Entity Relationship Diagrams - Infor

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Transcript of Entity Relationship Diagrams - Infor


Entity Relationship Diagrams

© Copyright 2005 by SSA Global Technologies, Inc.

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Publication Information

Release: SSA® ERPLX™ Release 8.3

Publication Date: April 2005

i i


Introduction..............................................................................................................1 Summary ............................................................................................................1 Background........................................................................................................1

Domain Models........................................................................................................2 Key to UML Notation........................................................................................2 Asset Management.............................................................................................2 Customer Service Administration......................................................................2 Customer Sales Order & Invoicing....................................................................2 Release Management .........................................................................................2 Outbound Logistics Management ......................................................................3 Pricing & Promotions ........................................................................................3 Material Configuration Management.................................................................3 Configurable Enterprise Financials ...................................................................3 Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces.....................................................3 Supplier Management & Control.......................................................................4 Supplier Management & Control - Payables .....................................................4 Engineering Management ..................................................................................4 Warehouse and Materials Management.............................................................4 Quality and Laboratory Management ................................................................4 Production & Logistics ......................................................................................4 Planning & Forecasting .....................................................................................5 Electronic Commerce Management...................................................................5 System Environment..........................................................................................5 Notes Management ............................................................................................5 Cartera Receivables Management .....................................................................5 Electronic Signature...........................................................................................5

Class Descriptions..................................................................................................28


Table Of Figures

Figure 0 – Key to UML Notation (deys.dat)………………………………… …7

Figure 1 - Asset Management (assets.dat) ..............................................................7 Figure 2 - Customer Service Administration (customer.dat)..................................8 Figure 3 - Customer Sales Order & Invoicing (sales.dat).......................................9 Figure 4 - Release Management (release.dat).......................................................10 Figure 5 - Outbound Logistics (outbnd.dat) .........................................................11 Figure 6 - Pricing & Promotions (pricing.dat)......................................................12 Figure 7 - Material Configuration Management (configur.dat)............................13 Figure 8 - Configurable Ledger (ledger.dat).........................................................14 Figure 9 - Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces (ledger2.dat) .................15 Figure 10 - Supplier management & Control (inbound.dat).................................16 Figure 11 - Supplier Management & Control - Payables (payables.dat)..............17 Figure 12 - Engineering Management (engring.dat).............................................18 Figure 13 - Warehouse & Materials Management (inventry.dat).........................19 Figure 14 - Quality & Laboratory Management (quality.dat) ..............................20 Figure 15 - Production & Logistics (producn.dat)................................................21 Figure 16 - Planning & Forecasting (planning.dat) ..............................................22 Figure 17 - Electronic Commerce Management (ecm.dat)...................................23 Figure 18 - System Environment (system.dat)......................................................24 Figure 19 - Notes Management (notes.dat)...........................................................25 Figure 20 – Cartera Receivables Management (cartera.dat).................................26 Figure 21 – Electonic Signature (esig.dat)............................................................27




Summary This document outlines the high level model of the persistent objects within current SSA ERPLX product. It covers the principles employed in modeling the existing database entities: the persistent objects, the object models for each major business domain, a key to UML notation, and the class details.

The purpose of the document is to provide a high level model of the persistent objects; where ‘high level’ means identification of the entity objects in the persistent layer and their relationships with each other. It is in effect a survey or catalog of the persistent objects in the current SSA ERPLX system.

Background The existing SSA ERPLX database consists of a large volume of information: which contain information on entities (e.g. Vendor), code tables (e.g. type_of_item), relationships between entities (e.g. Item_on_Pallet), and working tables used to pass information between applications and/or batch programs. There are over 1,400 identifiable entities supporting some 20,000 data attributes; other tables support the many relationships (i.e. table joins), contain coding information such as Postal_Code, or are temporary working tables supporting existing application programs.

This database provides the foundation on which additions and extensions can be introduced by both SSA and Client developers to meet particular needs.

For the purpose of the Persistent Modeling Project only those database entities that support all the business domains and platforms have been considered i.e. code tables and working tables have been ignored. Also, in order to provide a stable information base, only the data associated with Version 8.3.00 has been modeled, later versions can be considered after the initial analysis model; existing client extensions will not be considered unless planned to become ‘standard’ entities.

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Domain Models Extensive detail is shown in the following domain models as they reflect the current entities and relationships within SSA ERPLX Version 8.3.00. It is not intended that this level of detail is visible to the client objects and object developers using these persistent objects. However, for the developers of the persistent object model services, the detail in the domain models is at the appropriate level.

Key to UML Notation UML notation has been used for the model diagrams and a key to the notation is provided in Figure 0 - Key to UML Notation (keys.dat).

Asset Management Asset management: depreciation control for assets such as property or equipment with emphasis on tax and accounting treatment. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Fixed Assets (FXA) product. Figure 1 - Asset Management (assets.dat)

Customer Service Administration Customer service administration: the definition of customer organizations including credit management and banking activities. Begins with the customer invoice document, followed by receipt of customer payment. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Accounts Receivable (ACR), Advanced Remittance Processing (ARP), Credit and Deduction Management (CDM), and Cash Management (CSH) products. Figure 2 - Customer Service Administration (customer.dat)

Customer Sales Order & Invoicing Customer sales order & invoicing: the tracking of customer requests from order entry through invoicing. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Order Processing (ORD), Billing (BIL) and Sales Analysis (SAL) products. Figure 3 - Customer Sales Order & Invoicing (sales.dat)

Release Management Release management : the tracking of release management customer orders with reference to releases, retro-invoicing and shipments. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Release Management System (RMS) product. Figure 4 – Release Management (release.dat)

Domain Models


Outbound Logistics Management Outbound logistics management: tracking the shipments to customers with the emphasis on transportation planning, freight management, and import/export documentation. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Outbound Logistics Management (OLM) product. Figure 5 - Outbound Logistics Management (outbnd.dat)

Pricing & Promotions Pricing & promotions: relates to the determination of prices for customer orders, and the application of promotions and deals. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Promotions and Deals (PRO) product. Figure 6 - Pricing & Promotions (pricing.dat)

Material Configuration Management Material configuration management: tracks the material dependencies and interrelationships necessary to allow bills of material and routings to be dynamically configured based upon actual customer orders. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Configuration Management (CFG) product. Figure 7 - Material Configuration Management (configur.dat)

Configurable Enterprise Financials Configurable enterprise financials: the core general ledger repository to collect information from across SSA ERPLX. Management reporting is supported via budgeting and consolidation structures. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Configurable Ledger (CLD) and Structures and Consolidations (ENT) products. Figure 8 - Configurable Enterprise Financials (ledger.dat)

Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces Configurable ledger - subsystem interfaces: the interfaces between accounting or financial information in the various SSA ERPLX products and the journal entries that post that information into the ledger. This encompasses the relationships between various SSA ERPLX products. Figure 9 - Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces (ledger2.dat)

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Supplier Management & Control Supplier management & control: the procurement process of creating a requisition, placing the purchase order with a supplier, and receiving a delivery. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Purchasing Management (PUR), Inbound Logistics Management (ILM) and Warehouse Management (WHM) products. Figure 10 - Supplier Management & Control (inbound.dat)

Supplier Management & Control - Payables Supplier management & control - payables: the process of recording and paying a vendor invoice. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Accounts Payable Processing (ACP) and Cash Management (CSH) products. Figure 11 - Supplier Management & Control - Payables (payables.dat)

Engineering Management Engineering management: the configuration of bills of materials and routings for make-to-stock, assemble-to-order, and make-to-order environments. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Manufacturing Data Management (MDM), Cost Accounting (CST), and Capacity Planning (CAP) Products. Figure 12 - Engineering Management (engring.dat)

Warehouse and Materials Management Warehouse and materials management: management of stock by identifying products and inventory tracking; includes auditing on-hand levels. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Inventory Management (INV) and Warehouse Management (WHM) products. Figure 13 - Warehouse & Materials Management (inventry.dat)

Quality and Laboratory Management Quality and laboratory management: quality assurance and laboratory control functions for product specification, test planning, sampling, and test result reporting. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Quality Management System (QMS) and Laboratory Management System (LMS) products. Figure 14 - Quality & Laboratory Management (quality.dat)

Production & Logistics Production & logistics: tracking the progress of manufacturing processes. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Shop Floor Control (SFC), Advanced Process Industries (API) and JIT/Repetitive Manufacturing (JIT) products. Figure 15 - Production & Logistics (producn.dat)

Domain Models


Planning & Forecasting Planning & forecasting: forecasting product demand in combination with existing orders to create a production or distribution plan. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Forecasting Management (FOR), Distribution Resource Planning (DRP), Material Requirements Planning (MRP), and Master Production Scheduling (MPS) products. Figure 16 - Planning & Forecasting (planning.dat)

Electronic Commerce Management Electronic commerce management: track inbound messages to SSA ERPLX from external sources, and outbound messages from SSA ERPLX to external targets. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX Electronic Commerce Management (ECM) product. Figure 17 - Electronic Commerce Management (ecm.dat)

System Environment System Environment: definitions of the SSA ERPLX environment, users, products, menus, and security. This encompasses the SSA ERPLX System Functions (SYS) product. Figure 18 - System Environment (system.dat)

Notes Management Notes Management: all usage of notes throughout SSA ERPLX. This encompasses all SSA ERPLX products. Figure 19 - Notes Management (notes.dat)

Cartera Receivables Management European tool in Financials that replaces some SSA ERPLX products to more fully meet European-specific requirements. Figure 20 - Cartera Receivables Management (cartera.dat)

Electronic Signature Electronic Signature tracks the flow of records to be maintained electronically rather than handwritten. Figure 21 - Electronic Signature (esig.dat)

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3



SubClass#1 SubClass#2








Zero or One

One or MoreZero or More

Exactly One

Key to UML Notation


All links are bi-directional unless arrowhead present


1contains 0..1


1 1



Figure 0 - Key to UML Notation (keys.dat)

Domain Models










FixedAsset FixedAssetRetirement

TaxBook TaxBookDetail







* 1














* *



















Figure 1 - Asset Management (assets.dat)

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3
































ManualCheckBatch ManualCheckDetail



CheckDispositionHeader CheckDispositionDetail


CheckHistoryHeader CheckHistoryDetail







Notice Detail









1 *












1 salesforce

* 0..1


















1 *









1 * 1

** 1








*1 *1*















CustomerInvoiceContact *



1 *








* 10..1





















1 *














1 *





















Figure 2 - Customer Service Administration (customer.dat)

Domain Models

















Commission or

















LocationInventory Lot



















1..* 11










* *















1 *1..*












* 0..1*









1..41 1
































CustomerInvoiceContact *
















1 *



























0..10..1 0..1

Responsible 0..1






Figure 3 - Customer Sales Order & Invoicing (sales.dat)

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3








JitReleaseJitReleaseDetail ReleaseHistory














SequencedShipDetail SequencedShip


















Calendar forshipping


*Calendar for




* 1



1 *














1 0..1
















* 1









* use


























Figure 4 - Release Management (release.dat)

Domain Models

















CarrierCommodity Vendor
























AfcItem AfcSecurity


















default 1









1 *1






























0..1 *1 *

* *













1 *









1 uses1








1..* 11




* 1




























0..1 *




* 1* 1*














1 * *












Packaging Order Line,First Packed Order Line



Packaging Item



Packaging Item*


Packaging Item



Packaging Item













Inventory Item*


Packaging Item

1 1..*





Figure 5 - Outbound Logistics (outbnd.dat)

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


















promotion item




* free good or cashvalue item














*1 *




















Figure 6 - Pricing & Promotions (pricing.dat)

Domain Models


















StdConfigurationDetail StdConfigurationHeader



Vendor Currency








defined by






0..1Family Item







* 1



0..1 *



Family Item









GeneratedParent Item

0..1 *




1..* 10..1


verify match



replace Family Item by S-td Header if verify match



GeneratedParent Item


0..1replace Family Item byGenerated Parent Item







defined by












Figure 7 - Material Configuration Management (configur.dat)

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3











MapSet ChartOfAccounts




















AccountMacro SubsystemFieldUsage







































































1 1






















* 1





1..* 1








* 0..14





1 0..1


































Figure 8 - Configurable Ledger (ledger.dat)

Domain Models




CustomerInvoice CustInvoicePayment
















* *

* *





















































Figure 9 - Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces (ledger2.dat)

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3















ServiceCommodity MaterialCommodity


Not for Requisitions














ResupplyDelivery RegularOrderLine











Customer Address





ShippingPattern ShippingPatternDetail

Not for Commodity















0..1 *


















































0..1 *
























* 1* 1








































































0..1 0..1














Figure 10 - Supplier management & Control (inbound.dat)

Domain Models



RecurringInvoice VendorInvoiceDocVendorInvoicePayment





TaxBody VendorInvoiceTaxPaid



































* 1

*1 1 * *




1 *1*






* 0..1




























1 *1




1 *










1 1















Figure 11 - Supplier Management & Control - Payables (payables.dat)

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


















parent of












ApprovalStep Item



ReferenceDesignator ReferenceDesignatorHist























































1 1






1 1..*1























* 1 *

Figure 12 - Engineering Management (engring.dat)

Domain Models



































CycleCount InventoryTag StockCount









* 1

* 11






0..1 *








































*1..* 1

* 1* 1











* 1










































Figure 13 - Warehouse & Materials Management (inventry.dat)

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


ManufacturerLot QALot





CertificateFormat Specification







MethodDatasheet QAInstrument











SampleStability StabilityInterval















1 1..*




















1 *

























* 1

















1 *

* *Tracebility








*1 *
















1 *







1 *









1 1


Figure 14 - Quality & Laboratory Management (quality.dat)

Domain Models
































































* *













*1 *







* *









1 *





1 *0..1



1 1..*


1 *










1* 1






















1 1











Figure 15 - Production & Logistics (producn.dat)

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3



Facility Warehouse







ForecastDetail Forecast


SeasonalityHistory ForecastModels

PlannedResupply ResupplyOrder




























0..2 1







* 0..1








1 1becomes

1 1becomes





Figure 16 - Planning & Forecasting (planning.dat)

Domain Models




















CompanyDispatchInDataDock Dispatch DispatchHistory





DispatchOrderDispatchInvoice DispatchNotice


























DispatchLot WarehousePickList




































1 *

* 1





1 0..1 1




1 *



1* *1

1 1 1 1


























































* 1









1 0..1outbound



























1..* 1





































































0..1 0..1outbound










































































1 0..1



1* Inbound





Figure 17 - Electronic Commerce Management (ecm.dat)

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Language User

UserGroup Menu













Salesperson CustomerOrderCustomer



















BPCSRelease Item










CEAEventName CEABook

CEAEventFrom CEAEventTo

CEAJEInquiryBook CEAInquiryName

CEAJEInquiryLedger CEAInquiryOwner CEALedger

CEAChartOfAccounts CEAJEInquiryYear


CEAJEInqPeriodFrom CEAJEInqPeriodTo

CEAEventsProcFromPeriod CEAEventsProcToPeriod



* *

* *1












































1 *




































* 0..1



























Figure 18 - System Environment (system.dat)

Domain Models


Figure 19 - Notes Management (notes.dat)










OlmCertificateNote OlmCmrReverseNote

OlmGoodsNote OlmRemarksNote




























ShopOrderMaterial ShopOrder

StdMaterialNote StdShopOrderNote


Promotion Vendor








SystemRmaLineNote SystemQuoteLineNote



SystemNoteDetail SystemNoteHeader























JitReleaseDetail JitReleaseNote












DispatchOrderDispatchOrderLine DispatchPickDispatchPickLine DispatchAdviceNote

DispatchOrderNote DispatchPickNote

DispatchContract DispatchContractLine DispatchContractDetail




Contact ConditionsOccurred

HistSONote HistMatNote


ApprovedItem PassNote




TFProgramNoteTFClaimNote TFUserDefinedNote TFCommitmentNote



HistoryNote SignatureItemProcessNote



































































0..1 *









1 *







Quote 1












* 1

























* 0..1













1 1..* 0..1

* 0..1

* 11..*





1 1..*1 1..*0..1







inbound message





inbound message



inbound message








0..1 outbound message









outbound message










0..1 *










* 0..1


1 *

1 *

1 *

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3





CarteraBankSystem CarteraBankCollector

















CarteraDishonorRIBACarteraDishonorControl CarteraDishonorError









CarteraRemittance CarteraRemittanceExpense

CarteraElectronicRemittancePort19 CarteraElectronicRemittancePort32 CarteraElectronicRemittancePort50 CarteraElectronicRemittancePort51 CarteraElectronicRemittancePort60






DunningInterface CarteraDunningDocument


CarteraScenarioRemittance CarteraScenarioDocument




CarteraHistoryAnnexDocCarteraHistoryDocument CarteraHistoryTransaction




BatchTransaction BatchTransactionDetail

1 1..*1 *








* *

1 1..* 1 *

11 1



1..*1 * 1
















1 1 *


* 1





* 1

1* *






**1 *1

1 11

1 1..** 1*


1 1 1 1..* 1 0..1

11 11





1..* 1 1 1..*









1 1 1 11








1 1


* 1 * 1..*






Figure 20 – Cartera Receivables Management (cartera.dat)

Domain Models






EventLog SignatureEventLogStandardBOMComponent SignatureStandardBOMComponent

ApprovalStep SignatureApprovalStepApprovalProcess SignatureApprovalProcess

EngineeringChangeOrder SignatureEngineeringChangeOrderEngineeringChgOrderline SignatureEngineeringChgOrderline

CustomerItem SignatureCustomerItemCustomer SignatureCustomer

Disposition SignatureDispositionTestMethod SignatureTestMethod

Item SignatureItemItemFacility SignatureItemFacility

LocationInventory SignatureLocationInventoryLot SignatureLot

ShopOrderMaterial SignatureShopOrderMaterialManufacturingMethod SignatureManufacturingMethod

Facility SignatureFacilityManufacturerItem SignatureManufacturerItem

Manufacturer SignatureManufacturerLotNote SignatureLotNote

Specification SignatureSpecificationSpecificationDesc SignatureSpecificationDesc

ItemProcessNote SignatureItemProcessNoteItemFacilityQuality SignatureItemFacilityQuality

TestResult SignatureTestResultDrawnSample SignatureDrawnSample

Sample SignatureSampleStandardNote SignatureStandardNote

TransactionEffect SignatureTransactionEffectTest SignatureTest

TestRelation SignatureTestRelationMethodVariable SignatureMethodVariable

Vendor SignatureVendor

Container SignatureContainer













1 *1 *

1 *

1 *

1 *1 *

1 *1*

1 *1 *

1 *1 *

1 *1 *

1 *1 *

1 *1 *

1 *1 *

1 *1 *

1 *1 *

1 *1 *

1 *1 *

1 *1 *

1 *1 *

1 *1 *

1 *1 *

1 *









1 1



Figure 21 – Electonic Signature (esig.dat)

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Class Descriptions

Name: Account Type: Class Description: A specific category such as an expense, income, asset, or liability for which an accounting balance is maintained and is identified by a unique string of segments. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE AccountBalance(s) Associates is related to only ONE ChartOfAccounts Associates is related to only ONE Ledger Associates is related to 1 to 14 SegmentValue(s) Associates is related to ONE or MORE JournalEntryLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountSecurityMap(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Alias(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalModelLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AllocationBasis(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountRule(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StructureComponent(s) Associates is related to 0 to 100 AccountSecurityOptimize(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE MappedResult(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: AccountBalance Type: Class Description: The amount of money currently associated with the identified account for a specific accounting period. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Account Associates is related to only ONE LedgerBook This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AccountingEvent Type: Class Description: A type of business transaction that has an accounting impact. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Ledger(s) Associates is made up of ONE or MORE AccountingEventSeq(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountingProcess(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ProgramEvent(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AccountingEventSeq Type: Class Description: The definition of the specific account effect from a business transaction. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE AccountingEvent

