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  • 7/31/2019 Environmental Products (7)


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    A Weekly Column By Walter B. Hoye II

    Conflict Of


    In the abortion debate, is there a "Conflict of Interest"within the Black community and among her leaders?

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    Environmental Products (7)

    Black Wall Street

    One Of The Worst Race Riots In Our Nation's History Occurred In Tulsa.

    "I took my little girl by the hand and fled out the west door on Greenwood. I did not take time to gat a hat for myself or baby, but

    started out north in Greenwood, running amidst showers of bullets from the machine gun located in the granay and from the men

    who were quickly surrounding our district." Mary E. Jones Parrish,, An eye-witness account of the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot 1

    According to the Tulsa Tribune, the National Guard mounted two machine guns

    and fired into the area. Black Americans surrendered and were disarmed.

    They were taken in columns to Convention Hall, the McNulty Baseball Park, the

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    Fairgrounds and to a flying field during the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921. 2

    Executive Summary

    "The Worse Civil Disturbance Since The Civil War." 3

    "Personal belongings and household goods had been removed from many homes and piled in the streets. On the steps of the few

    houses that remained sat feeble and gray Negro men and women and occasionally a small child. The look in their eyes was one of

    dejection and supplication. Judging from their attitude, it was not of material consequence to them whether they lived or died.

    Harmless themselves, they apparently could not conceive the brutality and fiendishness of men who would deliberately

    set fire to the homes of their friends and neighbors and just as deliberately shoot them down in their tracks." TulsaDaily World, June 2, 1921 4

    Commonly known as "Black Wall Street," the

    racially segregated district of Greenwood in

    Tulsa was one of the most affluent All-Black

    Communities in the United States of America. 5

    In its day, Greenwwod served as a powerful

    economic model of market-based approaches to

    abject poverty through private ownership,

    conservative values and self-sufficiency forBlack Americans only one generation away from over four hundred (400) years of

    chattel antebellum slavery. 6 The area

    encompassed a population of 15,000 Black

    Americans. 7 However, in a matter of a fourteen

    (14) hour period, from Tuesday, May 31st, 1921

    to Wednesday, June 1st, 1921, one of the worst

    race riots in the history of our nation destroyed a

    once thriving, thirty-five (35) square block Black

    Business District in northern Tulsa, Oklahoma. 8 In the end, 10,000 Black

    Americans were homeless, over 800 injuries

    were reported and over 600 successful Black

    Businesses were lost. 9 Among these

    businesses were twenty-one (21) churches,

    twenty-one (21) restaurants, thirty (30) grocery

    stores and two (2) movie theaters, plus a

    hospital, a bank, a post office, libraries, schools,

    law offices, a half-dozen private airplanes and

    even a bus system. 10 1,256 homes were reported burned and another 215

    looted. 11 Property damage estimates ranging

    from 1.5 to 2 million dollars were reported which

    would amount to over twenty-one (21) million

    dollars in today's money. 12 Of the thirty-seven

    (37) death certificates, twenty-five (25) were for

    Black males and twelve (12) for white males.

    While the true death toll will probably never be

    known, nine (9) Black victims were burned

    beyond recognition and could not identified. 13

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    Part One: Findings

    On The Way To A Segregated "Colored" Restroom

    Tulsa Tribune Headline: "Nab Negro for Attacking Girl in Elevator"

    "I shined shoes with Dick Rowland. He was an orphan and had quit school to take care of himself. The Drexel Building was the

    only place downtown where we were allowed to use the restroom. Dick was a quite kind of fella. Never in no trouble. When he

    went to use the bathroom...in the elevator he slipped and bumped her, she screamed, he ran, and was accused of raping a white

    woman. "In broad daylight?" The Tribune wrote a story that triggered the crowd at the Court House: "To lynch a Negro tonight."

    The Tribune called him "Diamond Dick." Me, or nobody on Greenwood ever heard that name for him before. They invented it.

