Enll lish Edition. Official GazetteUi,·e,1 undc-r my ;;and at \Viudll uk thi~ iitli dav l l! Ma_\',...

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Transcript of Enll lish Edition. Official GazetteUi,·e,1 undc-r my ;;and at \Viudll uk thi~ iitli dav l l! Ma_\',...

1 O·I J

Enll lish Edition. -

Official Gazette of the

Protectorate of 5outhaWe5t flfrica in Miiitary Occupation of the. Union Forces

Published by Authoiity

Price 6 d Wind h u k, 28th June 1920 No. ,32 --·-··-·----------··-----·----·-· ··=========-----------'--====---=------..... ----... ··,_··--·.,.··..,·-·;;;;···-·· ·;;.·· -·-·-···--·-··· .. ···,;;;.;;,.,.....,,;;;.;;;iii,iio.....,....;.

i.t Y li lS J-l<J2'Ulq -. SU ! EI>~\} ()~( l) 1-iU\\' .\Hl> L..\C _\:\I

C\lJh;Es, E\ !t , HT CO\i,\ l \:s"llEJ: o r Tl!F \!OST

DlSTJ:--;(;1 .'.i ·: : i EI) tJltl\Fi; <fr' S.\l:\T \IICl-L-\I-'l,

.\:d) S\l /·. r 1.;Hln• ,!·:. \ !E.\il·lE J;. l.iF TfiE

HOY.\L Vii . 11)H IY\ 01:ilEI: . . \l>:\ll.\l:·:-'fl\\TOH

UJ' THE 1·1 :o'l' J•:1: !'()!l\Ti· ( )!- so t· rH-WEST

.\FHl C:\ !?--: :11ll.lT \HY \ l l.'.Ll ' l':\'l' i ()'\ ()!-' THE

l i\'ION" l' t', 1;f. .ES.

Nt). JS -01 1q20_J

l JnJc;· at!d by ·, i;-tUl· o i th· ru1,ns in ,ne I c:;ted b_,· ,,:.:nt •I'')(;', of th :'\-1•1 ,·i · tr ·1t··' : ·,,urt, A,,, ,91 ·, ni the t(;,~ l..'1,i-~11 Farlia;1i , ;; t',1\ 0 a/p~i;,([ ·t;; th~ Pr·;·>t~ctor,;,e b,· f;{ctio,1 lf (L ol 1L, Adrninistrati()tl of ]us.ice Prnclam­. ation 1 t)i 9, ! d,.i !J:· r:: b\· arpoint Otavii'o11tei11 in the l)iqrict d Orootf,.,ntc in · a~ a r lace for the holding ,)f

:l pei:_1Uica! COUi'i and prt•scrih.· that the iocal iimits w irLii; \\'hkh thl' '" tid r,·ri xlica! court sh ail ha,·,· juris ­dicti:;,; ;;l·.a il he ,,_,: (lt-i i:1n ! in th•· S.chedule ati,1ched hcr ,·L-

t iOI J S.\Vi•: Itll: l,'JNU.

Ui\'\:u under n, ·; ha,id at \X/ifidhuk, tilis 2 I ,;r da1: :1f A prii, 1920.

E. H L. UO.RUES Adrnt,1 t~ trah1 r.


L' ,,al l.i111ib o t P1_1i,>di ca! ( '.ourt at O ta1·ifo1Jt•·· ill in the 1)i,;trid oi U rontfontein.

T: , lonq rise a;! a:-<:.a bt,uilded as lo:tu,,·~ : ·· f1 om thi sn1t:!-1',t,; lern beacon ot tile farm U!iauh

\\.'c;;t suuthYar<ls 1-) th(' m,rth-c.astcrn beaco u o! the farm B!cick lV, tl·:enc:. L1 t!w south-eastern beaCOil of foe last­Han;l:d !arm, tl: ,i,c,_• :!Orth•east\",;ards t o tile north­W?stern bea 0 :1 ()1 t:· efarm A\, agobib, f:e .:,:e southwards w1tL the boundar;'. s of and excluding the farms A,Ya­~ptib, C21i, ::rnd B:c,!~k VI, to tb .: sout!i-,vi:.stc-rn brcacon o f the las~-narr:td i ar iH, thence t') th e s o uth-caste.ru beacon o l t!:" Jann B oc.k ·VI, t hen ce south-we.,twards w ith the b ;1UitLLlries ol and •nduding the farms B'.cck f, Osomho­!iatjurn and Nrndi•i·i to ·tJ-,L· south-eas :ern beacon of the fanr, Neuc!orf. T h: nct genera]y ~outh-westwards, north­wtsh\ ards and Ht,rl:Lwards a'.ong thr bc undary of tlw Gro<Jtiontein Di st, ict to the· point where the southern o 'Jundary ·oi the ar·,:- a of the jurisdiction of thE' Perio dical Court at Tsurn eh n1<t·ts the ,\·esrern boun dary cif th{•

<. i r:;nttq11 il' in i )i~.tiict, 111, nc: iu au eastern and :.;e,:c·ra;iy >- ,u ti:-c::st, m direction 1\·ith the b ou11dan ot the area n, t1.l' I\ rindicai t:n u r t at l smt;ch to thi• point ni be­gin ni~:g·.

:'\! : ,. l t:, ol lCJ'.20 ]

L', id, ;· and h -.. irw ,· u l fr.e r: •)\\"er:, in me 1·e:~ f1•tl h,· ,,e,:l1:1n ·2 (i, of · fo ,_, ivlauistrat;:,' Courts Ad I 9 i'7 ·Of tht\ Union P arliarnrnt a;;· ~;:-plied to the P rdedorn ,e by scci:ion () (l ,' oi 1!·,· Ad,ui:tistrati,;1) oi Jus 1k e P rod~1m­:1tion 19Hl, I d,.i hcrd-,;y ctf-·ti;}int Au~ i n th:;: District of LudcritzL ;ctt as a· pl,1c,· ior thl' fw ldiug- o-f a r ui:.;dirni court am! pn·scrit.c that the local limits w lth­i11 \\ Lich the: said pTi ,dica) court shall hav,· .i'uris­d icti:.n: sL all be as d l'1i:1:·d in the ~chedulc att11ciwd herd,,

UOD S • .\ VE Tri .E KING .

Ui,·e,1 undc-r my ;;and at \Viudll uk thi~ iit li d a v l l!

Ma_\' , 1920. E. Ii L OOROES

Administrator. SCH t DUU:.

Peri,)dirni Cuurt at Au ~, Dbtrict of LwJ n iu:hiuch t. Arca of Jurisdiction.

T :i ,OJ11pri2.e au arl'a b c:Ulll lcd as iollO\n;: f ro,n a r,nint e n tLe 1'aiiway !in(• from Lwforitzbucht

t:, A us 500 me m ·s ,·ast of tlw rnil\vaY station at 'fschau­ka ib nodt-ea:;twards to th,•. nmth~w<'stcrn beacon of the 1ar111 Nr isip N:,. :H i n t lw D.istrict ,:-,f Bt•ti1any, th ence cnnfiiiuing a ' ony; the bo u ndary ·ot but cxc11uding- the farm Ncisip ~~::;. 3.1 in tlw Rettrnny District to the south­\\'l'.:'.tfrn bcac-on ot th· last menti,:;r,td farm thence :;:1utl1\\'>1rds to tl:e nortlH askrn beacol! ot the farm Scl:ak a;,1mp1~e N::i. 18, tlHnC<'· generally southwards c:)ntinuing along- the bo u nd arirs · l>t and i11cludi11g- the fa rms

Scha ka iskur,pc f a rm T.s2 chanabis Harris

N ;>. No. Nc1. N :).

18 19 20 21

to 'the ~nuth-, ;1stern beac,)ll o t the last mentioned farm; thenC(' s o uth-,·astwards t o a pDint ol longitude (ap­pwximatc\y lr" r:ast and oi latitude (appr.oximately) 27'1 1fi' S'.)Utl:, th enl'.e south-1.·astwards i:o the north­\\·estcr11 lw 'lcon oi tl:e farrn H.uns No. lOH in the 'Betha­ny D ic,trid, tl:enc..• continuing 'a '.o ng the bo-undary of hut cxci.i ding thl' fa rm Huns No:!106 in the Bethany

1 [1 '') u :-.. ; Official •Gazette;, 28th Jun e, 1920. -'-------,-------------District t-o the south-western beacon of the last men­ti-<1 11ed farm; thence south~r.astwards to the nor1h­\re-skrn .b9acon of ·farm No. 111 in the Bethany District, thencc 1south-(•astwards c-0ntinuing along the boundaries -of but excluding the lioll<1wing- farms in the Bethany District, ·

farm No. 111 Farm No. 112

to ;i point where till· · south-\\·c·stern boundary of the last 1_11c11tioncd farm cuts the Oreat Fisch l<ive r, thence continuing down the <.:l'-ntre ·ot the Oreat Fisch River· to tlw junction of-the Great Fisch River and tile 'northern bank \of the Orange River, thence westwards continuing aloug the nmthern bank of tlw Orange River to ·a poin1: calle.d -.S(•ndlingsdrift, thence north-westwards to the sc>ttth-weskrn lwacon of the fa rm Udabib No. 23, thence gcnl:ra\ly northwards continuing alnng the boundaries o! and inciuding tll L' farms

Uclabib N,,. 23 Zu \vitputz N:>. 2-1-

to the north-,,·(·stcrn beacon of the last mc11iioued farm, thence north-\\'eshvards to the point of beginning.

No. 17 'ot 1920.1 llncl l'r and b_\· Yirh.l <' or the p,)\\.<JS in mt: n:skd by

sccti(,11 2 (i' of tlw N\agistrat('s' Courts Act 1917 of tile Union Parlii1rnc.,.nt as applied to the Protectorate by section 9 (L of thl' Administration of Justi,:e Proclam­atiDn 1()19, I do hen.>h_y appoint N\aricntal in th e Dis trict ·of Gibeou as a place for the holding of a pc1fodical r,, .urt and pn·scribe that the local limits within \\'hich th e said periodical court shall have jurisdiction shai l \)(' as dl'lined in the Schedule attachl'd hereto.


<.fin:n under my hand at Willdhuk this 1-Hh cla~· of May 1920

E. H . L. GORGES Adm i II istra to r.

SCHEDULE. Periodical Court oi' Jv\arirntal, District Uibc•on.

Arca of Jurisdiction. T o comprise an area bounded as fo llows:-f ro111 a point where the \\·cstern b ,)urH.lary of the

farm Schadeck No. 1 cuts "tlw Fisch Ril·cr c,rntinuing aiong the b<)undari('s of and including the rarrns

Sc haded. N :,. 1 Gras Sud N;). 1 Kauchas N_.. "J Kuh Sud N:1. 4 Ciurus N P. li

tn ;i point " Len· the no rth-eastern boundary of the last­mcntionrd !cJrm cuts the fiscl1 Ri\·er; thence ~cnerally soufr-eashrnrds -contin11i11g along th·~ bouncln.rits of and incluc..ling· the farms

Uurus N :;. (i

Narib N :>. IOH U rrnh N ,>. 107 lh bib :',h. 11 2 Rietmond :\lo. 1 IG Farm No. 85 Barc11klau N;>. 8-1-Schonwal<lc No. 82

to the s,Juth-: astern bca-con ot ihe iast-mc11iio11ed farm, tfH~11<:.<: so uth-,Yestwards continuing along the boundary of .and including th e: farm Schonwaldl· N,>. 8'.Z to tlw s11utl-;-1yest\ rn beacon of the last-m cntion ed farm; then\.·,•. "·"sh1 ards t:i tltc south-eastern beawn ot farm N11. Si. tl:enn· g'l' llcrally WQstwards eontiuuing along the b:_;nmlaric" ot and inch1<ling- the farms

Farm Orab Knsis , Ci,1itsabis Keinuchas Stalllm!and Adallls Rust

N :,. 87 N :,. 8S No. 93 N:). 99 No. 25 N:· .. 22 N :,. 17

to the s-0u th-wc-stern -beacon of the Jast-m,entioned farm ; thence g·c11crally northwards con tinning along the bound• aries -of and ine;uding the farms

Adams Rust No. 17 Nababis No. 11.i Auros West No. 15 Sdt'adeck N~J. 1

to the point of bc·ginning.

No. 18 of 1920.j

Unckr and hy Yirtm· of the r owers in me vested by sectim1 2 ((; of th(' Magi strates' Courts Act 1917 -or the Union Parliament as applied to the Protectorate l?,_\· section 9 (1' of ·tlw Admini-stration of Justice Proclam­ation 1919, l do hereby appoint Ukamas in the District of Wannbad, as a place for tlw ,holding of a pniodi-ca! court and rrescribt· that the loc'al limits \\·ithin \\·hith the said pt:rkdical court shall have jurisdiction shall b,· as dcfi1J('d jn the schedul e attached hereto.


Uiven undn m,· hand at Windhuk this 28th day of May, 1920.

E. H . L. GOROES Administrator.


Periodical Court at Ukamas, District ot Warmbacl. Area of Jurisdiction.

T n comprise an ar('a b(}unclcd as follm\"S :--· From th<· n-:i rth-wl'stcrn beacon of the farm Lcl\·edak

Nn. 32 g-c 11c·rally s,>Utli-eas twards conti nuing along the b:,undarie.,; ol and incli!ding th 1.: farms

Lo\'cdak Sncni,·in N.1rd 2 Sne.ni,·icr i'ford 1 Sne\-rivin S.ud Hmlab i\ r;rd Tig-crb<·rit S,,-.-artkq;· G;:ir;utz

No. 32 No. 35 No. 3G N:.,. 37 No. 38 N;._ li2 No. li3

· N:;. ti-!-to tb e north-vash'rll beacon ol the last-mentioned farm 011 the t·as\l'rll border of th e South-West Africa Pro­tcctr, ratt-; th·nct· southwards continuing along the border ot thv South-West Africa Protectorate to a point where tlw said border meets the northern bank of tll-e Orange Rinr; thi'ttce generally south-,\·estwards con ­tinuing along the northern bank of th<' Orange Rh-e:r to\ll. point ,,·hen· tlw sGuth-w<~stern boundan- oi the farm Vrlloorsdrilt No. 9J cuts tht'. no rthern· bank of the Orange Ri\'n; thence generally northwards uontinuing· along tLc boundari('~ nf _and including the farms

Old number New number V elkJorsdrift Uclabi~ Duurdritt Sud B:.>kicsha11k Ost farm farm Oub A\'eras Kudung fdtkiutt Sud Fe.ttk;utt Nord Lr. 1,·cdal<·

tu th e point of hr-ginning.

Ne,. 19 ot 1920.J


93 77 78 79 81 58 5G 43 4-1 3-1-33 32

W HE REAS it is necessary an d e:-:ped'cat io nJake r rovisi<Hl !or tlw pror-,:r care and tre.at111e11t of cattle c-xporh:d hom th e Protectoraic to the l.111ion oi South Africa, .

