Enterprise Search @EPAM

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Enterprise Search @EPAM

Excellence in Software Engineering 1Confidential

Enterprise Search• Best Practices• Connector Framework• Relevancy overview

Sharepoint User Group2013, March 26, Minsk

Excellence in Software Engineering 2Confidential




HR file shares





EPAM has more than 100 systems

Excellence in Software Engineering 3Confidential

Excellence in Software Engineering 4Confidential

Little homework

Excellence in Software Engineering 5Confidential

We started POC in September 2012

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Available as search.epam.com in November 2012

• Sharepoint 2010• FAST Search for Sharepoint• Branded Search Center• Custom connectors• Fine-tuned relevance to reflect EPAM


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Excellence in Software Engineering

Excellence in Software Engineering 9Confidential

We become stronger every day…

• 550 000 searchable items

• 30+ content sources

• 400+ daily searches

• Exposed to internet

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… to help you search

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What we’ve learned

1. Deploy “painkiller” project as soon as possible2. Connect as much systems as possible (Cap O. speaking)

3. Analyze• Watch search logs• Connect external analytics• Speak with users

• Feedback forms sucks4. Tune relevancy

• hot-fix using bugs using best-bets5. Work with departments to adopt their content

• Basic SEO

Excellence in Software Engineering

Search Connectors in SP2010/2013

Search Connectors

Protocol Handers

File Share





Lotus Notes Exchange Custom BCS




Excellence in Software Engineering

BCS Connectors in SP 2010/2013

Stereotyped Operations• Get IDs• Get By ID• Describe Security• Read Stream

Excellence in Software Engineering

EPAM Data Import Framework




• Altassian Confluence• SVN• PMC

• SharePoint Library• File System

Workflow1. Source to build tree2. Destination to build tree3. Diff trees4. Destination to import diff (add, remove)

Tree DescribeTree()Node DownloadData(Node)

Tree DescribeTree()void Import(Tree)

Timer Job

Excellence in Software Engineering

BCS vs DataImport Comparison

Data Import BCS

Effort to build the same + +Document Previews + -Indexing Speed + +/-Customizable + -Storage Space - +Unit Testing + +/-Incremental crawl + +/-

Excellence in Software Engineering


Excellence in Software Engineering 18

0. User submits query

1. Get candidates: all docs that match query

2. Predict relevancy• Query terms importance

• Proximity of query terms

• Hit location (mp) importance

• Freshness

• Clicks

• User rating

• …

Search is a two step process


Excellence in Software Engineering 19

• Linear combination of features

• RankProfile

• Weights are configured via Powershell

• Easy to understand via RankLog

• Easy tuning

– Content Source

– Managed Property

Relevancy in FAST Search


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RankLog example (QueryLogger @codeplex)


Excellence in Software Engineering

Relevancy in Sharepoint


Excellence in Software Engineering Confidential 22

Relevancy in Sharepoint

Type InstanceBM25 BM25Static UrlDepthBucketedStatic InternalFileTypeBucketedStatic LanguageStatic ClickDistanceStatic QueryLogClicksStatic QueryLogSkipsStatic LastClicksStatic EventRateMinSpan - soft TitleMinSpan - soft TitleMinSpan - soft TitleMinSpan - soft Content

• Nonlinear combination of features. Two Neural Networks.• Ranking Model Schema described

• http://www.google.com/patents/US8296292• http://www.google.com/patents/US7840569

• Cmdlets to import/export• Default Ranking Model Features:

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• Google for “explain rank sharepoint”

• Parses RankDetail managed Property

ExplainRank page

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Ranking Model Tuning

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Approach described by Microsoft

– http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb499682(v=office.12).aspx

1. Collect Query Judgements

2. Use Machine Learning to train Neural Network

• namespace Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.RankerTuning

• Wait for tuning tool

Ranking Model Tuning

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Query Judgment framework

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• Authoritative Pages

• QueryRules

– Best Bets

– Understanding User Intent

• Synonyms (cmdlets)

• Entity Extractors

• Spelling Corrections

• Query Suggestions

• ManagedMetadata

• (!) Query Builder

Manual relevancy tuning in Sharepoint

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Manual relevancy tuning in Sharepoint

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Manual relevancy tuning in Sharepoint

Excellence in Software Engineering Confidential 30

• http://sp2013searchtool.codeplex.com/

SP 2013 REST Query tool

Excellence inSoftware Engineering

Solution Architect, Enterprise Search



Alexey Kozhemiakin