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Ledger Associates is related to ZERO or ONE LedgerBook Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Allocation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE JournalModel This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AccountingProcess Type: Class Description: A unique set of instructions that identifies and defines execution parameters for accounting procedures such as consolidation or currency translation. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE StructureHierarchy Associates is related to ZERO or ONE MapSet Associates is related to 1 to 3 Ledger(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE AccountingEvent Associates is related to 1 to 3 LedgerBook(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountingProcessLine(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AccountingProcessLine Type: Class Description: The link between an ordered step within an accounting process, and the unique set of instructions and execution parameters used at that step. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

Class Descriptions


is part of only ONE AccountingProcessSeq Associates is related to only ONE AccountingProcess This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AccountingProcessSeq Type: Class Description: An ordered step in a process. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE AccountingProcessLine(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AccountMacro Type: Class Description: A rule for determining part or all of the account string for a journal entry line. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalModelLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Alias(s) Associates is related to only ONE SubsystemFieldUsage This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AccountRule Type: Class Description: A restriction on valid account string creation. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


is related to only ONE ChartOfAccounts Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Ledger(s) Associates is related to only ONE Account This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AccountSecurityMap Type: Class Description: Condensed information from AccountSecurityRules in order to optimize the time it takes to process security rules validation. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Account This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AccountSecurityOptimize Type: Class Description: Condensed information from AccountSecurityRules in order to optimize the time it takes to process security rules validation. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Account This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AccountSecurityRule Type: Class Description: Account Security Allow/Reject rules for each Chart of Account and Ledger combination. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

Class Descriptions


LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ChartOfAccounts Associates is related to only ONE Segment Associates is related to only ONE Ledger This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AccountSegment Type: Class Description: A consistent portion of the identifier of a financial account. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE ChartOfAccounts Associates is related to only ONE Segment This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Adapter Type: Class Description: A business function that handles an inbound or outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE AdapterFunction(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AdapterTable(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AdapterPartnerDock(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AdapterPartner(s)

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AdapterFunction Type: Class Description: A specific SSA ERPLX program supporting a business function that handles an inbound or outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Adapter Associates is related to only ONE ERPlx Program This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AdapterPartner Type: Class Description: Authorization for an external entity with whom the company does business to send/receive an inbound/outbound electronic message which will be handled by a specific business function. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Adapter Associates is related to only ONE Partner This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AdapterPartnerDock Type: Class Description: Authoirzation for an inbound/outbound message from/ to a specific partner to use a particular logical message storage location. Persistent: TRUE

Class Descriptions


This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE DataDock Associates is related to only ONE Adapter Associates is related to only ONE Partner Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchInDataDock(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Dispatch(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AdapterTable Type: Class Description: The ERPlx data files affected/interrogated to support a business function that handles an inbound or outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Adapter Associates is related to only ONE Table This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Address Type: Class Description: The address of the offices (or mailing address) of the customer. This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions NOTES.DAT Notes Management INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: PurchaseAddress

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Customer Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) Calendar for shipping is related to ZERO or MORE HolidayCalendar(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Promotion(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmDeclarationNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmShippingNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmShipToNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmItemNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StdCustomerNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SystemShipToNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SequencedShip(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Carrier Associates is related to ZERO or ONE MeansofTransport Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PartnerSpecialCharge(s) This item has the following properties: PurchaseAddress... *** No properties defined *** Name: AdvancedListDetail Type: Class Description: Pricing structure based on price detail. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE AdvancedListHeader Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Item

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Customer This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AdvancedListHeader Type: Class Description: Pricing structure based on list price header. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Price This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AdvancedListDetail(s) This item has the following properties: Price... *** No properties defined *** Name: AdvanceFixCertificate Type: Class Description: Information about international shipping. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AfcItem(s) Associates is related to only ONE AfcSecurity This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AfcItem Type: Class Description: Information about individual products for international shipping. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

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This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to only ONE AdvanceFixCertificate This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AfcSecurity Type: Class Description: Information about security for international shipping. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AdvanceFixCertificate(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Alias Type: Class Description: A short hand notation for an account string. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ChartOfAccounts Associates is related to 0 to 14 AccountMacro(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalModelLine(s) Associates is related to only ONE Account This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Allocation Type: Class Description: The definition of distribution of the balance of an account to other accounts.

Class Descriptions


This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE AllocationTarget(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE LedgerBook Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Ledger Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountingEventSeq(s) Associates is related to 1 to 2 JournalModel(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AllocationBasis Type: Class Description: An account selected to have its balance distributed to other accounts through the process called allocation. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE AllocationTarget Associates is related to only ONE Account This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AllocationHistory Type: Class Description: The actual inventory used to satisfy a customer order - including the item/lot/container, the warehouse/ location/pallet, the invoice on which it was billed, and the load on which it was shipped. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations:

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Associates is related to only ONE CustomerInvoiceLine Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Lot Associates is related to only ONE LocationInventory outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchLot becomes is related to only ONE CustomerAllocation Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Load Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Container This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AllocationTarget Type: Class Description: An account selected to receive the result of distributing the balances of other accounts through the process called allocation. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE AllocationBasis(s) Associates is part of only ONE Allocation Associates is related to only ONE JournalModelLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AlternateItem Type: Class Description: An acceptable replacement item when the original item is not available. This item is used on the following diagrams: SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Primary is related to only ONE Item

Class Descriptions


Alternate is related to only ONE Item This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AlternatePallet Type: Class Description: A alternate frame used in a managed warehouse for containing and moving inventory. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE ManagedWarehouseItem This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AppliedPromotion Type: Class Description: A pricing inventive that has been used on a customer's sales order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE RegularOrderLine Associates is related to only ONE Promotion Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TFCommitment This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ApprovalProcess Type: Class Description: Identification of the group of steps needed to authorize an engineering change order. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE EngineeringChangeOrder(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ApprovalProcessStep(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureApprovalProcess(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ApprovalProcessHistory Type: Class Description: A history of approval actions taken for each engineering change order processed. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE EngineeringChangeOrder Associates is related to only ONE ApprovalStep Associates is related to only ONE EngineeringChangeOrder Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ApprovalProcessNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureApprovalProcessHistory(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ApprovalProcessNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an engineering change approval process step. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ERPlxNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

Class Descriptions


This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ApprovalProcessHistory This item has the following properties: ERPlxNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: ApprovalProcessStep Type: Class Description: An individual task, within an actual approval process, identifying a single actual activity that must be performed as part of implementing an engineering change order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE ApprovalProcess Associates is related to only ONE ApprovalStep This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ApprovalStep Type: Class Description: An individual task, available for use within an approval process, identifying a single actual activity that may need to be performed as part of implementing an engineering change order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ApprovalProcessHistory Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ApprovalProcessStep(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureApprovalStep(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Name: ApprovedItem Type: Class Description: A product or commodity that has an approved vendor relationship Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: Commodity Item This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrderLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Facility Associates is related to only ONE PurchasedItem Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Manufacturer Associates is related to ZERO or MORE QualityHistory(s) Associates is related to only ONE Vendor Associates is related to ZERO or MORE QualityNote(s) Associates is related to only ONE SignatureApprovedItem Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureApprovedItem(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Area Type: Class Description: A physical space defined by one or more zones. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ManagedWarehouse Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Zone(s)

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CrossContamination(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AssemblyShopOrder Type: Class Description: A set of instructions to collect the features and options selected by a customer that were sold as a product. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ShopOrder This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE RegularOrderLine Associates is related to only ONE CustomerOrderLine Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShopOrder This item has the following properties: ShopOrder... *** No properties defined *** Name: AuditWorksheet Type: Class Description: A document produced to provide a comparison of actual versus on hand inventory quantities. This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: CycleCount StockCount InventoryTag This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LocationInventory This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: AutoLotStatusChange Type: Class Description: Perform automatic lot status change processing.

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Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to only ONE Lot This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: BankAccount Type: Class Description: A name given to an account held at a financial institution denominated in a single currency. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Customer(s) Associates is related to only ONE Currency Associates is related to only ONE BankBranch Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoice(s) Associates is related to 1 to 4 PayInstrument(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ForexReservation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Vendor(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorInvoice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE BankReconciliation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorPayment(s) Associates is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Lockbox(s)

Class Descriptions


This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: BankBranch Type: Class Description: An external entity in the banking business with which the Company maintains a relationship. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE BankAccount(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerPayAgreement(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorPayAgreement(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: BankReconciliation Type: Class Description: The matching of the statement of account activity from a financial institution with the system recorded activity and the resolution of any discrepancies. This item is used on the following diagrams: PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE BankAccount This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: BatchTransaction Type: Class Description: A journal entry originating in a non-ERPlx system. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ONE or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE FixedAsset(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraFactoringContractInvoiceXref Associates is made up of ONE or MORE BatchTransactionDetail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: BatchTransactionDetail Type: Class Description: The detail lines of a journal entry originating in a non-ERPlx system. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ONE or MORE JournalEntryLine(s) Associates is part of only ONE BatchTransaction This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: BillOfMaterials Type: Class Description: A logical grouping of items (parts, raw materials, components, etc.) that are combined (assembled, mixed, etc.) to create another item. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: StandardBOM PlanningBOM This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: BillOfResourceStep Type: Class Description: Capacity information about an activity to be performed in the production of an item at a specific work center. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CriticalWorkCenter This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: BomComponentNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a bill of material component. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ItemProcessNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE StandardBOMComponent This item has the following properties: ItemProcessNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: BomReferenceDesignator Type: Class Description: A means of recording comments or location for each unit in the quantity required amount on the component. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE StandardBOMComponent This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Name: ERPlxFile Type: Class Description: One of the data files within ERPlx.Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: SecuredObject This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Table Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SubsystemFieldUsage(s) This item has the following properties: SecuredObject... *** No properties defined *** Name: ERPlxNote Type: Class Description: Any of the sets of notes related to engineering changes. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: ApprovalProcessNote EcoNote DrawingNote ReleaseNote ClauseNote JitLineNote RequirementNote This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ERPlxProduct Type: Class Description: One of the ERPlx application areas. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or MORE ObjectProduct(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ProductRight(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ERPlxProgram Type: Class Description: One of the executable programs within ERPlx. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: SecuredObject This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AdapterFunction(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SubsystemProgram This item has the following properties: SecuredObject... *** No properties defined *** Name: ERPlxRelease Type: Class Description: An identifier assigned to ERPlx to keep track of net changes. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ONE or MORE SecuredObject(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Calculation Type: Class Description: A computation used in the definition or restriction of a product configuration. This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: defined by is related to ZERO or MORE ItemVariable(s) use is related to ZERO or MORE ItemVariable(s) defined by is related to ZERO or MORE ConfigurationVariable(s) use is related to ZERO or MORE ConfigurationVariable(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Campaign Type: Class Description: A logical grouping of released and planned shop (or manufacturing or production) orders using the same description of production activities (routing) to take advantage of a single set-up and tear-down. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrderOperation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PlannedOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemFacility(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Carrier Type: Class Description: A transportation company that delivers shipments. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control NOTES.DAT Notes Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: PartnerEntity This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

Class Descriptions


This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShippingRoute(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Commodity Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Vendor(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE InboundDelivery(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmCarrierNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Warehouse(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Address(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Customer(s) Associates is related to only ONE PackagingStructure This item has the following properties: PartnerEntity... *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraAnnexDocument Type: Class Description: Annex To Document Transaction Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocumentTransaction Associates is related to only ONE CarteraHistoryAnnexDoc This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraBankArea Type: Class Description: Cartera Bank Area Master Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class).

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraBankCollector(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraBankCollector Type: Class Description: Cartera Bank/Collector Master Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraBankArea Associates is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to only ONE CarteraBankSystem Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraCalendar(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraBankCommisions Type: Class Description: Cartera Bank Commisions Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraBankSystem This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraBankSystem Type: Class Description: Cartera Banking System

Class Descriptions


Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraBankCommisions Associates is related to only ONE CarteraBankCollector This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraCalendar Type: Class Description: Cartera Calendar Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraScenarioRemittance Associates is related to only ONE CarteraBankCollector This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraCEAInterface Type: Class Description: Cartera to ERPlx CEA Interface Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraChecksArchive Type: Class Description: Manual check for Cartera credit note documents.

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraCreditLog Type: Class Description: Cartera Credit Status Change Log Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraDocument(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraCreditStatus This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraCreditStatus Type: Class Description: Cartera Credit Status Master Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraCreditLog(s) Associates is related to only ONE Customer This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraDishonorControl Type: Class Description: Cartera Dishonored RIBA documents.

Class Descriptions


Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDishonorRIBA Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraDishonorError Type: Class Description: Cartera Dishonored RIBA documents error log. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDishonorRIBA This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraDishonorRIBA Type: Class Description: Cartera Dishonored RIBA bank file. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDishonorControl Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDishonorError This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraDocument Type: Class Description: Cartera financial documents

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ONE or MORE CarteraDocumentTransaction(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraHistoryDocument Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraParameters(s) Associates is related to only ONE DraftTerms Associates is related to only ONE CarteraPaymentType Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocumentStatus Associates is related to only ONE DocumentPrefix Associates is related to only ONE CarteraTransactionControl Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraNotes(s) Associates is related to 1 to 2 ExchangeRate(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraBankCollector Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraTraceabilityRetrieval(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraDocumentSupport(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraScenarioDocument(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraChecksArchive(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraPromotion(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraCreditLog(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraFactoringContract Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDishonorControl Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDunningDocument Associates is related to only ONE CarteraCEAInterface Associates is related to only ONE CarteraTaxAdjustmentTraceability

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to only ONE CustomerInvoice This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraDocumentStatus Type: Class Description: Cartera document status master. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraTransactionControl(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraDocumentSupport Type: Class Description: Cartera Post Dated Cheques and Cartera Documents cross reference. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraDocumentTransaction Type: Class Description: Cartera document transaction history. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


is related to only ONE CarteraDocument Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraAnnexDocument(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraHistoryTransaction This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraDunningDocument Type: Class Description: Cartera dunning documents. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE DunningInterface Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraDunningSet Type: Class Description: Cartera Dunning Letter Set Master. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DunningInterface(s) Associates is related to only ONE Company This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraElectronicReimbursement Type: Class Description: Cartera Electronic Reimbursement extract. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management

Class Descriptions


This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to TBD CarteraRemittanceDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraElectronicRemittance Type: Class Description: Cartera Electronic Remittance. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: CarteraElectronicRemittancePort19 CarteraElectronicRemittancePort50 CarteraElectronicRemittancePort51 CarteraElectronicRemittancePort60 CarteraElectronicRemittancePort32 This class has the following associations: Associates is related to TBD CarteraRemittanceDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraElectronicRemittancePort19 Type: Class Description: Cartera Electronic Remittance extract Port19. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: CarteraElectronicRemittance This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: CarteraElectronicRemittance... *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraElectronicRemittancePort32 Type: Class Description: Cartera Electronic Remittance extract Port32. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: CarteraElectronicRemittance This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: CarteraElectronicRemittance... *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraElectronicRemittancePort50 Type: Class Description: Cartera Electronic Remittance extract Port50. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: CarteraElectronicRemittance This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: CarteraElectronicRemittance... *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraElectronicRemittancePort51 Type: Class Description: Cartera Electronic Remittance extract Port51. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: CarteraElectronicRemittance This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: CarteraElectronicRemittance... *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraElectronicRemittancePort60 Type: Class Description: Cartera Electronic Remittance extract Port60. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: CarteraElectronicRemittance This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

Class Descriptions


This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: CarteraElectronicRemittance... *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraFactoringCOMITCustomer Type: Class Description: Cartera Factoring COMIT Customer. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraFactoringContract Associates is related to ONE or MORE CarteraFactoringCOMITInvoice(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraFactoringCOMITInvoice Type: Class Description: Cartera Factoring COMIT Invoice. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraFactoringCOMITCustomer Associates is related to only ONE CarteraFactoringCOMITPayment This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraFactoringCOMITPayment Type: Class Description: Cartera Factoring COMIT Payment. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraFactoringCOMITInvoice This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraFactoringContract Type: Class Description: Cartera Factoring Contract. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraDocument(s) Associates is related to ONE or MORE CarteraFactoringCustomerExtract(s) Associates is related to ONE or MORE CarteraFactoringCustomer(s) Associates is related to ONE or MORE CarteraFactoringCOMITCustomer(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraFactoringContractInvoiceXref Type: Class Description: Cartera Factoring Contract Invoice cross reference. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraFactoringCustomerExtract Associates is related to only ONE BatchTransaction This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraFactoringCustomer Type: Class

Class Descriptions


Description: Cartera Factoring Customer. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraFactoringContract Associates is related to ONE or MORE CarteraFactoringInvoice(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraFactoringCustomerExtract Type: Class Description: Cartera Factoring Customer Extract. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraFactoringContract Associates is related to ONE or MORE CarteraFactoringContractInvoiceXref(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraFactoringInvoice Type: Class Description: Cartera Factoring Invoice. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraFactoringCustomer Associates is related to only ONE CarteraFactoringRebuyInvoice This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Name: CarteraFactoringRebuyInvoice Type: Class Description: Cartera Factoring Rebuy Invoice. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraFactoringInvoice This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraHistoryAnnexDoc Type: Class Description: History Annex To Document Transaction Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraAnnexDocument Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraHistoryTransaction(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraHistoryDocument Type: Class Description: Cartera History Documents. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument Associates is related to only ONE CarteraHistoryTransaction This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: CarteraHistoryTransaction Type: Class Description: Cartera History Transactions. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocumentTransaction Associates is related to ONE or MORE CarteraHistoryDocument(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraHistoryAnnexDoc This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraNotes Type: Class Description: Cartera Notes Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument Associates is related to only ONE Customer This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraParameters Type: Class Description: Cartera system parameters. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DocumentPrefix(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraPaymentType Type: Class Description: Cartera Payment Type Master. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraTransactionControl(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraPromotion Type: Class Description: Cartera Promotion. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraPromotionTraceability(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraPromotionTraceability Type: Class Description: Cartera Promotion Traceability. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to only ONE CarteraPromotion This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraRemittance Type: Class Description: Cartera remittances. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraRemittanceStatus Associates is related to ONE or MORE CarteraRemittanceDocument(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraScenarioRemittance This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraRemittanceDocument Type: Class Description: Cartera remittance documents. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraRemittance Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CarteraRemittanceExpense Associates is related to only ONE CarteraScenarioDocument Associates is related to TBD CarteraElectronicReimbursement Associates is related to TBD CarteraElectronicRemittance This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraRemittanceExpense Type: Class

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Description: Cartera remittance expenses. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraRemittanceDocument Associates is related to only ONE CarteraScenarioExpense This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraRemittanceStatus Type: Class Description: Cartera remittance status master. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraRemittance This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraScenario Type: Class Description: Cartera scenarios. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraScenarioExpense(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraScenarioDocument Type: Class Description: Cartera scenario documents. Persistent: TRUE

Class Descriptions


This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument Associates is related to only ONE CarteraScenarioRemittance Associates is related to only ONE CarteraRemittanceDocument Associates is related to only ONE CarteraScenarioExpense This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraScenarioExpense Type: Class Description: Cartera Scenario expenses. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraRemittanceExpense Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraScenarioDocument(s) Associates is related to ONE or MORE CarteraScenario(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraScenarioRemittance Type: Class Description: Cartera scenario remittances. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ONE or MORE CarteraScenarioDocument(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraCalendar(s) Associates

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


is related to only ONE CarteraRemittance This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraTaxAdjustmentTraceability Type: Class Description: Cartera tax adjustment traceability. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraTraceabilityRetrieval Type: Class Description: Cartera traceability retrieval. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CarteraTransactionControl Type: Class Description: Cartera transaction control master. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocumentStatus Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraPaymentType(s) Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to only ONE CarteraDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CdmNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a customer invoice. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Customer Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerInvoice Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ConditionsOccurred Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Contact This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEABook Type: Class Description: CEA Book Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAChartOfAccounts Type: Class Description: CEA Chart Of Accounts Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAEventFrom Type: Class Description: CEA Event From Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAEventName Type: Class Description: CEA Event Name Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAEventsProcFromPeriod Type: Class Description: CEA Events Proc From Period Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CEAEventsProcFromPeriod(s) is related to only ONE CEAEventsProcFromPeriod

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CEAEventsProcFromPeriod(s) is related to only ONE CEAEventsProcFromPeriod Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAEventsProcFromYear Type: Class Description: CEA Events Proc From Year Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAEventsProcToPeriod Type: Class Description: CEA Events Proc To Period Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CEAEventsProcToPeriod(s) is related to only ONE CEAEventsProcToPeriod Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAEventsProcToYear Type: Class Description: CEA Events Proc To Year Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class).

