English vocavullary

Post on 19-Dec-2015

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words that start with A

Transcript of English vocavullary

azure adjective


To act in a way that shows that you accept sbs power over you

To lower down ; to degradeHe abased his head (He lowered down his head )Abase also means to lower down physically

Indian politicians, the way they abase themselves before the United States, is quite shocking

She refused to abase herself before congress

AbashedEmbarrassed & Ashamed because of sth that u have done

She felt abashed by her inability of memorizing the answerShe was not at all abashed by her open criticismANT: Unabashed

Ash was abashed

AbateIf sth bad or undesirable abates, it becomes less strong..violence showed no sign of abating

The storm showed no signs of abating.

Ab ate mat kar .. abate your weight



To give up the position of being king or queenHe abdicated in favour of his sonAb Dikati he abdicated for his son

abdicating the responsibility


unusual or not Socially acceptable

Aberrant nature of landlord. He increased the rent suddenly


To help or encourage sb to do sth wrong

He abetted him in stealing a bat


If an activity is in abeyance , it is stopped for a period of timeLegal proceedings are in abeyance,

Ab answer de Dont keep in abeyance


An Old Jacketabject poverty

You use abject to emphasize that the situation is extremely bad

Ab Jacket is in abject condition

Abh r

To hate

I abhor violence

I abhor crimeI abhor to get up in the bhor

I abhor horrible things


If you abjure sth such as a belief you say publicly that you will give it upAt last, he abjured his belief

A formal statement to abjure military action

Ab jor se kaha I will abjure this belief


The act of washing yourself (for religious purpose)

A blue lotion for ablution


The act of rejection or giving up your rights or claimsI abnegated my claim of new gate


Extremely unpleasent and causing Disgust

The judge described the attack as an abominable crime.

A bomb killed many children this was an abominable incident


rude and unkind; acting in a way that may hurt other peoples feelings

An abrasive comment

Abrasive remarks like an abrasive material

Ab he cannot participate in the race abrasive remark


Condense or Shorten a play , book etcShe has been asked to abridge the novel for radio.

I abridged a novel titled The Bridge

The BRIDGEAbrogate

to officialy cancel or end a law an agreement etc. The rule has been abrogated by mutual consent.

Ab ro gate par because tender has abrogated


Cutting off ; Separation(cutting by surgery)

When a flower or leaf separates from the plant, it is called the abscission

Abscission from the scissor


To escape a place that u are not allowed to leave

She absconded from every childrens home they placed her in.

Absconding after Murder kand


To state formally that sb is not guilty or responsible for sth

The court absolved him of all responsibility for the accident.

93ytysreyAb case solved . Now he is absolved by the court


If you abstain from sth, you usually want to do, but you do not do deliberately


Someone who is abstemious avoids much food or alcohol that are enjoyableHe was a hard-working man with abstemious habits.

Abstemious person abstain from too much food

Abstain from away from

Ab se tea main nahi- decision of an abstemious person

Ab (prefix) away

Abrogate Abject Abeyance Abridge Abnegate AbjureAberrantAblution Abashed AbjureAbase absolveAbate AbetABSTRUSE

Difficult to understandAn abstruse topic

Fruitless discussion on an abstruse topicAb se true things will be abstruse


(of land or a building)

to be next to sth or to have one side touching the side of sthHis land abuts onto a road. Her buttocks are abut to each other


Abysmalextremely bad or of a very low standard

His manners are abysmal.

Abysmal performance

Abysmal performance of everyone except Ustad Bismilla khan


A very Deep wide space or hole that seems to have no bottom

Ahead of them was a gaping abyss. A bus fell in an abyss


2. Like an abyssbottomless , profound, unfathomableAccede

Levelto agree to a request, proposal, etc

She acceded to my request

He acceded to our request of exceeding time

Accessorya person who helps sb to commit a crime or and protects the person from the police

The accessory abets the accused before or after the crimeHe was charged with being an accessory to murder.My accessory abetted me in stealing car accessories

Accomplice ; Accessory

Police came and arrested his accomplice

Acclaimto praise or welcome sb/sth publicly

Sholay was acclaimed as a masterpiece

I can claim that she is most acclaimed actress

AcclivitySharp upslope

Acclivity Declivity

acclivityReclining Seats

Cli bend



Pro cli vity Accolade

praise or honour for an achievement

A Coco Cola ad brought accolade for Amir khan


A person who helps other to commit a crime or to do sth wrongPartner in CrimeAccord

ACCORD a formal agreement between two organizations, countries, etc:

Accord between Honda Accord and my tyre company

to give sb/sth authority, status or a particular type of treatmentOur society accords great importance to the family. Accost

to go up to sb and speak to them, esp in a way that is rude or threatening:

She was accosted in the street by a complete stranger.