NOW THEREFORE untkr and b\' ,·irt:,~ of the j)O\\'l'rS in Ill<' \'estecl I do Iwrcb_\' decl:tn·, !) t"OCl1im and make krtO\rn as· ioi lo,1·s :--

Olficial ,Ciazette, 28th June, 1920._

10:-3 1. Tlw following terms shall h:ll'e tl1c follcl\\'ing

meanings for the purpose of this Proclamatio11 :­"Proper Otficn'' shall mean the stock inspector

of the Vderinary Branch specially ap­pointed to lw in charge of any of the kraals and camps described in section 2 '.iere.,1t.

"Svnior .Veterinary Olficer'' shall mean the Senior Veterinarv ()lficer of the Prntectorare or any person la,viully acting in that capar.:ity. ·

2. Thl' Senior Vetednan Olficcr shall sei aside and maintain in good condition subject to t!w in­structions of tht: Administrator such kraals or camps as he shall ckem expedient ai Windhuk for the purposes of keeping-, feeding- and ,, atcring under proper super\'isio11 all cattle consigned or about to bl' consigned by raih, ay from Windhuk to any station in th(' Union oi Souih Africa.

· 3. Tlw consignor of any cattk as aforesaid shall be­tore entraining such ottle cause them t,.J he re­movl'd to such ol tlw kraals or camps aforesaid as th~ pro1:cr otficer shall designate and there to be Jciiwrecl o,·er to the proper otficcr .at le'.lst fon,·­dght hours lwiore the said cattle l1a,·e to be en­trained.

4. Till' propn olficer s hall cause any caitic d e­livu·Pd to hi1u under the prudsi,Jns u1 Sl'ction 3 hereof to be illsrectcd by the Senior Veterinary Offic,T or any rriJfrssionai assista:it specially authorised thereto Lw such V eterinarv Olficer bc­fof(• accepting delive.ry and no cattle·,\ hich in the orinion ot the sa,id VPterinary Officer or assistant afores-1id sh, 1\Y svn1rtoms or a!ly di~ta:se shall be aL·ccpicd b_,- such proper officer.

S. (l Aikr accvpting ;111y cattie as :11'ore,;aid th,, J}i'Ojh'l" <>fficer shall keep the said cattle in Olll or other ot the kraals o r carnrs mentioned in section 2 h:reot and the co11sig11or shall feed and water tb· said cattle under the supervision and to tliL- ,;ari,,Jaction of th:· Gro1>er officer.

Pru\·ided that thec';)nsigno r it req~1ired thereto by tiw 1~rop:-r nlficcr sln!l prO\·ide s:1fficic-:1t suyants to atknd tn the said cattle.

Prol'ided rurth~r that if the cunsignor doc-3 not, ill thl' Oi:inion of th<' pro;;er officer, suppply acie­quatt 10,JJ or atknclancc as aforesaid the proper olficl·! lll,ly ,Jbtai11 aud sui;piy such food ;ind at­hndance as he th inks 1it at ihe exrcnse '.Jf t!1c crn1-si1~nor.

(2, The propn <>lficer shall clrnrgc on hell alf ot the AdministratiiJn .fees for all cattle kept under his snrcrnsion under : the pr' )\'·isions of this Proclamation according to a tarilf dra,n1 up by t he Senior V.e,erinan 'Officer and ar: prnvcd of ·hy the 1Administrator. ·

(3 Alh-r thl' pro\'isions of sub-sedio n (1 of this section han· been carried ()lit, the proper otficvr on being .,satisfied that sufficient tn.tcks arc r('adY !or such cittle nn a train due to il'a,·c "·itLin ,/ reasonable :time for the Union and upon paymn 1t of the expenses (if anyi and fees aforesaid, shall issu,- a cniiiicafr to the ,consignor to the (•Hect that the cattle specified therein have be,·n kl'rt, kd ,and "akred as afon•said f,>r a period ot f,1rtY-l·ig-ht hours.

G. No otficial of t!1,· t<ail" u,- Administration shall acer-rt any cattle lor consigmnent from Windhu,k to tlw Union o f South Africa unless the co11siirn{>r shall first produce and dciiver to him a certificate as in sullsl'ction(3 o! tlw precc-di11g- sechon is, prO\·id,d.

7. Any pt rsun found g uilty of co11tra1·,·ning~ 'Ill" of tlll' pro\'isiuns of this Prnclamatio u o r .of tli,: R,·:_::u;ations mack thereunder shall on con\'ictio11 bl' '·li•ib!. to a line not eXCl'.cdiug fifty pnunds stn!ing and i11 dclault of payment to .imprison rn:::nt ,1·itb or 1\ ith,iut hard labour lor a period not ex­cct',ling three months.

S. T\1<· Administrator lllay lw notice in t he Chzette:

(a: extend the rrovisioHs ot this Proclamation tO ::ipply to any t<>wll i11 th l' Prokctora£c in the same m:u1ner as it a1:plies to \Vinclhuls,

(b trom tim ,· t<> timv frar11e rei.;>Hlations for ihc bnh,r carrying ,:iui oi the p/odsions and ub­jlcts o t this Prnclamation.

lJ. Tl;i:; Prnc!n,11ation shall hl' kno,Yn :rnd m :.ff lw cit,d for all purposvs a~ the ''Consi_:;·nmcrit ot Ca rtk Proclamati rrn, 1920".


( 1i1·, n undc:r m, hand ar \Xlimllrnk t hi~ 28th day oi i\\ay, 1 920.

t_ H L. GORGES A(lrninistrator.

Government Notices. ·1 l!:• r-.,Jlrj\\'l11g {;;)\'t'i'<ll': H 'll l .\·u f i('e-.., ;\ )" •'. \HIC)]i~h :,d L"J1·

geJ1e1·:it i1 ·Jnn~1alio11.

Aciminht1·ators OITke. \\'hd 1.i tk

,I. l<'. llE!llSJ.

[ i Sth A'l arch, l 9'20. \io. 2/]



TLc Administrcltn has b(cn rteaseti to make the toilm1·ing n·gulations u11ckr section 103 oi the Liquor licensing Proclamation 1920:

1. In these rquiatinlls the terin "t!ie Proclamaiion··, shall mean tile ''Liquur Li,·e11sing ProclamatirJn 1920".

) TtlL' kc for night p ri1·iiegL'S aud/or Suuday pri,­ihg,·s granted to fr.e lnld\•i· ot a rcfail !ic0ncej under section 31 ol th" Pr,Jcla1nation shali be the sum .ot fi\'e pounds stfTling-, til be denoted o n the ]ice!lu by means ol rc,·erine sbmJ~S.

3. It shail be the d uty nf <,ach rnagistratt· to keep ::i record ill writing ot all thi· pmcecdings of the iicensing court, incL!Ji11g th· rdurns mentioned i11 secti!)ll (;5 ol t!w Proclamation, anu, subject to the provisions ot section 29 thereof, s uc!J record shall be hpt or likd ii! his office and sbailbet:ipen ior the inspection of any person Jesiri11g to refer thcretu at such times as the magistrate shall deem reasonabk and an1oint for such ;1ltrposc upon rayn1t·11t ot a kc '!1' one shilling for t1 1·cry such insrcction, tu he denoted by means ot a rercn ue stamp upon the record.

4. The n·rnrds 1~ro\'ickd for ill rLgttlation 3 shall compris(.' note·;; of tlw several applications made and rc1iti,,ns presented to the court and of the ob­jections ,nade· tl:crcto and also the evidence taken u,~on o,ith bc!<m' the court as authorised br section T3 o i thf' Proclamation . .

5. T Le no tice ot a,~p!icatic;n fo r licences me1iiioneu in secti :·,11 35 or the· Prllc:arnation shall he in sub­stance iil th'. for111 sn forth i n Schedule A tn tilcse 11.:guiations.

~- l -DJ Official. Qa;,.~tic, 28th Jun e, 1920.

U. A1iy . l?c rs-011 wlfo has iu accorda1w· \Yith tlw p1 OY1;;10Hs 01 sectto11 35 of the. PiodamaHoll ma(k any ;,uch applicah•.>n as is thcrdn :,;pe:U cd to tht ni:ag-istrak v l th,,· distrkt :; Ind be entiJed t,i appe,.1r bc;,r,rl' tl·,,, lic•ensing <.:-:iurt 011 behr.ilf of :such ap­plirati r; 11 'dthl·r in P"'rs-011, o r hy any a6t:11 t ::1uti10r­i~;td i11 wri~ing b_v ::mrh :-q: p!icant b app1·ar l,>r him, a,1d such i;i_; rs •·,u ·or his d-ulr :mtho ri3l'<I agent sh"ll h•. ·:-·11ti(ed h> cr<.>ss t:-x:rn1iil(• anr \\'i tnc,;s \\·ho 111,1y gi\·-: t.Yith:nc,· be.'.,He the c,mrt' in support of ,rn}· obj\"d io11 h.1 his application :rnd tlw ·:ourr shall ab, ,, hear wlrnfon:r ma_\" hl' urged b>· st1Ch ap­plica11! or !lb duly ,t11thori,;cd agvnt i11 support

· or such :.irpli cation. , . Th,· 11:iticl, -ot ubr~rdnns ml'11t io11ed iu secti.0 ;1

-~2 ·o, the Pwclamation slu1ll be in suhstaiH:C in the tor'in set fo rU: in Scht·uu:" 13 to t lwsc Regulations.

8. fvn~ ,q:p:icati:,11 undPr the provisio ns ot s\·ctious :_;; a11d \02 oi till' Pmda,na(ic ll must b · suh-mitt< d ih rou.gh (hi· mag isiratc oi Ille distri~:t. .

"9. ·Th: ,;;; :1gistrak n~ccjying any such a r pli ,·ah ~111 w !ll ,orth,·ith f,1rward ·it to i.tw s~·crebrv fo r t!11.:: P ro­tvcf.';r,1t,· slating at ih1•. ~atil<' tim:: :· (,t'; \VJ-.ctl1r·r th,, app!ica11t is o r h.,1s lwc11 t l1c hr>\der

·of :1 licu H:t· ,aild jf s-:1Jor l-:rl\\· long. (b · Reasnns "·hich th,·. magistn1k con!'>idcrs im­

r ·,rta11t in detcrinining· ,dwth,-r the ap11licatin11 sh r,u!d be vnkrtaitwd or H<lt.

_(r) Wl.t:tlh'-r, if ih~ a_pp .i1:ati·•n lw grantcJ, there i,­aav risk or ins uffid tn t r,;,.1b'.kii~· prior t,1 tlH· hPlding of the li censing c 1:urt.

(d, T!.e n·as:rns why tlw arp:icathll "as 11, l t 1;1a<k i1: prf)pc r ti,n <: i. l.'.. ,on '. Jr !v:orc th,~ last day :of J =,ntiary ,o r July as th ca,.<· ma\· he.

HJ. N.·. ~1j~p:icatio11 will h t tonsidnd i f till' fo r~going dirtdi~•ns ha,·(, uro t lw<'11 <ibserYed or grant-eel 1' \ ­

cci:t \or s p1·chl aud urJ ,'lll n:aso ns. Sl:ould ii be ncc;;_.;s:n y tor any c:ommunira tio 11 to bt•. mack bY

_.t:·kgr,q-.li the t:{>~t of the tdcg-ra,11 and its r,.'p ly , must be {)(\l"llC h v tlw a.np!icailt.

'.11. l{ :1 l"l' rtifkah, a:t!hori:;i ;1g thD i3s.t,· of a !kc.ll~e, is g1::11tetl at th annu al meding in March :md ap­i;rr-vcd by the Ad111inistrator, the'. fu'. I fee for a vcarir licence ,nust be raid whether the- applb111 t b kes· 1,u t tlw lic\\uc;r at 011 -.:e dr dcl~vs doing im uniil t!'e halt y•·ar has daps£d.

SCl-fEDULE A. N.,ticc nt ApplicafrJ11.

Tl1-c i\·\ :q~is inh·,

B~- r·i"a~•L'ti t ," tak<• no tice thar l, th e undcrsig nnl . . . . . . o\ . . . . . . intend t •.; :i.p iJ iy a t tl'.l' 1wxl s ittilig; ,)t the Lkc11si11g l:,1urt for . . . _ . . . . . . fo r a .(wh<Jk~::ik, rdail, "r hc ttk. de. iic,·11n· r-or the premises . fo r ''Jor :, n-11,:,ra 1·• o f my . \l·lw ksale, retail, etc. iic,-c.· nce : ~n- " ·!or tk rc·,n-oy:1 I of ni ,. licen,:e from . w . "· 0r ''fo r HK tr:rnskr of ·rn r lice11<:e 1-0 , . '' \ and 1 H:qw.-st that· you ,d!l caw;e ihc Hl'(~:ssary ste17s t-o bt taken io enable my arplicatir>1t to be duly laid bt+)1T the said Court. . .

Si r.

tlw . . day oi I './'20 Sig11cd .

S<:HEPULE B. N :11icc of Objr.dinil io Lici'IICt'.

· Pl-easL·-J'.1 takr: no til~ t lrni I {ur we\ the uadersigi:eJ iniend t~, ,oppos,: your i.1.pplicatio11 fo r a li·c:<-n ce to sell fiqll'or by (w holesak or retail. d _c.·, o n th e fo11o,ring gro·un(b, that i~ to s<ly (her{, ~,et torth one or more pf th1~ f,b j:c·dim1s nwnti{)rWtl i-11 section -l-'2 ot ihe Pro­r.lamntio n ,'.

T n Mr. ad dre$S

Nt•. 13.J (1 6tli March, 19:20. BRANDIN<i UF LAR.OE STOCK.

A,.:, rhv s,~ ries ol brands pr,>,·ided for the \Jr-1t1di11g o f larg 1,; sfock •o,,·11ecl by Europ,ians, in terms L)f the Regul utbns 1'ra111ed und,'i" th,' Ordinance of i.he imperial G:Jvcrnor <hted th.• 12th Ju11c ! CJl 2, haYe, i11 respect o! cert:1 i11 dist:ir.ts in the Pr •tedora:,:, all oeen al!ot:ed tn 0\\.1H-rs ot l'c tuck, il•,• Ad,n i11 istrator h as appro\·ed _of the :idnpti ,rn ol a ne\\· ~t' ri<~ of brands for each such district consisting !ot the two R,1,nan [d:-crs, as heretofore, with tL :: 11u11;_•rni i: lac~:i ;ih-.>\ ~· tiH' m i11 t :it hrm ,)f ;i11 :·4ui-­!:itcra! triangk.

N :_,. 2-l l (23rd March, 1920. .AMALO.\MATIO:-.; of i\:\ UNICIPALJTI ES.

Tht: Aclminis tr~1 to r has brcn p!e.ased to apprnrc of t l-l :,mah•amati:.in ol th1· Municipalities of Windltuk :ind Kic i1i"Wir.dh11I,, \\' ith I lft•d fro,n the lsi A1~·ri1 , 1920.

N:i. 2S.l [1 0th April, !9'.20. C:O:\•\i\\.lSSIONEl-(S O f OATJiS.

