Entrepreneurship New Venture Creation 31 Module 1712 110909070051 Phpapp01

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Entrepreneurship &New Venture



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The term entrepreneur is derived from the

French word entreprendre which means to


It means the person who undertakes the risk

of the new enterprise

In the 16th century the Frenchman who

organized and led military expeditions were

referred as Entrepreneurs

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According to Richard Cotillion

An entrepreneur is a person who buys factor services at certainprices with a view to selling its product at uncertain price (un-expected price)

According to International Labor Organization (ILO)

  Entrepreneurs as those people who have the ability to see andevaluate business opportunities, together with the necessaryresources to take advantage of them and to initiate appropriateaction to ensure success

According to Peter F.Drucker

An entrepreneur is one who always searches for change, responds toit and exploits it as an opportunity. Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, that means by which they exploit change as anopportunity for a different business or service

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Nature/Characteristics of Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur is a keyplayer in economic



introduce new things inthe economy

They are considered as

the business leader and

not as simple owner of 


Importance of Entrepreneurs

The importance of anyentrepreneur is as


 Develop new markets

 Discover new sources of 


 Mobilize capital


 Introduce new


 Create employment

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Finally to become successful entrepreneur one should have the

following characteristics:-

  Need to achieve (goals should achieve)

  Independence (start business their own)  Risk bearing (ready to face uncertainty)  Locus of control (governing and shaping the goals with high control)  Determination (working sincerely on goal achieving)  Positive self-concept (thinking positive and analyze anything by

SWOT analysis)  Ability to find and explore opportunities (finding/grab

opportunities)  Hope success (feeling success in each and every step they move no


  Flexibility (measuring pros and cons of decision and tend to changeif situation demands)

  Analytical ability of mind (unaffected by personal likes and dislikes)  Sense of efficacy (oriented always to goals no deviation or diversion

by external influence)

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  Openness to feedback and learning from experience (ready to acceptfeedback)

  Confronting uncertainty (they are always optimistic, they take odd as theopportunity)

  Interpersonal skills (they like dealing with people at all levels)  Need to influence others (they influence the others by their goals and their

procedures/convince others)  Stress takers (ready to work for long hours with full energy)

  Time orientation (they will stick on to the time, time is important)  Innovators (they will introduce new products and services)  Business communication skill (they must have good communication to lead

market)  Telescopic ability (they will think every activity in microscope)  Leadership (they will act as leaders to lead business)

  Business planning (they will plan present and future course of action)  Decision making (they have quick decision making ability)  Ability to mobilize resources (they will mobilize 6-Ms: Man, Money,

Machinery, Market and Method)  Self-confidence (they must have self-confidence about their goal


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FunctionsEntrepreneur Function Functions Important 

 for DevelopingCountries

Other Functions

1.  planning 1.  Idea generation 1.  Management of share resource

1.  Diversification of production

2.  Organizing 2.  Determination of 


2.  Dealing with


2.  Expansion of the


3.  Decision


3.  Raising of funds 3.  Acquiring and

assembly of the


3.  Maintaining

cordial employer

and employee

relations4.  managing 4.  Procurement of raw


4.  engineering 4.  Tackling labor


5.  innovation 5.  Procurement of 


5.  New product 5.  Coordination with

outside agencies

6.  Risk


6.  Market research 6.  Parallel


7.  Un-certainty


7.  Determination of form of enterprise

7.  marketing

8.  Recruitment of 


8.  management

9.  Implementation of 

the project

9.  Customer


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Role of Entrepreneur

1.  Initiator A key man who imagine new opportunities, techniques,

new products/services2.  innovator Brings overall change by innovation and creativity

3.  coordinator Coordinate social and economic values of society

4.  leader act as a leader with outstanding leadership qualities5.  Social worker He always works for the wellbeing of the society

6.  Welfare agent He will encompass/cover all sectors and fields welfare


employer He will act as employer by in taking some unemployed8.  Development


Contributes service for development the country and

building country economy

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Q uality of a Successful Entrepreneur

Inner drive to succeed

( should have feeling towin in the heart)

Strong belief in

themselves Search for new ideas

and innovation

Openness to change

Competitive by nature

Risk taker

Accepting of constructive

criticism and rejection(ready to accepts


Time management

Vision and leadership

Ethics and morals

Discipline yourself 

Highly motivated and


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Ethics and Social Responsibility of 

