#EnView- #Energy Information Management & Analytics #EDA

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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Information brochure for cloud based Energy Information Management & Analytics system developed by E-Cube Energy!

Transcript of #EnView- #Energy Information Management & Analytics #EDA


Cloud Based Energy Information Management& Analytics Tool


E-Cube Energy

Information accelerates performance

Data Analytics- Need of the hour!

Energy consumption reduction has been topping the priority list for organizations allaround the world. Central administrations all around the world have started to take noteand this has led to several policy decisions as well; Perform, achieve and Trade schemebeing a prominent one in the Indian context.

Conventional Methods like energy audits do not cut it for organizations anymore. Data isthe only way to uncover hidden energy potential savings, opportunities for optimizationand monitoring processes and equipment at cellular level.

Inability to use primary data obtained from metering systems have restricted organizationsfor long. It is time to use the data, analyze it and draw meaningful inferences so as toreinforce your business with information and DATA DRIVEN decisions.

EnView- Cloud based EIMAS developed by E-Cube Energy

En-view is our own indigenously developed energy information management and analyticssystem. In contrast to the generic information management systems existent in the market,En-view gives you access to processed data which can help you take instrumental decisionsbased on valuable inputs obtained from performance assessment, trend analysis, statisticalanalysis etc.

En-view is available in 3 packages! You can select one depending on how strongly you wantto get started with use of Data!

Features that help you transition to Datadriven decision making process!

Data entry forms are customized to meet user and sector specificrequirements

Unique KPI driven approach to assess GTG and process specificperformance. En-view Dashboard allows management to have a highlevel performance scorecard on a daily basis.

En-view monitors KPI’s on a daily basis and lets the users stay informedof any deviations from the benchmark/baseline values in the form ofalerts and alerts summaries.

Standardized form of reporting along with provision for audit trail aswell as time stamp increases the effectiveness of the system as well asassures compliance.

Monthly custom digests with commentary from our analysts are sentto users on their nominated email addresses

Analysts from E-Cube Energy share ways in which units can optimizeenergy consumption in respect to production/process

Access to normalization factors, internal and external bench-marking.

Its user friendly and simple to use!

Its simple,easy to useand in 6steps youare readyto be Datadriven!

Close lookat how amajorTextileplayer hasbenefitedfromEnView!

E-Cube Energy Trading Private Limited9, Old China Bazaar Street, 6th Floor, Room No.

90,Kolkata- 700 001

Ph: +91 33 6509 0005Web: www.eetpl.in | www.en-view.com

Email: umesh@eetpl.in