A man accosted me and asked the cost of the car


equipments that you need for a particular activity; paraphernalia

There were all the accoutrements of modern medicine in the hospitalThis cutter is a part of accoutrements


The process of new layers to a substance so that it increases the sizethe accretion of sand by wind action

Accretion means a creation of new layers

Accrete(verb) Accrue

to increase over a period of time

to increase over a period of time

(money, interest)economic benefits accruing to the country from tourism Crew members accrued after sudden fire

Extra salary accrued for crew members

AcerbityHarshness or bitterness of words

The conversation marked with acerbity

When there was no asar to his beti , he spoke with acerbity


Highest point; zenith ;PeakSachin is at the acme of his success

AcolyteA follower or an assistance of an important person


The emperor s faithful acolyte

My acolyte was carrying light


to accept sth without arguing

She seemed to acquiesce in my proposal

He explained her plan and reluctantly she acquiesced.


An official decision in court of law that person is not guilty of a crimeThe case resulted in acquittalAbstain Acclivity Abstemious

AbstruseAbut Abysmal


AccessoryAcclaim Accomplice

Accolade Accord Accost


having a strong, bitter smell or taste that is unpleasant

acrid smoke from burning tyresA child cried because of acrid taste /smell

Acrimoniousangry and full ofstrong bitter feelings and words:Acrimony between Ambani brothers

His parents went through an acrimonious divorce

Acrimony between them because both crying for money


Fear of height


a person whose job involves calculating insurance risks and payments for insurance companies

My actuary calculated actual insurance premium


Mental sharpnessWhat has happened to the political acumen of this man who was the face of Andra Pardesh for 9 years..

Acu sharp AcupressureAcute

These men have marketing acumen of acupressure products


Saying ; maximEpigram

According to the old adage - a picture is worth a thousand wordsAged people give adages

Adamantdetermined not to change your mind

His family were adamantly opposed to the marriage

Adam and eve were adamant that they would come on earth


a section of extra information that is added to sth, especially to a book; Appendix Addendum is added at the end of the bookAddle

To confuse sbd,

This little boy addled my brain

to become rotten (esp eggs)

My chef added addled eggs in dal .this addled me


good at doing sth that is quite difficult:

good at doing sth that is quite difficult:

He was adept at swimming

He can go in deep water as he is adept at swimming


a thing that is added or attached to sth larger or more important

In grammar, a conjuction is a word or group of words that joins two clauses or sentences

Memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the computer.


To ask somebody or order sb to do sthHe adjured them to tell the truth.Jury members adjured to add more compensation


an army officer who does office work and helps other officers

Wellington delegated many tasks to his chief adjutantI adjured my adjutant to go to the zoo and fix the tent


To strongly warn sb they have done wrong

The priest admonished the couple for bad behavior

They admonished me for taking risk with the healthMoni warn


Premonition pre-warning Salman admonished Monish Behl

Adroit skillful and clever ; adept

an adroit negotiatorAdroit politicians in spreading the riots

Adulationadmiration and praise, esp when this is greater than is necessary:

The band enjoy the adulation of their fans wherever they go.

Adulation from DU students after Deo and lotion


Accidental , not planned, casualAdventitious planning for adventurous trip

She found this adventitious meeting extremely fruitfulAdventitious plan for an adventurous trip

AdvertTo refer to somethingSince you advert to this matter so frequently

We adverted the advert (advertisement ) bills to the manager Aegis

with the protection or supportMedical supplies are being sent under the aegis of the Red Cross.

Under the aegis of Delhi Police ,a safety program for aged people

Aeriea large nest of an eagle

A large aerie

Aerie in the air


pleasant, friendly and easy to talk to

Affable person

Affable teacher tells me interesting fables

AffectedIf you describe somebodys behaviour as affected

Artificial , pretended in order to impress others Affected smile on the face

Affected smile has artificial effects on the face

Affect ( verb)affected (adj) artificial

This ailment affected me affected behavior Affinity

a strong feeling that you understand sb/sth and like themShe felt affinity with all the members

I develop affinity with fine and neat people .things


pain and suffering or sth that causes it

Affliction of a heart breakAfflict to affect unpleasantly

About 40% of the countrys population is afflicted with the disease.Severe drought has afflicted the region

Licking the ear where fire afflicted it

AdroitAcrimoniousAdjureAdvertAcumenAddendumAdeptAcerbityAdmonishAccrueAbutAccoladeAddleAerie AdeptAegis Acrid

Affronta remark or an action that insults or offends sb/sth:

His speech was an affront to the local community.

