Entrepreneurs can develop skills through hard work and education. Some people are born with certain...

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Transcript of Entrepreneurs can develop skills through hard work and education. Some people are born with certain...

Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?


What does success mean to you?

Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?

Entrepreneurs can develop skills through hard work and education. Some people are born with certain attributes useful for an entrepreneur, but success also comes from hard work, understanding, and patience.

Successful entrepreneurs take careful calculated risks and will often try to share their ideas and risks with others. Entrepreneurship is a stressful and demanding career, but the stress is often outweighed by the fact that entrepreneurs enjoy what they do and thrive on the flexible and innovative world of business. They often have an extremely high level of job satisfaction.

Starting a venture involves some risks and may even result in failure, but most successful entrepreneurial ventures are initiated by driven, talented people who are able to attract the right resources.

Although money is an important ingredient in the overall entrepreneurial venture, the entrepreneurial spirit is more readily satisfied by building an enterprise than simply by making money. The desire to transform a dream into reality is what always drives the entrepreneurial spirit.

Entrepreneurs are both Born and then Made Better

Sir Richard BransonThink about it...What gets you going? What makes you upset? What are you passionate about?

Born or MadeMad Men Stylehttp://potentielentrepreneur.ca/client/QuestionnaireNewSection1En.asp

SELF TEST-Give these a try. There are 2 sites, try both.http://www.mvp.cfee.org/en/selfassessisentforme.html


This questionnaire was prepared on the basis or research and observations of the characteristics of Canadian entrepreneurs in all industry sectors. On average, entrepreneurs tend to obtain overall results that are higher than those of the general population, and this for all characteristics. Granted, the mere fact of obtaining or failing to obtain results in line with those of entrepreneurs is not enough to indicate your potential as an entrepreneur. Many other factors come into play, including your personal circumstances, your milieu, your experience, timing, etc. What these results will do, however, is allow you to compare your answers to those of a group of entrepreneurs, and to note where they are the same and where they are different.

Motivations -

Aptitudes - Aptitudes are natural inclinations, competencies, abilities. Certain aptitudes predispose someone to be an entrepreneur.Attitudes - Attitudes are made up of perceptions, our feelings about something. They are judgements we make, ways we look at things

Motivation factors determine behaviour. They are the underlying reasons that induce someone to act.