Tli l· Adtr,i11i·,u:dor has ,q:.proncl ill iL•rms of ,~•ction l ,,-, P1~•d.1111ati1.>i: N,,_ 17 of 1915 of tl:c di•sign.:,tion oaring· p ieu,,11r,· a,- C.,mmis,;: ,111,· rs of Oaths of the pe1>0lls 11 a 11H·d in tli-.· :1H:id_1i!d 3{:h(~dalc, \\·itll .i~1risdic1io11 rhi Ot:<!.h ·:;11 th1· ,1 1-·:1,; ,;ct oppo;;i i~ tiH 0 ir ,·c:~pl•(:tiv~ 11a1n1 s.

Th· Ad!!1i1 rb tn t., r has iu rtlwr appro\'ed in tr nns of th' ;1ion·,;:-iid ~.,'etinn nf tilt> dc, ignation, during p l·easure, n t ·di shi.i,J11 masters •· mr,lllyt!d hy the South-West AiricJ111 R:1iiways in the Prokd orak, as c x o fficio ( > 1Ji mi~sioncrs· , 11 · O :rth$, \\'ith ju risdiction throug ho ut tLc mal_!is ltrial district,; in \\'hid1 th.:>, n·specth·ely rc ,. ich·. ·


~aOll" G·c,.n·g·ti <1u T o i l Voss

Hutn•y Wil!fam Jh.:w

Sh:pha.n,1~ llc ndi.il; du Ple!:'si;;

Georgr. Albert ·w i l! iarn Si:.],n('i<h·•r

Oliiiord Gonion Uinl Octn,u:-: GC(\fg'O r,m..-J;,,r

Chad D,1;-id Bu !!'CT Lodewijk ,Tobann·es

Bonwei:,·an Aa1·d t R-ic-.hard \V :iil-N' VnC\r

Stt>yn . . Christian Ado lr. ) fa.,

Fritzscbc ,James Arnold O'Reili_, Edg•n,r l•~m est Bouo Arthur Vc>r uon Ri:anhw

Gl.endinin,~· Karl .Johanne;;

Mnmmhrauur 1-;mil Heinrich Neniwit

ft'rnnk H a rol<l \Valdrou Adolph Fmnciscu:,;

Wilhr.lm 'l',,·il<'m,rn

No. W.l

Add\'eS'"' .-\r••a or ,J uris<lict-io11

Ht·gistrar or th,i The· Prot,0 e tor!\tl' High C(m1·t, W 'lrnk l.ns pccting Oftlcer o( 1-lli: .,\d min istral · ion. fnsi;.H1d1Jr. Postal Ur~ncb, ·windltuk :\foSll•r or l lie H ig li C,rnrt., \Viu,l iiuk Oi"fit1·r in cbrgc .-,r Landi-; Depa rl­mcnt \ Viudlmk Pontr,,l lor of Stit­ti r: meutl". \V.iu<ll111k !nspP.C"tOi' Pt' l ,a Pd~ \Vindli uk Win d hnk Ofi,t(,r i n Ch,ug,_. Na ti ,,1~ A irai rs Windhuk Oi81rict !Jistrint oi 1V ' lrnk >'alixc /1. iiairfl Dist -t riet OJTicl', W 'h nk Winclhnk

\ \·)ndlml,

\Vind IJ1:i;

\Vi?1dlrnk W iutl lrnk

~ 1 ,~ . :~

District or: Lude.r ­_itzhuclit.

Win<lhnk Mag·istrate·;, O t'fi c;, Luderit.Y bnch t Magi, 1, a t es Oiiie1• "Kartbih lJi~t rict of Karibit, Po;,;t i\:!ash' r. Dist.rict of (hoo~-'l'su mob. Omr,rnrn


fontei n 1 li~trict of Oruarurn

[22nd April , 1920. APPOINTMENTS,

·1 he Ad1ni11istrnkr has lwi)ll pleased t0 m:'lke tile 1·,•,lowing :q;pdntmrnts :-- -

Rup(,rt A11g ustu,- bey 8 ~andon, as Mag i;;tratl'- for il;e Gist:ict ·o! Ludt•ritzh-Jchi, with dkct from the 41.h Ma rch, 1920.

Official Oazdte, 28th June. 1920. ·10 , .. . 5.:r

Oc<>rge Phinppus Ste.pham.1s van Heyningen, as Magistrate ._for tho., Dlstrkt of K.:i-tnrnnsh{)Op, wHh effect from the 12ih April, 1920.

Geor_g'e Fn:i,derick f leck, c1.;; Mag istrate for the DJstrict' of Aroab, with effect from th<-' !3th April, 1920.

N'xl. 27.} . [1st May, !920. Tbt: Administrat·Gr h_as appnNed of th.:- Rule ·hereto

append,,d, framed by the Judge of the H igh Court oi ·South-West Africa ·undi'r the provisio ns of section 3 (5;, of the Administra tfon of Justic.., Procla ma,ion, 1919. .RULE O f TliE H IO:H COURT Of SOUTH-\XtEST

AFRlCA. '2G. Nn trans;lation of a ny document shall be used

ja anJ proceedings in th<) High Court .of South-West Afrka, l:xccpt such as is o:-rtifiect to be correct by ,a swont translator of the said Cou rt; provid t>d that if-t li.:re shall ht:. no sworn translafor :l\ ailabk. it shall he: com­petent ior the Court to admit a trans\atio;; .:er\ified to he \ :orr1ect by a pt>rson of whose: proficiency as a trans­lator the Court shall tw sat isfied.

T!:e costs ol translation shall form rart ui th,· U>S lS

,of the cause The Taxing; Offker is authorized to allow u charge at th~ rate: of fi\re shUings per hundred words translat ed, wi th a minimum nt flv(, shillings for any docume:nt.

No. 28.} [lith May, 1Cf2U. · APPOINTMENT OF lS..SU E R Of PROCESS.

The appointment ot the Non-Comrnissioi,ed Officer in d,<lrg;e: .of th<·, P.o:ic<: Station at O,avifonkin, or aily­one fa wfully a cting in that capacity, as Issu(;r of PnJc<~Ss to th: P,0 riodica! Cr.: urt at Oravi.o nkin in the Ma:zisterial District of Grootfontein , is a r prov,-·d, \\' ith d frc-t irom Hw dat, oi :,~sumr,ti-0n of duty.

.No. 29.1 t':ith ;\•h • . =1 g2n. PEmOU[L:A.L COU!{T : OTAVl fONTE.I:--i.

The ,Administrab r ·lrns :q:prnvnl. of tht• holding of th<: P,~riodital Cmnt ,li Ch:-t\·Lmt1.~in .in th" 1\-\a,tisterial Dii,rrk:t ,of Groctfontein, on ;h,, 1 ·lth May, 1920 and then;aft,: r on the -~?eond. Friday of tac:h succee~fo1g month; in tht ,.·\·0·11( zri any day fixed for the hc\lding ,of the Pe. . ioC:i:a! C . u -t . a Ji g on a prh k l:o Bay, r~en such Court sha], in the ahsdlce of p-i.tb:ic ilOtification to the l',ontrnry, he hc·ld on th,) following day.

Nb. ·30.r f"i ti: May, i92:0. POST A1'i!J T ELEUR.APH !{,\ T°ES.

'l he Administratc, r has aqnovt·d ot th.:, undcr­rnenthne.d al .eraiions in Post and Tclegrarh ra\es and charges with f-ffod from the "inti! May, 192): LETTERS. 1 •.-:.> d rer ouncfo m any l}Ortion thereof

H itr:erh 1 d r,er half .-:iunce. POST CARDS. 1 d Si ,·_g'c, bithcrL, 1/2 c.l .

2 d Rq: ly p aid hithe1 b I d. TELEORAM.S. 1 d ,_r-e-r wo:-<l with mh imum l d d, for

12 wordst hitherto i /·. ~ig 1 t r eh•• r T,;.,._,. .. ,,m,. I /3 cl for '>4 ~,:irdsf '1,itiien\; i l.' ~~-iii1 3 d for i' \'e;v :-tdditbii al six ·wo.rds o r norHon Hrer~· of. .

Ali das:;vs of tc'.<' i:_, ;p·-h t raffi.c ha mi ed ·en oo Sundays, ·G,, ,\d Fridays and Christmas U:1y, Su, , :\ddi:hnai to ta ri.i ch:1rQ,·ci on \, ,·d < davs.

Th<' incrt,;.;,sd r '.)Stai ratis apply ,.-, aH ma.tier posted for de1ivrry within the Pro,edora.1r. (Jnioii ot South Africa, B:·t hrnna'and, f~h~Jdc,.,ia, Pr•:•vhc" d .Mozam­

' hiqu,', Unitd King·cl~) m, Egypt. '1'Hi all British Pos­sf,ssbn:.', ancl from t)·.e Union of Sou th Afrfra.

A11 com··spo ndi? rrce j,OsteJ a: tcr th· 10th lvfay 1920 t . ,.J . ' , • ' no r.rf.pa1" .a, t::,,, new rai e-s 1\·l.l be ,;ureharged double

the deficiency. -Rates or lett.::r post:i_ge io foreig i: t:ountries rema'in

at 21/~ d per hah~ our.cl,.

{14th /\'hy, 19'.l{i. .\PPOlNTMENT.

Th:: Ad1.11ini,,;trntor has bt;;,n pleast"d,. in term;; iJf sec:ti!m 13 of the• Administration of Justk"<: Prodamation 191 C), to appro ve of thF a ppointm0nt of i\ll r. Edward Pentz b act as Registrar ol D~eds for the Prote~torate at Windhuk, during the ab-sence 011 leave v i ,'v\r. J. S-, Lnuw, with effr-d from tlw 11th May 1920.

No. 32.1 [2::itli J\'\.ay,,19'20. APPOINTMENT OF VOUNDMASTER..

Th(• Adminhtra{'Or bas ari1roved Jn term8 ot sec'Uou 2 01 P mcianunion ,.No. 5 of 1917 of the a_ppoin tmc11t ot \Viikm P{'trus J- ;\,\oolln:rn, as pounclniaster at Ukamas in the L}istrkt of Wannbad) in r,_ia..:,· of H;u_gv F ric•dma 1111, v,ith clfect fro111 the date: of assumpti-on of dut\·.

;--: c,. 33.] 1:.mth Nl ay; :J92U.

APPOINTMENT Of iSSUEk O F PROCESS. The appointment of the Nou-CommissioHt♦-d OfHeer

in cha rg-e nf the South~W<',st Africa Polio, 3ration ·at Aus1 or ;i nyone lawtully acting i:dhat capttdty, m: lssue.r of Process b t.h.:· Periodical Court at Alls ill th~ District ct Luc1eritzbuchi is appr<>vNt, with efktt from tl1:e da t~ of ass·umptio11 of duty.

" , ... ., _. I • '< _, , _ .. ) '!·. t28t!1 tvla_v", 1920 . COM,'V\ISSlONERS Of OA TI-IS.

Th Adm inistrator has approwd in terms oi sectfon 1 of Proclamation No. 17 of t 91.5 of the cksignation du rit:c'· irJrnsurc- as t::n11mi!'lsioncr,: of Oaths nf i:he fKr:.~i;s n;11m,d i ii th,' attached schfriule, '.\itll iurls­d idi '.;n throughtfllt th,· :1t~·a s S•'t o pposil e 111 '-'11.- re-­srr ctiv 11:l ll\l'S . .

SC!ifDl'.Lt . ~allk

ErnP.;;i Thvjd !-l.r,:,r t,nd-,o!l

. Lc11 i.s Pr onk .F\n'~~~n.1,..u: Met'V,Yn E i•Jp O!HC


Scc,r_ehn y 10 lh~O•~n- '!'lwPmf.~1'.tr,rnte •'!f~-$.'n.onsC()r.,mH~~10n ~.while hn1di n g- t.h!tt post). ('l<;rk 0f th-:i ('on:-: . T·h-:· .!Ji.striN of

0 4 "h1n,il in . , .. )kah~.nditt tJkahandja · do • l{PP.tn1c11v;hoop 1I'!1e DiHt.r·i etr;; or

K,,e:.:m:;.n·;:,oo_p ;-HJ..:l G·.ih 3 0 ;-:i

~.J , , '1 :;, l f •Jsr·!l H ,1-1- '! (l'>•• ,. .. ,. J-..,., 1--~ ' -' ' .f.:. . ,. ...... , • •

APPOiNTtvH:N T Of l~SLJER OF PROC[SS. The app::iiutm,:n t .of the Postmasrer at M.arie.n irit, .:,,1

;my:·)nl' lawlully ading in · that capacity, as Issu,·i- Ji PrOC(.SS tu th, Periodical Cou rt at J\.far it'!il:tl iL ,he­District of O ibron fa appr,)wd, with dfed frow th,:·. d:1te of assumr,tio11 -of duty.

[28th ;\i ay~ 1 i}ZIJ. P ERIODI CAL COURT : AUS.

T hl:- Administrat-::r has approv,1d ot th-: ·holdini:i· of the Pf·ri'.)dira.l Court at Aus on Saturday the 12th fone 1920 and tl:ereafkr on the f,e:cond sa·turdav o:f '.wch m-o:Jtb, in the ;;yen! of a11y day fi xed for the iitoldinff pf th,· p,,rbdica! Court }.,:! lling on a puh:fr ho:iday, then such Court shalL in tlw ab:'<!~llc,, of r uhlk notifkati.on

· to the contrarv. fw hekl on the foHo,vinu dav. 0 '.)Vl'rnlm'-llt _N<)ticr- No . 49 nf the 2ist" D,0,:ember

i ()It, i!s he1x-b:; cantelled.

". . . .., l . ~() . ·.5 I. f28th Jvtay, V>2u . TENDER BOARD.

.. _ The Adminisrrator has been pieas1:,d to appdnt the to:luwirg r-,crsons to tx , 1be ·memben; oi the Protectorate TE..•ncfor fh a rd, with e'.fed f,·-om the 1st Ni.av 1920 :---

The S<,cn'inry lbr the Pi,okctora:e (Ci1airm,m\ Edward Cecil I+::-oper (a!t,m1ative: Chairman). Li:,ut.-C~1 ~o~el James Alfred Vcnnin1cr, D S. 0. hnn Chnsnan Edwards. G0org-e Albert W iliiam S chneider.

Official Uazette; 28th Jttne,· 1920.

The Adri1inistrafor has further appo'i.ntcd David M•outag11L· Palmc·r to be the Secretary to the Board.

~ -0 . 1s J [28th May, 1920,


Thl' Adminis trator !~as iwen pieascd in krms of st.ction 1 of Pwda-mation No. 17 of the 21st September 191 :S, to cancel th~ dcsignatioi;s as Commissioners of "Oaths for the, Profodo rak, of Charles .C hristian Pieter­sen Anthonr Barnes, fn:·-drick Godley Kuhn and Charles 8 jr :rnson Cl1 ris ti ri nscn, 12.Y reason of their vac~ tion of the officts in rcsped of w hich tltey \\'ere so designated.