The Hindu 'Why are left unions silent on affront?

described the Centre's move as an ``affront to the State Government's self-respect''. ... Affront in front of everybody


if a persons mouth is agape, it is wide open, esp because they are surprised or shocked:

She was watching him with mouth agape

He watched the spectacle, mouth agape

Gap of mouth increases when mouth is agape


a group of things put together in no particular order or arrangement

A jumbled mass

an ugly agglomeration of buildings

Agglomeration of all kinds of aggs (eggs)


a conglomerate also means

a corporation consisting of a number of subsidiary companies or divisions in a variety of unrelated industriesVery big conglomerates

The HinduThe chairman of the conglomerate, Abdul Ghani Bhat,..A clustered mass is also called conglomerate

Ag grand izeIncrease or raise in power , wealth, rankHe is thinking for aggrandizing his power

My grand father is still aggrandize the wealth

Aghastfilled with horror and surprise when you see or hear sth

Erica looked at him aghast

I was aghast to see a ghost

Agilityable to move quickly and easily

a strong and agile athlete

Able to think quickly and in the intelligent way

Mental agility of Shakuntla Devi

He had the agility of a man half his age.


If you are agog, you are excited about sth

We were all agog with curiosity.

The Frontline Mumbai agog over Amitabh birthdayI was agog after getting special goggle


Cheerful readiness, promptness or willingness

They accepted the offer with alacrity

LTTE alacrity surprised him

Clarity certainly wins over alacrityA lac rupee per day offer he accepted with alacrity

AlbinoA person who is born with no color in hair or skin

All albinos were doused in color bins


a mysterious power or magic that can change thingsaAlcove

Recess in the wall

The bookcase fits neatly into the alcove.

Alcove in all the cave

AlfrescoIn an open airesp a meal

An alfresco lunch party

All were fresh after alfresco dinner

AlienateTo make less friendly; separate


His comments have alienated a lot of young voters.

Long acrimony alienated them finally

An alien alienated

A line beech mein when alienated


Ali give me moneyPayment made to ex-spouse after divorce

The case was settled for an alimony of 200$ onlyAll money she gave in alimony

Allay to make sth, especially a feeling, less strong:

to allay fears / hunger

Aa ..le.. Kuch kha lethis allays its hunger


a persons continued support for a political party, religion, ruler, etc:

He affirmed his allegiance to the president.

All Jains pledge allegiance to Jainism


a story, in which each character is a symbol; a fable

All gori gori girls participated in an allegory on ..


relieve; to make sth less severe(pain, unpleasant condition)This will alleviate the pain

All we ate .. this alleviated the pain

AlightIf a bird or insect alights, it lands there

I alighted on the red light


the use of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words that are close together,

Alliterating out of confusion

All literature is in alliteration


to mention sth in an indirect or casual way

Allusion Indirect remarkDelusion false ideaIllusion a false picture The topic was very allusive. It made the people ..A) drowsy B) thrilled

Loudly he alludednobody will be allowedAllure

attract ; entice

the allure of the big city

All is your

AllyA person who helps and supports sb who is in difficult situation..accusing the UPA ally

A close ally of prime minister

Ally speaking lieAlly : foe

Aloof not friendly or interested in other people:

He was a cold man, aloof and distant.This alloo (Inzmam) has aloof nature


a lofty shotA great lofter of the spinners

high in the air:

She held the glass aloftAltercation

a noisy argument or disagreement:

altercation with match referee

Altercation with tailor over wrong alteration


If your behavior is altruistic, you show concern for others happiness

Gandhi was an altruistic person

Altruistic people trust all


To put two things to make one; combineThe company now has amalgamated with another local firm


tall strong woman; female warrior

Ramp was walked down by an amazonI was amazed to see an Amazon

an Amazon broke our maze (Table)

Ambivalenceambi- bothValence- ValencyNa + N-A state of emotional conflict

There was ambivalence among church members about women becoming priests.Ambidextrous person can use both hands skillfully

Ambi both

I was in ambivalence in which balance I should keep this


to walk at a slow relaxed speed:

We ambled down to the beach.Amble walk

Preamble - an introduction to a book



The food that is offered to gods

A well cooked ambrosia

Amber se rasoia (Chef from sky)came to prepare ambrosia


Able to walkThe accident patient developed the ambulatory skills

The child is learning ambulatory skill

Ambulance is not required for ambulatory patients They can amble


to make sth better:

Steps have been taken to ameliorate the situation.

Quality of a meal is ameliorating because of Amul Ghee

AggravateIf sth aggravates a situation, they make it worsePollution can aggravate asthmaMilitary intervention will only aggravate the conflict even further.

Gira weight sir (head) par.. This aggravated the problem


easy to control; willing to be influenced by sb/sthSYNDocile ,tractable A person amenable to suggestion Responsive They had two very amenable children.Illness amenable to the treatment A man is able to control amenable children.

Amenities( A men ties)

Convenient features ; facility

basic amenities of the life (food , water, home)

aAmiableSomeone who is amiable is friendly and polite

An amiable tone Ami loveAmity friendly relationship

amiable tone of ammi (Mammi)Amicable

Done in a friendly way without quarreling

Solved the dispute amicably

Ami love altercation with cable wala we solved amicablyAmissWrong, faulty

She sensed something was amiss and called the policeMobile was missing I sensed sth amissAmity

AMITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGFriendly relationship bet countries or peopleCultural programs to promote international amity