Entrepreneurs The word ethics is

derived from Greek word

ethos which means

standard or ideals that

should prevail Entrepreneurship ethics

are the moral principles

which should govern the


It also referred businessethics

Business ethics refers to

the application of ethics to

business Business ethics is a

specialized study of moral

right or wrong. It

concentrates on moralstandards as they apply to

business policies,

institutions and behavior

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Principles of Entrepreneurs Ethics

An Entrepreneur will think of themselves as a

part of community not just profit maker An Entrepreneur will treat the environment

as a silent stakeholder, a party to which they

are wholly accountable An Entrepreneur will protect the privacy

rights of the suppliers, customers and


An Entrepreneur will deliver what they

promises, and promise what they can deliver

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Misconceptions about Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are born and Entrepreneurship

is Hereditary Entrepreneurs are profit Hungry and

Exploit(hard work done by Labor)

Entrepreneurs are Dishonest(fraud &


Entrepreneurs are favored by luck

Only Rich people can become entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is monopoly (a market in

which there are many buyers but only one

seller )of certain communities

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Entrepreneurship The Entrepreneurship was defined as , Entrepreneurship is

the attempt to create value through recognition of businessopportunity, the management of risk taking appropriate tothe opportunity and through the communicative andmanagement skills to mobilize human, financial and materialresources necessary to bring a project to successful

According to A.H.Cole, Entrepreneurship is the purposefulactivity of an individual or a group of associated individuals,undertaken to initiate, maintain or maximize wealth, profit byproduction or distribution of economic goods and services

Entrepreneurship = Entrepreneur + Enterprise

(Process) (Person) (Object)

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Nature/Characteristics of Entrepreneurship

Purposeful activity

Decision making Accepting challenges Risk taking Building organization

Dynamic process (bring new opportunities) Gap filling function (filling goods and services tosociety)

Skillful management Innovation

Mobilization of resources

Economic Activity (creation and operation of an enterprise)

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1.  Refers to a person 1.  Refers to a process

2.  visualizer 2.  vision

3.  creator 3.  creation

4.  organizer 4.  organization

5.  innovator 5.  innovation

6.  technician 6.  technology

7.  initiator 7.  Initiative

8.  Decision maker 8.  decision

9.  planner 9.  planning

10. leader 10. leadership

11. motivator 11. motivation

12. programmer 12. action

13. Risk taker 13. Risk taking

14. communicator 14. communication

15. Administrator 15. administration

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Factors Affecting Entrepreneuship

Internal Factors


EntrepreneurOriented Factors

Production RelatedFactors

Finance RelatedFactors

Marketing RelatedFactors

1.  Low Risk



1.  Location


1.  Lack of access

to non-



1.  Promotional


2.  Low


2.  High cost of 


2.  Excessive


on financial


2.  Expansion plans

3.  Lack of 



3.  Poor capacity


3.  Inadequate



3.  New Product


4.  Lack of 


4.  Poor quality


4.  non

availability of 

credit at right


4.  Product


5.Lack of properEstimation 5. 

Inadequateinventory 5. 

Delay inpayment of 



Sales forcechanges

6.  Delay in loan


6.  Pricing policies

7.  Market

expansion to

new customers

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External Factors

Government polices & regulations

Shortage of power, water,

transport and critical raw


Business trends

Changes in population

Economic fortunes of customer

Changes in buying habits

Competitive pressures and


Economic cycles

Changing demand patterns

Industry trends



International events


Rigid institutional formalities

State of technology

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Entrepreneurial Decision Process

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating

something new with value by devoting thenecessary time and effort and assuming the risk

The new venture is formed through a very personal

human process

There are 3 steps in the entrepreneurial decision


The decision to leave a present career or lifestyle

The decision to form new venture

The decision that both external and internal factors

make new venture creation possible

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Types of Start Up Firms by Entrepreneurs

1. SalarySubstituteFirms

These are small firms that afford their owner or owners a level of 

income similar to what they would earn in a conventional job (fixed


Example:- Dry cleaners, saloons

2. Life stylefirms

Lifestyle firms provide their owner or owners the opportunity topursue a particular lifestyle and earn a living while doing

Example:- Tour Guides

3. EntrepreneurialFirms These firms create value towards the customersExample:- E-Bay, Google

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Scope of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship Works in different ways indifferent economic systems, such as