No. 39.] [28th May, 1920.


The appo intment ,of the No1M:01n111jssioned Officer in charg{~ -of th t! South-West Africa Police Stat!on a t Ukamas, o r anyon,• lawfully acting i11 that capacity, as Issuer of Procrss to the Periodical Court at Ukamas in the District ol Warmbad, with effect from the date of assumption ·ofduty, is a1;prond.

N o. 40] A P-PO JNTM EN TS.

[28th J\ilay, .1920.

Th<' Administrator has !wen pleased t<·, make the ·f_ollu,,·ing arpointm cnts :--·

I. 0 -tto 'Ch'a rks Wc-cher, a s Principal Sheep _In­s pecto r l'o r ill<' f>m tectorn.te of South-West Africa, \Yith 1·.fkd fmrn tli'e 15th D~c~m ber, l 919:

2. John Ouy Robert Le\\'is, lvi. A., as Organiser of Education for th(' Protl'dornte of South-Wesi Africa,

. with dh-d from the 1s t April, 1920. 3. Louis Fnurfr, M . B., Ch. B. Edin, as tvh-dictl

OHicn t,, the Administr:iti.011, with effect fro m the 1st April, 1920. .

4. A!l'xan<.k:r Uuodall, as Senio r Veterinary Officer iior tl\f' Protcd ,irat1· of South-West Africa, with dfect fro 111 tlw I st April, 1920.

No. 4l_j [11th June, 1920.

M,lU.T.IAI, LA. W R.l)GULA.TIONS. R.1·g-ulatiu11$ Nos. 99 to !02 issued unde r .tv\arti.:11 I .a \\'

by and ,,·it!i tlw a ppr{,val of thl' Ad ministra t.i r.


99. (! , N:i rdaiJ,cr sha ll on and nti:c r the publicatio n . of this n·gulntion sell any paraffins at pli e(!s excMdi11g

tl:ose sho,,·11 in tlw follo ,,·ing schedule: (a) T h· tolln\\'ing rna:,,:ini11n1 prk'<'S for 150 degrel'

pa raffins:-~·

fl r i c r· t : , t h e C o 11 s u m e r: At \Vindhuk o r any o ther plcav .iu tl1e P rotectorak.

2 ls CJ d 1:er c;1sc of t\\'<i tills each {'.Olliaining- -l 'ictb irn­pt:ria l g,tllons, o r 10 s 11 d fo r one sllch ti.n, o r ~26 s 13 cl p<' r cas,· nl ten tins ,:ad1 containing · ';Jhs imperial gailr,11, r1r h,·(, s l1illin~s and nine rw nce per Hn -Of :"/.,tlts irn pni;il ;.;aU011 , plti:; in z-ach case trtight by sea from tl!,· l 'nion :·,f S\lt1th t\fric,1, rc1ilag-l', tran sport ;111d i11-•ur·11H·(· -·" 1"1 --<r,:~ · · 'Pr.i ci'.; '\'1~ ,~,; .. 111 entioned to ind-ude cases and tins.

(b, T he rna:xi mum µ rices for 125 ·dc:gr r. :::s pa raffin tu lw tlm·cpc11cc (3 d j per case less tha n th e aho\·l' a nd oth n pric .. ·-s to be proporlio na te-ly 1·educed. In the ras·1· of a frac tion nf a p~111 i_y aris ing tile price• cbarg·ed tc, b,, tlw near,•-sf penny per case o r tin.

B(,ttlt pric,·s !or par11ffi11 (cons um er to sappl_,· ihc hottlc :- -

At \X:imHtttk nr :.,ny otlwr plau:, i 11 the Protectoratt: 11i-ll t• p,·11ce Jl(T 0 11 c .si xth of :ur1111perial gallon. Proddl'd that in th ,· ·ca:w of tradc·rs -at a distance irom;•thc•railwa_r wlwn tl1<' m:iximum rc-bil prict' tix.ed tbcs not allo\\' of a profit hdng rri"ad-1\ the magistrat<' . shall hc1Yt power

to authorisr such addition to such_ rda"il price as will allow o f a profit h<·:ing made, s;uch P\-ofit to .bescalculatt;\d to th<: nearest sixpence per case, and ·threepence per tin, and in the cast· of paraffin sold. by the b ottle to the .nrart:st tone JWn ny p-er oottle of l1ne-sixtlt of an im• pcria[ ;gallo n . ·

(2:: Any JX' rson who ·is in p osst;;;sion of telhble in­fo rmati-011 t h.at the abm·e-me11tionl:iJ orders are bcino­cvadcd b y ·a ny perso ns or firms is required to 2"1\'e i; formatio n t lwn:of \\·i thout delay if) the nearest Magi-

. strak wh o is lwreb~· -cmpO\\'Cred if he shall see fit so to do to call upon any such itl'rsons (H' firms ,to produc1, for his ins1wction all Sli!:h books, accounts, documents o r other papers 1-eleva 11 t to the transacti-011 complained -of which he may dee111 necessarv.

(3) Any such pers1.)n •or firm \i ilfull r rt.;glecting ,or failing tr , comply wiih an order issu,,d b,: the Nl acistrate in k rnis -of th,· last rreccding se(1:i,rn - shall be"' guilty o f a n ·ofknc,· and upon convicti<m shall be "Jiabl<: to the prna fii es pr<·scribed by Marth! Law Regulati0t1 Nn. 102.

(4: All magistrak s arc instnrctett to g:h·e the wide.~t possible publicity to thtsc orders, Ri id to display a oopy thereof in a prominent p la ce in tlki r res pecth-e offices.


100. ( 1) Ne. retailer s hall 011 o r '!tier the pub lication of this Rt·gulation ,sdl an~, petr,,1, benzin e or o ther moror spirit (l'xcluding paraffin:: ,1t pric:,'s e:-,;e<.·-eding thnse shown in th{' folln\\'ing scl1;:,r!uk :_..:..

At Windlmk or any o ther place 111 the Pro tectorak. A 11 b r a n d s.

30 s per casv o f two tins cacti containing tour .im­perial g,lilo ns; smalle r quantitie~ in bulk ':.tt the rate cf 4 s fi cl per im1 >-· ri~l g-allon, aiiq in the casr i'>F -.,·hat an· k11{>\\·n as g-allon tins at th,· killo\,· ing ·prices : -

Br a n d. · S lw lL 5 s 3 d p,T tin containing 1 imperial gallon Pt'.gasus 4 s per tin containing · ,,ths im pezial g·a!lo n Zenith . . 4 s per tin containing : e!hs imperial gallon. To all th(• abow prices may _Lt, :tdded freight by

sen fron.1 th~ Uni•on of South Afn c,1, rnilag.::, transport and insmance ch.u g vs r lus 15 per Ct:11t on cost delh· -: r£•d. In the cas1·. of a fraction o f a pern,y arising, ,the ,price charged ·to be to the nearest pen11 y per case o l''iiin. In tlw cas,· llf traders at a distan ce frf .;n the railwav< \Yh-en t h1' max imum retail price liw.d d :ie::; !IOt a l!o,,· of ~; l)rofit being ·made, the magistraic s lwll h;,, e p:,\,·er to auth0 r­ise s uch addition i:o such rd nil prh: as \\·iii a llo w ,o f a p rofit lwing madr·, such profit ts, he calm lated to the nli,tr-cst s ixpence per ,·a se of 8 irn p,·n ,!I gallo ns and ih ree­pc-ncc per imperial ~:alloll ;in bulk.

(2) Any p <'rsoii ·,\·h o is in po~s~,s;;ion of reliable in­formation that t lw ab1Jn--mentiom ,J orders are bc•i11g (:Vadcd by any persu11s o r firms i,; 1T·quired to Ri\'e 1i11-form:'.ti-011 tl·,crrnf ,,·itl10ut de!ay to tiw nea rest mag·istratP who 1s lwr<·by emr,o,,·<'red it h<.· :;1.,t11 si'e fit so tu <.lo t{) call uro11 .'.Ill)· such pnso n~ o r ii rms to produc,, _for his inspccti:,n a!I such hook;s, :in:, ,11n ts, docunH·l! tS or o ther papers rek\·a u t to th e ir;,i ,,-c1di,ln complai11cd of \Vhich lw may ckem 1wcessa r•

(3' Any such · pcrs .,11 or ii rrn \'. i !fullY 1it~"lccting or faWng tr, corn pl_,- ,, ith all ordPr b st .. -d b;. th(/ 111 auis'trai1, in krms -oi tlw ias t p rcc'<:di11g st, uo;, -shall t~t g-11ilt,· of an ofkn c1, and u1,.:,1i com·idi o11 :;hall be !iabk io u 1·t· pt!naltit·s p rescribed by Martial La ','- R egulati~,11 No. 102.

(4·- All magistra h s ar<, instruct.--.1 i<; ~in.: t he \\' ide<:t possi!J lt- p ublicity t.o th~·sc -on!l:r~ . and to display :i

copy tltn{'·Ot in a p romillc;nt plao in thei r rc-sp<•cti \'C offices. ·

1\\AXIMUrv\ P RfCf:S FOR Si r( iA R I:\" I I-it PRO T E< 'TORA l L

IOI. (I ) .Fo r th,, pu rpose o f t ills reg ulation s ugar;; shall b(• classified in a<:t:o rdance •'- ith the three g rndt~;: sprcitif·d in Sectin11 ?. o f tlw n::g-uLd h% framed undn

Official Uaze~~ 28th June, 1920. 1 n...'_;: VI ..

Ci:owrnnwnt Notice No. 838 published in the Govern­ment Gazette Extraordinarr of thf• Union of South Africa No. 1053 of the 17th i'\\av 1920 and the\gracting,pf thti Board mentioned in the aforesaid notice shall . be considered final.

(2, No p;:rson shall y•ll by retail on anJ attcr this date any sugars the produce ot the Union of.South Africa at prices exce{'ding the following maximum JHice,,:

Usakos and at Elsnvh,;rc in all places in the

situated south Pr{)tectorate thf'reof

:'-!o. 1 grade ot sugar 8 d per lb 8 '." d per lh No. 2 R'rade ol sugar 71,~ d per lb 8 d per lb No. 3 grade ot sugar 7 d P"r lb 7 1 c d per lb

(3 1ln th,· c:is,· of traders at a distanco from the rail­way, \\hl'n tiw maximum retail price fixed does not aflow ·of .:i profit !wing mack, the magistrate may on application grant such additio11 to such retail pric1: as will allow of a profit bcjng made such profit to be calculakd tn th; nearest lialfpen;1y per pound.

l-l The maximum prin: fixed alnve shall 1wt apply to cub(•, castor or icing- sugars.

(5; In ,·wry transaction in sugar the inrok-c s liall not only dischse th~ .rricc paid or to be paid for such :;;ugar, but shall als:_; ck.scribe the sugar soid and re­forrcd k therein according to the grade thereof as set forth in raragraphs {I' and (2: hereof.


102 .. Ally person wlw contravenes the pronswus of .\\artial Law RPgulations 99, 100 or 101 shall 011 con• dcticn bL· ijabk to a Hne not exceeding t lO0 or im­prisonnwnt for six months with or without hard labour, or tu both such iinl' and sach imprisoamrnt.

~o. -12.1 {1 lth June·, 1920.


Tlw Admiubtrator has been pkased under the pro­visions of s,·cti,in 3 of the Land Survev Proclamation 1020 hi .appoint Akxandrr Gusta\' Landsberg to act as Surn,·or-Gi'neral for tl:e Protectorate of South-West Afric:1 duri11g th· absence on duty of H. E. Scbod1, \\'ith d'fect from the 1-lth Jun<', 1920.

Ko. -13.j l1 !H: June, 1920. TLe A.dmi11istraior has been pleased, in terms of

,:e,tion :.>!le hmdred and eighteen ot the Administrni:ion of Estates Act 19 I 3, of the ,lJnion Parlia1i1ent as applied to tb:: Protectorate by the J\.dministration oi Justice Frociarnation No. 21 ot 1919, to appro-.•e of the regulations contained in the sclicdule hereto iu regard to th: rerntmer'.1tio11 to be paid to S,\·Drn Appraisers.


TAHIFi 01 !U::\\UNE1V,TION vt· '."l\\'Oi,::\ APPRAISERS.

Every Sworn Arpraiser is entitled 1t1 de1nand and re , eive in resrect ol e,·ery app:·aisemen1 mack by him a reasonable compensation to bc, assessed :i.nu taxed t;v the ,'v'iaster oi the High Court acconJiug to t,w fol!O\\:_ ing tari!f pro\·ided frat the Masi er m 11, in his dis­cretio!I., autl10ri~e a va_i:iation fro ill the f.! riff in spt,cia[ cases 11 he sha,i sec ttt.


(l; One guinea for eyi•ry hour or fraction otan •iH}Llr whiist ,1duidly OC{.'.Upied in making one rnntinuou:=: appraisemcnt.

(2; for appraisements of property undn 111c _value of .\c 100 a foe of tut shillings a!ld ~ix1wnce \nll ~e allowed.

(3; Where an appraisemcnt oi property has O·t¾.'rl made from intimate •expnt kn1ndccl.ge and the lv\aster is satished that, regard being had to tlw nature of the valuation, a remuneratio11 upon the basis ol time \\'uuld not sulficient]y eornpensate th1' apprniser, he 1n~y tax him a spedat fee not to 1'xcecd j11 any case •I:'. 1 k,r each t !000 of the appraised vaiu,· of the property up to L Io non, and therealter J 0/- for each t: ! 000.


l11 addition to the alv.i,·e the loll<rning travelling ext:enses \\ ill be allowed, p r,wided that the Master ma\ in his discretion authorize a \'ariation from the· taritf ill cases in whieh lie is satisfied that t11e tariff is insufi'icie1Jt to cm er the actual tr:1ns,,ort expenses.

(1 · For 1·aluatio11s ·made \I itllin a two-mile radius from frp ce11trc ,,f any tow11, th,· necessary cab hire 0111\·.

-for va lua ti( ,11s l!1ad e out~idt ul tile t\\ o-mik radius, au ill:.:lu,,il'e allo,\·ance of I 0'- for e\en' six mi!C-s trardled where the appraiser proddes lifs n,,·11 con­venmce. \'>/here a rnnycyanc~ is pr,i dded lw the client ur· t!:e :1ppraiser tra1 els hy rai!, he will b<: entitled only tu a r ersonal allowa11ce w li i r e tr a v c l l i 11 g of 5 s. Fer hour or fraction oi an hour 1wt exc,0,·ding \~ 2 :1 da, iii addition t {J his rai!wav fare.

(2 \Vhere a iourne\· is u11,krrnkt.•1; for the purpose ot appraising pinperi:}: hclo11Ri11g to se\'t:ral <J\\·ncrs, the ex1:.c11svs or one journey {)nly mav he chcirged a11d should he ani,;rtioned to the several o,\·n~rs .