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAEventTo Type: Class Description: CEA Event To Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAInquiryName Type: Class Description: CEA Inquiry Name Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAInquiryOwner Type: Class Description: CEA Inquiry Owner Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s)

Class Descriptions


This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAJEInqPeriodFrom Type: Class Description: CEA JE Inquiry Period From Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAJEInqPeriodTo Type: Class Description: CEA JE Inquiry Period To Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAJEInquiryBook Type: Class Description: CEA JE Inquiry Book Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAJEInquiryLedger Type: Class

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Description: CEA JE Inquiry Ledger Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEAJEInquiryYear Type: Class Description: CEA JE Inquiry Year Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CEALedger Type: Class Description: CEA Ledger Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CEALedger(s) is related to only ONE CEALedger Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CertificateFormat Type: Class Description: A defined document layout for a certificate of

Class Descriptions


analysis. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CertificateOfAnalysis(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE FormatVariables(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CertificateOfAnalysis Type: Class Description: A formal document generated for a customer that certifies that the inventory conforms to specification. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CustomerItem Associates is part of only ONE Specification Associates is related to only ONE CertificateFormat Associates is related to only ONE QALot Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to only ONE FormatVariables This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ChartOfAccounts Type: Class Description: A naming standard for defining account strings. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE MapSet(s)

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Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountRule(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Account(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Ledger(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalModel(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Alias(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StructureHierarchy(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountSecurityRule(s) Associates is made up of 1 to 14 AccountSegment(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CheckBatch Type: Class Description: Identifies an inbound collection of payments made by customers to a common lockbox. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Lockbox Associates is made up of ONE or MORE CheckBatchDetail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CheckBatchDetail Type: Class Description: Identifies the details of each payment made by a customer to a lockbox. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE CheckBatch

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CheckDispositionHeader(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CheckHistoryHeader(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CheckCrossReference Type: Class Description: A bank transmission of all payments made by customers directly to the bank (lockbox). Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ManualCheckDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CheckDispositionDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LockboxPayment(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CheckDispositionDetail Type: Class Description: Identifies the obligations to be paid from a payment made by a customer to a lockbox, that has not yet been applied towards the customer's obligations. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE CheckDispositionHeader Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CheckHistoryHeader(s) Associates is related to only ONE CheckCrossReference This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

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Name: CheckDispositionHeader Type: Class Description: Identifies a payment made by a customer to a lockbox, that has not yet been applied towards the customer's obligations. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of only ONE CheckDispositionDetail Associates is related to only ONE ManualCheckInvoice Associates is related to only ONE CheckBatchDetail This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CheckHistoryDetail Type: Class Description: A historical record of the invoices paid from payments made by a customer through a lockbox. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE CheckHistoryHeader Associates is related to only ONE CustInvoicePayment This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CheckHistoryHeader Type: Class Description: A historical record of payments made by a customer through a lockbox. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

Class Descriptions


is made up of only ONE CheckHistoryDetail Associates is related to only ONE CheckDispositionDetail Associates is related to only ONE CheckBatchDetail Associates is related to only ONE ManualCheckInvoice This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ClassA Type: Class Description: Notation example. This item is used on the following diagrams: KEYS.DAT Key to UML Notation This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ClassB(s) Associates is related to only ONE ClassC This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ClassB Type: Class Description: Notation example. This item is used on the following diagrams: KEYS.DAT Key to UML Notation This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE ClassA This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ClassC Type: Class Description: Notation example. This item is used on the following diagrams: KEYS.DAT Key to UML Notation This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations:

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Associates is related to ONE or MORE ClassD(s) Associates is related to only ONE ClassA This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ClassD Type: Class Description: Notation example. This item is used on the following diagrams: KEYS.DAT Key to UML Notation This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ClassC This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ClauseNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a purchase order contract. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ERPlxNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: ERPlxNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: Commission Type: Class Description: The amount of a sale paid to a salesperson. This item is used on the following diagrams: SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoiceLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoiceOrder(s)

Class Descriptions


This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Commodity Type: Class Description: A product that can be purchased, but which does not need to be tracked (via on-hand inventory balances) or planned (via MRP and MPS); it may be a material or a service. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ApprovedItem This class is generalized by the following classes: ServiceCommodity MaterialCommodity This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Carrier(s) This item has the following properties: ApprovedItem... *** No properties defined *** Name: Company Type: Class Description: A legal entity using this system for processing their business; the I, We or Us in any activity between two parties, the other of which is some external entity. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration ASSETS.DAT Asset Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: PartnerEntity This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Warehouse(s) Associates

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is related to ZERO or MORE Vendor(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PromotionCalendar(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) base is related to only ONE Currency Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoiceTerms(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Salesperson(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ProfitCenter(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE Folio(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RevaluationDefn(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE FixedAsset(s) Associates is made up of only ONE FixedAssetLocation Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE Organization(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE TaxCalendar(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ProfitCenter(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE DepreciationPeriod(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE DepreciationAlloc(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE DepreciationBook(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE TaxBook(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CompanyRight(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerAccountSegment(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorAccountSegment(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SpecialPrice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Promotion(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE BankAccount(s)

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Lockbox(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE POAuthorization(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Company(s) is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DraftTerms(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Customer(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraBankCollector(s) Associates is related to ONE or MORE CarteraDunningSet(s) This item has the following properties: PartnerEntity... *** No properties defined *** Name: CompanyRight Type: Class Description: Authority to view or enter transactions against a specific entity. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Right This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Company This item has the following properties: Right... *** No properties defined *** Name: Condition Type: Class Description: Definition of an accounting event used to allow user-defined tracking. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ConditionsOccurred(s) Associates

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is related to ZERO or ONE ConditionLetter This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ConditionLetter Type: Class Description: Document linked to the definition of an accounting event used to allow user-defined tracking. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Condition This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ConditionsOccurred Type: Class Description: Accounting condition that has occurred. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Customer Associates is related to only ONE Condition Associates is related to only ONE InvoiceInDispute Associates is related to only ONE CustomerInvoice Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CdmNote(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ConfigurationParent Type: Class Description: An identifier that groups the selections available for a customer to make at order entry time for a made to

Class Descriptions


order item. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: ItemAttribute Item This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ConfigureOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StandardBOMComponent(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RoutingStep(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ConfiguredOption(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ConfigureOrderDetail(s) Family Item is related to only ONE Item Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ItemRule(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ConfigurationTestCase Type: Class Description: An identifier that groups the selections available for a customer to make for a made to order item - for purposes of estimating price or availability. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ConfigureOrder This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: ConfigureOrder... *** No properties defined *** Name: ConfigurationVariable Type: Class Description: A dimension that may be associated with a customer configuration selection. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

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CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ConfiguredOption This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemVariable(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VariablePrice(s) defined by is related to ZERO or MORE Calculation(s) use is related to ZERO or MORE Calculation(s) This item has the following properties: ConfiguredOption... *** No properties defined *** Name: ConfiguredOption Type: Class Description: The selections available for a customer to make at order entry time for a made to order item. This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: ItemAttribute ConfigurationVariable Item This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE ConfigurationParent Becomes is related to ZERO or MORE ConfigureOrderDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StdConfigurationDetail(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ItemRule(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ConfigureOrder Type: Class Description: Provides additional information that is not on a Customer Order for configuring the order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class).

Class Descriptions


This class is generalized by the following classes: ConfigurationTestCase ConfigureOrderHeader This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ConfigurationParent Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ConfigureOrderDetail(s) Generated Parent Item is related to ZERO or MORE ConfigureOrderDetail(s) replace Family Item by Generated Parent Item is related to ZERO or ONE RegularOrderLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ConfigureOrderDetail Type: Class Description: The selected options towards creating a configured item. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Generated Parent Item is related to ZERO or ONE Item Associates is part of only ONE ConfigureOrder Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ConfigureOrderVariable(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ConfigurationParent Generated is related to ZERO or MORE RoutingStep(s) Generated is related to ZERO or MORE StandardBOMComponent(s) Becomes is related to ZERO or ONE ConfiguredOption verify match is related to ZERO or ONE StdConfigurationHeader Generated Parent Item is related to ZERO or ONE ConfigureOrder This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ConfigureOrderHeader Type: Class

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Description: A method of grouping the selected options towards creating a configured item. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ConfigureOrder This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Family Item is related to only ONE RegularOrderLine This item has the following properties: ConfigureOrder... *** No properties defined *** Name: ConfigureOrderVariable Type: Class Description: A dimension that has been associated with a customer configuration selection. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE ConfigureOrderDetail This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Contact Type: Class Description: The name of the persons at the customer site to whom inquiries and correspondence should be sent. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Customer when qualified by CustomerContact Associates is related to only ONE CustomerInvoice when qualified by CustomerInvoiceContact Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or MORE CdmNote(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Container Type: Class Description: An individually identifiable vessel within which some quantity of a single item may reside and which may be moved from place to place. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: inContainer is related to ZERO or ONE Lot Associates is related to ZERO or MORE InventoryAllocation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Vendor Associates is related to ZERO or ONE LocationInventory Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ItemPallet Associates is related to ZERO or MORE WarehousePickList(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AllocationHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureContainer(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ControlNumberSchdule Type: Class Description: Planning process control number for parts, materials, Purchase Orders and outside operation Purchase Orders. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShopOrder

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This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Cost Type: Class Description: The individual component of burden associated with an item as the result of buying or making it. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CostSet Associates is related to only ONE CostBucket Associates is related to only ONE ItemFacility This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CostBucket Type: Class Description: Identification of the (maximum 999) different types of cost to be tracked - such as material, labor, overhead, etc. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Cost(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CostSet Type: Class Description: Identification of related groups of costs - such as actual, standard, etc. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or MORE Cost(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Country Type: Class Description: The name of the nation. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShippingZone(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TransportEquipment(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CreditAnalyst Type: Class Description: A user that manages the administration of customer information. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Customer(s) supervisor is part of only ONE CreditAnalyst is made up of ZERO or MORE CreditAnalyst(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CriticalWorkCenter Type: Class Description: A bottleneck work center that needs special attention when planning production capacity. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy:

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WorkCenter This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE RoughCutRequirement(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE BillOfResourceStep(s) This item has the following properties: WorkCenter... *** No properties defined *** Name: CrossContamination Type: Class Description: Hazardous items that cannot be stored together either at the same location or pallet or zone or area. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Area Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Zone Primary is related to only ONE HazardousGoods Secondary is related to only ONE HazardousGoods Associates is related to only ONE ManagedWarehouse This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CSR Type: Class Description: Any representative, of the company, providing service to a customer. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) when qualified by Entering Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or MORE Customer(s) when qualified by Responsible This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Currency Type: Class Description: An abbreviation or code designating a monetary unit that a company uses. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment RELEASE.DAT Release Management PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorQuote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrder(s) base is related to ZERO or MORE Company(s) order is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE BankAccount(s) from is related to ZERO or MORE ExchangeRate(s) to is related to ZERO or MORE ExchangeRate(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Customer(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Vendor(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadSpecialCharge(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RevaluationDefn(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s)

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Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SpecialPrice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Promotion(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Lockbox(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LedgerBook(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ReleaseContract(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemAttribute(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CustInvoicePayment Type: Class Description: A settlement (check, draft, etc.) received from a customer in payment of an amount owed to the company. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: FinancialDocument This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is part of only ONE CustomerInvoice Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE CustInvoiceTaxPaid(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LockboxPayment(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CheckHistoryDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DocumentPrefix Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SubsystemHistory This item has the following properties: FinancialDocument... *** No properties defined *** Name: CustInvoiceTaxPaid Type: Class Description: A settlement of tax liability from a customer. This item is used on the following diagrams:

Class Descriptions


CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE CustInvoicePayment Associates is related to only ONE CustomerInvoiceTax This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Customer Type: Class Description: Identification of an external entity trading partner which may purchase items from the company. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics RELEASE.DAT Release Management SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions NOTES.DAT Notes Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: PartnerEntity PurchaseAddress This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE Address(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Price(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE BankAccount Associates is related to only ONE Currency corporate is part of only ONE Customer is made up of ZERO or MORE Customer(s) salesforce is part of only ONE Customer is made up of ZERO or MORE Customer(s)

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Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CreditAnalyst Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Contact Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerPayAgreement(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) addresses is part of only ONE CustomerOrder Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrder(s) Associates is related to only ONE Salesperson Tracebility is related to ZERO or MORE Lot(s) Associates is related to only ONE CustomerAccountSegment Contracts is related to ZERO or MORE ReleaseContract(s) SalesOrg is related to ZERO or MORE HolidayCalendar(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SpecialPrice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Promotion(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SalesHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmCustomerNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmInvoiceNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmItemNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StdCustomerNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SystemCustomerNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CdmNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SequencedShip(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Carrier Associates is related to ZERO or ONE MeansofTransport Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or MORE PartnerSpecialCharge(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ConditionsOccurred(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CSR Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureCustomer(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PackagingStructure(s) Associates is related to TBD AdvancedListDetail Associates is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraNotes(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraCreditStatus Associates is related to only ONE DraftTerms Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoice(s) This item has the following properties: PartnerEntity... PurchaseAddress... *** No properties defined *** Name: CustomerAccount Type: Class Description: This class contains financial documents for a customer. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** This class is the link item for association Associates [Customer - CustomerInvoice] Name: CustomerAccountSegment Type: Class Description: Used to represent Accounting Segment information for a group of customers or a customer. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class).

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This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Customer(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CustomerAllocation Type: Class Description: The specific reservation to a customer order of on hand quantity of an item from a location in a warehouse. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: WarehousePickList InventoryAllocation This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE RegularOrderLine becomes is related to ZERO or ONE AllocationHistory This item has the following properties: WarehousePickList... InventoryAllocation... *** No properties defined *** Name: CustomerInvoice Type: Class Description: A billing sent to a customer representing one or more shipped orders consolidated into a single charge indicating that an amount of money is due and payable from the customer to the company. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing NOTES.DAT Notes Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: FinancialDocument This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

Class Descriptions


This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE BankAccount Associates is related to only ONE PayInstrument Associates is related to only ONE Draft Associates is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to only ONE CustomerInvoiceTerms Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE PromotionTracking(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoiceTax(s) Associates is related to only ONE ProfitCenter Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadHeader(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoiceOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE CustInvoicePayment(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Contact(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CdmNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DocumentPrefix outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchInvoice Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SubsystemHistory Associates is related to ZERO or ONE InvoiceInDispute Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ConditionsOccurred(s) Associates is related to only ONE Notice Associates is related to ZERO or MORE InvoiceDunHistory(s) Associates is part of only ONE DispatchSelfBill Associates is related to only ONE Customer Associates is related to ONE or MORE CarteraDocument(s) This item has the following properties: FinancialDocument...

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*** No properties defined *** Name: CustomerInvoiceLine Type: Class Description: The history of a customer order line that was included into a customer invoice during billing. This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CustomerOrderLine Associates is part of only ONE CustomerInvoiceOrder Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Commission Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RetroInvoiceBatch(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AllocationHistory(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchInvoiceLine outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchInvoiceAudit Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SelfBillReference This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CustomerInvoiceOrder Type: Class Description: The history of a customer order which had at least one of its order lines included into a customer invoice during billing. This item is used on the following diagrams: SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CustomerOrder Associates is made up of ONE or MORE CustomerInvoiceLine(s) Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to 0 to 2 Commission(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerInvoice Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DocumentPrefix outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchInvoiceOrder outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchInvoice This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CustomerInvoiceTax Type: Class Description: Assessment of tax liability on the part of the customer for having purchased goods or services, including adjustments due to credit and debit memos, and any payments made to reduce the liability. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Association is related to only ONE TaxBody Associates is part of only ONE CustomerInvoice Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustInvoiceTaxPaid(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchInvoiceAudit This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CustomerInvoiceTerms Type: Class Description: Negotiated condition of payment between a company and its customer as to when the payment is due and any discounts that can be taken. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

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is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CustomerItem Type: Class Description: The code or label used by the customer for a product within their own company This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management RELEASE.DAT Release Management SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Customer Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CertificateOfAnalysis(s) Associates is related to only ONE Specification Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RegularOrderLine(s) Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Address inbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchCustomerItem outbound is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchNoticePack(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchNoticeItem outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchNoticeCarton Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPickLine Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ReleaseContract(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureCustomerItem(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: CustomerLotRequirement Type: Class Description: Customer level lot test requirements processing. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Lot This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CustomerOrder Type: Class Description: A booking from one of the company's trading partners to purchase one or more items or services made available for sale by the company. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment RELEASE.DAT Release Management SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing NOTES.DAT Notes Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE CustomerOrderLine(s) Associates is related to 1 to 2 Salesperson(s) Associates is related to only ONE Address Associates is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Price(s) order is related to only ONE Currency Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ForexReservation Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoiceOrder(s) Associates

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is related to only ONE ProfitCenter Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrder(s) default is related to only ONE Warehouse Associates is related to only ONE Customer addresses is made up of ZERO or MORE Customer(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE FreightTerms(s) Associates is related to 0 to 2 Country(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShippingZone Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShippingRoute Associates is related to only ONE MeansofTransport Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadHeader(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ReleaseContract Associates is related to only ONE CustomerInvoiceTerms Associates is made up of ONE or MORE RegularOrderLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmOrderNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StdCustOrderNote(s) RMA is related to ZERO or MORE SystemRmaNote(s) Quote is related to ZERO or MORE SystemQuoteNote(s) inbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrder inbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPayAsBuilt outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchNoticeOrder outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPickLine Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CSR Associates is made up of ONE or MORE SpecialOrderLine(s) Associates is part of only ONE DispatchSelfBill

Class Descriptions


This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CustomerOrderHistory Type: Class Description: Recorded customer order transactions that had an effect on inventory. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OrderHistory This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE RegularOrderLine This item has the following properties: OrderHistory... *** No properties defined *** Name: CustomerOrderLine Type: Class Description: The identification of the specific item or service the trading partner has booked to purchase from the company. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics RELEASE.DAT Release Management SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: RegularOrderLine [LineType] SpecialOrderLine [LineType] This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE CustomerOrder Associates is made up of 0 to 10 CustomerOrderLineTax(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Salesperson Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Price(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoiceLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DropShipment(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchInvoiceLine

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Associates is related to only ONE PurchaseOrderLine Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TFCommitment Associates is related to ZERO or ONE AssemblyShopOrder Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShopOrder Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SelfBillReference This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CustomerOrderLineTax Type: Class Description: The tax liability for each taxing body (federal, state, city, etc.) assessable against the item being ordered by the customer for purchase from the company. This item is used on the following diagrams: SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE CustomerOrderLine Associates is related to only ONE TaxBody This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CustomerPayAgreement Type: Class Description: Negotiated contract between a company and its customer as to the bank and payment instrument that may be used to settle an amount due. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Customer Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PayInstrument(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Draft(s) Associates is related to only ONE BankBranch

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to only ONE DraftTerms This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: CycleCount Type: Class Description: The audit of an item's actual versus book on hand inventory quantities on a periodic basis. This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: AuditWorksheet This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: AuditWorksheet... *** No properties defined *** Name: DailyMaterialRequirement Type: Class Description: A raw material or component which is required in the manufacturing process of a finished good. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DataDock Type: Class Description: A logical storage location for either inbound or outbound message data. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

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This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AdapterPartnerDock(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DeliveryDetail Type: Class Description: Identifies a component of a delivery that will occur into a managed warehouse. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: ResupplyDelivery UnscheduledDelivery PurchaseOrderDelivery This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE DeliveryHeader This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DeliveryDocumentation Type: Class Description: Explanatory text for an inbound delivery. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE InboundDeliveryCharge Associates is related to only ONE InboundDeliveryLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DeliveryHeader Type: Class Description: Identifies a delivery that will occur into a managed warehouse. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

