Intrinsic Value• This is refered to the value Cenotes possess in its

own, as an end-in-itself. This value was not likely to be applied until an ecocentric view of this issue rise. 

• Here is respected the right this (and any) ecosystem have of exist and continue without any damage or change, forcing the people to respect this ecosystem.

• The intrinsic value also demerit the instrumental value Cenotes might have, considering them not longer means of achieve further benefits: income, stability of the ecosystem, goods and raw materials, welfare for inhabits. Therefore, this value seems to be ignored for both societies described, since in have a instrumental value for both of them. 


Personal points of view

Ancient Mayan civilization •  The value rely on the

dependence they have with its habitat; we think that this develop a respect for the environment and this give an added value besides the benefits this society gets from the environment. 

Actual Yucatan state•  The present value

this ecosystems have allow conservation efforts to act in favor the protection and conservation of Cenotes; but we consider that the intrinsic value must play a higher role in this actions in favor of the ecosystem. 


After analyzing the present economical, social, intrinsic and environmental values of Cenotes in Yucatan, it is possible to observe that the interest in this ecosystem has changed due to the economic, political and social changes. 

The environmental values regarding the ecosystem rely completely in economic interests, since Cenotes represent one of the main touristic areas of Yucatan differing from ancient times, when Cenotes had a religious and social value. 


• Martos, Luis Alberto. "Los Cenotes en la Actualidad."Cenotes en el Área Maya. Arqueología Mexicana, 1993. Web. 14 Mar 2011. <http://www.arqueomex.com/S2N3nTANCAH83.html>.

• Medina-González, Roger. "Aspectos Biológicos de los Cenotes de Yucatán." Departamento de Biología. SEDUMA, n.d. Web. 14 Mar 2011. <http://www.seduma.yucatan.gob.mx/cenotes-grutas/documentos/BiologiaCenotes.pdf>

• "Syllabus Content." Environmental Systems and Societies Guide. IBO, n.d. Web. 14 Mar 2011. <http://teachers.saschina.org/csmith/files/2010/08/TOPIC-7-SUMMARY-OUTLINE.pdf>.

• Papafilippou, Filippos. "Cenotes y Ríos Subterráneos de la Riviera Maya." Sexto Sol. Riviera Maya, n.d. Web. 14 Mar 2011. <http://mx.sexto-sol.com/cenotes-y-rios-subterraneos-de-la-riviera-maya.html>.

• "Cenotes ocultan los secretos de la cosmogonía maya."Antropología y Cultura. El Informador, 18/JUL/2010. Web. 14 Mar 2011. <http://www.informador.com.mx/cultura/2010/219054/6/cenotes-ocultan-los-secretos-de-la-cosmogonia-maya.htm>.