A!l diarges !or valuaiions 111ade by Sworn Apprais ers 1mtst be u:,ed hy tl:e 1v\askr beloie payment thereDf is dern:1nded. \Vhen :.;ubrnitting their :tcc,rw1ts f:or taxation, ar1naisus shnuld · attach a·. copy of th~ aFpraiscment, and tull particular~ should be givc-n of tl:e distance actua!Jy and n eccssariiy traveHed, if any; rhe time occuried in-tr:i\'clling and tlie time of detention, if ail\'; and it should be stated that th e journey rwa.s u1Hk;·taken lor the rcil'Jh,sc of the 1ppraisen1,ent. The rime occttpied in adually making the apprais1:ment should also be stated.

f<evenue stamps representink one s !1illing iu every t 1 or fractio11 of \'. 1 of the chargce should be rorwarded in pa',rnctlt ot tile taxing fe,'.

No. HJ ll Ith June, 1920.

The Adll1iuistrator ha;; appr,1ved o t tile Rule Ler~o appended, lramecl hy the Judge of the rfigh C,)urt of South-\V est Africa under the provisions. of . s,,ctiou 3 {':>i ot the Administration of Justke Proclamatiou, 1919, and of secfri11 2 of the Rares of Court Proclaurntion, 1920.


'F1. lt1:::n 1 (a : of the T ,) riff ,,f Ftk;; o f DCputy Skrihs contc1ined in Rule -!82 of the Ca1;e of Good Hope PrJvincLtl Division u! fr,e Supreme Comt of South Africa is hc·rebv amcnrJe.d by increasing the amount of tr:lYetling ;tllm,·ance per niik ,)r fraction of a mile from cHll." shilling ro one shiliing- and si:-.: pence.

\f\ ;-1 > -. Offid,li Gazette, ~th June, i 920.

General Notices. No. f, ,or 1920. ~fo. 7 of 1 Q20

N o tin, is hor,eby given, that I ha\"C appoi•nted Clitford Oordon Bird to be Deputy Sheriff ,of and -for the Mag ­isttrial District of \.Vindhnk. with -Eeffeet in-:>111 the 12th

Noti ce is hereby giYt:.11 that I ha\'<;: ~ppointed fded·· rich Gustav Ltoopold Ilse to act as Deiti..lty Sheriff -of iand fo r the MagistNfal Distrkt -Of Swakopi(!'Und, with ,efffltt

day -r,i April. t()20. · from rho 21st day of May, -1920. . 0. du T. VOSS

S.h{:sriff of the Pro tedt >rat{'. Ci. du ! VOSS

Sh<•.dH of th;• Protect,1rai:t".

Wfodhu.k, l4 tli April, 1Q20. \X:indhuk, 2!5t Ma_v, i920.

No. 8 ,of 1920.

It is iwr~·hy n-otiti-ed for general information that WHk r t ho prPvisio ns of section 10 of the Land Surve.r Proc1aniation, 1920, Oerhard ,JuJ:us Berthold Schmiedet has this day b(::en admitted to practise a~ a I ,and S11r­V<c<}"<Jl' in So11th-Wt•.st A frica.

H. E. SCHOUi ~urwyor••U,:t1erni 's Oitice, 'Acting .S,un'(T◊r Cienenl.

Windhttk, 4th Jun~•, 1920.

No. 9 of 1920. AppliC.'.ition~ will be received at the Department of

Lamis, Windhul,; , _f.o r a pedod of eight weeks from the date of t.he fast pnblicatio u of this notice (i. e. expiring o n the . 23rd ·A11gU$!, 1 G20; and for s uch ti)lt·e th t reafter its the hn!ding~ or any <'if them remain UHallotted, for the undr.rtnetttioned farms, to be disposed of 0 11 lea~e for a µtriod c,f fiq ~ (5) years, with the option of ac­qHirini..r the laud at any titne during the Cllrrency ,)f the

!ease, c)r .at the expfration. thereof, •m terms of . Con­ditiottal Purchase Lease e:dending •iver a period ot twenty (20; .n :arb, under and subjeo b the provisions of thl" Land Settlement Ad, No. 12 or 1912, as amended by the Land Settlemen i Act Amertdm~nt Act, No. 23 of 19 )7. and P!oclamatk111 No. 14 of 19?.IJ, and any regu­la twn;; published thereunder.

G. k HUOH ES, \X/indhu.k, 5th }ill!(' I ()20. Secr<'o('iry fo r L,tnds ..

H etdi ut· );o .

'2· ., -;


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D ,i J11-ger 2'i\-i H.oa.:;eb 27 (.\i1<1in a,;ari,; 2;J lfo ~,va.al 22·

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5outh-Wes.t Africa~ Gobabis. District I I £ ~ d £ s ri

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Offi..-ial 0.azette, 28th June, 1920.

'" ·) l

Gnt")k 2gn

!\ndet·~;;on '.3,J-,'-;

Cno12ec: 2,Hl

Shrr.lvy 2trr ,,-an 1/,yl 2::H

Ualnn;_Ll fr._.!.:t_t

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;:c. Of~= '.i 000 :, !)()f;

G oc~ , ,) 00(1 ,){)(fl

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l fi, 8. ti

15. 8. ti :r; :it((, I ,122. n. o

Rehoboth Dis.trict.

H8 ,. ;_-rc.;·:1 i.1 i ~ •-~ j co~. u. u 22. o. 2

t\aribib Di!.trict.


Ho[dings 1---37 :;re llDt surr, ; •:d but 011ly comp,u,s­b-eacom•ci, and wi:l he al'.otted a,, nrding to the present b,t.acons ('rs;ded '.'.JI! the gnund ,·.·hich do not inchtde :my p·Ortion of tht river b.:;cl. L,, h fanu wi'.I, liowc.--ver. b-,: ·stnw.yed L· incl'ude a porti,0;1 !'f the river bed. Unti l -'t!n'ey is compk:t,'d aHotl•ees ar,, advised not to mak•(' ;iny rermanent improvements in II,~ river bed .as G:wern­nrs::nt wi! under 110 cL·cumstanc.·,, compensate them fo r ,my i1nr-rc\·cmc·J1ts sLottld it ·OH ~11rwy, ap1;•car that th e µ;artiru'.;tr poriinus ol the rinT L,.d on which such irn­pronnwnts hIV\J bce11 e;fe:ctt:,d, t:,a outside the ·bound­aries r,f thdr forms.

As the surwy in con11<:cti,,11 with lwldings N,,,.;. 1-.. 37 has 11>ot yet b~v.,n compk1 qi, the areas ar1: ap­proximak o nly, .and cornwquenll I" the p,urclrnsc prict:·, r,ontals .and instalments of purcl,,ise price are Hable to ~i ltu.ation, when th{: t~xact art'.,;,:· ,ind s111Ye)· kes arc known.

P:1rticub r,; of t,.·,tding.s :-

1- 2:.J. Situate ,,m the :--;,Js<.Jb L•iycr below the ,junction ·Df the B:ack N·osd; and the \Vli/t,,, Nosob and from' 50 ts. , 100 miles sout1'. of Ooh'.1bi~ which is tiw near•cst K;wnsl--sip. Strictly spea!dng, R1-l!'oboth is flw ·nearest rail\\·ay statiou, tnit intending a,,pUcan ts prnc,-:xiing un insr•ccti:\il ol thC's ,· farms are ;,.Jd:,ed, in view of ·thf:' o::xisting transport taci!ities, to iiqke \Xfindhuk tlw first rnint -of their itir1t-rary.

(Maps stC\dng t.ht:s,· tarm_.; , att be \--ie\\ cci at th:l~ Pt.:r;artnwnt's c<fic-,' ill L,i.,utwci" Str,eet, Wind!rnk).

Th: hr;Jdings an· suitabk: h" all dass1.;:; nf skid, 1.vith the v,xety,ti :rn ~lf hors<:s wl ,id1 ;1re liable to hors-e­~"·km·ss uunng r'.nny seasons. With a \'•~rv 'fe,y c=-:­ct::r,ti-:rn:,;, th if' ts n.o surfaci, W'H,·,r, bui'water' call €asil;· h..: i,;1rnd at no g-re:it (h:ptlt iu ;J,.e bed of ·tti,e Nosob Rilit'r, ::11d gvikraJy fad'.Hies. ,'•dst L:,r storing w ater. >.:ari\·, hh··;u:- 1.:-: scar,:c ; th(: dh1e,t0 is foiriy healthy.

·r !.tr,· is '.I Slllil.il t\\\"dling h,,11~, ' and a \\ e'. l ·Oil 11{)k:-ing 2 (T:t: Jagi:r N .. -,. 27(}·,_ .

Tiler.:: is a th1ee•roomeJ {\\; ,·'li11o~hr:u,•e and a w-r:B c,n holding 3 (H· ,aseb ;>,;o. n t'>

ThL· io[ki\;:i;,,'.;' i11q,ro1·emtHL· rnlnvd :tt \2, 110 ap­pT<.;xhn;1tt~~.v e~d-~t : 11 LolcUng· 4 , (:h.-.un11saris 1~0. 2'f,

-t r:iom 1:d d\1·c·Hing•h:_;11s0,•. \\ 'ell ,.J,11~ metre:< dt" 'l'

Shs·:,r dip (p]a~,t<,rc•d with c-ern,>d. WL-'e kraals ·

Tht '-succr,ssiul applicant f. lmlding No. 4 n(1t hdng th: ro nshudor of Hi<'-SP '"•provemei1ts, shall pay th~r'.'in, in -:ash an iH1V)tl11t k., (\(, detcnniued by th-t -:\\m13tf.:r nr Lands.

On each ot nt)idlngs Q and l ? (Boshoff No. 10 ·)rnJ Hoi'lg, ,sgd, No. 3, thao!·,: is a -sa-.." ' l Harfoheest Hut

10. J IJ. U

25-· '.H. tSituate on the Epikuro River about 50 miles north iOf Gcbabis which is the nk"arest township and ab'.lut 150 miles P-ast -0f Windhttk which is thi.' nearest railway .station.

TIF"rc is no surface wat<:r, but water can easily be found nt no great depth in the, bed of the Epikuro River and o-enera'.lv facilitie,s exist for s toring water. Sui table for :ii dass~\S of stock except horses· which are liabfo, to · horse-sickn{'SS during rainy s<:'asons. Mcali.es and kafir-corn can he grn,v11. Native labottr is scarce; the ::limate is fairly .healthy.

.38. S,fock farm with frontage on the Schaap Rivfor S·ome trees and bttsh; healthy; native labour scarce; situate 30 mill's , .. ast of Rehob<Jth.

As the sun·(·y Qf this holding has 'llot yd heen ~om­pleted, thL' ]rea and survey fees art: approximate on!y.

s !,::;ruld. !OH the SU[V('i:,' being completed, . it appear that th,' ;ffe-a of the farm is rnn r13 than 5 n;,i !gr-eater o r less than the appH:i:xirnatc area given above, the purchasi'l pric-e, p•J1tals and instalments will h{, incre!lsed or do­c·rta.s{·d 1ccordingly.

On this h·olciln'.g- thc rt• is a ho reliok with windmilf piping ·in<l tittings',1s a ls:.J a galvaz!ised iron ~f;...9"rvoir with a c,11;adty o t 30 000 gallons which are not rncludoo in the ·niluati:in and th{) own-ership in which wHI remain veskd in tr.z· (};;1•crnment

Tb,: i<-,asc: and titk t::i be issued ·in respect of t hls holding v;i\l he subjvct to a perp.etuai servitude in favour ,,f b ,J n a f i d c traw'.1-ers .entitling them to access to the sa:id boreh::,!e :::.nd resen-nir and to th~ full ·use of water then-from for thtmse1Yes and their animals. Govern­ment ,\ls:_, n·tains right of acct.·ss for its servants to th,e; said hon'Lnle 1nd rc-.;;,Tr,>ir fur foe purpose of mainten .. :rnc, and rer,airs.

H tl:e ailotke is p'cpared to under take to maintaiti the '-dndmili :ind n,sz•.p;~ir in 1 p roper state: of repair Gcn(:T111n<•.nt ,,·i:I b,· wiring· to ".'.low hit.~ to use lX!r,tion of th· \\"'lh·r in the h :1 r('hok; a nn n:.servotr n n condthcms t0 be :tgn,<",d uron.

'39. Suihble kff all classtis oi st<,1c k Dc1vib River trav•:L~(·.s fr:,0 ]H}lci ing. \Vah, r i n well with windlass in: the riv\' r bqL Natin~ lah ::-,,ur sca rce ; healthy; situate 14 mi. '.cs nurtl:-west of U sa,kos which i s tlte n<:,a r(•st t,nni­ship and railway station.

:\.8 T he ,cwrwrs!,iJ; of land i,1 tiw Prnfoctonte d Oi.:S

not inc.iudE llit>: ,nvncrship in minerals and jlrecious ::1tonts in. ,0 11 or under such ]and, AH tht: ~,bove farm;; are open h J pruspecling and pegging by any person duly authorised rilerdu in ;,ccorda nce: witl1 the provisions of th;:; impe rial N1i ning Ordin~rncc 190fi, a~ amended by P,·l1c:larnatkrn No. 24 of 1919. The holtkr of a pro• specting licence u-.·er anv •of the ubove: fa rm~ is i'ntit!~ to irrniing and water tf11' s tock requi rtd in i::onnedi,-,,

1 -1 f \ W x--.)

with his pi:ospectiug -operations, as also wood; in so far as it is available w ithout materially interfering with ,he.w.orki.ng o f the fann (Sedion 12 of abO\·e O rdinance, and subject to payment of compensation as proYided in the. 'Mining Law. Qe11eral Conditions--··

111 the eYent of the Oovcrn ment b'.•ing_ rc·qu~r<'d, in k rms ot ,wy law relating lo tencmg 1n the Pr_otectD rate, to contribute towards the cost of fencing the bound::u:ies, or any part thereof, of any of the hoJdings ad\'ertiscd in this n.otice, or to accept liability for the payment of such contribution prior to the· al!otme.nt of the ho l<ling, the successful applicant shall, nn allotment being made to hii11, assume liabilHy for the pnymc.nt of such co11 trilmtio11 . The amount of such cm1tdbution shall be paid by' the al!ottee to the Govern­ment in cash, o r at tile option of the allottc{~ it may he addc<l to the ,·aluation of the holding, in \\·hich case ·t l-,_:·. rentals, payments and instalmP11ts of purchase- prite ~hall be increased ac1;ordingly. The s11ccc:;shll ::p­piic,ints for a11y o f the holdingii on which the b,>undari~s vr part there:if arc ·tencccl, shall accept liahility untkr any la,,, reiating to fencing ill the Protectorate, for any anHHll1ts which ma\· be da imcd b_,· adjoining o,1·11rrs in · tC!'lllS nf the said law.

In ·the event of bnrc!ioles being co1npkl1Kf i'IJ!Cl ltalld­pumps erected on any of the holc!ing-s before tit ,: dak o i allotment thereof, the cost of ti 1e b0i·ing- op<!r;nions and pumps · will he added to. th e v,iluaiions of the ·1i t1lding-s · ,ind the re.ntats and insialrneilts of purrh:1::;e p;·icc \1·iH __ .he incre:iset.l accordingiy.