    Dick Rowland was poor as me. Neither of us probably ever saw a real diamond." Robert Fairchild, Sr., The oral account of a

    Black American eyewitness of the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 14

    Tulsa, Oklahoma was a segregated city where

    Jim Crow practices were live and legal. Black

    Americans were not allowed to use toilet

    facilities used by White people. 15 There was no

    separate facility for Black Americans at the

    shoeshine parlor where Dick Rowland

    worked. 16 So the owner of the parlor arranged

    for Black American employees to use the

    segregated "Colored" restroom on the top floor

    of the nearby Drexel Building at 319 S. Main

    Street where the Renberg's Department Store

    occupied the first two floors. 17 On Monday, May

    30th, 1921, Dick Rowland, a Black American

    believed to be nineteen (19), entered the Drexel

    building elevator to access the "Colored Only"

    restroom where he tripped, and while falling,

    latched on to the arm of the White elevator

    operator, Sarah Page, then seventeen (17)

    years old. 18 Startled, Sarah screamed and aWhite clerk in a first floor store called the police

    and reported seeing Dick Rowland flee from the elevator and out of the building. 19

    The White clerk on the first floor described the incident as an attempted assault. 20

    Subsequently, Dick Rowland was arrested on Tuesday, May 31st, 1921. 21

    According to the Tulsa World, "[Dick] Rowland's arrest the next morning was

    reported in a front-page story in that afternoon's Tulsa Tribune. Headlined 'Nab

    Negro for Attacking Girl in Elevator,' the somewhat sensational account reported,

    accurately if perhaps imprudently, that [Dick] Rowland was to be charged with

    attempted assault. 22 It said [Dick] Rowland scratched [Sarah] Page and tore her

    clothes." 23 While in custody, White citizens concerned for the safety of White

    women attempted to lynch Dick Rowland, 24 and Black citizens concerned for

    Dick Rowland's life attempted to protect him 25 and the Tulsa, Oklahoma Race Riot

    of 1921 was on.

    Part Two: The Aftermath

    The Klu Klux Klan Benefited From The Riot

    The "Assault" Case Against Dick Rowland Was Dropped

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    In the early 1900s the economic prosperity of

    Black Americans was often realized amidst

    violent racial and political tension. 26 In

    Oklahoma the Klu Klux Klan made its first

    major appearance shortly before the riot in

    Tulsa. 27 It has been estimated that there were

    about 3,200 members of the Klu Klux Klan in

    Tulsa in 1921. 28 As to be expected,

    researchers suspect that the incendiaryimpetus behind the riot in Tulsa was the Klu

    Klux Klan working in consort with ranking city officials and other sympathizers.

    However, it is interesting to note, that in the same month the case against Dick

    Rowland was dropped following the receipt of a

    letter from Sarah Page to Tulsa county

    attorney, John Seaver where she stated that

    she did not wish to prosecute the case, 29 a

    large Klu Klux Klan rally was held at

    Convention Hall. 30 Just three (3) months after

    the Riot, Wednesday, August 31st, 1921 in a

    private ceremony 300 Tulsans, supported by a

    throng of 1,500 onlookers, were initiated as the first class of the Tulsa Klan No. 2. 31

    By September 1921 twenty (20) hooded vigilantes "bullwhipped" a suspected

    bootlegger, car thief and hijackerJ. E. Frazier.

    Tulsa county attorney, John Seaver praised

    the Klu Klux Klan, intimated that Frazier

    probably got what he deserved and twelve (12)

    more "bullwhippings" followed. With the attack

    on Frazier, Tulsa's Klu Klux Klan era was in fullthrottle. 32 In January of 1922, the Tulsa

    Benevolent Association of Tulsa, Oklahoma, a

    holding company for the Knights of the Ku

    Klux Klan, Inc. was formed. 33 Washington E. Hudson, the attorney for Dick

    Rowland, was noted among the founding members of the Tulsa Benevolent

    Association, where in a field north of Owasso, Oklahoma, a nighttime

    "naturalization" ceremony initiated 1,020 Tulsa

    Klavern members before a fiery, 70-by-20 foot

    cross. 34 Founding members provided the

    financing and leadership necessary to build the

    Klu Klux Klan's temple, orKlavern, known as

    Beno Hall. It is reported that the locals jokingly

    called it "Be No Hall," as in "Be No Nigger, Be

    No Jew, Be No Catholic, Be No Immigrant." 35 By March 1922 Klu Klux Klan

    abducted and "bullwhipped" John K. Smitherman, a prominent Black American.

