Enlightenment SOL 6d. Age of Enlightenment Period of logical thinking and reasoning Few rulers...

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Transcript of Enlightenment SOL 6d. Age of Enlightenment Period of logical thinking and reasoning Few rulers...

EnlightenmentSOL 6d

Age of Enlightenment

•Period of logical thinking and reasoning

•Few rulers embraced the philosophies of the enlightenment-those that did were called enlightened despots

Important Enlightenment Vocabulary

• Philosophe: French philosopher

• Salon: gathering room where the philosophes discussed

• Baroque: artistic style that emerged during the enlightenment

Philosophers—Thomas Hobbes

• Belief: absolute monarchy can work if a contract is in place

• Leviathan: the state must have central authority to manage behavior

Thomas Hobbes

• Ruler protects people while the people surrender all rights to the ruler

John Locke

• Two Treatises on Government: Ppl are sovereign; monarchs aren’t chosen by God

• Belief: Social contract with natural rights

• Ruler protects natural rights• People can change gov’t in cases

of abuse

John Locke

• Natural Rights: God given rights that can’t be taken away (life, liberty, right to own property)

John Locke

• Social Contract: Agreement between ruler and people

• U.S. Application: Declaration of Independence and Constitution

Thomas Paine

• Belief: Popular Sovereignty-people rule themselves

• Common Sense

Thomas Paine

• U.S. Application: Constitution-(We the people, for the people, by the people) and Declaration of Independence-gov’t institution by men (people)

Montesquieu • The Spirit of Laws• Belief: separation

of power to prevent abuse

• U.S. application: 3 branches of gov’t (executive, legislative, judicial)=checks and balances


• Religious toleration

• Belief: people should have individual rights and freedoms (ex. Speech)


• U.S. Application: Bill of Rights (1st 10 amendments to the Constitution)

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

•The Social Contract

•Belief: Government should have a social contract


•Ruler enforces the laws to keep order

•People have to surrender some rights for the good of the community

•U.S. Application: We have a contract-some of our rights are limited

Rousseau cont…

• Belief: Popular Sovereignty• U.S. Application: We rule ourselves-

Representative Democracy

Artists: Composers

• Johann Sebastian Bach

• Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


• Eugene Delacroix

• New forms of art:

• Painter

• Paintings depicted classical subjects, public events, natural scenes, & portraits


• Miguel de Cervantes

• New forms of literature:

• Don Quixote

• The novel

• The Age of Reason witnessed inventions and innovations in technology that stimulated trade and transportation.


•All weather roads improved year-round transport & trade!

•New designs in farm tools increased productivity (agricultural revolution)

•Improvements in ship design lowered the cost of transport

American Revolution

• Who was King of England at the beginning of the Revolution?

• King George III

American Revolution

• Why did the colonists want independence from Britain?

• Taxes—Stamp Act, Tea Act, Intolerable Acts (As a result of debt from French and Indian War)

American Revolution cont…

• What was the major complaint of the colonists?

• No taxation without representation

American Revolution con’d

• Identify 2 violent clashes between the colonists and British soldiers prior to the Revolution

• Boston Massacre—1770; Boston Tea Party 1773

American Revolution cont…

• When and where did the Revolution begin? Why is this significant?

• April 1775-- Lexington, Massachusetts

• “Shot heard round the world”

American Revolution cont…

• Who led the Continental Army?

• George Washington

Identify 4 major battles & their significance

Bunker Hill:Trenton:

• Moral Victory• Low Point for

Continental Army & Broke traditional rules b/c they fought on Christmas



• Turning point b/c France entered on Continental side

• Cornwallis surrenders the British Army!

American Revolution cont…

• What was the first attempt at a gov’t for the U.S.? Why did it fail?

• Articles of Confederation—weak no national powers

• Laissez Faire--non-interference by the gov’t

• Shay’s Rebellion (difficult to suppress, needed a stronger national gov’t)

Summarize the type of gov’t created by the Constitution

•Popular Sovereignty

•Federal System—between national and state

•People decided!

•Balanced power btwn the 2

•Separation of Powers

•Social Contract

• 3 separate branches

• Why were the Bill of Rights adopted?

• To protect American Liberties/Personal Freedoms