Class Descriptions


INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ManagedWarehouse Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DeliveryDetail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Department Type: Class Description: The logical or physical subdivision of a facility into groups of work centers where related activities take place. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE QAInstrument(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE WorkCenter(s) Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DepreciationAlloc Type: Class Description: The distribution of the expense created by the reduction in value of a company's assets. This item is used on the following diagrams: ASSETS.DAT Asset Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ProfitCenter(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE FixedAsset(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

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Name: DepreciationBook Type: Class Description: Definition of accounting rules for the reduction in value of a company's assets over time. This item is used on the following diagrams: ASSETS.DAT Asset Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Company Associates is related to only ONE DepreciationTable Associates is related to ZERO or MORE FixedAssetRetirement(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DepreciationPeriod Type: Class Description: Calendar used in the accounting of the reduction in value of a company's assets over time. This item is used on the following diagrams: ASSETS.DAT Asset Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Company This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DepreciationTable Type: Class Description: Factors used to calculate expenses due to depreciation. This item is used on the following diagrams: ASSETS.DAT Asset Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DepreciationBook(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE FixedAsset(s)

Class Descriptions


Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE DepreciationTableDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TaxBookDetail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DepreciationTableDetail Type: Class Description: Factors used to calculate expenses due to depreciation - by period. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ASSETS.DAT Asset Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DepreciationTable This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DetailedCapacityRequest Type: Class Description: A requirement for hours of scheduled time of work on a specific date within a work center due to either a planned or released shop order. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE WorkCenter This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Dispatch Type: Class Description: An inbound or outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: DispatchText

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DispatchAdvice DispatchNotice DispatchInvoice DispatchOrder DispatchPick DispatchContract DispatchInventory DispatchShipHeader DispatchPayAsBuilt DispatchPartner DispatchLabor DispatchSelfBill This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE DispatchInDataDock Associates is related to only ONE DispatchHistory Associates is related to only ONE AdapterPartnerDock This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchAddress Type: Class Description: Address information contained within an inbound or outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of ZERO or ONE DispatchPartner Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContractLine Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContract Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrder Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrderLine Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchInvoice Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPickLine Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPick This item has the following properties:

Class Descriptions


*** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchAdvice Type: Class Description: An electronic message responding with success/fail status of an inbound or outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Dispatch This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DispatchAdviceLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchAdviceNote(s) This item has the following properties: Dispatch... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchAdviceLine Type: Class Description: Details of a success/fail status of an inbound or outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchAdvice This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchAdviceNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an ECM inbound application advice or to an ECM outbound application advice. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: DispatchNote

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This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE DispatchAdvice This item has the following properties: DispatchNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchContract Type: Class Description: An inbound or outbound electronic message containing release contract requirements. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Dispatch This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DispatchContractLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchContractNote(s) outbound is related to only ONE EdiReleaseHeader Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchData(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchAddress(s) This item has the following properties: Dispatch... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchContractDetail Type: Class Description: An inbound or outbound electronic message containing detailed information of a single line of a release contract requirement. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchContractLine

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchContractNote(s) outbound is related to only ONE EdiReleaseRequirement inbound is related to only ONE ReleaseDetail This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchContractLine Type: Class Description: An inbound or outbound electronic message containing information of a single line of a release contract requirement. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchContract Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DispatchContractDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchContractNote(s) outbound is related to only ONE EdiReleaseHeader outbound is related to only ONE EdiReleaseAncillary inbound is related to only ONE ReleaseHeader Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchData(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchAddress(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchContractNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an ECM inbound requirement or to an ECM outbound release. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy:

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DispatchNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContract Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContractLine Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContractDetail inbound message is related to only ONE ReleaseNote outbound message is related to ZERO or ONE EdiReleaseNote This item has the following properties: DispatchNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchCustomerItem Type: Class Description: Customer/Item Cross-reference information contained within an inbound or outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Association is related to only ONE DispatchOrderLine inbound is related to only ONE CustomerItem Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchNoticeItem Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchInvoiceItem This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchData Type: Class Description: Supporting information for an inbound or outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations:

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPartner Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContract Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContractLine Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrder Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrderLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchHistory Type: Class Description: Historical recording of inbound and outbound electronic message that have been received/sent. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Dispatch This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchInDataDock Type: Class Description: An inbound or outbound electronic message that has been received but not yet processed, or processed but not yet sent. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Dispatch Associates is related to only ONE AdapterPartnerDock This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

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Name: DispatchInventory Type: Class Description: Inventory transaction information contained within an inbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Dispatch This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: inbound is related to only ONE InventoryHistory This item has the following properties: Dispatch... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchInvoice Type: Class Description: Customer or vendor invoice information contained within an inbound or outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Dispatch This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DispatchInvoiceOrder(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE DispatchInvoiceAudit(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE DispatchInvoicePromo(s) inbound is related to ZERO or ONE VendorInvoiceDoc outbound is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerInvoice outbound is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerInvoiceOrder Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchAddress(s) This item has the following properties: Dispatch... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchInvoiceAudit Type: Class

Class Descriptions


Description: Customer invoice tax information contained within an outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchInvoice Associates is related to only ONE DispatchInvoiceLine outbound is related to only ONE CustomerInvoiceTax outbound is related to only ONE CustomerInvoiceLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchInvoiceItem Type: Class Description: Information concverning an inventory item as part of a customer invoice line within an outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE DispatchInvoiceLine Associates is related to only ONE DispatchCustomerItem This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchInvoiceLine Type: Class Description: Customer or vendor invoice line-level information contained within an inbound or outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchInvoiceItem(s) Associates is related to only ONE DispatchInvoiceOrder Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchInvoiceAudit(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerOrderLine inbound is related to ZERO or ONE VendorInvoiceLine outbound is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerInvoiceLine Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchInvoicePromo(s) Inbound is related to ZERO or MORE VendorPoLines(s) Inbound is related to ZERO or MORE VendorInvoiceDistribution(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchInvoiceOrder Type: Class Description: Information on a sales or purchase order as part of a customer or vendor invoice within an inbound or outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchInvoice Associates is related to ONE or MORE DispatchInvoiceLine(s) inbound is related to ZERO or ONE VendorInvoiceDoc outbound is related to only ONE CustomerInvoiceOrder This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchInvoicePromo Type: Class Description: Promotions and deals information referenced by a customer invoice within an outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

Class Descriptions


ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchInvoice Associates is related to only ONE DispatchInvoiceLine outbound is related to only ONE PromotionTracking This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchLabor Type: Class Description: Labor ticket information contained within an inbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Dispatch This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: inbound is related to only ONE LaborTicket This item has the following properties: Dispatch... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchLot Type: Class Description: Lot-level information contained within an outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE DispatchPickLine Associates is related to only ONE DispatchNoticeItem outbound is related to ZERO or ONE InventoryAllocation outbound is related to ZERO or ONE Lot

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outbound is related to ZERO or ONE AllocationHistory This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchNote Type: Class Description: Any of the sets of notes that can be attached to an inbound or outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: DispatchAdviceNote DispatchOrderNote DispatchPickNote DispatchContractNote This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchNotice Type: Class Description: An outbound electronic message for an advanced shipping notice. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Dispatch This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DispatchNoticeOrder(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE LoadShipment This item has the following properties: Dispatch... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchNoticeCarton Type: Class Description: Carton-level information supporting a shipment to be delivered to a customer, contained within an outbound electronic message.

Class Descriptions


Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchNoticeItem outbound is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerItem outbound is related to ZERO or ONE LoadLineCarton This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchNoticeItem Type: Class Description: Item-level information supporting a shipment to be delivered to a customer, contained within an outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchNoticePack Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DispatchNoticeCarton(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchLot(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE ReleaseContract Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchCustomerItem(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerItem outbound is related to ZERO or ONE RegularOrderLine outbound is related to ZERO or ONE LoadLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchNoticeOrder Type: Class Description: Order-level information supporting a shipment to be

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delivered to a customer, contained within an outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchNotice Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DispatchNoticePack(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE ReleaseContract outbound is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerOrder outbound is related to ZERO or ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchNoticePack Type: Class Description: Packaging-level information supporting a shipment to be delivered to a customer, contained within an outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchNoticeOrder Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DispatchNoticeItem(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE LoadCarton outbound is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerItem This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchOrder Type: Class Description: An inbound or outbound electronic message for a sales or purchase order. Persistent: TRUE

Class Descriptions


This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Dispatch This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DispatchOrderLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchOrderNote(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE PurchaseOrder inbound is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerOrder Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchData(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchAddress(s) This item has the following properties: Dispatch... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchOrderLine Type: Class Description: Sales or purchase order line-level information contained within an inbound or outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchOrder Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchOrderNote(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE PurchaseOrderLine Association is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchCustomerItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE RegularOrderLine Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchData(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchAddress(s) This item has the following properties:

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*** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchOrderNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an ECM inbound sales order or to an ECM outbound purchase order or to an outbound sales order acknowledgement. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: DispatchNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrder Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrderLine inbound message is related to ZERO or ONE StdCustOrderLineNote inbound message is related to ZERO or ONE StdCustOrderNote outbound message is related to ZERO or ONE ItemNote outbound message is related to ZERO or ONE StdPurchOrderNote outbound message is related to ZERO or ONE StdVendorNote This item has the following properties: DispatchNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchPartner Type: Class Description: An inbound electronic message containing information concerning a trading partner. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Dispatch This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DispatchAddress(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchData(s) This item has the following properties:

Class Descriptions


Dispatch... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchPayAsBuilt Type: Class Description: An inbound electronic message containing information for a sales order in which payment is made as manufacturing progress is recorded.. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Dispatch This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: inbound is related to only ONE CustomerOrder This item has the following properties: Dispatch... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchPick Type: Class Description: An outbound electronic message containing information about a pick list for inventory items in one or more warehouses. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Dispatch This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DispatchPickLine(s) outbound is related to only ONE WarehousePickList Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchPickNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchAddress(s) This item has the following properties: Dispatch... *** No properties defined ***

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Name: DispatchPickLine Type: Class Description: Detailed information about an individual item to be picked from a specific location, as part of an outbound electronic message. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchPick Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchLot(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchPickNote(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE LoadHeader outbound is related to ZERO or ONE LoadLine outbound is related to only ONE WarehousePickList outbound is related to only ONE RegularOrderLine outbound is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerOrder Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerItem Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchAddress(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchPickNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an ECM outbound pick list. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: DispatchNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPick Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPickLine

Class Descriptions


outbound message is related to ZERO or ONE StdCustomerNote outbound message is related to ZERO or ONE StdCustOrderNote outbound message is related to ZERO or ONE StdCustOrderLineNote This item has the following properties: DispatchNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchSelfBill Type: Class Description: An inbound eletronic message for a self bill invoice. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Dispatch This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of only ONE CustomerOrder Associates is made up of only ONE CustomerInvoice This item has the following properties: Dispatch... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchShipDetail Type: Class Description: Detailed information for an individual line within a sales order within an inbound electronic message for a "sequenced ship" sales order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchShipOrder inbound is related to only ONE SequencedShipDetail This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

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Name: DispatchShipHeader Type: Class Description: Inbound electronic message for a "sequenced ship" sales order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Dispatch This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DispatchShipOrder(s) This item has the following properties: Dispatch... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchShipOrder Type: Class Description: Detailed information for an individual sales order within an inbound electronic message for a "sequenced ship" sales order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchShipHeader Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DispatchShipDetail(s) inbound is related to only ONE SequencedShip This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchText Type: Class Description: Inbound electronic message for a one-time communication. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Dispatch This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations:

Class Descriptions


Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DispatchTextDetail(s) This item has the following properties: Dispatch... *** No properties defined *** Name: DispatchTextDetail Type: Class Description: Text of an inbound electronic message for a one-time communication. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DispatchText This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Disposition Type: Class Description: The measure of quality of a lot. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment NOTES.DAT Notes Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE SampleRequirement(s) Associates is related to 1 to 2 Specification(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE QAInstrumentCalib(s) Associates is part of only ONE QALot Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispositionHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispositionCommentHeader(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StatusHistory(s)

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Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureDisposition(s) Associates is related to only ONE LotReleaseProcess This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispositionComment Type: Class Description: A set of notes related to the measure of quality of a lot. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE DispositionCommentHeader This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispositionCommentHeader Type: Class Description: Any of a set of notes related to the measure of quality of a lot. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Disposition Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DispositionComment(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DispositionHistory Type: Class Description: Recording of transactions that affect the measure of quality of a lot. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class).

Class Descriptions


This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Disposition This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DistanceMatrix Type: Class Description: Information used to determine shipping mileage between two locations. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: destination is related to only ONE PostalCode origination is related to only ONE PostalCode Associates is related to only ONE UnitOfMeasurement This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DistributionCalendar Type: Class Description: The planned ship schedule for resupply orders between warehouses. This item is used on the following diagrams: PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: to is related to only ONE Facility from is related to only ONE Facility This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DistributionRelation Type: Class Description: Definition of shipping conditions between two warehouses. This item is used on the following diagrams:

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PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: from is related to only ONE Warehouse to is related to only ONE Warehouse Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Item This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Dock Type: Class Description: The arrival point where the goods will be unloaded. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadHeader(s) Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DocumentPrefix Type: Class Description: Method for distinguishing among different types of financial documents such as Customer Payment, Customer Invoice, Vendor Payment, Vendor Invoice, Debit Note, Credit Note. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustInvoicePayment(s)

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoiceOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorInvoice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CarteraParameters(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Draft Type: Class Description: Payment where the type of instrument is not cash or it involves payment installments. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CustomerPayAgreement Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DraftLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DraftStampTax(s) Associates is related to only ONE CustomerInvoice Associates is related to only ONE VendorPayAgreement Associates is related to only ONE DraftTerms Associates is related to ZERO or ONE VendorPayment Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DraftNote(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DraftLine Type: Class Description: Payment installment information. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces

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This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Draft Associates is related to only ONE DraftTermsLine Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SubsystemHistory This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DraftNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a draft type of payment. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Draft This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DraftStampTax Type: Class Description: Assessed tax liability based on the type of instrument chosen to use for payment. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Draft This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DraftTerms Type: Class Description: Negotiated condition of payment between a company and their customer as to when the payment is due, how many

Class Descriptions


installments may be made, the payment instrument that may be used, and any discounts that can be taken. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Draft(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerPayAgreement(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorPayAgreement(s) Associates is made up of ONE or MORE DraftTermsLine(s) Associates is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument Associates is related to only ONE Customer This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DraftTermsLine Type: Class Description: Information on each installment payment due within a negotiated condition of payment between a company and their customer. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE DraftTerms Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DraftLine(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Drawing Type: Class Description: An engineering diagram of a product.

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This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE EngineeringChangeOrder Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Revision Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DrawingNote(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DrawingNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an engineering drawing. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ERPlxNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Drawing This item has the following properties: ERPlxNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: DrawnSample Type: Class Description: A specimen extracted from a lot for a specific quality test. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE TestResult(s) Associates is part of only ONE SampleRequirement Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureDrawnSample(s) This item has the following properties:

Class Descriptions


*** No properties defined *** Name: DropShipment Type: Class Description: The delivery of an order directly from a vendor to a customer. This item is used on the following diagrams: SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE PurchaseOrderLine Associates is related to only ONE CustomerOrderLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: DunningInterface Type: Class Description: Set of information related to a dunning event, available for export. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE InvoiceDunHistory Associates is related to ONE or MORE CarteraDunningDocument(s) Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDunningSet This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: EcoNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an engineering change order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy:

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ERPlxNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE EngineeringChangeOrder This item has the following properties: ERPlxNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: EdiReleaseAncillary Type: Class Description: Additional information for an outbound message related to a scheduled purchase. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE EdiReleaseHeader outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContractLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: EdiReleaseHeader Type: Class Description: Outbound message of information related to a scheduled purchase. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE EdiReleaseNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE EdiReleaseAncillary Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE EdiReleaseRequirement(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContract outbound

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContractLine outbound message is related to ZERO or ONE VendorContractDetail This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: EdiReleaseNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an outbound message related to a scheduled purchase. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: outbound message is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContractNote Associates is related to only ONE EdiReleaseHeader This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: EdiReleaseRequirement Type: Class Description: Outbound message of information related to details of a scheduled purchase. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE EdiReleaseHeader outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContractDetail This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: EmpiricalTable Type: Class Description: Factors used during quality test result reporting to determine item conformance to a standard. This item is used on the following diagrams:

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QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE MethodVariable(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE TableEntry(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Employee Type: Class Description: A person employed by the company. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LaborTicket(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: EngineeringChangeOrder Type: Class Description: Revision to the method or material used to construct a product. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Drawing(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Revision Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ApprovalProcess Associates is related to only ONE StandardBOM Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE EngineeringChgOrderline(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ApprovalProcessHistory(s) Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or MORE RoutingStep(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ApprovalProcessHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE EcoNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureEngineeringChangeOrder(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: EngineeringChgOrderline Type: Class Description: The details of the engineering change order are defined. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE EngineeringChangeOrder Associates is related to ZERO or MORE EventLog(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ReferenceDesignator(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureEngineeringChgOrderline(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: EventLog Type: Class Description: History of engineering change orders. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE EngineeringChgOrderline Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureEventLog(s)

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This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ExchangeRate Type: Class Description: The definition of the value of one currency in relation to another currency on a specific date. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing CARTERA.DAT Cartera Receivables Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: from is related to only ONE Currency to is related to only ONE Currency Associates is related to only ONE CarteraDocument This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Facility Type: Class Description: A grouping of warehouses (typically geographic but can be other production/storage location combinations). This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics SYSTEM.DAT System Environment PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE Warehouse(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopFloorCalendar(s) Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Timeframe(s) to is related to ZERO or MORE DistributionCalendar(s) from is related to ZERO or MORE DistributionCalendar(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemFacility(s) Associates is made up of ONE or MORE Warehouse(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemClass(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ApprovedItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorQuote(s) Associates is related to only ONE VendorHistory Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureFacility(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: FinancialDocument Type: Class Description: This class represents information for different types of financial documents such as Customer Payment, Customer Invoice, Vendor Payment, Vendor Invoice, Debit Note, Credit Note. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: CustomerInvoice CustInvoicePayment VendorInvoice VendorPayment This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: FixedAsset

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Type: Class Description: A piece of land, building, furniture, or other immovable fixture of a business. This item is used on the following diagrams: ASSETS.DAT Asset Management LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE FixedAssetRetirement(s) Associates is part of only ONE Company Associates is related to only ONE Organization Associates is related to ZERO or ONE FixedAssetLocation Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DepreciationTable(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DepreciationAlloc(s) Original is related to ZERO or ONE OriginalFixedAsset is related to ZERO or ONE FixedAsset Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SubsystemHistory Associates is related to only ONE BatchTransaction This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: FixedAssetLocation Type: Class Description: The identification of place where fixed assets reside. This item is used on the following diagrams: ASSETS.DAT Asset Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE FixedAsset(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: FixedAssetRetirement

Class Descriptions


Type: Class Description: The removal of an asset from active use. This item is used on the following diagrams: ASSETS.DAT Asset Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE FixedAsset Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DepreciationBook(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Folio Type: Class Description: A grouping of foreign currency assets and liabilities for revaluation. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Company Associates is related to ONE or MORE RevaluationDefn(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SubsystemHistory This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Forecast Type: Class Description: Predicted future product demand. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of 0 to 2 ForecastDetail(s) Associates

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is related to ZERO or MORE SeasonalityHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ForecastModels This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ForecastBasis Type: Class Description: The recorded demand history used to predict future product demand. This item is used on the following diagrams: PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ForecastDetail Type: Class Description: Predicted future product demand. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Forecast becomes is related to ZERO or MORE MaterialRequirement(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ForecastModels Type: Class Description: A simulation model representing one possible method of predicting future product demand. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Forecast(s)