    The Klu Klux Klan cut off a piece of his ear and tried to force Smitherman to eat

    it. 36 By April 1922 , more than 1,700 Klu Klux Klan members marched through

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    downtown Tulsa while an airplane carrying an electrically lighted cross flew

    overhead. 37 In that spring's city elections, Klu

    Klux Klan candidates swept every office, and

    did the same when county elections came

    around in the fall. 38 Between November 1921

    and July 1923, according to formal indictments,

    thirty (31) Tulsans, everyone an admitted

    Klansman were involved in twelve (12)

    "bullwhipping" events in the Tulsa. 39 ByAugust 1923, just two (2) years after the riot,

    Oklahoma's anti-klan, Democratic Governor,

    John Calloway "Jack" Walton (who would

    later be impeached), declared martial law in

    Tulsa County because of Klu Klux Klan

    activity. 40 Looking back, one can easily see how wise a decision it was for Dick

    Rowland to leave Tulsa immediately after he was freed. 41

    ConclusionAn Open LetterTo Black America

    Black Wall Street Is The Model For Our Economic Success

    "THE NEGRO CANNOT WIN if he is willing to sell the future of his children for his personal and immediate comfort and

    safety." Martin Luther King, Jr. ("The Living King", Ebony, Vol. 41, No. 3, January 1986, Page 63.)42

    In 1921 Black Wall Street, in the Greenwood

    Section of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was home to over

    600 successfulBlack American businesses.

    Built by the blood and sweat of former slaves

    who traveled along the "Trail of Tears" to

    resettlement camps in Oklahoma and ironically

    aided by Jim Crow laws that forced the Black

    Community to become self-sustaining and

    interdependent, Black Wall Street became

    more than a bona fide "rags to riches" story. 43

    Black Wall Street, in the midst of a corrupt and moraly bankrupt country,

    transformed into a proven economic model and blue print for a productive,

    prosperous and secure future. According to

    David Reeves, an adjunct professor at San

    Francisco State University in the Afro Studies

    Department, a Black Wall Street "dollar

    circulated 36 to 1,000 times, sometimes taking a

    year for currency to leave the community. Now

    in 1995, a dollar leaves the Black community in

    fifteen (15) minutes." 44 According to John and

    Maggie Anderson, founders of The

    Empowerment Experiment (formerly called the

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    "Ebony Experiment"), despite the nearly $1 trillion dollars of buying power in

    Black America, for every dollar that Black Americans spend, only $0.02 cents are

    invested into Black-owned businesses. The

    Andersons advocate buying from Black-owned

    businesses to rebuild our community, schools,

    tax base and revitalize our workforce. 45 John

    Malveaux, President of the Long Beach Central

    Area Association, agreeing with the Andersons

    puts it this way; "there is a need to bring backsome sense of cohesiveness in the [Black]

    community, not only culturally but

    economically. 46 I agree. Malveaux is spot on.

    Practically speaking, with only $0.02 cents of every dollar of our buying power left

    in our community, $0.98 cents of every dollar we spend is being used by those who

    would oppress us. Essentially, we're funding our

    own demise and I have to wonder if we've lost

    our mind? Are we so dependent upon the

    government's dole that we can no longer

    discern the difference between life and death?

    Are we so deep in debt, so desperate and

    despondent in our disenfranchisement and

    disposition that we've abandoned the bloody

    lessons learned from the legacy of Black Wall

    Street and bought into the vicious vote buying

    schemes inherent in liberal policies? Star Parker, Founder and President of

    C.U.R.E., the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, in her "Memo to Romney"

    expands the discussion when she says; "getting

    off 'Uncle Sam's Plantation' is no longer aproblem limited to our poor. It is a problem and

    challenge for the whole country." 47 Here's my

    Memo to the Congressional Black Caucus:

    Capitalism for the rich and Socialism for the poor

    has not, does not and never, ever will work. It is

    long, long past time we got off"Uncle Sam's

    Plantation." Booker Taliaferro Washington,

    championed biblically moral character, personal

    responsibility, education and economic empowerment. 48 He was prophetic when

    he said: "The greatness of a nation in the future will be measured not by the vessels

    that it floats, but by the number of schools and churches and useful industries

    that it keeps in existence. It will be measured not by the number of men killed, but

    by the number of men saved and lifted up." 49Here is my bottom line: When we

    (i.e., Black American consumers and entrepreneurs) invest in each other by

    way of the time tested and proven promises of market-based public policies that

    promote private property, personal responsibility, and limited government we fight

    poverty. When we live by biblical values, such as abstinence, education, faith,

    family and freedom, to protect biblically defined marriage, parental rights, the lives

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    of our women and the life of our children inside

    the wombs of their mothers we please God.

