English summative

Post on 28-May-2015

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Transcript of English summative

The Love of Money...

is the root of all evil

Price Tag by Jessie J. Feat. B.o.B Jacqueline Chan

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some

people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and

pierced themselves with many griefs.- 1 Timothy 6 : 10 -

Our love of money has caused us to

perform inhumane acts to others.

If everyone has a cost, how much do you think you cost?

Does money worth more than our conscience?

Money has blindfolded us to believe in lies

Just stop for a minute and SMILE

Money makes us go crazy

Money creates the social statusAre rich people better than poor people?

Money or Fun ? Money makes us to be fake and pretend who we are not

The lollipop ofhappiness

and good times says “Yes! Lick Me!”

Life ain’t just about....


The love of money causes people to be greedy,

they want more than they need. This has been a major problem in human

nature and many has suffered.

In the modern world, only money can be exchanged for goods.

But what are the goods? Authority? Jealousy?


Money can buy power. Hitler bribed a lot of officials

and gained power. The officials’ greed fulfilled Hitler’s desire to rule the world.

Many lives were lost because of the stupid

greed of money and power.

Schindler’s List The Germans hated the Jews because they were mostly richer. The Germans were so jealous of the Jews, they were determined to get rid of them.

Lust is one thing that triggers couples. In Othello,

Roderigo paid Iago to separate Othello and Desdemona. If Roderigo

wasn’t rich, he would not have the moneyto bribe Iago. Then, many lives would have been saved.

Iago hated Othello

because he was

jealous. Roderigo paid

Iago to separate the

couple. If Roderigo

wasn’t that rich, he

wouldn’t have the

money to bribe Iago.

Jealousy revolves around us like the sun. With an advanced world, we become more

materialistic. We always try to be as “cool” as possible. We get jealous of others,

if they have “cooler” things than us. Our jealousy might be about something small

like electronics, but when we grow up, we will have a desire of more powerful things like

power and authority.

Hotel Rwanda

Paul Rusesabagina used the hotel’s money and his own property to bribe the Hutu soldiers. In this case, money saved a lot of lives. But this showed the other side of humans, we will do everything we can to fulfill our desire of money and greed, even murdering our kind.

Iago was jealous of Othello and Michael Cassio. He planned

to destroy theirlives and kick them

off their military position.


Bribe Authority


What can Money Do?


Gather an armyDivide people

Military weapons

Train kids into heartless soldiersCovers the truth

Buy our consciences


Innocent lives are lost

Our obsess love of money should stop right now...

Otherwise, our world will be covered with lies and teared apart

For the love of God, for a better future , whether for us or our kids

Money is not the most important thing in our lives !

If we stopped now...

WE can be heroes...

That save the world : )

Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire

- Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire- Schindler’s List



ity to Man !!