In the event of an allottec making application for a borehole to he sunk ,rn his holding and a hand-p111np tu be erc:cted the reon, and ol' such applicatin11 hPi11g ar,pro,·ed by the !'v\ inister -of Lauds, the cost nf such borehole (ex'clushe ·of tritnsport, ft1cl, and \\·a ter, wllich

· 1pi.1st be borne by the all.ottec:, and of such hand-pump ,,·ill be added to the valuation of the holding, ;1nti the half-yearly rental and i11stal111e11is of purchase price "·ill he i11creased according-Iv as fro m the dat<' of th~ l'<lnipl-ction ·of the work · · · ·

A clause will· be inserted in the lease,; \\·hicl1 it is p-rcp:lsed to issue in respect of holdings l :►n ,1·hicl1 boreholes mnY be sunk he-fore or after allot1rn'nt tl!ert\­,· . .f, ~-iyin,, the ( 10,ernment access lo and thi' rig·!lt h) take watei' f;~,ni the hDrcholcs ·ror d riHing purposes ior :t pt'riocl 1)f five years from the dat~s of ihc l,'a~c;;: ·

It will he a condition of lease that the successh1I :;ppliea11t for ,!11\' .of th e above holdings on which borch~)lcs .:i,:ist o r mav be sunk prcwions to allotment will he lield responsible as l'rom the date of allotm,·nt " r oi t:omp!etion of the work for the proper cam ;;nd mainte nance of the borehole o r bor:.:ho!tt.$ on hi~ !J;;lding, a11d shall .be liable f.9r any damage caused th\:'rcto. rle must, there.fore, on n.o account rais,•. wakr without pr-oper p11mpi11g machinery. Inquiries as to the 11iost suitable machinery to be utilized in connection with an~· borehole should b e made to th~ Boring [n. spector, Irrigation Department, Windhuk, by the succes~­iui applicant befo re proceeding to t'rect pumping­tllaehin e-;·_, ..

General . Remarks--The lease to be issue<l \\ ·ill contain conditions

relative to residen<:.-<_: , improv~n_wtifs, fencing, outsp ans, . roads, and such other conditio ns as are usuallv in­serted in agricultural leases g ranted under the -Land Settlement Act, No. 12 of 1912, as amended bv the Land Settlement Act Amendmc11t_ Act, No. 23 o( 1917 and Prod anrntion No. 14 of 192l1. . T he rent paid_ during the lea"'.:- period of fin· _yL•.ars 1s not deducted from th e purch<\sc pricl' in the. <•yent of the option to purchase bei11!:i- c.xl·rcised.

The Department has made "Yerv dfort to rc11Jcr as _accurate ~s possible the in_fonnation gi\'en in thi, notice, but \\'Ill not be r espons1b1,,, fo r anv inaccuracies should such exis t. ·

Arpiicanb arc n•c:.J1nm{'11dcd i!! their own interests. l'.t:rsonal~y. to i_nsp<'d . farms lwhn• formally applying t iicrdor. No ra1!w:.t ,· o r transport conct'-ssions arP o-i,·"'n b_r tl,e GmTrnnwnt in connccti,i;, w ith the insp~°7:ti;n nf !:o!dings.

After the cxpi1T date of thb n<JtiC(\ intendincr ap­pl:cants should ascertain from tht. Department oi Lands which hn!ding:-; arc. still a·.-ailal.!c before proceeding to inspect any or them.

Occupation cn11 be grankd i!ll111ediately 011 allot­ment, unless o ther pro\·ision be madl' ' i11 ·!he ldkr nf a llotment.

All npplkations must be SiJbmittc;d 011 the prn­scrihl·U lorm, which can be qbtainl'd from the ma,ristrate-s c,f tLe districts in which th<' forn,:; ar,~ situate, -~1r from 1h~ Secretary for L ands, Pretori :1, •.>r P.O. Box 2(fi, Windhuk.

The Depa rtment has a staff d ealing specially \\'ll ll

applic~tions and inqui ries for l;111d, and prospecti\"e srttlers desirous of obtaining inl',_mnation with regard to land sdtlemcut in South-Wf::t Africa a rc ad,·is-c<l to ap ply for such information di,r:ct to the Departmen\' ot Lauds, t rninn 811ilcling-s, Pret, •!·ia, or P. 0. Box- 29-r. Windlwk.

No. 10 of J(j) q_ I t is hcr1:by 11otilied for g(•ii.t,nl infonnation that

I lis Exc1·:Jl{' llC\' tl:c Omernor-0,:qcral of tlw Union of ~,outh Atric;i has bt:1:ll pleased f-. , appro\'e, in terms of s, ction b11 r :•.>,f the CrcJ\\·n. Land Disr,os~l Ordinance, No. S7 of l <)03 (Transvaal;, as a_r.piit·d '"ith modifi;:atio~ h t!;e f>r<itec(·orate .of South-Wes, Africa bv ihe:Crown Land Ofaposal Prodamation ~ n. !J of ! 920, of th(' ap· pointment as from 1hc 5th March, 1920, of tht! persons mnnioih'd l·.ereundN, up h} a11q i11cludill~ the datc.s ~ tatcd .:;gains! thjr rc.,pet:li\'t: n,i rncs, :.is m,•.mbt-r~ oi th (• Land Board f,w tlw Prot<;C'l_n rat.e l)f South-\X!\,.:;t Afri ca :- ··

Joh11 Ada ms, 5th Sc'ptt'tnh er, 1920. G, ·o rg(: Charles Mackeilzie, ::1i1 ~e)":kmher, 1921.l. li endrik Stephanus P re:-oriu;;, :>th Septern ber, l 920. Matthys Johan d1, Jager, 3l s1 Dl!ce-mber, 192-l. H1:11drik cir \Xfaal, 31st 0 ,fr,i,er. 1924.

D, r,artm('nt of Lands, · Prdorh, 21st Jum', 1920. , l. R. HUU H ES,

::;, .'.:n·.tary f-or Lind~.

Advertisements. :-JOTJCE.

Noticr·. is lwreby gi\'l'II tliat the- Lit1uidati-.;1 i and \Vindhuk. io r a Ji•'. riod Df oth- •nonth iro111 date -of Uistriirntio11 Accounts in tlw Estates specified in rhe · pubiicati<.1;1 hc- r!:Ot. Any objecti, ;,1 to the--se Accounts S-cbt•.tht:--- bekrn: will lie fo r inspection of ii1t~rcsted ~!wurd h,· 1-.>dgcd \\'ith the !\1 ,, ;; t e r with i 11 t ll ~ r,mi'rs at th· Office i)f th<': Masier Df the High Court, )'; ,' r i O cl ·.) f j 11 Sp ;• Ct i <1 11.


l~l ·J:\ .l,;Lann ,k.•·.,)f l~;1;< \1;11'r••·k U3.J.1j H Carl M,1x !'h~1tn1an 1;

127.f tS ! ;:1 rl BH n k 1-12/ l v .\ !ln!l. \:l ,u·ln. t~v-< .1. -~:­; -.l!Jj t~ {L.or~,: B1·a,h--::1:! · l~ h :p•( J~rn-3 f)fb• :: ,,~--

Pl:i i.',; ,i:.·, !.h(e ,,i ,lea:f1 ,.Ji 11ie Deci:a .. -;ed . .

\Vinct!l,.1",{. 01.'l. 2:l rd l \}Hi. _\.,.,s. O<:!ol.iet· l\)!.1, 1918.

:-;w~k,, pnnnd. July 2i,;t 1918. Hnthan°;'' . 0<--to ber 15th lfl18. ;,rh,,fo,,k 0 Prnbe.r 10ti! Hllil. \Yindiink fkt0hf'r :?.,,11? 1918.

Official Gazette, 28th J une, · 1920.


Credito rs a·nd debtors in th17, e~tatl':s of the persons de:,cribed .in the fi rst column of the schcduk annexed hereto arc hereby required to file their claims w ith and pay their debts to the persons -named in ithe

· third column of the schedule oppos(te to the description of each such deeeased perso n, respectively, ,vithin the period of th e date of pu:blicati% hc.<reof indicated in the case of each estate in the S('cond c.o lumn ot ·the­


Mrs. Ida Go ttschalk, lak of Keet­mans hoop

F ra nz Zaskra, 80•.>trnakPr, la te of Kar ibih

[n t !:l'. ahs,,n tec· 6tak ·o f ·1.u dw ig R eCSl' \ .

E izahdh Onfrui da Albertina Kotze (born Burger' and _survw1ng sr,ous(· Dirk Jacobus Johanne,; Ko t1<- .,f Ih ssiesfontein , Maric n­rn1, Distiict Oib(',:m.

Rachd M d:ublwn, Est. No. 277 19

M.a rtha Luci(' Tomandl, died at Trnnwb, 31s t July, 19 l 7, Est. No. 2:;s 1 c;

\Vi!hdm Sdmba rclt, died at T s ameb, !Ith O cfobcr, JQ1:.l, Est Nn. 22519

O tio Mar,:>ss, d il·d at Gobabis, 11th Jum·, 1919, Es t. N o. '.69 '19

A 1111a Ma r;i;ri tlw Kritzinger (wife o t' Pdrus J·. )h a ll Ill';; Kritzillger -, cliHI :1t U oi)abis, 25th Octolwr, 1()18, Est. 1\u 2ti0 19

Joha 1111(•.s P t· tius du P ies~is, d ie.d a t S,\·akormund, 1st N1;n 111 her, 1918, Est. No 58 1 ()

And rl'W ;\\ci'\'\uiTa\·, di,·d at Oma­ruru, 21st N,>n:1i1 lwr, 1918, Est. N,,. :270 18

Aiin· \Vacksmu th, cht·d at Karibib, 3rd Nowmlwr, 1918, Est. N<>. 8 JC)

G, -org,, Fiebiger, drnwned near Sec­h: i m i11 October, 1915, Est. No 30 17

l>trh, riu · Joha11 ;1a Jie:e!!a \'a il Zijl (" ·ic:m, ol thv late Dirk J-olnnn es va11 ZijL di ,·d ,1t O •iidip, District \Vannb3d, 2~th J111, 1CJ l9. Est. ~ Cl . 147 l9

Jacol',us H c·nd rik T n tll'r, d ied a i \Va rmb ad, 2lith N0 \'l' ltlb(' r, 19 19, Est. N::> 2

E<h1ard En•·, h tc N,1. l:'>-B P rokct ­u r:w· Oarri ,ooi1 Regiment, died at Au,, llith Ar:ri l. i<J I(), Est. Nn . .:!i:8 I lJ

O ne month

Ont> month

Six \H cks

30 days

0 1w month

O 11e 1110 11 t h

One mo nth

i-4 days

On(' .nonth

1.J. days

1-l- clays

O nl' month

14 dars

14 _d.;.ys

Perfi" ;,;.n. wHh wilom 1;!hims irn1~n: be tHe:11 1u.1i.! to \ ... ·tw m deht~ mus t. n~~ paid

J. J. van Zi jl, P. 0. Box HG, Keet­manshoop, Cura tor Bon is

Dr. Ciu mp rccht, Swakopmu nd

A. J. Ma rkottcr, i'v\anagcr, Standa rd Bank, Swakopmu nd, o r Hermann Oi'frn, -Bo x 21, Swakopmund,

Curators Dative M. E. Oliff, Box 38, K('eitmanshoop,

Attorn~y fo r Ex,·cutor

L ouis H a rdwick, c. u. Rai.lw ar Stores, Windhuk, Execut-or Dative

Carl Lang-, Box 21, Tsumc.b, . Executo r Dative

Carl Lang, Tsum cb, Box 21, ·· E wcuio r Dntiw -

Arthur Richh-r, Cio b,1bis, Ex('r:uto r D.'tti\·l'

T hl' i\laskr of the High Lourt, P . (} Box 307, \Vi11dbttk

The Mastvr of the High Cou rt, P. 0. Bo x 307, Windhuk

Tlw .\\askr ot the tiigh Court, P. 0 . f>:>x 307, Windhuk

Th :\\.:Jst,-r o t lit e High L 1litrt, P. 0 . &> x 307, \'l/i1Hlht1k

T he i\ \astn oi the li ig h Cou rt, P. 0. B,n 307, W indhu k .

Til l' :\bswr {.) I the !i iglI l>>ttrt, P. 0 . B•c,x 307, Windhuk

Th,· ,\h~tc r o f the liig·li ( '.nurt, P. 0 P,,i :-: 307, Windhuk

Tiu, .\'\ a:;kr ut the Hig-11 <::rnrt, P . () _ fh :-: 307, \\' i11 d hUk

u11 >~ Offidal Uazette, 28th June, 1920, __________________ ;.._ ___ _

Ludwig frfrdr.ich .of Amms· Wost, Dist.ict Q;ootfontein. died 10a1 April. 1918, Est No. '29,·19

t·kinrich Schucht. died at Assis, DU. U O.ootJoi1Un, 26th Novem­b-vr, 1918, Est. No 239'19

lobu1nes Fritz Haase, died at Okat-. _iombna North, Ui~t id Oobabis,

15th Augt,st. 1918, Est. No. 135·18

Albf-rt Assman-11, ki!:ed iu actiou at Pfonr, 20th March, 1915, Est. Nn. 5819 11

fa1g1,n Ruh, din! at Kabiai,, Uibeon Gist., 13t1: ,'\1arch, 1918

Carl Flinh·, 1\i\anag,,r oi th-c Sp.,u und Darkhnskasse, Orontfont-d.r . b:reutor Dativ,·

. c. J. W. E. f!irttl', c..co. The Spa: und D,,rkhnskasst\ Or<.x,tkmtdr

B, nno H,ia~~-. (}{)babi", Execim:,· f}1tln

T l·,.,.· :\\aster ot the High /.:{)urt, P. 0. Bos.: '307, Windhuk

J\,\arg,lretha Johanna de Hntnu (b•.>rn Scholtz·

14 days :\\, E Oiiff. Hoth :1 Strn"t,

S\VORl\ APPR,AlSl::':R. Certilicnk of appointment

Bv virtue'. of H,L, authoritv Yested .in me by -;edion 10 o( tlrn Administration o( Estai0:c; Ad. 191j, l have J:['poinkd CU.'ford Gordon Bird; Esquire, of \X/indhuk (c./<0. the Scuth-Wt·st Afrka!I Board of Exe:utors, to act as ~worn Appraiser, for th: nistrict of \X/intlhuk

S. H. du PLESSIS i\l\ast,1 r of thi' High ( >-nu-t

\Vindhuk, 12th A\ard1, 1920.


Notice is hereby given: that by \irtue of the auti10ritY V(•stcd in rne hv Sedion 10 Df the Administ ration oi Esbtes Ad, 19131 l ban:- this day appointed Dr. Theodor Lorentz, tii '.1d as Sworn App rai~£,r, for the District of \Vindhuk.