    When we please God, we win.

    Brothers, we really need to talk.


    01. Tulsa Race Riot, "Re-examine the Riot," Produced by the American

    Studies Program, Oklahoma State University (http://bit.ly/KFHOHK). Seealso Parrish, Mary E. Jones. An Eye-Witness Account of the 1921 Tulsa

    Race Riot by Mrs. Mary E. Jones Parrish as published in 1923: John Hope

    Franklin Center for Reconciliation, 2009 Edition.

    02. 1921 Tulsa Race Riot: captured men. Photo by Tulsa Historical Society: "Black detainees are led to the Convention Hall

    following a race riot in Tulsa, Okla, June 1, 1921. The National Guard rounded up blacks by the thousands and took them to the

    fairgrounds, the Convention Hall and a baseball stadium where they were given food and water. By day's end, many thriving black

    businesses in a 35-block area had been torched." (http://bit.ly/MOZn2V).

    03. Tulsa Reparations Coalition, Prologue and quote by State Representative Don Ross, "Tulsa Race Riot A Report by the

    Oklahoma Commission to study the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921" (http://bit.ly/Md5IE1).

    04. Tulsa Race Riot Report, The Final Report of the Oklahoma Commission to Study the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921, February 28,

    2001 (http://bit.ly/LSs3fq).

    05. Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma, "The Black Wall Street," Wikipedia (http://bit.ly/b9PcZ8).

    06. Randy Krehbiel, World Staff Writer, "The Questions That Remain, A conversation about Tulsa's Race Riot and racism

    today" (http://bit.ly/kmOj2L). See also "Slavery in America History.Com Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts." Quote: "Slavery in

    America began when the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to aid in

    the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco." (http://bit.ly/dERwex).07. "The Eruption of Tulsa": An NAACP Official Investigates the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 (http://bit.ly/I7zidR).

    08. Race Riot: Timeline | Tulsa World, "Timeline" (http://bit.ly/kmOj2L).

    09. Tulsa Race Riot, Wikipedia (http://bit.ly/2Cp2CU).

    10. Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma, The Tulsa Race Riot, Wikipedia (http://bit.ly/h0pbkE).

    11. Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Aftermath, Wikipedia (http://bit.ly/MEOcZS).

    12. The 25 Worst Riots of All Time, #9 Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 (http://bit.ly/8Wa3pa).

    13. Race Riot: Timeline | Tulsa World, "The Toll" (http://bit.ly/kmOj2L).

    14. Tulsa Race Riot, "Meet the Survivors," Robert Fairchild, Sr. (http://bit.ly/LhqEQa).

    15. The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow, Jim Crow Stories, "Tulsa Riot (1921)" (http://to.pbs.org/Lrb9SE).

    16. AfricanAmerican Resource Center, Tulsa Race Riot Timeline with Maps, "The Seeds of Catastrophe", May 31st, 1921


    17. Dick Rowland, Wikipedia (http://bit.ly/Mdyogj).

    18. Ibid.

    19. Ibid.

    20. Ibid.

    21. Ibid.

    22. The Tulsa Tribune, "Nab Negro for Attacking Girl In an Elevator," Tuesday, May 31st, 1921 (http://bit.ly/c49bGW).

    23. Ibid.

    24. Dick Rowland, Wikipedia (http://bit.ly/Mdyogj).

    25. Scott Ellsworth, "The Tulsa Race Riot History Does Not Take Place In A Vacuum" (http://bit.ly/Ne6fN).

    26. Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma, "The Black Wall Street," Wikipedia (http://bit.ly/b9PcZ8).

    27. Ibid.

    28. Ibid.

    29. Dick Rowland, Wikipedia (http://bit.ly/Mdyogj).

    30. Race Riot: Timeline | Tulsa World, "The Aftermath" (http://bit.ly/kmOj2L).

    31. Historical Atlas of Oklahoma, by Charles Robert Goins, Danney Goble, James H. Anderson, "Reported Incidents Involving

    The Ku Klux Klan, By County" (http://bit.ly/LSXKFw). See also Scott Ellsworth, "The Tulsa Race Riot History Does Not

    Take Place In A Vacuum" (http://bit.ly/Ne6fN).