Class Descriptions


This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ForecastPeriod Type: Class Description: Specific calendar dates used for recording demand history and predicting future demand. This item is used on the following diagrams: PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ForexReservation Type: Class Description: The negotiation of and locking in of a specific exchange rate for a specific amount of currency with a financial instititution. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) Associates is related to only ONE BankAccount Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrder(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: FormatVariables Type: Class Description: Detailed text supporting a defined document layout for a certificate of analysis. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

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This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CertificateFormat Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CertificateOfAnalysis(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: FreightRate Type: Class Description: Service provider fee of moving the goods from the origination point to the destination point. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: FreightTerms Type: Class Description: Definition of charges and their invoicing as a result of a delivery of merchandise to a customer. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RegularOrderLine(s) Associates is related to only ONE CustomerOrder Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadHeader(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: GoodsReceivedDetail Type: Class Description: Detail of a Goods Received Note. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

Class Descriptions


PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE VendorInvoiceDoc Associates is related to only ONE GoodsReceivedHeader This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: GoodsReceivedHeader Type: Class Description: Header of a Goods Received Note. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE PurchaseOrderDelivery Associates is related to ONE or MORE GoodsReceivedDetail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: HazardousGoods Type: Class Description: A particular inventory item or type of inventoy item that can be dangerous, and requires special care in storage or handling. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Primary is related to ZERO or MORE CrossContamination(s) Secondary is related to ZERO or MORE CrossContamination(s) Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmHazardNote(s)

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This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: HistMatNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to the history of a material component of a shop order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: HistoryNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrderMaterial Associates is related to only ONE StdMaterialNote This item has the following properties: HistoryNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: HistOperNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to the history of an operation detail of a shop order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: HistoryNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE StdOperationNote Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrderOperation This item has the following properties: HistoryNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: HistoryNote Type: Class Description: Any of a set of notes related to history of Shop Orders. Persistent: TRUE

Class Descriptions


This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: HistSONote HistMatNote HistOperNote This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: HistSONote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to the history of a shop order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: HistoryNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrder Associates is related to only ONE StdShopOrderNote This item has the following properties: HistoryNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: HolidayCalendar Type: Class Description: Identification of non-working days at the specific customer, or contract. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: SalesOrg is related to only ONE Customer Associates is made up of ONE or MORE HolidayCalendarDate(s) Calendar for shipping is related to only ONE Address Calendar for contracts is related to ZERO or MORE ReleaseContract(s)

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This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: HolidayCalendarDate Type: Class Description: The actual calendar dates for the release details. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE HolidayCalendar Associates is related to only ONE ReleaseDetail This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: InboundDelivery Type: Class Description: Delivery of goods ordered from a vendor or supplier using a purchase order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Carrier Associates is related to only ONE MeansofTransport Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE InboundDeliveryCharge(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE InboundDeliveryOrder(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: InboundDeliveryCharge Type: Class Description: Cost incurred by service providers who add value to a delivery. This is calculated and could be against the value of the goods. Persistent: TRUE

Class Descriptions


This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Service is related to ZERO or ONE PurchaseOrderLine Associates is part of only ONE InboundDelivery Associates is related to only ONE PartnerSpecialCharge Associates is related to ONE or MORE ReapportionedCharge(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DeliveryDocumentation(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: InboundDeliveryLine Type: Class Description: A purchase order line referenced on a delivery of goods ordered from a vendor or supplier using a purchase order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: not for commodity is related to only ONE PurchaseOrderLine Associates is part of only ONE InboundDeliveryOrder Associates is related to ONE or MORE ReapportionedCharge(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DeliveryDocumentation(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: InboundDeliveryOrder Type: Class Description: A purchase order referenced on a delivery of goods ordered from a vendor or supplier using a purchase order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class).

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This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE PurchaseOrder Associates is part of only ONE InboundDelivery Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE InboundDeliveryLine(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: InventoryAllocation Type: Class Description: The specific reservation to an order of on hand quantity of an item from a location in a warehouse. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: ShopOrderAllocation CustomerAllocation This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE ShopOrderMaterial Associates is related to only ONE Location Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Container Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Lot Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Pallet Associates is related to only ONE RegularOrderLine Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to only ONE LocationInventory outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchLot Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ItemPallet Associates is related to ZERO or ONE WarehousePickList This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: InventoryHistory Type: Class Description: The recording (archiving) of a transaction which had some inventory effect, such as receiving, issuing, changing a cost, etc. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or ONE OrderHistory Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is related to only ONE LocationInventory inbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchInventory Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SubsystemHistory This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: InventoryTag Type: Class Description: A slip or label used to record the actual quantity found on hand of an item at a location in a warehouse during a physical inventory count. This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: AuditWorksheet This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: AuditWorksheet... *** No properties defined *** Name: InvoiceDunHistory Type: Class Description: An occurrence of dunning against an invoice. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

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CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CustomerInvoice Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DunningInterface This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: InvoiceInDispute Type: Class Description: An invoice that the customer is disputing. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ConditionsOccurred(s) Associates is related to only ONE CustomerInvoice This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: InvoicesPaid Type: Class Description: The invoices paid by a payment by a customer to a lockbox, on a bank transmission. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ManualCheckInvoice This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Item Type: Class Description: A product that may be ordered by a customer. This item is used on the following diagrams:

Class Descriptions


OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management RELEASE.DAT Release Management PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment NOTES.DAT Notes Management PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ConfigurationParent ConfiguredOption ApprovedItem This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Price(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SalesHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RegularOrderLine(s) Generated Parent Item is related to ZERO or ONE ConfigureOrderDetail Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemFacility(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DistributionRelation(s) Associates is made up of only ONE ListPrice Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SpecialPrice(s) promotion item is related to ZERO or MORE Promotion(s) free good or cash value item is related to ZERO or MORE Promotion(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE InventoryAllocation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Lot(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE WarehouseInventory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LocationInventory(s) Associates

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is related to ZERO or MORE HazardousGoods(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ManagedWarehouseItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemPallet(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemVariable(s) Family Item is related to ZERO or MORE ConfigurationParent(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmItemNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemNote(s) Primary is related to ZERO or MORE AlternateItem(s) Alternate is related to ZERO or MORE AlternateItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrderMaterial(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ModelGroupItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorContractDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE UnscheduledReceiptDetail(s) component is related to ZERO or MORE StandardBOMComponent(s) component is related to ZERO or MORE PlanningBOMComponent(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE MethodVariable(s) Associates is related to 0 to 2 Specification(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ManufacturerItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Manufacturer Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemIngredientTrace(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StabilityPlanning(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ReleaseContract(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AfcItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE WorkCenterRunRate(s)

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to only ONE ItemClass Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemFacQuality(s) Packaging Item is related to ZERO or MORE LoadLine(s) Packaging Item is related to ZERO or MORE LoadLineCarton(s) Packaging Item is related to ZERO or MORE SpecialChargesDetail(s) Packaging Item is related to ZERO or MORE LoadCarton(s) Inventory Item is related to ONE or MORE PackagingStructure(s) Packaging Item is related to ZERO or MORE PackagingStructure(s) Associates is related to only ONE ItemQualityNote Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AutoLotStatusChange(s) Associates is related to TBD AdvancedListDetail Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DailyMaterialRequirement(s) This item has the following properties: ConfigurationParent... ConfiguredOption... ApprovedItem... *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemAttribute Type: Class Description: A characteristic of a product that a customer may select at the time of booking an order such as color or material. This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ConfigurationParent ConfiguredOption This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Vendor Associates is related to only ONE Currency This item has the following properties:

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ConfigurationParent... ConfiguredOption... *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemClass Type: Class Description: Item class and facility-based tolerances for automatically closing shop orders. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to only ONE Facility This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemFacility Type: Class Description: Information about a product at a specific site. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Facility Associates is related to only ONE Campaign Associates is related to ZERO or MORE MaterialRequirement(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PlannedOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Cost(s) Associates is related to only ONE RoutingStep Associates is related to only ONE Item

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureItemFacility(s) Associates is related to only ONE ItemFacQuality This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemFacilityMethod Type: Class Description: Engineering Controlled Items Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureItemFacilityMethod(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemFacilityQuality Type: Class Description: Quality tracking records at facility level Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureItemFacilityQuality(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemFacQuality Type: Class Description: Non QMS method for approving Item facility combinations for shop floor control. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

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This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ItemFacility Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Item(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemFacQualityHistory Type: Class Description: Non QMS Item facility combination approval history. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrderHistory(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemFamilyDetail Type: Class Description: An individual inventory item that ia part of a grouping of items with similar characteristics. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE ItemFamilyHeader Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ReleaseContract(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemFamilyHeader Type: Class Description: A grouping of items with similar characteristics. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class).

Class Descriptions


This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ItemFamilyDetail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemIngredientTrace Type: Class Description: The traceability between items/ingredients and lots. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to only ONE Lot This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an item. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ItemProcessNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Item outbound message is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrderNote This item has the following properties: ItemProcessNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemPallet Type: Class Description: Provides stocking level and transaction balances for items residing on a pallet, which must be within a managed location which, in turn, is within a managed warehouse.

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Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Pallet Associates is related to only ONE Location Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Container(s) Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Lot Associates is related to ZERO or MORE WarehousePickList(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE InventoryAllocation(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemProcessNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an item or its engineering structure - routing or bill of material. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: ItemNote BomComponentNote RoutingStepNote This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureItemProcessNote(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemQualityNote Type: Class Description: Non QMS Item Facility approval notes. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management

Class Descriptions


This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Item(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemRule Type: Class Description: Limits of the combination of characteristics that a customer may select at the time of booking an order. This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE ItemRuleDetail(s) Associates is part of ZERO or ONE ConfiguredOption Associates is part of ZERO or ONE ConfigurationParent This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemRuleDetail Type: Class Description: A restriction on the configuration of items. This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of ZERO or MORE ItemRule(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ItemVariable Type: Class Description: A dimension that may be associated with a customer configuration selection. This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class).

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: defined by is related to ZERO or MORE Calculation(s) use is related to ZERO or MORE Calculation(s) Associates is related to only ONE ConfigurationVariable Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StructureVarPrice(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: JitLineNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an individual line of an RMS JIT release. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ERPlxNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE JitReleaseDetail This item has the following properties: ERPlxNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: JitRelease Type: Class Description: A capability for customers who supplement weekly or monthly releases with daily JIT requirements. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE JitReleaseDetail(s) Associates is related to only ONE ReleaseHeader This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: JitReleaseDetail Type: Class Description: Detailed requests for shipment. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE JitRelease Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JitLineNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE JitReleaseNote Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SelfBillReference This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: JitReleaseNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an RMS JIT release. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JitReleaseDetail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: JournalEntry Type: Class Description: The recording of debit and credit accounting effects on a company's ledgers. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations:

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Associates is related to ZERO or MORE InventoryHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LaborTicket(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustInvoicePayment(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorInvoice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorPayment(s) Associates is made up of ONE or MORE JournalEntryLine(s) Associates is related to only ONE Currency Associates is related to only ONE AccountingEvent Associates is related to only ONE Ledger Associates is related to only ONE LedgerBook Associates is related to ZERO or ONE BatchTransaction Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TFCommitmentHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RevaluationDefn(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Folio(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PromotionTracking(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorInvoiceDoc(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DraftLine(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: JournalEntryLine Type: Class Description: The details of a specific debit or credit in a journal entry. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces NOTES.DAT Notes Management LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

Class Descriptions


This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE JournalEntry Associates is related to only ONE Account Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalHistoryNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE BatchTransactionDetail This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: JournalHistoryNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a journal entry line. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE JournalEntryLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: JournalModel Type: Class Description: A template journal entry. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to 1 to 2 JournalSource(s) Associates is made up of ONE or MORE JournalModelLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountingEventSeq(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Allocation(s) Associates is related to only ONE ChartOfAccounts This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Name: JournalModelLine Type: Class Description: A template journal entry line. This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE JournalModel Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountMacro(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AllocationTarget(s) Associates is related to 0 to 14 Alias(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ModelNote(s) Associates is related to only ONE Account This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: JournalSource Type: Class Description: The origin of a group of related accounting entries. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE LedgerBook Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalModel(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LaborTicket Type: Class Description: The slip used to record the number of machine, setup, and run hours worked by an employee and pieces completed at a work center of a shop order operation. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces

Class Descriptions


ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrderOperation Associates is related to only ONE Employee Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Machine Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) inbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchLabor Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SubsystemHistory This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Language Type: Class Description: Refers to the dialect used for displaying and printing. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE User(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Ledger Type: Class Description: A related set of accounting books. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Account(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE LedgerBook(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Allocation(s) Associates

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is related to ZERO or ONE AccountingEvent Associates is related to only ONE AccountingEventSeq Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is related to only ONE PeriodTable Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountingProcess(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE MapSet(s) Associates is related to only ONE ChartOfAccounts Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountRule(s) Associates is related to only ONE Segment Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountSecurityRule(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StructureRollup(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LedgerBook Type: Class Description: A set of related accounts and their balances. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountBalance(s) Associates is part of only ONE Ledger Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE JournalSource(s) Associates is related to only ONE Allocation Associates is related to only ONE AccountingEventSeq Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountingProcess(s) Associates is related to only ONE Currency Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) This item has the following properties:

Class Descriptions


*** No properties defined *** Name: ListPrice Type: Class Description: The base amount necessary to purchase a product before promotional pricing is applied. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Price This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Item This item has the following properties: Price... *** No properties defined *** Name: Load Type: Class Description: A collection of consignments transported together. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE LoadShipment(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Warehouse Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AllocationHistory(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LoadCarton Type: Class Description: A container of product, shipped as part of the consignment of a customer order line. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management

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ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchNoticePack Associates is part of only ONE LoadShipment Packaging Order Line, First Packed Order Line is related to ZERO or MORE RegularOrderLine(s) Packaging Item is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadLineCarton(s) Associates is related to only ONE PackagingStructure This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LoadDocument Type: Class Description: The documents to be printed for a load of an outbound shipment. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LoadExportInstruction Type: Class Description: Export instructions for a load of an outbound shipment. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: LoadForeignBill Type: Class Description: Information for a foreign bill for a load of an outbound shipment. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Vendor This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LoadHeader Type: Class Description: The consignment of a customer order from one location to another. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) Associates is made up of ONE or MORE LoadLine(s) Associates is related to only ONE Vendor Associates is related to only ONE UnitOfMeasurement Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerInvoice Associates is related to ZERO or ONE PurchaseOrder Associates is related to only ONE MeansofTransport Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TransportEquipment(s) Associates is related to only ONE Dock Associates

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is related to ZERO or MORE WarehousePickList(s) Associates is related to only ONE FreightTerms Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmProcessNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmInstructionNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmSpecialNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmShipmentNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmPackListNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmPackagingNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmLoadOrderNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmLoadNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmLetterOfCreditNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmForeignNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmExtraEcsiNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmRemarksNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmGoodsNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmCmrReverseNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OlmCertificateNote(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchNoticeOrder outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPickLine Associates is part of only ONE LoadShipment Associates is related to ZERO or ONE LoadSingleAdmin Associates is related to ZERO or ONE LoadForeignBill Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE LoadTracking(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE LoadExportInstruction Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE LoadDocument(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: LoadLine Type: Class Description: The consignment of the item from a specific customer order line from one location to another. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management RELEASE.DAT Release Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE LoadLineCarton(s) Associates is part of only ONE LoadHeader Associates is related to only ONE RegularOrderLine outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPickLine outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchNoticeItem Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE LoadReference(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SelfBillReference Packaging Item is related to only ONE Item This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LoadLineCarton Type: Class Description: Identification of the specific lot and pallet inventory shipped as part of the consignment of a customer order line. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE LoadLine outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchNoticeCarton Packaging Item is related to only ONE Item

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Associates is related to only ONE LoadCarton This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LoadReference Type: Class Description: Reference information for a load of an outbound shipment, such as flight number, booking number, reservation number, etc. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE LoadLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LoadShipment Type: Class Description: A single shipment within a collection of consignments transported together. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Load Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE LoadCarton(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE LoadSpecialCharge(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE LoadHeader(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchNotice Associates is related to only ONE SingleAdminDoc This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: LoadSingleAdmin Type: Class Description: A single administration document used by a particular load of an outbound shipment. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: becomes is related to only ONE SingleAdminDoc Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LoadSpecialCharge Type: Class Description: An assessment to a customer related to the consignment of a specific customer order line shipment. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Currency Associates is part of only ONE LoadShipment Associates is related to only ONE PartnerSpecialCharge Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SpecialOrderLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LoadTracking Type: Class Description: Tracking of an individual load through a terminal. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


is related to only ONE Terminal Associates is part of only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Location Type: Class Description: The most specific level of place in which an item may be stored. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: ManagedLocation This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Warehouse Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Pallet(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE from(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE to(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE from(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE to(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE InventoryAllocation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrder(s) Associates is related to only ONE ProfitCenter Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LocationInventory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemPallet(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE MultiPickLocation(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LocationInventory Type: Class

Class Descriptions


Description: Provides stocking level and transaction balances for items within a location which, in turn, is within a warehouse. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Location Associates is related to only ONE WarehouseInventory Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Container(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Lot Associates is related to ZERO or MORE WarehousePickList(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE InventoryAllocation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE InventoryHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AuditWorksheet(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AllocationHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureLocationInventory(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Lockbox Type: Class Description: A financial institution where a payment from a customer to a vendor may be made. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LockboxRight(s) Associates

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is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to only ONE BankAccount Associates is related to only ONE Currency Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ManualCheckDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ManualCheckBatch(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CheckBatch(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LockboxPayment Type: Class Description: The settlement of an outstanding debt deposited by the customer with a financial institution which wire transfers the amount to the selling company. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CustInvoicePayment Associates is related to only ONE CheckCrossReference This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LockboxRight Type: Class Description: Authority of a specific individual to make transactions related to a specific account in a financial instititution. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Right This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Lockbox This item has the following properties: Right... *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: Lot Type: Class Description: A batch of inventory of an item assigned a unique number for tracking purposes. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: QALot This class has the following associations: inContainer is related to ZERO or MORE Container(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShopOrder Associates is related to ZERO or MORE InventoryAllocation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Tracebility is related to ZERO or MORE Customer(s) Associates is related to ONE or MORE Item(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LocationInventory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemPallet(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LotNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AllocationHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemIngredientTrace(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Trigger(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchLot Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureLot(s) Associates is related to only ONE LotStatus

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Associates is related to only ONE LotStatus Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AutoLotStatusChange(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerLotRequirement(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LotNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a lot Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Lot Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureLotNote(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LotReleaseProcess Type: Class Description: Search transactions to retrieve current lot status for lot availability processig. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Disposition This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LotReleaseTable Type: Class Description: Table for lot release processing. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

Class Descriptions


QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ResultType This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: LotStatus Type: Class Description: ERPlx / User defined lot status validation. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Lot This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Machine Type: Class Description: A piece of production equipment that may be either tracked or scheduled. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LaborTicket(s) Associates is related to only ONE WorkCenter Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Location Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Location This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

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Name: ManagedLocation Type: Class Description: A location that tracks inventory on pallets and is subject to additional stock controls Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Location This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE ManagedWarehouse Associates is related to only ONE Zone This item has the following properties: Location... *** No properties defined *** Name: ManagedWarehouse Type: Class Description: A warehouse that tracks inventory on pallets and is subject to additional stock controls. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Warehouse PartnerEntity PurchaseAddress This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE Pallet(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Area(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DeliveryHeader(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ManagedLocation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CrossContamination(s) Associates is related to only ONE UnitOfMeasurement Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ManagedWarehouseItem(s) This item has the following properties: Warehouse...

