English version parent orientation

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of English version parent orientation

Juvenile Treatment Court

Parent Orientation

Court Attire and Etiquette

It’s a matter of respect.

What Not To Wear

• Dirty or wrinkled clothes

• Flip Flops

• Clothing with AoD messages

• Pants that are too big

• Ripped clothes of any kind

• Shorts

• Tank tops

• Shirts that are too short

• Hats

• Pajamas or leggings

Court Room Behavior

• No gum

• Turn off phones

• Sit with your child

• No talking

• Yes or No Your Honor

• Answer in full sentences

• Be ready with a family activity or discipline issue

• The judge or magistrate deserve full respect regardless of irritation

Who Do I Call

It’s always better to get the right person the first time.

Probation Officer

•New charges – Probation Officer

•Runaway – 911

• Truancy

•Child moves to another place

Case Manager

•Prosocial activities

•YAP mentor

•Connections to interests

Parent Partner

•Support meeting attendance

•Behavior issues

•Discussion of other problems



• Truancy


• Behavior

Can’t Come To CourtJudge Cubbon’s Bailiff

Parent Expectations

You Don‘t Know What You Don’t Know

Just. This. Simple.

• Follow the rules set by Court

• Ask questions

• Ask for help

• Listen to the wisdom of others who know how you feel.

• Be respectful

• Set boundaries

• Expect your child to do the same things

• Don’t give up

Victoria KammEmail victoria@yesparentsmatter.com

Phone 567.225.0877