    32. Beno Hall: Tulsa's Den Of Terror, by Steve Gerkin, September 3rd, 2011 (http://bit.ly/MdPVov).

    33. Ibid.

    34. Ibid.

    35. Ibid.

    36. Historical Atlas of Oklahoma, by Charles Robert Goins, Danney Goble, James H. Anderson, "Reported Incidents Involving

    The Ku Klux Klan, By County" (http://bit.ly/LSXKFw).

    37. Race Riot: Timeline | Tulsa World, "The Aftermath" (http://bit.ly/kmOj2L).

    38. Ibid. See also The House of Kerr of Ardgowan, The Grandfather Kerr Clan. Quote: "The enormous economic power and

    political leverage of Tulsa's oil establishment has always managed to suppress much public knowledge of the 1921 Tulsa Race

    War or the complete Ku Klux Klan political takeover of Oklahoma after the November 1923 impeachment of Oklahoma's

    courageous anti-Klan Governor Jack Walton orchestrated by Richard Lloyd Jones." (http://bit.ly/MdTEm6). See also Tulsa Race

    Riot Survivors Sue Tulsa Tribune, by Attorney Jim Lloyd of Tulsa represents the survivors, Dated: Friday, May 30th, 2003,

    Here's the case: "On the eve of the 83rd anniversary of the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921, survivors of the Riot are filing a civil

    lawsuit in the Western US District Court, Kansas City Missouri, naming the Tulsa Tribune newspaper, the Estate of Editor and

    Publisher Richard Lloyd Jones Sr., the Estates and Family Trusts of Jones Family members and members of the Ku Klux

    Klan organization in Tulsa for their deliberate actions that started one of the worst race riots in American history."


    39. Historical Atlas of Oklahoma, by Charles Robert Goins, Danney Goble, James H. Anderson, "Reported Incidents Involving

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    The Ku Klux Klan, By County" (http://bit.ly/LSXKFw).

    40. Race Riot: Timeline | Tulsa World, "The Aftermath" (http://bit.ly/kmOj2L). See also Governor of Oklahoma

    (http://bit.ly/MEUNn6) and Impeachment (http://bit.ly/NtU3rE). See also Hiram Wesley Evans, the Imperial Wizard who "devoted

    funds to fighting Jack C. Walton, the anti-Klan governor of Oklahoma; to the group's joy, Walton was impeached and removed

    from office in 1923." (http://bit.ly/K8RILU).

    41. Dick Rowland, Wikipedia (http://bit.ly/Mdyogj).

    42. Martin Luther King, Jr., "The Living King", Ebony, Vol. 41, No. 3, January 1986, Page 63 (http://bit.ly/LzCLHI). See also

    Stride Toward Freedom by Martin Luther King, Jr.: "The Negro cannot win the respect of his oppressor by acquiescing; he

    merely increases the oppressor's arrogance and contempt. Acquiescence is interpreted as proof of the Negro's inferiority. The

    Negro cannot win respect of the white people of the South or the peoples of the world if he is willing to sell the future of his

    children for his personal and immediate comfort and safety." (http://bit.ly/LccWus).

    43. Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma, The Roots, Wikipedia (http://bit.ly/MgPqdj). See also "Burning of Greenwood, Oklahoma - The

    Black Wall Street" by Samuel Black: "Based on the growth of African-Americans in Greenwood, Jim Crow laws legalizing

    segregation were passed in 1908." (http://bit.ly/bVsusN).44. David Reeves, "What Is Black Wallstreet?" (http://bit.ly/1Q5eOf).

    45. Black Dollars, Support Black Businesses, by Dianne Anderson, Precinct Reporter Group, (http://bit.ly/LbcJKa).

    46. Ibid.

    47. Star Parker, author of "Uncle Sam's Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America's Poor and What We Can Do About

    It" (http://amzn.to/MPW4sh). Star Parker is the founder and president of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education

    (http://bit.ly/8EtAxr), a 501(c)(3) non-profit think tank which promotes market based public policy to fight poverty. Hear ye her in:

    "Memo to Romney: Whole nation is on government plantation" (http://bit.ly/xaEPsR).

    48. Booker T. Washington, Wikipedia (http://bit.ly/1qr4J).

    49. Vote God, is committed to motivating and mobilizing people of Faith to amply Vote! Recent statistics show, 75% of

    "people of Faith" don't vote! This will change, and MUST change this year (2012)! The earth groans and God stands, waiting for

    "people of Faith" to take a STAND for Him! Visit us on Facebook here: http://on.fb.me/KBRliU or stop by our website here:


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