English research project Florian CHOISELLE Marie-Eve PICARD GRAVEL.

Post on 15-Dec-2015

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Transcript of English research project Florian CHOISELLE Marie-Eve PICARD GRAVEL.

  • Slide 1

English research project Florian CHOISELLE Marie-Eve PICARD GRAVEL Slide 2 Outline Introduction What is a hikikomori ? Lifestyle Causes & consequences Statistics How to overcome that ? Treatments Support of the Family Conclusion Slide 3 Introduction What hikikomori means ? Presentation of the development parts. Slide 4 Slide 5 Outline Slide 6 Lifestyle Social withdrawal Leisure activities Night-life Slide 7 Social withdrawal No social interaction (sometimes even with family) If he lives alone : Stay at home If he lives with his parents : Stay in his bedroom If he have to go out? Slide 8 Leisure activities He spend most of his time : Sleeping Watching tv Reading Listening music Playing video games Surfing the Internet Slide 9 Night-life They Sleep during the day and live at night. Slide 10 Causes and consequences Causes Consequences Slide 11 Causes They feel ill at ease in the society At work, we need to be competitive : Work always better Work always more Slide 12 Causes They feel oppressed At work, at school : Need to have good results Cannot make a success of our life Slide 13 Causes Isolation tandancy Rejected by others : Differences A lack of self-confidence Slide 14 Causes Overprotective mothers Difficulty to live in society : A lack of independance Slide 15 Slide 16 Summary People became hikikomori because of : A lack of self-confidence Depression Pressure of the society Trauma Slide 17 Consequences Deterioration of the physical condition Malnutrition & carelessness The muscles are wasting Slide 18 Consequences Deterioration of the physical condition Lack of sun The skin is deteriorating Slide 19 Consequences Deterioration of the physical condition To much hours spend in the dark in front of a screen A fall of eyesight Slide 20 Consequences A real problem if they want to return to society School delay They had to make it up Slide 21 Consequences A real problem if they want to return to society Dont want other to know A fear converted in violence They lost their capacity to live in society They lost their moral sense Slide 22 Summary The consequences of being a hikikomori : Deterioration of the physical condition Deterioration of their capacity to live in society Slide 23 Statistics For 3300 former hikikomori 17% werent able to go out of their home 10% werent able to go out of their bedroom 20% of the men were violent with their family 14% of women had malnutrition problem Slide 24 Statistics The time they had remain shut-ins 17,9 % between 6 month and 1 year 25,3 % between 1 and 3 years 14,7 % between 3 and 5 years 9,7 % between 5 and 7 years 5,9 % between 7 and 10 years 7,7% more than 10 years Slide 25 Statistics In the Japanese society 1% are hikikomori (1 million) 1/10 teens are hikikomori 3/4 of the hikikomori are mens 26 years old is the middle age of hikikomori Slide 26 Slide 27 Outline Slide 28 Treatments Family therapy at home Specialized assistants unit Specialist teachers A social worker A doctor Most of hikikomori and parents dont want to take part in it Slide 29 Treatments Family therapy at home Meet former hikikomori To regain stability To advise them Slide 30 Treatments Family therapy at home Some of them go abroad To be far from Japanese rigidity Slide 31 Treatments External therapy Psychiatrisation Slide 32 Summary Differents options and opinion about traitments Japanese prefered to wait for a return to society Family therapy at home Going abroad Westerners preffered external support Psychiatrisation Slide 33 Support of the Family Major actor of the curing process An entity which can influence the hikikomori In a good way In a bad way Slide 34 Support of the Family Major actor of the curing process Psychological support Some parents need it because of their innefectualness They need a family therapy at home Slide 35 Slide 36 Conclusion Hikikomori is an important society phenomenon It is coming there, so be aware Slide 37 Thanks for your listening.