Enhancing your catalogue with open source

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Presentation on using Open Source tools to enhance your library's online catalogue. From Haggis and Mash.

Transcript of Enhancing your catalogue with open source

Open Source Interface Enhancement

Matt Machell

Talis and The Juice Project

B ig J , l i t t le j -W h a t b e g in s

w it h J ? 

Javascript, jQuery and Juice

begin that way! 

Building BlocksBuilding Blocks

The little language that could

Javascript for fun, profit and web 2.0!

Or not..."The DOM is a mess" - John Resig 

jQuery to the rescue!

Fixing the bits your browser vendors didn't

We will use it here or there, we will use it a n y w h e r e !

Bundled with Microsoft and Nokia tools.

Used on estimated 41% of top 10,000 websites

(source Builtwith)

Used in Prism 3, Blacklight, Twitter and many others

Easy to use

Solved a common problem in an elegant way

Built a strong community

Easily extensible




So how can this help So how can this help your catalogue?your catalogue?


US National Archives : http://www.flickr.com/photos/usnationalarchives/3873932255/

Rewrite your interface

Help tips Demo : jQuery Tools Plugin


<script src="jquery-1.4.4.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>

<script src="jquery.tools.min.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>

<script type="text/javascript">

$('#s').tooltip({tip:'#searchtip', offset:[15, 90]});

$('#login-to-request-link').tooltip({tip:'#searchtip2', offset:[15, 30]});


<div id="searchtip" class="tooltip">

Search for anything here, author, subject and even ISBN!


<div id="searchtip2" class="tooltip">

You'll need to be a member! Some items may incur a charge.


You could...

Pull in data from elsewhere (Google Docs, Yahoo Pipes, Flickr)

Hide excess catalogue data until needed.

It's Easier to Extend Browser-side

With great powerIt's easy to unintentionally...

... slow a page down

... break usability

... hinder accessibility

That's great but...None of this is really Library specific


Photo Credit: David Hall http://www.flickr.com/photos/moonhouse/5013228330/

Enhancing Online Catalogues


It's Easier to Extend Browser-side

Juice 0.7Smaller, faster, easier!



9k smaller

Latest jQuery

jQuerified ~50%

Now : Fun stuff ** Friendly Web Designer May Be Required For Actual Fun

I wish our OPAC had previews! 

<script type="text/javascript">






var div ='<h2>Look Inside:</h2><div id="GBSViewer" style="width: 100%; height: 800px"></div>';

var insert = new JuiceInsert(div,"#details .table","after");

new GBSEmbedJuice(juice,insert,"GBSViewer");




What about a feed from our blog?


<script type="text/javascript">





var insert = new $.juice.insert('<div id="feed"></div>',".yui-b","append");


new GoogleRSSFeedJuice($.juice,insert,"feed", "http://blogs.talis.com/panlibus/feed", {numResults : 10});




Also:Alternate BookjacketsGeoLocation / Google MapsFacebook Like ButtonsTwitter IntegationReading List Integration

QR CodesDelicious Bookmarks ...

Think about what's really needed

Open source?Many hands make light work

Sharing innovation

Not re-inventing the wheel

Re-usable components

Building BlocksBuilding Blocks

So...Javascript is a pain

jQuery makes Javascript less painful

Plugins can solve common problems

Juice is a plugin for libraries

Or...jQuery + Juice + Thought = Awesome

Do more with less



Me : eclecticdreams.com / @shuckle

Work: http://blogs.talis.com/prism