S. H. du PLESSIS !Vtaster of the High Court.

S:tut!i-\V•·st Afdca. W iiH.l imk, '12nd .\l;u·cl!, 19'20.


Notter is hi<:rcby given that r have fois day appdnt;;d Sidnc,y Wontzel, by vUue or the authodty in me n:.skd hy Section 10 of the Adminlstrntio11 of Esrates Acti 1913, to ad as Sworn Appraiser for th<= Di;;trids of Kee-t­m:msLoop and \Varmbad.

!vLtst•T of foe riigh Court South-West Afric:t.

\Viu ilmk, 23rd Niard1, iCJW.

SWORN APPRAISER. Certi:icatP of appcintrnent.

By virtue or the autho rity vested in me by section HI or tbe Administration of Estales Act. 1913, I have appointed Tbe(do:us Ig;1atbs Hautei1bach, Esquie, of Oroctfont.in, to act as Sworn AppraLcr, for the rx~trkt of Grnotfontdn.

S. H. du PLESSIS .i\fastt•r of the High Co11n.

\t'indhuk, 13th April, 1920.

8ox 38, Ke,' tmans!v .. ;,;

S\VOl<N APPRAISER ( :r-rfrticak of appni: Ilmcllt.

Bv virtu1· ,rl th,., authority vested ir, me b1- Sc~cfr:,--. HJ ,::i( t!w Administration o( Estair3 Act, 1913. I lrnv'=' :.ippointcd Ht•rmann 0,ftn, Esqui-e, ,)f S,vakop;nund , ,:, act as Sworn Ai;prais,·r for rlw Di.,tdd of S,\ akopmun,_·

S. li du PLESSIS ;\'iastt·,· or fa,, High (>i1w.

\Virnilmk, 28th A pdl, i 920.

SWORN APPRAISER C1·nilkatc of ar:1k. intme11t.

Hy ,u-ruc·- of 1k, authority ves:ell in me hy secti,.•~ IU of the Administration of Estah' :, Act, 1913, I ha,, appoinkci Alfrwl Otto Eduard Steckel, Esquire, · Sv,:akopmuncl, to ad as Sworn Appraiser, for ihi' Distric~ of Swak(JJ.~mund.

S. H Ju PLESSIS 1\!fastc'r of thz· liigh Ciu,·

\Vindt1uk, 2Sth Ar dl, 192ll.

S\V(.)RN APPRAISER C.rni.ikat,· of appointment.-

By virtw· oi tlw authority , es:e:i in me by sectk: Ill of thl' AdministratioH of Estate;.: Act, 19l3, l ha"-, ,,ppoint,·d Hnmann Brandt, Esquire; · of Ma, ienn­Distrid of Gibnill, to ad as S\vo:-n Apµtais, :r, for ,·--= District o f Olhrnn.

S. H du PLESSiS Mash'r or thi:.· l-ligh Coi.<-·

\Vin,Hmk, 28th April, 1920.


Notke ts htreby given that the Adminis,ratiu11 ,., _ Distributbn Accoant in the,. Esrate o f the la te Ja,1;:-­AJexander T homp::011, who died in the Valkeibe-~ Mental H•r;spi:al Capt'. Town, on the 15th S-cpte.1fr,,::· I 9Hi, will IL- for insr~ecticn of in te:·e3ted parties in f=.., Offo:c, of ti:'/ Master of the High Cou:t at WL!diluk. f. · ·, r,erind of 30 days from date of pub;icadon hereof

S. H. du PLESSIS, Masbcr o f tlw, tHgh Comi of South -\X!e,,t Afr,.·

Win<lhuk. 8th Ma~v, 1920.

Oftichl Oat:~tte:, 2~th June, I 920. 1 ·1 ·:~ ..,_ kJ

SW.OR.N APPl:<AISER. · c~rtiricak. of appointme111.

By virtue ul the authority vested iu me by Sedion lH -ot the Administration of Esta ks Act, i 913, I ha\·•: apr:oinkd Abraham Jacobus Rossouw , ot Karibib, to act a,; S.worn Ar,praisn, for the District of Karibib.

S. H . du PLESSIS ;V\a~t,ir ot th, High Court.

\tli1tih!k, lSth May, 1\J20.

NOTICE. A1:,p:irnti,)11 l:adng btc11 made by thl' l) cutsche Farm

O•. ~dlsclnft .A. 0 . for the. issue and registration of a CntHicate ,.,f Sul;stituted Tifc in respecf of Fann Oka­rir,·; No. 282 s ii.uah- in th,, District of Windh:.tk in !extent 5059-·r,f,cbr?s 99 ares a nd -W square meire.;; at 1,re.sent rt:gi::;trred in th' German "Landregi.$tcr" Windhuk V,1il1in1, II Folio 3'1 in th• name ot Otto Michael all per­~:,·,,ns cl:J irning- to l,av•: any right (>r titk i11 or over the :-:aid lall(l ;1m·. h:reby requi red h notify me, in writing, r:!' such d-:1i 111, within thrc.C' months rror.n the tk1k of l'HhlicaHon ·of this notic<'.

Skmld ,iny nbjt;ctic n b,· takeu it shall bt· the duty 1-·,i iLi, r .crs-011 o bjecti11g, in the abseHce of a11,y agreement !ktwiien th, prtic;;, t:, apply to the High Co urt ot.6outh­\X.-'rst Africa fo r au Orrler restraining thC'. issue of the c ,,1 ti1 i c-ah· .i11 questiq n.

J. S. LOli\'1/ , Acting Registrar of Deeds.

D::·l'<is Registry. Windhuk, 12th day oi April, 1920.

NOTIC:.E. :\ppiicati-,>11 haviug b te11 made by Ludwig Sch-olz

:·.,r th- issut· a 11tl registration ,>t a Ccrtificai e of Sub­. -titutc--ci Tit:,•. i11 resr,-c-<.:t .of the farm Marmora No, 27 ~itt.wtc in t i:,' District (.}f L:udcriflbucht, m1::asuring 10 OOli 1,Tt,11 fr· ,u ::;and •,<1.nd six) hectare.-, at j11'L~::;ent registered

---- - ----------- --in ttc U<'rtna11 ,,.Lanclregistcr" ·of Luder-itzb;ttcht, v~'>!umt· I, f:Jlio 19, in tlw name, ·of L udwig Scholz • .ali persons claiming- t:_; have any tight o r m:~ in or. over ;the ;said land aru t,reby required to 11-:>ii,'y me, in ,niting, of isuch daim, ,-,·itl':in thn"' mo nths 1rom· the c.Iait' of publkatim1 o f tl:is notict·. ·

Sh:)uiu _i1t1y .:>bictiQll bi! fak':cn it shall -be the duly of ti:(, vrs·on obj;ectillg, i11 tlw absence of ,.Illy agreement l;c,t\1· ,·e11 (Ll' prJ ies, l .> apply io th e I-Iigh c~mrt <kSouth­W (\S t Ai'rica f.M an ·Order restraining the issue of .the Certificate an q11esfr ,11.

J. S. LOU\V,

De0ds RC!gistry, .1\di11g Rc,g-i~trar of D1·cds.

Windhuk, ,15th day ot April, 1920.


Applicati:oH havi1ig b( e11 .made by Adolt 5-chwittay of Windhuk for the.issm' a11d regi:;tratiou -of .:i Certificate · of 'Substi tuted Tit:e iu res1:cd of Ce~tain farm Otjirnu­k-ona 'N0. 120 (fortnl'd)' farm No . .XI sintat~ ill th~ District or Windhuk mc·,1suri11g- fi\·.:· thon~:111<l ,llld ('ighty-ninc h_ectarcs i\,·eilty-eighi arl'-s and twenty-OH(! squa re metres ~t r,rescnt rcgis tnre.d ill the Uen11a11 Laud R~gist('r Windhuk V,~iumc II folio ,Vi i.n th\'. name of Adolf Schw it tay, ;ill r-:<·rsons c;aiming to haw any right or title• in or ·ov"r tlle ::;aid land are htreby required ito n;otify .me, in writfog, ,of ::;uc.:i1:daim, within thr,·c ·months fa.>m .tl~ C' dRte of 1: ub:icatio n of this notke.

.$h:_; u]d :.my ,objccii<>ll be• taken i t shall b1: the duly of the r ~rson objecting, iu tlw abseate of any agrrernent bet\\·ccn the parties, t o apply to the Hig h C-ottrt ofSouth­W<·sr Atrica fN an Ord,•r restraining the iS$He of thc­c~rtificatc ~fo question.

OC'.cds Registry,

J. S. LOUW, Aci i11 g- R('g-istrar nf Deeds .

Windh-ttk, :16th d ay .r:if April, 1920.

NOTICE. In frrms 01 S.:d i-i 11 -H of the lmpcri:tl t'v\infag

l ln.J iuancc of tJ:<, 8th August 1905 as amendd, it is here­!'-\ 1roti fird tl! ,,t R. Schettler and R Rucl igt'-r, (the former n,rr,';;cukd by A. Weiss, Solicitor, ot Luderti.zbucht by Power oi Attorney, and the laLcr.'by William Nussel of Ludt~ritzbucht, under Secli•on 3 of the Mining Ordinan::e\ ban: lodged an applkation i11 terms of Section 37 of the arn(,!llkd Mining Ordi11:rnce for the conversion, _of t he Precious Mineral Prospect:ng- Cl;iims reJi.,tered under N·os. H020 to 6027 in the .names of R Schettler and R. Rucligr.r aud sitirnk ~n the Magisteria! Distrid .:.) f I.u­doritzbucht, into th_c minfog areas of Fortuna Nord No~. t to -l , as mcm· i;articularly described i11 the sched11h: ~nnexcd hereto.

Any objr·cti011s .1g.'.li11st t!.:.isc CO,iversions must be: !odg(•d iu writing a t t~is Office, within a period oi one mo nth alter the date of p ib'.ic:a:ion hereof in tll~ Protcctorak Gazette; afier the expiry of the said period no fu rther <> bjections will be aeceptcd or wnsidered. T he sun •i•yed plans of thEi proposed rnining .areas a re -Opt,n ror .inspection, du ring th() official hours, at this office.

J. F. SCHRODl:H ;'.or I nspC'-dor of Min.):-_

,\\in<IS Ofiic~·, Ludl·ritzhucht, 23rd March, 1()20.


I<'ortnt-.it Not•d 1


,. ,t

. Na.me

R. Schettler & 'R. Rudiger .

Portions or I lo 4 .Portion;; of I G,020 to (>.02.'>.

?i l'orl ions o 1· 6,024.

• U to 7 Porti() tl,; of f.i.Ot:.-i lo n.026.

.. 7 to 8 Purtioua: oi 6,02H to 6,(r2,.

.\ 1'0!\ . (hit.)

.. r , .... .... Lo~~;~:~.--......... __ _

~ l .$'19.,30


·11 ,17.14

In the Norlhem fiold~ at. Conception Bay, to the West: of tho fi~lli

.Prospect 39

To Lhe North of tlt(, field ProspN'.t 39

Adjoining the fieldr,, Gril!onberger 13 and 14

on the Wost.

9,55.31 Adjoiningt.hefiold Gdl!­enbe1·ger 14on t.heWo!lt.

t . ,. .il -· j' 1 .A- ... Official Oazette, 28th June, 1920.

NOTICE. In terms of Section 4,1 of the Imperial Mining

Ordinance ,of the 8th August 1905 as amenckd, it is her,·­by notified that 0. L)eubler, 1-hkt·r, formerly of .I .udc­ritzbucht (n'pres'ented by A Weiss, Solicitor of Luckritz­bucht\ has lodged an app!idltion in knns of Section 37 of t he a mended M ining Ordinance fo r the con­version of the Predous Mineral P ro specting Claims l'l'gist~red unde r Nos . 8509 to 8535, in the name of 0. Dt•ublcr, and situate in the ;v\agisterial District of Ludc­rtzbucht into the mining ar~::is of Deubler Nos. 1 to 7, as mon· particularly described in the schedule annexed lierdo.

Any objections ;1g·:1 i11 st these co11\·crsions must be lodged in writing at this Office, \\·ithin a period oi one month after the date of publication hereof in tl;e Protectorate Oazett(~; after the expiry ·of the said perfoC: po lurtlwr obj,'dion8 \\'ill be ac·ce6ted o r consldereLL Tlw sun·cyed plans ('f the proposed mining a reas are ope11 for inspection, ,luring the official hours, at this o ffice.

MiuL'S Office,

I. F SCHRODER for. Insp(•ctor of Mini.';:

Lmkritzbucht, 23 rd 1v1arch, 1920.

Pro pose<l K a mv ,it' F ield

De11bler l

n .~,



G. Den!.lk-r


J?odi,)n;--; ul' , t11 H

.. 1 :-,

l () to t:) l 7 to lU ,\::portion ,-, :21 t,J :23

porti,m~ oi' 2l ., :2:1 nn<.I :26 ,, 27

p orlinn,- ol' !G, :2U, 2-b

portin11 11f' :27,

Portions o r 8iH o to :S31',

,, 8;"'\()f) to s;)rn

s:,1t: to 802:L :-i,'!2,> to 85'D

& porti ons ot' Sr.i:!il LO 85:{ l

~ ortions of Sfi:?!J to 8:-,:H 8: s,-,81-8585 pol'iion:s of :-:;;,2.l -S:)2S S Si'i3:2 _poifoms ol ~;,;:n


.-\.r.,a (Ha..)





S ituation

Tn ~ nrthern Vielrls. 0 1. Holl ,irnsbird !shin;;_·

ln h n ns of St>dio ll -14 of the l rnFeri:il Mini:,g O rt!inance ot th· 8t h Aug-ust I 9;)5 as amen lid , ft is h3,:­by 11 otilk d tint Wilhelm Peters, Caq:c-ntcr of I.uderitz­bucht has lodged an application in terms ,of S-ection 37 of n,,_. a1ncndcd Mining Ordinance for the c011\'ersio11 of th Pr;-cious iViin cral Prnspecting Claims, rcg:isti.:n·,.l unckr Nus. 21i7-1, 2ti7(i tu '.2i\S3, JJ2S to 'JJ:lO, l>SC1:;,

22109 to 2'.21 l -l,i11 th · na111I· of Wil11e.lm PetNs and situ­ate· in th· Magiste rial District ot Ludc-ritzbucht, into lh t' mi niug- areas of Ka ribib 1 tn IS, ,as mon· p:i rt iculad y Lh-scrihl'd in t l-:'e schedule ann c:w d herein.

Any ohj l'ctions against these conyersions niust lodg-<·ci i 11 ,niting :tt th_is Office, ,\· ithin a period one month :i ttn the date of pu blication ltercoi in 1> Protecto rate 0,azdte ; alter the expiry of tl!e said pcri . 110 fur tiwr nbj1'ctions \\·ill be accepted or cons,idere. The SU!'\'cyed plans of the proposed mining areas <t: •. opvn for rnsp,'ction, ,during the offi cial !10urs, a t t:-... o ffiCL'.