Class Descriptions


PartnerEntity... PurchaseAddress... *** No properties defined *** Name: ManagedWarehouseItem Type: Class Description: Represents characteristics of receiving, storage, picking, replenishment, and flexibility of an item in a managed warehouse. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE AlternatePallet(s) Associates is related to only ONE ManagedWarehouse Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or MORE MultiPickLocation(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ManualCheckBatch Type: Class Description: A group of payments by customers to a lockbox, not included on a bank transmission. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Lockbox Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ManualCheckDetail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ManualCheckDetail Type: Class Description: An individual payment by a customer to a lockbox,

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


not on a bank transmission, Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Lockbox Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ManualCheckInvoice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE UnmatchedCheck(s) Associates is related to only ONE CheckCrossReference Associates is related to only ONE ManualCheckBatch This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ManualCheckInvoice Type: Class Description: The invoices paid by a payment by a customer to a lockbox, not on a bank transmission. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ManualCheckDetail Associates is related to only ONE InvoicesPaid Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CheckDispositionHeader(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CheckHistoryHeader(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Manufacturer Type: Class Description: A company that produces goods. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control

Class Descriptions


ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE QALot(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ManufacturerItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Item(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Trigger(s) Associates is related to only ONE ApprovedItem Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorContractDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrderLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorQuote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureManufacturer(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ManufacturerItem Type: Class Description: The product label used by the manufacturer within their own company. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to 1 to 2 Specification(s) Associates is related to only ONE Manufacturer Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureManufacturerItem(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

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Name: ManufacturerLot Type: Class Description: The identifier used by the manufacturer to track a specific batch of inventory of a product. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ONE or MORE QALot(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ManufacturingMethod Type: Class Description: An alternative manner of producing an item using different routings or bills of material. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureManufacturingMethod(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: MappedResult Type: Class Description: A summarized version of the accepted values of the translation of parts of an account string from one chart of accounts to another, used to improve performance. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE MappedValue Associates is related to only ONE Account This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: MappedSegment Type: Class Description: The translation of part of an account string from one chart of accounts to another. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE MapSet Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE MappedValue(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: MappedValue Type: Class Description: An accepted value of the translation of part of an account string from one chart of accounts to another. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only 2 SegmentValue(s) Associates is part of only ONE MappedSegment Associates is related to ZERO or MORE MappedResult(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: MapSet Type: Class Description: A collection of translated account strings. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountingProcess(s)

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Associates is made up of ONE or MORE MappedSegment(s) Associates is related to 1 to 2 ChartOfAccounts(s) Associates is related to 0 to 2 Ledger(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: MaterialCommodity Type: Class Description: Tangible substance. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Commodity ApprovedItem This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: Commodity... ApprovedItem... *** No properties defined *** Name: MaterialHistory Type: Class Description: Recorded shop order-material transactions that had an effect on inventory. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OrderHistory This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrderMaterial Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrderMaterial This item has the following properties: OrderHistory... *** No properties defined *** Name: MaterialRequirement Type: Class

Class Descriptions


Description: A raw material or component which is required in the manufacturing process of a finished good. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse Associates is related to only ONE ItemFacility becomes is related to only ONE ForecastDetail This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: MeansofTransport Type: Class Description: The conveyance method of delivering goods. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TransportEquipment(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShippingRoute(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadHeader(s) Associates is related to ONE or MORE InboundDelivery(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Customer(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Warehouse(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Address(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Vendor(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Menu

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Type: Class Description: A listing of applications. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE MenuOption(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE MenuRight(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: MenuOption Type: Class Description: An individual item on a listing of applications. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Menu Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SecuredObject This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: MenuRight Type: Class Description: Authorization for a user to access a specific menu Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Right This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Menu This item has the following properties: Right... *** No properties defined *** Name: MethodDatasheet

Class Descriptions


Type: Class Description: A form designed for a procedure used to record data. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE TestMethod This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: MethodVariable Type: Class Description: A measurement for a test used to calculate results. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE TestMethod Associates is related to ZERO or MORE EmpiricalTable(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureMethodVariable(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ModelGroup Type: Class Description: The family of items available for sequenced pick release of customer orders. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ModelGroupItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SequencedShipDetail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

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Name: ModelGroupItem Type: Class Description: An individual item within the family of items available for sequenced pick release of customer orders. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE ModelGroup Associates is related to only ONE Item This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ModelNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a journal model line. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE JournalModelLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: MultiPickLocation Type: Class Description: The sequence in which locations are searched for a particular item, when replenishing inventory. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ManagedWarehouseItem Associates is related to only ONE Location

Class Descriptions


This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Notice Type: Class Description: Document to be printed when an invoice uses a specific transaction/reason code combination. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoice(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE Notice Detail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Notice Detail Type: Class Description: Lines of text for a document to be printed when an invoice uses a specific transaction/reason code combination. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Notice This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ObjectProduct Type: Class Description: For a specific ERPlx object, the products (other than the object's owning product) which use the object. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

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is related to only ONE SecuredObject Associates is related to only ONE ERPlxProduct This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ObjectRight Type: Class Description: Authorization for a user to use a specific ERPlx program object. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Right This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE SecuredObject This item has the following properties: Right... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmCarrierNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM carrier. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Carrier This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmCertificateNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM certificate of origin. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management

Class Descriptions


This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmCmrReverseNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM CMR reverse. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmCustomerNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM customer. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Customer This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmDeclarationNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM declaration. Persistent: TRUE

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Address This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmExtraEcsiNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM extra ECSI. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmForeignNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM foreign bill. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmGoodsNote Type: Class

Class Descriptions


Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM description of goods. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmHazardNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM hazard description. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE HazardousGoods This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmInstructionNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM special instruction. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined ***

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Name: OlmInvoiceNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM invoice. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Customer This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmItemNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM item. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Customer Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Address This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmLetterOfCreditNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM letter of credit. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmLoadNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM load. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmLoadOrderNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM load order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmNote Type: Class Description: Any of the sets of notes relating to Outbound Logistics Management. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes:

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


OlmItemNote OlmCustomerNote OlmInvoiceNote OlmDeclarationNote OlmShippingNote OlmShipToNote OlmOrderNote OlmCertificateNote OlmCmrReverseNote OlmHazardNote OlmCarrierNote OlmProcessNote OlmInstructionNote OlmShipmentNote OlmSpecialNote OlmPackListNote OlmPackagingNote OlmLoadOrderNote OlmLoadNote OlmLetterOfCreditNote OlmForeignNote OlmExtraEcsiNote OlmRemarksNote OlmGoodsNote This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmOrderNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CustomerOrder This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmPackagingNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM packaging. Persistent: TRUE

Class Descriptions


This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmPackListNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM packing list. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmProcessNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM special process. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmRemarksNote Type: Class

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM EUR1 remarks. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmShipmentNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM shipment. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmShippingNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM shipping. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Address This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: OlmShipToNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM ship-to. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Address This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OlmSpecialNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an OLM special declaration. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OlmNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadHeader This item has the following properties: OlmNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: OperationHistory Type: Class Description: Shop Order Operations History. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrderOperation This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Name: OptionRight Type: Class Description: Authorization for a user to use a specific action or function within a ERPlx program. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE UserGroup Associates is related to only ONE ProgramOptions This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: OrderHistory Type: Class Description: Recorded business document transactions that had an effect on inventory. This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: MaterialHistory ShopOrderHistory PurchaseOrderHistory CustomerOrderHistory This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE InventoryHistory This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Organization Type: Class Description: A subdivision of a company used to identify asset ownership. This item is used on the following diagrams: ASSETS.DAT Asset Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Company Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or MORE FixedAsset(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ProfitCenter(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PackagingStructure Type: Class Description: A definition of how a specific item or group of items are to be packed when being shipped or will be packed when being received. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management RELEASE.DAT Release Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Vendor Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Carrier(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Warehouse Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Customer Inventory Item is related to ZERO or ONE Item Packaging Item is related to ONE or MORE Item(s) Associates is related to ONE or MORE LoadCarton(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ReleaseContract This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Pallet Type: Class Description: A frame used in a warehouse for containing and moving inventory. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


is part of only ONE ManagedWarehouse Associates is related to only ONE Location Associates is related to ZERO or MORE InventoryAllocation(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ItemPallet(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Partner Type: Class Description: An external entity with whom the company does business Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AdapterPartner(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AdapterPartnerDock(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE PartnerEntity(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PartnerContact Type: Class Description: Derfines who to get in touch with at an external entity with whom the company does business; and how to get in touch with that person. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE PartnerEntity This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PartnerEntity

Class Descriptions


Type: Class Description: The customers/vendors/etc. that are part of an external entity with whom the company does business Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: Customer Company Vendor Carrier Warehouse This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Partner Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE PartnerLocation(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE PartnerContact(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PartnerLocation Type: Class Description: The address of an external entity with whom the company does business. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE PartnerEntity This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PartnerSpecialCharge Type: Class Description: Template for an individual amount that can be attached to a delivery to increase/decrease amount to be paid to a vendor or received from a customer.. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class).

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE SpecialChargesDetail Associates is related to ZERO or MORE InboundDeliveryCharge(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Warehouse Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Customer Associates is related to only ONE ServiceProvider Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadSpecialCharge(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Address This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PassNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an item/vendor relationship that details results of quality testing. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: QualityNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: QualityNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: PayInstrument Type: Class Description: A type of settlement device such as cash, check, or bank wire. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration SYSTEM.DAT System Environment PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CustomerPayAgreement

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to only ONE BankAccount Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoice(s) Associates is related to only ONE VendorPayAgreement Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorInvoice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PerfMeasurePeriod Type: Class Description: Valid 13 periods defined for performance measurements by wraehouse. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PerformanceMeasure Type: Class Description: The gauge of actual to forecasted business objectives. This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PeriodMaster Type: Class Description: A type of accounting period definition. Persistent: TRUE

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This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE PeriodTable This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PeriodTable Type: Class Description: Collection of accounting period definitions. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Ledger(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PeriodMaster(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PlannedOrder Type: Class Description: Forecasted production or purchase based on actual or predicted demand. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Campaign Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse Associates is related to only ONE ItemFacility becomes is related to only ONE PlannedResupply Associates is related to ZERO or MORE WorkCenterRunRate(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: PlannedResupply Type: Class Description: Forecasted requirement for an inter-warehouse stock transfer based on actual or predicted demand. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: becomes is related to only ONE PlannedOrder becomes is related to only ONE ResupplyOrder This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PlanningBOM Type: Class Description: A list of features and options that make up an assembled item. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: BillOfMaterials This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE PlanningBOMComponent(s) This item has the following properties: BillOfMaterials... *** No properties defined *** Name: PlanningBOMComponent Type: Class Description: A specific feature or option that makes up an assembled to order item. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE PlanningBOM component is related to only ONE Item This item has the following properties:

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*** No properties defined *** Name: POAuthorization Type: Class Description: The security rights to place a purchase order. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Right This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Company This item has the following properties: Right... *** No properties defined *** Name: POSpecialLine Type: Class Description: A booking with a vendor for the purchase of a service. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE SpecialCharge Associates is part of only ONE PurchaseOrderLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PostalCode Type: Class Description: Mailing zone This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: destination is related to ZERO or MORE ShippingZone(s) origination is related to ZERO or MORE ShippingZone(s) destination

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or MORE DistanceMatrix(s) origination is related to ZERO or MORE DistanceMatrix(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Price Type: Class Description: The amount charged or paid for the sale or purchase of an item. This item is used on the following diagrams: SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: SpecialPrice ListPrice Promotion AdvancedListHeader This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Item(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrderLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Customer(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RegularOrderLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TFCommitment(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ProductionHistory Type: Class Description: Recorded and archived shop order transactions. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrderOperation(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

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Name: ProductRight Type: Class Description: Authorization for a user to use a specific ERPlx product Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Right This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ERPlxProduct This item has the following properties: Right... *** No properties defined *** Name: ProfitCenter Type: Class Description: A subdivision of the company for financial purposes. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control ASSETS.DAT Asset Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) Associates is part of only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrderLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RevaluationDefn(s) Associates is part of only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Organization(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DepreciationAlloc(s)

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorInvoice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Promotion(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Location(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ProgramEvent Type: Class Description: Identification of the ERPlx programs connected to various business events that may trigger journal entries. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE SubsystemProgram Associates is related to only ONE AccountingEvent This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ProgramOptions Type: Class Description: The set of actions and functions within ERPlx programs that may have their access secured. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE SecuredObject Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OptionRight(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Promotion

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Type: Class Description: Pricing incentive. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Price This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE PromotionCalendar promotion item is related to ZERO or ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Address free good or cash value item is related to 0 to 2 Item(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Customer Associates is related to only ONE Currency Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ProfitCenter Associates is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AppliedPromotion(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PromotionTracking(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StdPromotionNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TFCommitment This item has the following properties: Price... *** No properties defined *** Name: PromotionCalendar Type: Class Description: Valid dates for pricing incentives. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Promotion(s) Associates is related to only ONE Company

Class Descriptions


This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PromotionTracking Type: Class Description: History of a pricing incentive related to customer orders, invoices, and payments. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE CustomerInvoice Associates is related to only ONE RegularOrderLine Associates is related to only ONE Promotion outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchInvoicePromo Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TFCommitment Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SubsystemHistory This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PurchaseAddress Type: Class Description: The address associated with a purchase order or individual line of a purchase order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: Vendor Customer Address Warehouse This class has the following associations: Associates

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is related to only ONE PurchaseOrder Associates is related to only ONE PurchaseOrderLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PurchasedItem Type: Class Description: A product or commodity that may be purchased from a vendor. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorQuote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ApprovedItem(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: PurchaseOrder Type: Class Description: The procurement of a product or service from a vendor. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment NOTES.DAT Notes Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE PurchaseOrderLine(s) Associates is related to only ONE Currency Associates is related to only ONE Vendor when qualified by PO Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Facility Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorContractDetail(s) Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or ONE Vendor when qualified by Req Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Warehouse Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ForexReservation Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadHeader(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE InboundDeliveryOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StdPurchOrderNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StdRequisitionNote(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrder Associates is related to only ONE PurchaseAddress This item has the following properties: o+ Raise PO Name: PurchaseOrderDelivery Type: Class Description: Identifies a purchase order line that will be part of a delivery into a managed warehouse. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: DeliveryDetail This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE PurchaseOrderLine Associates is related to ONE or MORE GoodsReceivedHeader(s) This item has the following properties: DeliveryDetail... *** No properties defined *** Name: PurchaseOrderHistory Type: Class Description: Recorded purchase order transactions that had an effect on inventory. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management

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This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OrderHistory This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE PurchaseOrderLine This item has the following properties: OrderHistory... *** No properties defined *** Name: PurchaseOrderLine Type: Class Description: An individual product or service to be delivered from a vendor. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE PurchaseOrder Associates is related to ZERO or ONE VendorContract Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE POSpecialLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Warehouse Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShopOrderOperation Associates is related to only ONE ProfitCenter Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DropShipment(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrder(s) Service is related to only ONE InboundDeliveryCharge Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorPoLines(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrderDelivery(s) not for commodity is related to ZERO or MORE InboundDeliveryLine(s)

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StdPurchOrderNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StdRequisitionNote(s) outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrderLine Associates is related to only ONE PurchaseAddress Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrderHistory(s) Associates is related to only ONE CustomerOrderLine Associates is related to only ONE ApprovedItem Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Manufacturer Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TradeFundCommitment Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TFCommitment This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: QAInstrument Type: Class Description: A device used in a laboratory to obtain measurements about a product. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TestMethod(s) Associates is made up of 0 to 2 QAInstrumentCalib(s) Associates is related to only ONE WorkCenter Associates is related to only ONE Department Associates is related to ZERO or MORE QAInstrumentRight(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: QAInstrumentCalib Type: Class

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Description: The standard measurements that define a functioning QA instrument. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE QAInstrument Associates is related to ZERO or MORE QAInstrumentHistory(s) Associates is related to ONE or MORE Disposition(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: QAInstrumentHistory Type: Class Description: Recorded measurements of a QA instrument. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE QAInstrumentCalib This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: QAInstrumentRight Type: Class Description: Authorization for a user to access a device used in a laboratory to obtain measurements about a product. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Right This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE QAInstrument This item has the following properties: Right... *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: QALot Type: Class Description: A lot of an item to be measured for determination of conformance to specification. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Lot This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ManufacturerLot Associates is related to only ONE Manufacturer Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CertificateOfAnalysis(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE Disposition(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StatusHistory(s) This item has the following properties: Lot... *** No properties defined *** Name: QualityHistory Type: Class Description: Recorded quality information. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ApprovedItem This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: QualityNote Type: Class Description: Any note related to quality. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: PassNote SampleTestNote

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This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ApprovedItem This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: RawData Type: Class Description: Test measurements. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE TestResult This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ReapportionedCharge Type: Class Description: Cost incurred by service providers who add value to a delivery, assigned to a purchase order line referenced on a delivery of goods ordered from a vendor or supplier using a purchase order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE InboundDeliveryCharge Associates is related to only ONE InboundDeliveryLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: RecurringInvoice Type: Class Description: A regularly scheduled vendor invoice. This item is used on the following diagrams: PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: VendorInvoice FinancialDocument

Class Descriptions


This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE RecurringInvoiceLine(s) This item has the following properties: VendorInvoice... FinancialDocument... *** No properties defined *** Name: RecurringInvoiceLine Type: Class Description: A specific debit or credit amount to be posted as part of a regularly scheduled vendor invoice. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE RecurringInvoice This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ReferenceDesignator Type: Class Description: A means of recording comments or location for each unit in the quantity required amount on the component. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE EngineeringChgOrderline Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ReferenceDesignatorHist(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ReferenceDesignatorHist Type: Class Description: A history of comments or location for each unit in the quantity required amount on the component. Persistent: TRUE

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ReferenceDesignator This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: RegularOrderLine Type: Class Description: The booking of a specific item by a customer. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: CustomerOrderLine [LineType] This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE UnitOfMeasurement Associates is related to ZERO or ONE FreightTerms Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerItem Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or ONE AssemblyShopOrder Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ResupplyDelivery(s) Associates is related to only ONE Price Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AppliedPromotion(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PromotionTracking(s) Associates is part of only ONE CustomerOrder Associates is related to ZERO or MORE InventoryAllocation(s)

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadLine(s) Family Item is related to ZERO or ONE ConfigureOrderHeader Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StdCustOrderLineNote(s) Quote is related to ZERO or MORE SystemQuoteLineNote(s) RMA is related to ZERO or MORE SystemRmaLineNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrderLine replace Family Item by Std Header if verify match is related to ZERO or ONE StdConfigurationHeader replace Family Item by Generated Parent Item is related to ZERO or ONE ConfigureOrder outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchNoticeItem outbound is related to ZERO or MORE DispatchPickLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrderHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerAllocation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TFCommitment Packaging Order Line, First Packed Order Line is related to ZERO or MORE LoadCarton(s) This item has the following properties: CustomerOrderLine [LineType]... *** No properties defined *** Name: ReleaseContract Type: Class Description: Agreement between trading partners to purchase items based on customer demands on an on-going basis. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Contracts is related to only ONE Customer Calendar for contracts

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


is related to only ONE HolidayCalendar Associates is related to only ONE CustomerOrder Associates is related to only ONE ReleaseHeader Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ReleaseNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RequirementNote(s) Associates is related to only ONE ItemFamilyDetail outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchNoticeOrder outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchNoticeItem Associates is related to only ONE CustomerItem Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to only ONE Currency Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SequencedShipDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE PackagingStructure This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ReleaseDetail Type: Class Description: Details of high volume repetitive manufacturers to communicate on-going requirements to a supplier. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE HolidayCalendarDate(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ReleaseHistoryDetail(s) inbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContractDetail Associates is part of only ONE ReleaseHeader Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SelfBillReference

Class Descriptions


This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ReleaseHeader Type: Class Description: Communication of on-going requirements to a supplier from high volume repetitive manufacturers. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ReleaseContract inbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContractLine Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ReleaseDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE JitRelease Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ReleaseHistory(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ReleaseHistory Type: Class Description: To keep track of the various fluctuations in the weekly requirements of various versions of the releases. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE ReleaseHistoryDetail(s) Associates is related to only ONE ReleaseHeader This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ReleaseHistoryDetail Type: Class

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Description: Details of all the fluctuations to requirements of various versions of the releases. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE ReleaseHistory Associates is related to only ONE ReleaseDetail This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ReleaseNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a release contract. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ERPlxNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ReleaseContract inbound message is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchContractNote This item has the following properties: ERPlxNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: RememberedFileKey Type: Class Description: User file of object references to be used as defaults in ERPlx applications. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Facility Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Lot Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Warehouse

Class Descriptions


Associates is related to 0 to 2 CustomerOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Salesperson Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Vendor Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Load Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Currency Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Carrier Associates is related to ZERO or ONE PurchaseOrder Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShopOrder Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Customer Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ProfitCenter Associates is related to ZERO or ONE RememberedFileKey is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE WorkCenter Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Timeframe Associates is related to ZERO or ONE VendorInvoice Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Test Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Specification Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Disposition Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Sample Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Manufacturer Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CertificateOfAnalysis Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TestMethod Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEABook Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEAEventName

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEAEventTo Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEAEventFrom Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEAInquiryName Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEAJEInquiryBook Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEAInquiryOwner Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEAJEInquiryLedger Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEAChartOfAccounts Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEAJEInquiryYear Associates is related to ZERO or ONE PayInstrument Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEAJEInqPeriodFrom Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEAEventsProcFromYear Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEAEventsProcToYear Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEAEventsProcFromPeriod Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEAEventsProcToPeriod Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CEALedger This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: RequirementNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a release contract. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ERPlxNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ReleaseContract This item has the following properties: ERPlxNote... *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: ResultType Type: Class Description: Result type used in the Lot Release process. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE TestResult Associates is related to only ONE Test Associates is related to only ONE LotReleaseTable This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ResupplyDelivery Type: Class Description: Identifies a resupply order that will be part of a delivery into a managed warehouse. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: DeliveryDetail This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE RegularOrderLine This item has the following properties: DeliveryDetail... *** No properties defined *** Name: ResupplyOrder Type: Class Description: Inter-warehouse stock transfer. This item is used on the following diagrams: PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: becomes is related to only ONE PlannedResupply This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Name: RetroInvoiceBatch Type: Class Description: Invoices that were raised based on the old release contract are adjusted after a new release contract is setup. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CustomerInvoiceLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: RevaluationDefn Type: Class Description: Selection of assets and liabilities to be subject to gain/loss calculations. This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Folio(s) Associates is related to only ONE Currency Associates is related to 0 to 2 ProfitCenter(s) Associates is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SubsystemHistory This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Revision Type: Class Description: A specific modification of the engineering specifications for a product.