Mixed Economy

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Scope of Entrepreneurship

Capitalism(Private) Socialism(Public) Mixed Economy(Private+


A capitalist economy

represents free

enterprise, which

means freedom to save

and invest Free competition

very less interference

from Government

Price of the

product/Service may bedetermined on the

basis of the force of 

demand and supply

A Socialism economy

represents free

service towards the

society development

No competition Good Interference

from Government

Price of the

Product/Service may

be determined onthe basis of service

providers /sponsors

A Mixed economy

represent both services for

free of cost and sometimes

pay and use

Good Competition They have to satisfy the

customer and Government

This is Stability in Nature

Price of the

Product/Service may bedetermined by the

Government Sometimes

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Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development

Increase in National Income

Balanced Regional Development

Bringing Change in Structure of Business and


New Products, New Services and New Business

Dispersal of Economic Power

Better Standards of Living

Creating Innovation

Production Evolution Process

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Product/Service Evolution Process

Before starting a product or service an

Entrepreneur should follow the evolution steps

in order to produce a product or provide a



3.Business Analysis




6.Commercialization (full scale production )

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Problems of Entrepreneurship

Wrong surveys

Lack of identification of projects

Lack of infrastructure

Lack of quality control

Lack of market promotion

Lack of technology

Lack of finance

Lack of consulting services

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Factors Favoring Entrepreneurship as a Career Options

High need for Independence

To satisfy the dream of having high financialrewards

Opportunity to deal with all aspects of a business Achievement orientation

Implantation of Ideas Insecurity of Job Family Business Risk Taking

Government Economic Policy (Assistance fromGovernment)

Vision to Leave a Long Lasting Mark (Zeal toInnovate new product/Service)

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Indian Entrepreneurs

Dhirubhai Ambani 

JRD Tata 

Jamsetji Tata 

 Adi Godrej 

 Anil Ambani 

Dr. K. Anji Reddy 

 Azim Premji 

Bhai Mohan Singh 

B.M. Munjal Ekta Kapoor  

Ghanshyam Das Birla 

Karsanbhai Patel 

Kiran Mazumdar Shaw 

K.P. Singh 

Kumar Mangalam Birla 

Lalit Suri M.S. Oberoi 

Mukesh Ambani 

Nandan Nilekani 

Kasturbhai Lalbhai 

S.L. Kirloskar  

Naresh Goyal 

Dr. Pratap Reddy 

Rahul Bajaj 

Ramalinga Raju 

Ratan Tata 

Raunaq Singh 

Shiv Nadar  

Subhash Chandra 

Subroto Roy Sunil Mittal 

Tulsi Tanti 

Verghese Kurien 

Vijay Mallya 

Mallika Srinivasan 

Naina Lal Kidwai 

Shahnaz Hussain Sulajja Firodia Motwani 

Shobhana Bhartia 

 Aditya Vikram Birla 

Gulshan Kumar  

Vaman Srinivas Kudva 

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Creating Indian Entrepreneurs

A recent Mckinsey & Company-Nasscom report estimatesthat India needs at least 8,000 new businesses to achieveits target of building a US$87 billion IT sector by 2008.

Similarly, in the next 10 years, 110-130 million Indiancitizens will be searching for jobs, including 80-100

million looking for their first jobs. This does not include disguised unemployment of over

50% among the 230 million employed in rural India.

Since traditional large employers- including thegovernment and the old economy player-may find itdifficult to sustain this level of employment in future, it isentrepreneurs who will create these new jobs andopportunities.

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Todays knowledge based economy is fertile

ground for entrepreneurs, in India. It is rightly believed that India has an

extraordinary talent pool with virtually

limitless potential to become entrepreneurs. Therefore, it is important to get committed to

creating the right environment to develop

successful entrepreneurs.

To achieve this, India must focus on Four

areas as follows.

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The Four Areas

1. Create the Right Environment

for Success

2. Ensure that Entrepreneurs have

access to the Right Skill3. Ensure that Entrepreneurs have

access to µSmart Capital¶

4. Enable Networking andExchange

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Society¶s support of 

entrepreneurship should alsocontinue.This support is critical in providing

both motivation and public support.

A major factor in the developmentof this societal approval is themedia. The media should play a powerful

and constructive role by reportingon the general entrepreneurialspirit in the country highlightingspecific success cases of this spiritin operation.