• I







I -.I


1\i\ines Otfice, Uid u itzbu cht, 23 rd f'v\ a rch, 1920.


P,ll'ti,m of Bs lS.B.S.)

portions of' ~). 81, 3:!, 38 (8.B.:;.,.) p nrt.il)n •<i'-1 (P ei.c·rs)

, 1:J(.S.H.SJ

portions or 1 J, rn. 26 (S.B.S.\ 8 ( l'etors; ·

pnrtion ofi31Pekr,; 1

.. -~ 1 (S.B.::,. ;

,. l j JS.B.~.)

.. 7 (P,}t.crs)

.,. ,,iJ


P m·1io11 nl' ~rn-JH

2li~O 8.: p"rti ons or 2681 In ~HS;1

· pm·ti on ,.1r :·~32D

2u-;, 1~:\28 8: p ,)rtion,- or

2Ri7 t,, 2G7! l


:221 14



:.!21 10


li,18 ,ilj




i,,00.1 \2

-t,(i4.-i. i




J. F. SCHRODER for l nsp,·dor of Mir.,., ,

L, ,,·alit.y

?\mthern Fields 81-· a.nd EaBt of Hm1;;,, ~

Eas t o f' Ifansii -.1---

Atlj,iini ng Ka.r ibil, :.

South or Km·ibib 2 ::

E.,st. :if 11 ,msa ; '.

West o r 8ue11ee1·> 11

\ \'est of Hunsa ,:

'i.' 01·th of Haus,\

E,1 ~t rj f Spc11c1~1·bu,· ..

.Official Oazettc, 28th Juu e, !920.

NOTICE. 11) k n:is of s,,ctioll 4-:l of the Imperial Mining

Ordinance -of tlw 8th Augus t 1905 as amended, :tis here­by notitied that the Hohenzollern Diamant Oescll­s<.:ltaft 111. b. H. of Ludoritzbuc11t has lodg(~d an ap­plication in t('.rms of Section 37 of the amended Mining Ordi11al1c1, for tho cum·ersion of the Precio us Mineral Prospecting clnims registered under Nos. H419, 2084() and 20850, in the na·rrn' of the Hohenzollern Diamant O,:s\'llschah m. b_. H. and situate in the 'Magisterial District of LudC'ritzhucht, 'into the milling. areas of Hoh(·nzollern 5 and 7, as more particularly described in th,·. stl1<.\dule annexed hereto.

Any objections against th{,'Se conversions Jnust be lodged in writing at this Office, within a JJeriod oi one month aftor the <lat~ of publication here.of in the Protectorate Oazett-e; after the expiry -of.the said period 1to further 6bjcctions will be a-cc~ptcd N considered. Tht~ surveyed plans of t~e proposed mining areas are Op(:n fo r inspection, during the official hotirs, at this oHict.

J. F. SCHRODER . for Inspector of iv\ines.

Mim·s Office, Ludcrit1.bucht, 2-Hh March, 1920.



Hf\henzollexn :>

l lohcuwllcrn ,

Holrnnzollcrn · Diarirn.ut Ge;;eJl,:;cbalL

~I .B. 1-J.


.I 'orti,m of ~o (l'-1tG·1

As no obj(·dions han: hee11 lodged \\'ithin the pn·scribed period against -the-applic"ation for com·crsioH oi th<· P recious Mineral Pr-ospcciing Claims registered numbers 22025, 2203-l to 2:W40, near Spencer Bay, and 2200ti tc, 22105, mar Sad<IIL' Hill, Northern Diamond Fid<ls, in th,· Ma~isterial District of 'Luderitzbucht, rrgist,·red in the n,1~·11e ,of Oe,,rgc Pt::lz, Merchant, it has h, 1•11 decided to grant the applkation for con\'ersion into ti!(' mini11g an·as of Pelz I to 15, in terms :of 'section '17 ol the amcndcu Milling Ordinance.

i\11>· 0bj1•c'fr ,ns ;igaiust this decision mu.st be ad­dn·~s-·d to th1: Administrahr and handed in at this olfic,· ,,·ithin '2 w,·ek::: irom dntc- of J)ublication hereof i11 the Prokcto rate Oaze,tc. ·

MinL'S Otficc·,

j. f . SCHRODER f-or l11spc·.ctor of Mines.

Lud-eritzbucht, 2-Hh March, J()21J.

NOTICE -TO CREDlTORS. In i:ursaa11n• ot a r,·S•)iurion of liquida1io 11 dated

llith April, 191-1, oi tlw Ha11s:1 Dia111ond Mining Com­pany, Limited, (in liquidation), of Ludcritzbi:cht, I, the undL rsigni:d, duly :q:-pointed as ·I ,iquidator at a Oc:Heral ~'\(•1·ting- of Sh~treh!Jldc;·s, held on tile 8th April, 1910. at ) ,t1d1\ritzhucht, hl'reby request C:rdi:ors of the said Company ,ritbin tluH· months trom date iien•of io !o:lge th~·i r daims with tlw undersig ned, tog-ctlicr \\'itb all vouch,·r:=. 1wcessary to c.3tablish such claims.

lk \V. ZERSC:H,

Luclnitzb11ch1, lOth Ai;ril, I 920. I .iquidnt0r.

In il!c liigh (, ,,urt oi SOUTH \VEST AFRLCA.

ln the matkr bdween :-SANN A JOHA:\"\'A W lLHEl.-1\\lNA FENNER (b:ir.i Theton),

Plaintiif_ a II d HEINRICH FEN?\ ER,

Dch'ndant. uEORU E V; b_y tl!c ti rac·(: ot Clod of the United . King.

dom -ot Great Britain and Ireland, and ni the Briti::.h Dominions, beyond tlw &·as, King, J : .:-!1•·11<1cr of the F:tith, Emperor 1)f India.

I Rcgi5ten,d :K_umher;. I l

Po1'li(in of G41U Pre1'ions i\lincra I


208J.!I Lo 20.';;i() Prccivu;-< Mineral

( 'laim;.;.

T ()


,.!16.83 ha.

a.t Saddlu Hill i u the .Magisterial District or LudoritzbucH. to the: North of Hlte.intal ,L

1.J..10.,0 at Saddle Hill iu the l1a. ~Iagi;.;tcriaJ DisLri<:t of'

Luderitzbu<:11\. to the Rast of N"eu;;eh 4 nnd Ifa1Hn-er.

The ,Sh(,riif o f South West Africa, or His b\\'fttl I )cpaty.


WHEREAS SANN.\ JOJ-iAN:\A \\'lLHELMlNA rE.:\ ­;>iER (born Theron; of Kalkfont<'in, district Warmbad, South .West Africa, did, ·on 27th day of April 1920, pdit iuu this Honourable Court [or leave to sue by edict, lwr husba nd HEINRICH FfNi\ER, latd_r of S-:ntth \'(/~st Africa, bat last h('ard of at Kings\\'<)Od, Trn11s\'aal, .for restiiuli-011 nf conjugal rights, ant! 011 faiiure th1•n-r,f, a decree -0f divorce by reason of hil­maiifr,us deSL\rtion, and for ilw custody of tlw minor childrc:n.

!\io\\' tht: Lou rt having fakl'n tlw prayer of tli e said SAN~A JOrl.\Yi\A WILHELMINA FE~NER (born Tl;croo; into consideration, and granted tliu same ac­rnrdingiy hy thcs1, prcs(•llts, doth sunm1<Jns the said liEl0<RlUi FE:\!~:ER lately of Warmbatl, South \\"est Atrica, that ·, 11 or hd,1rc the 5th 'day of July 1920, h.­causc an app( aranc,· t;:, lw entered in 'the liig-h Court oi ~-0uth West Africa, t·itlwr in r,crs,-,n ·or by proxy, 'to a11s,,·cr th(· said Sanna Johanna \Xljl]1clani11a fruner (horn Theron;, ill an action \\·lwr('i11 she claims: ..

(1 . f\11 C)l'(k r din•cting th'! sa id rl~inrich F('1111 cr to return t,. ,_tnd n·s ton· conjugal rig·hts to her, failin~ \\'lli<:!t, a dccn1: o f diw>r<:t by reason of his wilful ·and 111a;ifr_; us dcsntion of her; (2:, The cusbdy oi th!' chi!d1t·11 o f the marriage sub­sisting hc1wn•11 tlwm;

(J · An order dt,da ring the defend,111t to have forfeited ail 'hcndit,_ arising· ,,ut of th<' marriage in community ·o·f pro1:erty <·xisting bctwten the ranies, by vi rtue t)f ihe ·marriage in c:,mm unity ;

(-1. A11 <> rder direeti11g· !;irn to pay tiw costs of thi~ action.

T hus done and granh-d in tlH' Hig h <:omt o f South \Vc,-1 Africa, ar \Vi11dhuk, on the 15th day 01 May 1920.

0. Ol l T. VOS:S, Rqri:;u·,1 r ol th,• High C<)urt.

R,. \X' . F. Steyn, Att<> rncy for Pla intifi and Pdi iioncr. francols Square, Windhuk.

Olfit'ial Oaz.erte, 28th June, l 920.

fo the l.-l igh Court of

Sou.th \Vest Africa

In the matter between:-


Plaintiff, a11d

HElNRICi--{ FENNER, Defendant.


1. li ElNl{lCH ,FENNER, t!!t: ah:,\·;: ddcndant, has ;)Uri sumnwns.'d by cdictal dtatiou of this I-Ionou rabl .: Court, ,t,o .appear on the 5th day 01 July l 92), ·10 answer his wife, SANNA JOHAN?\A \VIU-iELi\lilNA fEN­NEh( (bJ ni Tl:e;on) the '.!bow· plaintJ;f, in an action for ;he rf-stituthn ol conjugal rights, and in defa ult where· of. a decree -of divorce by reason of ihc JefondanFs u11lawful 'and malici::u~ deS('rtion d thL' rlaintiff.

·1. TLc i:laintiif and tlw ddeudaiJl \\'ere wuried in c.:o,rn1rnu:


ty ,oI propcdy at Warmb:1d, on th(• 5th da:· or }vlar(:h 19:l9, .and foe said marriage -;ti.l subsist s. 3. l'J:crc ,ire tw ; chi[dren a:i\'e o( the marriage, b1liil briyS, aged rcspective;y S and ·10 _Years.

4. lH ,or about the month o-i February 1912, tlJ.., ddei1d­ant u:1 fawfullv und ma'.ici'.)ush· desl'rt-cd the plaiJ1tiff, and u p b ti:e present, has not ·.-c,urnect to the· plai;:tiff.


(a) An order H1:on t!.e de:"endant that he reiurn tu, live · .inn cohabit -.vith the piainti :-r, ancl in defaul t wtiereof,

a decree disscJ!ving the said marriage hetw-ee-n the plaintiH and foe defendant;

(d .. 1\lternatiw rdk f;

(c: 1 Cost~ of suit

R. W. f, Steyn, Plaintiff's Attorney, franrnis Square, \Xfjr!dl°';,Jk.


HEI.Nl-(!U·i fEN:\f?.

!. Oo!dhlatt, P!aintii'f's Coullsd

the abov,· name·2 Defendant.

Take nu tic" that you .,, ;-, required to plead, ans\.\{c;, except or mak(.' claim : · reconvention to t!1e I:bove ,J;:,. cfornti~1J1, lw the Stl1 of July ,nt.•Xt, failing whit·; , ths cause \\·i;J h,; Set '.·• xn !Gr trial, for default lrjf ~p­·~earanct. and p!,·a, for Thir"da_v, the Sth d<iY of juh, : ')20.

LhrtJ :i t \\! i ndhuk, thi~ 15th day of May, 1920.

R. W. f. S1e_vn, Plaintiif'~ Att,)rnc,r.


ln t!w t-::shte oi the L::c Aibe:;-t Is rael Ku ila, in h i,; fife tin;,•, of K,tribib, Soutl: West Afri ,:a.

T h<· 1irst aiid final Liyi.tidation ami l ; is:rihat i·:.>;: ,:ccount jn tb: ab<.;w Estate wi l Jie for insre::fr:rn at th,e rMiu of tb.' Master of the High Court, \Vi11dlwk, fo r a pc;-i0cl ot three (3 ,-.:eeks from Thursday, the 27fi , dav ot Mav. 192H, afti· r fr" ;:xpiration ,)f whch, stwuld no· objvcti(iris lw r:fr,cd tl:ere to, the sa1,ne wU be ,lCle-(1

(b) foe cust::.dy :of the said d1i!dr,:n; ur,on.

(c) that the tJ.e:·enclant may be d ec'lared to have forieite-d all hend its arising r,ut of tiw marrbge in rnmm unity

R. \YI f. STEYN, Exen1to,· O;; tiF.

of prop1~rty; \Viildhuk, 27th i\fa_\·, ! 920.


l he Oificial Ciazette \V.ill be puhli,she.d il!:!liuditan:,­ln: t api::\;ximatel-v <mce a month.

\.lln:>r!iseme:n'ts wi!l be ncccpicd ro1· .insertioli 1,: :he '.): ricial Gaze,i '" ,:;f !il~ Pcoiec.L-oratc of South-West :\trica nl the OJ'lict~ or the Secrt'la,·y foi· lhe Pro­tcdcrnlc.

:t cl.veriisement,; will b-e .i nse1·lcd i.n the Gazette :ifter the o!'Iic.inJ mallet· or in :1 suppiemenl. lo thl' l.ra2:ette, ai the discreiiou. of the Seerelary.

Advertisements wiil be !itrepled for the English Hutch or Gcnmm editions m1u will be published i11

the language in which the:\' are wriiten in Urn relevan t editions of the Gazci le.

The Secretary wi'.l have the righl to refuse tu \tllcep! f,H' publication any «dve:riisemen l. which ht: -::, msideN i~ not of a suitable nature.

Th<: s uhscriµti;J11 for evers number vf the G.:tze!.tr ~i'> , !ril ling,; per annum, post fref. Single 1.:opies

i ;r Thi~ (;nzet·i l: 1nay he nht'ahtPd :1 t the pr.ieP n[ H ,,i p<'r c~)PY.

The l'.11,.irge few the hu,ertion ul· :11.tn"'rii-;emenll: . 1ther than {he nol.i'('1:_.;:; men lioned in fo,·. ;;ucci.1c>,di11g p:trngraph. is at tile rale ,::Jf G1 - pe1· in,l'lli s.111g!e c-olumr. ,!•,d 12 -'- p-cr inch douh!e eoiumn. repeats half prict.

>;otiL'e-~ to crcdiitil'S ~md debtors in ihe c,<:lalcs o: de.·ec1sed l}e-!'S~)llS nnd notices by l':;;ecutors cm1cerni11g liquidafo.m rw<~uunts lying for inspec,ion. are pnbfo,lwc i'n ,:ehedule t'orm it l W- per estahi.

No adverii!'lemeHt wiil be inserle,d un!ei's tl1;r eharg0e is prepaid 10 the Secrnlary. Cheques, drafts postal ,>rders or money 01·ders must he made payabk to tire .S.e-ci\·im•y for the Prt)ledorat<>.