Class Descriptions


This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE EngineeringChangeOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Drawing(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Right Type: Class Description: Authority to perform certain application functions. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: POAuthorization LockboxRight WarehouseRight CompanyRight MenuRight ObjectRight ProductRight TestMethodRight QAInstrumentRight This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE User This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: RoughCutRequirement Type: Class Description: Specific critical work center scheduling due to planned or production orders of a master scheduled item. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE CriticalWorkCenter This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

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Name: RoutingStep Type: Class Description: A single activity in a routing. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE EngineeringChangeOrder Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrder Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemFacility(s) Associates is related to only ONE ConfigurationParent Generated is related to ZERO or ONE ConfigureOrderDetail Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RoutingStepNote(s) Associates is related to only ONE WorkCenter This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: RoutingStepNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a routing step. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: ItemProcessNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE RoutingStep This item has the following properties: ItemProcessNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: SalesHistory Type: Class Description: Statistics about quantity and amount purchased by a

Class Descriptions


customer of a specific item from a specific salesperson. This item is used on the following diagrams: SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Salesperson Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to only ONE Customer This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Salesperson Type: Class Description: An employee of a company who books orders from customers. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrderLine(s) Associates is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SalesHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Customer(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Sample Type: Class Description: A specimen drawn to run a specific test. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class).

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Specification Associates is related to 0 to 2 WorkCenter(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SampleStability(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SampleRelation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureSample(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SampleRelation Type: Class Description: Ahe testing level used to determine which tests will be performed upon a sample of a lot. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Sample Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TestRelation(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SampleRequirement Type: Class Description: The projected need for a sample to run a test based on the specification. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE DrawnSample(s) Associates is part of only ONE Disposition Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or ONE SamplingRule This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SampleStability Type: Class Description: Special life studies must occasionally be performed on items that deteriorate over time. Expiration dates, length of time in storage, and life of items for warranty purposes must be established. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Sample Associates is related to only ONE StabilityInterval This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SampleTestNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an item/vendor relationship that details the quality testing process Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: QualityNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: QualityNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: SamplingRule Type: Class Description: The calculation used to determine how many samples are required. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

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This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SampleRequirement(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SamplingRuleTable(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SamplingRuleTable Type: Class Description: A grouping of calculations used to determine how many samples are required. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SamplingRule This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SeasonalityHistory Type: Class Description: A repetitive pattern of demand over a regular time interval. This item is used on the following diagrams: PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Forecast This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SecuredObject Type: Class Description: A program or file required to run a specific ERplx application. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class).

Class Descriptions


This class is generalized by the following classes: ERPlxProgram ERPlxFile This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE User(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE MenuOption(s) Associates is related to only ONE ERPlxRelease Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ObjectProduct(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ObjectRight(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ProgramOptions(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Segment Type: Class Description: A sub-string of an account. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE SegmentValue(s) Associates is related to ONE or MORE Ledger(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountSecurityRule(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountSegment(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SegmentValue Type: Class Description: A defined and accepted sub-string of an account. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Segment

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Account(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE MappedValue(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SelfBillReference Type: Class Description: A unique identifier supplied by the customer on the original order line that will also be supplied by the customer on the self bill invoice Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management RELEASE.DAT Release Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LoadLine Associates is related to ONE or MORE CustomerInvoiceLine(s) Associates is related to only ONE CustomerOrderLine Associates is related to ZERO or ONE JitReleaseDetail Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ReleaseDetail This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SequencedShip Type: Class Description: Means of grouping planned shipments of groups of items. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE SequencedShipDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Address Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to only ONE Customer inbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchShipOrder This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SequencedShipDetail Type: Class Description: An individual group of items scheduled for a planned shipment. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: RELEASE.DAT Release Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE SequencedShip Associates is related to only ONE ModelGroup inbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchShipDetail Associates is related to only ONE ReleaseContract This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ServiceCommodity Type: Class Description: A product which consists of labor provided by the vendor. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Commodity ApprovedItem This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: Commodity... ApprovedItem... *** No properties defined *** Name: ServiceProvider Type: Class

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Description: A special category of vendor that sells services versus products. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Vendor PartnerEntity PurchaseAddress This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PartnerSpecialCharge(s) This item has the following properties: Vendor... PartnerEntity... PurchaseAddress... *** No properties defined *** Name: ShippingPattern Type: Class Description: A table of vendor delivery dates. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ShippingPatternDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorContractDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Vendor(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ShippingPatternDetail Type: Class Description: Date a shipment can arrive at company's site. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE ShippingPattern

Class Descriptions


This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ShippingRoute Type: Class Description: A pre-defined delivery course. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE ShippingZone(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) Associates is related to only ONE MeansofTransport Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse Associates is related to only ONE Carrier Associates is related to ZERO or MORE WarehousePickList(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ShippingZone Type: Class Description: A specific part of a shipping route. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE ShippingRoute Associates is related to only ONE Country Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Terminal(s) destination is related to only ONE PostalCode origination is related to only ONE PostalCode Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

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Name: ShopFloorCalendar Type: Class Description: Identification of non-work days at the specific work center and facility. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE WorkCenter Associates is related to only ONE Facility This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ShopOrder Type: Class Description: A schedule conveying authority for the manufacture of specified products in specific quantitities. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics SYSTEM.DAT System Environment INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: AssemblyShopOrder This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ShopOrderMaterial(s) Associates is related to 0 to 2 CustomerOrder(s) Associates is related to 1 to 2 Facility(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Lot Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE ShopOrderOperation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Campaign Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or ONE Customer Associates is related to only ONE WorkCenter Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShopOrderOperation Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Location Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShopOrder is related to ZERO or ONE ShopOrder Associates is related to ZERO or ONE PurchaseOrderLine Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RoutingStep(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StdShopOrderNote(s) Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrderHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE WorkCenterRunRate(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE HistSONote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE RegularOrderLine Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrderHistory Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerOrderLine Associates is related to ZERO or ONE AssemblyShopOrder Associates is related to only ONE ControlNumberSchdule This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ShopOrderAllocation Type: Class Description: The specific reservation to a shop order of on hand quantity of an item from a location in a warehouse. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: WarehousePickList InventoryAllocation This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations:

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrderMaterial This item has the following properties: WarehousePickList... InventoryAllocation... *** No properties defined *** Name: ShopOrderHistory Type: Class Description: Recorded shop order transactions that had an effect on inventory. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: OrderHistory This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrder Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrder Associates is related to only ONE ItemFacQualityHistory This item has the following properties: OrderHistory... *** No properties defined *** Name: ShopOrderMaterial Type: Class Description: Components or raw material required to complete a shop order. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE ShopOrder Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE InventoryAllocation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShopOrderOperation Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or MORE StdMaterialNote(s) Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrderAllocation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE MaterialHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE HistMatNote(s) Associates is related to only ONE MaterialHistory Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureShopOrderMaterial(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: ShopOrderOperation Type: Class Description: An activity scheduled to complete a shop order. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrderLine(s) Associates is part of only ONE ShopOrder Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LaborTicket(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrderMaterial(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Campaign Associates is related to 1 to 2 Warehouse(s) Associates is related to only ONE ProductionHistory Associates is related to only ONE WorkCenter Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShopOrder Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StdOperationNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE HistOperNote(s) Associates

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


is related to only ONE OperationHistory This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Signature Type: Class Description: Complete Electronic Signature Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: SignatureApprovedItem SignatureItemFacilityMethod SignatureApprovalProcessHistory SignatureStandardBOMComponent SignatureEventLog SignatureApprovalStep SignatureApprovalProcess SignatureEngineeringChangeOrder SignatureEngineeringChgOrderline SignatureCustomerItem SignatureCustomer SignatureDisposition SignatureTestMethod SignatureItem SignatureItemFacility SignatureLocationInventory SignatureLot SignatureShopOrderMaterial SignatureManufacturingMethod SignatureManufacturerItem SignatureFacility SignatureManufacturer SignatureLotNote SignatureInventoryPostingPanel SignatureTransactionPostingPanel SignatureECPostingPanel SignatureLotMaintPanel SignatureContainer SignatureVendor SignatureMethodVariable SignatureTestRelation SignatureTest SignatureTransactionEffect SignatureStandardNote SignatureSample SignatureDrawnSample SignatureTestResult

Class Descriptions


SignatureItemFacilityQuality SignatureItemProcessNote SignatureSpecificationDesc SignatureSpecification This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE SignatureSecurity Associates is related to only ONE UserSecurity Associates is related to only ONE SignatureCode Associates is related to only ONE SignatureSecondaryUser This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureApprovalProcess Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the ApprovalProcess class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ApprovalProcess This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureApprovalProcessHistory Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the ApprovalProcessHistory class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ApprovalProcessHistory This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined ***

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Name: SignatureApprovalStep Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the ApprovalStep class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ApprovalStep This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureApprovedItem Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the ApprovedItem Class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ApprovedItem(s) Associates is related to only ONE ApprovedItem This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureCode Type: Class Description: Signature codes that define the signature meaning Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Signature(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: SignatureContainer Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the Container class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Container This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureCustomer Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the Customer class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Customer This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureCustomerItem Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the CustomerItem class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CustomerItem This item has the following properties:

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureDisposition Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the Disposition class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Disposition This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureDrawnSample Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the DrawnSample class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE DrawnSample This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureECPostingPanel Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the EC Posting Panel Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties:

Class Descriptions


Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureEngineeringChangeOrder Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the EngineeringChangeOrder class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE EngineeringChangeOrder This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureEngineeringChgOrderline Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the EngineeringChgOrderline class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE EngineeringChgOrderline This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureEventLog Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the EventLog class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations:

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Associates is related to only ONE EventLog This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureFacility Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the Facility class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Facility This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureFields Type: Class Description: Fields that form an signature Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureInformation(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureInformation Type: Class Description: Signature field tracking information Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to only ONE SignaturePrograms Associates is related to only ONE SignatureFields This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureInventoryPostingPanel Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the Inventory Posting Panel Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureItem Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the Item class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Item This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureItemFacility Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the ItemFacility class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations:

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Associates is related to only ONE ItemFacility This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureItemFacilityMethod Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the ItemFacilityMethod class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ItemFacilityMethod This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureItemFacilityQuality Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the ItemFacilityQuality class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ItemFacilityQuality This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureItemProcessNote Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the ItemProcessNote class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy:

Class Descriptions


Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ItemProcessNote This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureLocationInventory Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the LocationInventory class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LocationInventory This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureLot Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the Lot class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Lot This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureLotMaintPanel Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the lot maintenace panel Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureLotNote Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the LotNote class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE LotNote This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureManufacturer Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the Manufacturer class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Manufacturer This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureManufacturerItem Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the ManufacturerItem class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

Class Descriptions


ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ManufacturerItem This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureManufacturingMethod Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the ManufacturingMethod class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ManufacturingMethod This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureMethodVariable Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the MethodVariable class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE MethodVariable This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignaturePrograms Type: Class Description: All programs that have electronic signature

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


functionality Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureSecurity(s) Associates is related to only ONE SignatureInformation This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureSample Type: Class Description: Siganture capture of the Sample class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Sample This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureSecondaryUser Type: Class Description: Secondary user authority for electonic signature signing Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Signature(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureSecurity

Class Descriptions


Type: Class Description: User security for electronic signature Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE SignaturePrograms Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Signature(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureShopOrderMaterial Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the ShopOrderMaterial class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrderMaterial This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureSpecification Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the Specification class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Specification This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined ***

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Name: SignatureSpecificationDesc Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the SpecificationDesc class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE SpecificationDesc This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureStandardBOMComponent Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the StandardBOMComponent class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE StandardBOMComponent This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureStandardNote Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the StandardNote class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE StandardNote This item has the following properties: Signature...

Class Descriptions


*** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureTest Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the Test class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Test This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureTestMethod Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the TestMethod class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE TestMethod This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureTestRelation Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the TestRelation class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE TestRelation

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureTestResult Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the TestResult class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE TestResult This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureTransactionEffect Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the TransactionEffect class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE TransactionEffect This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureTransactionPostingPanel Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the Transaction Posting Panel Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes.

Class Descriptions


This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SignatureVendor Type: Class Description: Signature capture of the Vendor class Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Signature This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Vendor This item has the following properties: Signature... *** No properties defined *** Name: SingleAdminDoc Type: Class Description: A single administration document used for shipments. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadShipment(s) becomes is related to ZERO or MORE LoadSingleAdmin(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SpecialCharge Type: Class Description: A cost not related to the purchase of goods to be paid by the customer. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


is related to ZERO or MORE POSpecialLine(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SpecialCharges Type: Class Description: Template for a set of amounts that can be attached to a delivery to increase/decrease amount to be paid/ received. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE SpecialChargesDetail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SpecialChargesDetail Type: Class Description: Template for an individual amount that can be attached to a delivery to increase/decrease amount to be paid/received. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE SpecialCharges Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PartnerSpecialCharge(s) Packaging Item is related to only ONE Item This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SpecialOrderLine Type: Class Description: A customer order line that references a special charge.

Class Descriptions


This item is used on the following diagrams: SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: CustomerOrderLine [LineType] This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE LoadSpecialCharge Associates is part of ONE or MORE CustomerOrder(s) This item has the following properties: CustomerOrderLine [LineType]... *** No properties defined *** Name: SpecialPrice Type: Class Description: A reduced price charge to a customer. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Price This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Customer Associates is related to only ONE Currency Associates is related to only ONE Company This item has the following properties: Price... *** No properties defined *** Name: Specification Type: Class Description: A complete and accurate statement of the technical requirements of a material and of the procedure to determine if the requirements are met. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations:

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE Test(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE Sample(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ManufacturerItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerItem(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE CertificateOfAnalysis(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Disposition(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Item(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureSpecification(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SpecificationDesc Type: Class Description: A complete and accurate statement of the technical requirements of a material and of the procedure to determine if the requirements are met. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureSpecificationDesc(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: StabilityInterval Type: Class Description: Special life studies must occasionally be performed on items that deteriorate over time. Expiration dates, length of time in storage, and life of items for warranty purposes must be established. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

Class Descriptions


This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SampleStability(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: StabilityPlanning Type: Class Description: Special life studies must occasionally be performed on items that deteriorate over time. Expiration dates, length of time in storage, and life of items for warranty purposes must be established. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Item This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: StandardBOM Type: Class Description: A listing of all subassemblies, intermediates, parts, and raw materials that go into a parent assembly showing the quantity of each required. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: BillOfMaterials This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE EngineeringChangeOrder(s) Associates is made up of ONE or MORE StandardBOMComponent(s) This item has the following properties: BillOfMaterials... *** No properties defined *** Name: StandardBOMComponent Type: Class Description: A sub-assembly or ingredient used in the assembly / manufacture of a parent part.

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Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE StandardBOM Associates is related to only ONE ConfigurationParent Generated is related to ZERO or ONE ConfigureOrderDetail Associates is related to ZERO or MORE BomComponentNote(s) component is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or MORE BomReferenceDesignator(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureStandardBOMComponent(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: StandardNote Type: Class Description: Any of the sets of notes related to customers, vendors or orders. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: StdCustOrderNote StdCustomerNote StdCustOrderLineNote StdPurchOrderNote StdRequisitionNote StdOperationNote StdMaterialNote StdShopOrderNote StdPromotionNote StdVendorNote This class has the following associations: Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureStandardNote(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: StatusHistory Type: Class Description: History of all quality-related inventory status change or transfer transactions. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE QALot Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Disposition This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: StdConfigurationDetail Type: Class Description: A standard set of selections available for a customer to make at order entry time for a made to order item. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ConfiguredOption Associates is part of only ONE StdConfigurationHeader This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: StdConfigurationHeader Type: Class Description: The grouping for a standard set of selections available for a customer to make at order entry time for a made to order item. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ONE or MORE StdConfigurationDetail(s) verify match is related to ZERO or MORE ConfigureOrderDetail(s) replace Family Item by Std Header if verify match is related to ZERO or MORE RegularOrderLine(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: StdCustomerNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a customer. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: StandardNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Customer Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Address outbound message is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPickNote This item has the following properties: StandardNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: StdCustOrderLineNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a customer order line. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: StandardNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE RegularOrderLine inbound message is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrderNote outbound message

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPickNote This item has the following properties: StandardNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: StdCustOrderNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a customer order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: StandardNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE CustomerOrder inbound message is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrderNote outbound message is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPickNote This item has the following properties: StandardNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: StdMaterialNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a material component of a shop order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: StandardNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrderMaterial Associates is related to only ONE HistMatNote This item has the following properties: StandardNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: StdOperationNote Type: Class

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Description: A set of notes attached to an operation step of a shop order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: StandardNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShopOrderOperation Associates is related to only ONE HistOperNote This item has the following properties: StandardNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: StdPromotionNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a promotion. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: StandardNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Promotion This item has the following properties: StandardNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: StdPurchOrderNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a purchase order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: StandardNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE PurchaseOrder Associates is related to ZERO or ONE PurchaseOrderLine outbound message

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrderNote This item has the following properties: StandardNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: StdRequisitionNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a requisition. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: StandardNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE PurchaseOrderLine Associates is related to only ONE PurchaseOrder This item has the following properties: StandardNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: StdShopOrderNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a shop order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: StandardNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ShopOrder Associates is related to only ONE HistSONote This item has the following properties: StandardNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: StdVendorNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a vendor. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

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NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: StandardNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Vendor outbound message is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchOrderNote This item has the following properties: StandardNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: StockCount Type: Class Description: The determination of on hand inventory quantities. This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: AuditWorksheet This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: AuditWorksheet... *** No properties defined *** Name: StructureComponent Type: Class Description: An organizational subdivision used to build a higher level hierarchy. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE StructureHierarchy Associates is related to only ONE Account This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: StructureHierarchy Type: Class Description: An organization within a company. This item is used on the following diagrams:

Class Descriptions


LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE StructureComponent(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE StructureSequence(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountingProcess(s) Associates is related to only ONE ChartOfAccounts Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE StructureRollup(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: StructureRollup Type: Class Description: A rolled up summary of the organizational units, used to improve performance. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE StructureHierarchy Associates is related to only ONE Ledger This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: StructureSequence Type: Class Description: One part of a specific organization. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE StructureHierarchy This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Name: StructureVarPrice Type: Class Description: A price that may be associated with a dimension that may be associated with a customer configuration selection. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ItemVariable This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SubClass#1 Type: Class Description: Used to show OMT notation. This item is used on the following diagrams: KEYS.DAT Key to UML Notation This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: SuperClass This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: SuperClass... *** No properties defined *** Name: SubClass#2 Type: Class Description: Used to show OMT notation. This item is used on the following diagrams: KEYS.DAT Key to UML Notation This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: SuperClass This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: SuperClass... *** No properties defined *** Name: SubClass#3 Type: Class Description: Used to show OMT notation. This item is used on the following diagrams:

Class Descriptions


KEYS.DAT Key to UML Notation This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: SuperClass This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: SuperClass... *** No properties defined *** Name: SubsystemFieldUsage Type: Class Description: The individual fields on ERPlx files that are eligible to be interrogated by the accounting function when it needs to gather additional information concerning a journal entry originating from some ERPlx transaction. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AccountMacro(s) Associates is related to only ONE ERPlxFile This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SubsystemHistory Type: Class Description: A retained link from a posted journal entry back to the original transaction source. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE VendorPayment Associates is related to ZERO or ONE VendorInvoice Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CustInvoicePayment Associates is related to ZERO or ONE FixedAsset Associates is related to ZERO or ONE LaborTicket

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Associates is related to ZERO or ONE InventoryHistory Associates is related to ZERO or ONE CustomerInvoice Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TFCommitmentHistory Associates is related to ZERO or ONE RevaluationDefn Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Folio Associates is related to ZERO or ONE PromotionTracking Associates is related to ZERO or ONE VendorInvoiceDoc Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DraftLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SubsystemProgram Type: Class Description: A ERPlx program capable of performing a transaction that can trigger a journal entry. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER.DAT Configurable Enterprise Financials This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ERPlxsProgram Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ProgramEvent(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SuperClass Type: Class Description: Used to show OMT notation. This item is used on the following diagrams: KEYS.DAT Key to UML Notation This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: SubClass#1 SubClass#3 SubClass#2 This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties:

Class Descriptions


*** No properties defined *** Name: SupplierCalendar Type: Class Description: Permits the user to determine how the Vendor Delivery date will be calculated, and what are the acceptable days the company will accept shipments based on a shipping pattern. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorContractDetail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SystemCustomerNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a customer. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: SystemNoteDetail This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Customer This item has the following properties: SystemNoteDetail... *** No properties defined *** Name: SystemNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes not attached to anything. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: SystemNoteDetail This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties:

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


SystemNoteDetail... *** No properties defined *** Name: SystemNoteDetail Type: Class Description: Any of the sets of notes related to customer quotes and return material authorizations. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: SystemCustomerNote SystemShipToNote SystemQuoteNote SystemRmaNote SystemRmaLineNote SystemQuoteLineNote SystemNote SystemWarehouseNote This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE SystemNoteHeader This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SystemNoteHeader Type: Class Description: Grouping of any of the sets of notes related to customer quotes or return material authorizations. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE SystemNoteDetail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: SystemQuoteLineNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a customer quote line. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

Class Descriptions


NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: SystemNoteDetail This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Quote is related to only ONE RegularOrderLine This item has the following properties: SystemNoteDetail... *** No properties defined *** Name: SystemQuoteNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a customer quote. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: SystemNoteDetail This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Quote is related to only ONE CustomerOrder This item has the following properties: SystemNoteDetail... *** No properties defined *** Name: SystemRmaLineNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a return material authorization line. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: SystemNoteDetail This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: RMA is related to only ONE RegularOrderLine This item has the following properties: SystemNoteDetail... *** No properties defined *** Name: SystemRmaNote Type: Class

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Description: A set of notes attached to a return material authorization. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: SystemNoteDetail This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: RMA is related to only ONE CustomerOrder This item has the following properties: SystemNoteDetail... *** No properties defined *** Name: SystemShipToNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to an address. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: SystemNoteDetail This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Address This item has the following properties: SystemNoteDetail... *** No properties defined *** Name: SystemWarehouseNote Type: Class Description: A set of notes attached to a warehouse. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: SystemNoteDetail This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse This item has the following properties: SystemNoteDetail... *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: Table Type: Class Description: One of the data files within ERPlx. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE TableField(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE AdapterTable(s) Associates is related to only ONE ERPlxFile This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TableEntry Type: Class Description: A line in an empirical table. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE EmpiricalTable This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TableField Type: Class Description: One of the fields in one of the data files in ERPlx. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Table This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

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Name: TaxBody Type: Class Description: A legal jurisdiction that levies taxes. This item is used on the following diagrams: PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Association is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerInvoiceTax(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorInvoiceTax(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrderLineTax(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TaxBook Type: Class Description: The ledger used to maintain accounting information on fixed assets in support of filing for taxes. This item is used on the following diagrams: ASSETS.DAT Asset Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Company Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE TaxBookDetail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TaxBookDetail Type: Class Description: The depreciation tables supporting a ledger used to maintain accounting information on fixed assets in support of filing for taxes. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ASSETS.DAT Asset Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE TaxBook Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to only ONE DepreciationTable This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TaxCalendar Type: Class Description: Definition of accounting periods for the depreciation of assets. This item is used on the following diagrams: ASSETS.DAT Asset Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Company This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Terminal Type: Class Description: A group of associated shipping zones. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ShippingZone Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadTracking(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Test Type: Class Description: A measure of product performance to specification. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Specification Associates

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is related to only ONE TestMethod Associates is related to 0 to 2 WorkCenter(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TestResult(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TestRelation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureTest(s) Associates is related to only ONE ResultType This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TestMethod Type: Class Description: Procedure used to record data and calculate results. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Test(s) Associates is made up of ONE or MORE MethodDatasheet(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE MethodVariable(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE QAInstrument Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TestMethodRight(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureTestMethod(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TestMethodRight Type: Class Description: Authorization for a user to access a procedure used to record data and calculate results. Persistent: TRUE

Class Descriptions


This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Right This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE TestMethod This item has the following properties: Right... *** No properties defined *** Name: TestRelation Type: Class Description: All of the quality tests performed upon a sample of a lot at a given testing level. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE SampleRelation Associates is related to only ONE Test Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureTestRelation(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TestResult Type: Class Description: Measurement of a specific quality test as compared against a standard specification. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE RawData(s) Associates is part of only ONE DrawnSample Associates is related to only ONE Test

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Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureTestResult(s) Associates is related to only ONE ResultType This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TFClaim Type: Class Description: A claim against a particular marketing program. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TFClaimNote(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TFClaimNote Type: Class Description: A note related to a claim against a trade fund or marketing program. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: TradeFundsNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TFClaim Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TFProgram This item has the following properties: TradeFundsNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: TFCommitment Type: Class Description: The portion of a program or marketing fund allocated to a particular spend type. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

Class Descriptions


SALES.DAT Customer Sales Orders & Invoicing PRICING.DAT Pricing & Promotions NOTES.DAT Notes Management PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE PromotionTracking Associates is related to only ONE CustomerOrderLine Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Price(s) Associates is related to only ONE RegularOrderLine Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Promotion(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE AppliedPromotion Associates is related to only ONE VendorInvoiceLine Associates is related to only ONE PurchaseOrderLine Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TFCommitmentNote(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TFCommitmentHistory Type: Class Description: A history of trade fund commitments. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SubsystemHistory This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TFCommitmentNote Type: Class Description: A note related to a commitment of trade funds or a marketing program.

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Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: TradeFundsNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TFCommitment Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TFProgram This item has the following properties: TradeFundsNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: TFProgram Type: Class Description: One program, within a hierarchy, used to track marketing spending. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TFCommitmentNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TFProgramNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TFUserDefinedNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TFClaimNote(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TFProgramNote Type: Class Description: A note related to a trade fund or marketing program. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: TradeFundsNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TFProgram

Class Descriptions


This item has the following properties: TradeFundsNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: TFUserDefinedNote Type: Class Description: A user-defined note related to a trade fund or marketing program. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: TradeFundsNote This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or ONE TFProgram This item has the following properties: TradeFundsNote... *** No properties defined *** Name: Timeframe Type: Class Description: Periods of dates used for planning purposes. This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics SYSTEM.DAT System Environment PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Facility Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Timelog Type: Class Description: Recorded observations by the quality assurance staff. This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations:

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Associates is part of only ONE WorkCenter This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TradeFundCommitment Type: Class Persistent: TRUE This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE PurchaseOrderLine Associates is related to only ONE VendorInvoiceLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TradeFundsNote Type: Class Description: Any of the set of notes related to trade fund marketing programs. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: NOTES.DAT Notes Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: TFProgramNote TFClaimNote TFUserDefinedNote TFCommitmentNote This class has no associations with any other classes. This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TransactionEffect Type: Class Description: Inventory transaction effects Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureTransactionEffect(s)

Class Descriptions


This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: TransportEquipment Type: Class Description: Vehicles used for movement and delivery of inventory. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Country Associates is related to ZERO or ONE MeansofTransport Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadHeader(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Trigger Type: Class Description: An inventory transaction whose occurrence creates a requirement for one or more quality tests. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Lot Associates is related to only ONE Manufacturer This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: UnitOfMeasurement Type: Class Description: Division used to quantify the dimensions of an item. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations:

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RegularOrderLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadHeader(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DistanceMatrix(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ManagedWarehouse(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: UnmatchedCheck Type: Class Description: Identifies a payment made by a customer, not to a lockbox, that has not yet been applied towards the customer's obligations. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CUSTOMER.DAT Customer Service Administration This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ManualCheckDetail This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: UnscheduledDelivery Type: Class Description: A delivery into a managed warehouse that was not previously scheduled. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: DeliveryDetail This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE UnscheduledReceiptDetail This item has the following properties: DeliveryDetail... *** No properties defined *** Name: UnscheduledReceiptDetail Type: Class

Class Descriptions


Description: Identifies the details of a receipt into a managed warehouse that was not scheduled. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE UnscheduledDelivery(s) Associates is part of only ONE UnscheduledReceiptHeader Associates is related to only ONE Item This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: UnscheduledReceiptHeader Type: Class Description: Identifies that a receipt into a managed warehouse has occurred where it was not scheduled. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE UnscheduledReceiptDetail(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: User Type: Class Description: Individual who runs business applications. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Language Associates is related to only ONE UserGroup Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SecuredObject(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE Right(s)

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This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: UserGroup Type: Class Description: Related application users. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE User(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE OptionRight(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: UserSecurity Type: Class Description: ERPlx user security Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Signature(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: VariablePrice Type: Class Description: A price that may be associated with a dimension that may be associated with a customer configuration selection. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ConfigurationVariable This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: Vendor Type: Class Description: A trading partner from whom the company purchases goods or services. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management ESIG.DAT Electronic Signature CONFIGUR.DAT Material Configuration Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: PartnerEntity PurchaseAddress This class is generalized by the following classes: ServiceProvider This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorInvoice(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorHistory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorQuote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorContract(s) Associates is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrder(s) Associates is related to only ONE Currency Associates is related to only ONE BankAccount Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorPayAgreement(s) Associates is related to only ONE Carrier Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadHeader(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to only ONE VendorTerms

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Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorSplitRule(s) Associates is related to only ONE VendorAccountSegment Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Container(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorPayment(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE StdVendorNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE MeansofTransport Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShippingPattern Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LoadForeignBill(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ApprovedItem(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SignatureVendor(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ItemAttribute(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PackagingStructure(s) This item has the following properties: PartnerEntity... PurchaseAddress... *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorAccountSegment Type: Class Description: Used to represent Accounting Segment information for a group of vendors or a vendor. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Vendor(s) Associates is related to only ONE Company This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorContract Type: Class

Class Descriptions


Description: A binding, legal agreement, between two parties, identifying items available for purchase, prices, and effective dates for those prices. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrderLine(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE VendorContractDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorQuote(s) Associates is related to only ONE Vendor This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorContractDetail Type: Class Description: A specific price negotiated for an item for a period of time. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE VendorContract Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SupplierCalendar Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorSplitRule(s) Associates is related to only ONE Item outbound message is related to ZERO or MORE EdiReleaseHeader(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ShippingPattern Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Manufacturer This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorHistory

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Type: Class Description: Recorded purchase order transaction information. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE PurchasedItem Associates is related to only ONE Vendor Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Facility This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorInvoice Type: Class Description: Bill sent from a vendor to the company for the purchase of goods or services. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: FinancialDocument This class is generalized by the following classes: RecurringInvoice VendorInvoiceDoc This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Vendor Associates is related to only ONE PayInstrument Associates is related to only ONE BankAccount Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to only ONE ProfitCenter Associates is related to ZERO or ONE DocumentPrefix Associates is made up of only ONE VendorInvoiceDistribution Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SubsystemHistory This item has the following properties:

Class Descriptions


FinancialDocument... *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorInvoiceDistribution Type: Class Description: Accounting distribution related to a bill sent from a vendor to the company for the purchase of goods or services. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE VendorInvoice Inbound is related to only ONE DispatchInvoiceLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorInvoiceDoc Type: Class Description: An invoice for products or services purchased from a vendor that is eligible for payment. This item is used on the following diagrams: PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: VendorInvoice FinancialDocument This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE VendorInvoiceTax(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE VendorPoLines(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE VendorInvoiceLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorInvoicePayment(s) inbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchInvoice inbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchInvoiceOrder Associates

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


is related to ZERO or MORE GoodsReceivedDetail(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SubsystemHistory This item has the following properties: VendorInvoice... FinancialDocument... *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorInvoiceLine Type: Class Description: Details of vendor invoice. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE VendorInvoiceDoc inbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchInvoiceLine Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TradeFundCommitment(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE TFCommitment(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorInvoicePayment Type: Class Description: A specific obligation (vendor invoice) covered (paid) by a specific payment. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE VendorPayment Associates is related to only ONE VendorInvoiceDoc This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***

Class Descriptions


Name: VendorInvoiceTax Type: Class Description: Tax liability associated with a vendor invoice. This item is used on the following diagrams: PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE VendorInvoiceTaxPaid(s) Associates is related to only ONE TaxBody Associates is part of only ONE VendorInvoiceDoc This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorInvoiceTaxPaid Type: Class Description: Settlement of the tax liability associated with an invoice from a vendor. This item is used on the following diagrams: PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE VendorInvoiceTax Associates is part of only ONE VendorPayment This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorPayAgreement Type: Class Description: Negotiated contract between a company and its vendor as to the bank and instrument that may be used to settle an amount due. This item is used on the following diagrams: PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE BankBranch Associates is related to only ONE Vendor

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Draft(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PayInstrument(s) Associates is related to only ONE DraftTerms This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorPayment Type: Class Description: Settlement of an invoice from a vendor. This item is used on the following diagrams: LEDGER2.DAT Configurable Ledger - Subsystem Interfaces PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: FinancialDocument This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE JournalEntry(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE VendorInvoiceTaxPaid(s) Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE VendorInvoicePayment(s) Associates is related to only ONE BankAccount Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Draft Associates is related to only ONE Vendor Associates is related to ZERO or ONE SubsystemHistory This item has the following properties: FinancialDocument... *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorPoLines Type: Class Description: The quantity and amount paid of an invoice against a specific purchase order. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class).

Class Descriptions


This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE VendorInvoiceDoc Associates is related to only ONE PurchaseOrderLine Inbound is related to only ONE DispatchInvoiceLine This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorQuote Type: Class Description: The determination of a price for a potential order. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE PurchasedItem Associates is related to only ONE Currency Associates is related to ZERO or ONE VendorContract Associates is related to only ONE Vendor Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Facility Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Manufacturer This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: VendorSplitRule Type: Class Description: Rules for the allocation of one item's MRP generated requirements to a number of vendors. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE VendorContractDetail Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Vendor(s) This item has the following properties:

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


*** No properties defined *** Name: VendorTerms Type: Class Description: Terms to determine when an Invoice is due. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PAYABLES.DAT Supplier Management & Control - Payables This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Vendor(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Warehouse Type: Class Description: A physical or logical group of stocking locations. This item is used on the following diagrams: INBOUND.DAT Supplier Management & Control ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment PLANNING.DAT Planning & Forecasting INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management NOTES.DAT Notes Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: PartnerEntity PurchaseAddress This class is generalized by the following classes: ManagedWarehouse This class has the following associations: Associates is part of only ONE Facility Associates is made up of ZERO or MORE Location(s) Associates is related to only ONE Company Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrderLine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PurchaseOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrder(s) Associates

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or MORE ForecastPeriod(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE MaterialRequirement(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PlannedOrder(s) from is related to ZERO or MORE DistributionRelation(s) to is related to ZERO or MORE DistributionRelation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrderOperation(s) default is related to ZERO or MORE CustomerOrder(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShippingRoute(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PerformanceMeasure(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE WarehouseRight(s) Associates is part of only ONE Facility Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Department(s) Associates is related to 1 to 13 PerfMeasurePeriod(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE FreightRate(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Dock(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE WarehouseInventory(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE SystemWarehouseNote(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Carrier Associates is related to ZERO or ONE MeansofTransport Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PartnerSpecialCharge(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE WarehousePickList(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Load(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PackagingStructure(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DailyMaterialRequirement(s) This item has the following properties: PartnerEntity...

SSA ERPLX Entity Relationship Diagrams V8.3


PurchaseAddress... *** No properties defined *** Name: WarehouseInventory Type: Class Description: Provides stocking level and transaction balances for items within a warehouse. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse Associates is related to ZERO or MORE LocationInventory(s) Associates is related to only ONE Item This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: WarehousePickList Type: Class Description: A document generated for the materials handler to locate and remove stock from a warehouse. This item is used on the following diagrams: OUTBND.DAT Outbound Logistics Management INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management ECM.DAT Electronic Commerce Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: ShopOrderAllocation CustomerAllocation This class has the following associations: Associates is related to 0 to 2 ShippingRoute(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE LoadHeader Associates is related to only ONE LocationInventory Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Container Associates is related to ZERO or ONE ItemPallet outbound is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPick outbound

Class Descriptions


is related to ZERO or ONE DispatchPickLine Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse Associates is related to ZERO or ONE InventoryAllocation This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: WarehouseRight Type: Class Description: Authorization for a user to access information and perform transactions for a specific warehouse. This item is used on the following diagrams: SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This class has the following inheritance hierarchy: Right This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Warehouse This item has the following properties: Right... *** No properties defined *** Name: WorkCenter Type: Class Description: A place within a facility where production work is performed and can be tracked for planning and scheduling. This item is used on the following diagrams: ENGRING.DAT Engineering Management PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics QUALITY.DAT Quality & Laboratory Management SYSTEM.DAT System Environment This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is generalized by the following classes: CriticalWorkCenter This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE ShopFloorCalendar Associates is related to ZERO or MORE assigned to(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrderOperation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE QAInstrument(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Test(s) Associates

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is made up of ZERO or MORE Timelog(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Sample(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE RememberedFileKey(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrder(s) Associates is related to only ONE Department Associates is related to ZERO or MORE DetailedCapacityRequest(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE Machine(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE WorkCenterRunRate(s) Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Location Associates is related to ZERO or ONE Location This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: WorkCenterRunRate Type: Class Description: The rate at which work can proceed through the work center. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams: PRODUCN.DAT Production & Logistics This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to ZERO or MORE ShopOrder(s) Associates is related to only ONE WorkCenter Associates is related to only ONE Item Associates is related to ZERO or MORE PlannedOrder(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined *** Name: Zone Type: Class Description: A physical space defined by one or more locations. Persistent: TRUE This item is used on the following diagrams:

Class Descriptions


INVENTRY.DAT Warehouse & Materials Management This is a root class (ie. not a generalization of a super class). This class is never generalized (used as a super class). This class has the following associations: Associates is related to only ONE Area Associates is related to ONE or MORE ManagedLocation(s) Associates is related to ZERO or MORE CrossContamination(s) This item has the following properties: *** No properties defined ***