English Presentation - CWDM

Post on 15-Apr-2016

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English Presentation

Transcript of English Presentation - CWDM

English Presentation

Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM)

Presented by:

Anggada SamiraJunaidiTri Laksono SaputroMuhammad Labib KhairiAhmad ZainiAsnianti BatubaraDini Devi Septiani

WDM in General

Wavelength Division Multiplexing or simply known as WDM is a method of a developed technology where users can simply be connected by one link for multiple application, different wavelength, and more locations using just one medium (optical link).

How could different wavelength be transferred using only one optical link?

The wavelength multiplexing technology provides the ability to transmit more light beams- each having different wavelengths - using the same optical link.

Due to the fact that wavelengths do not interfere, single light beams can be separated from each other using simple filters.

The Advantage ofWavelength Division Multiplexing

With the use of WDM, it is possible for any telecommunication users to transfer 1 Tbps via one pair of fiber using C-Band wavelength.

Definition of CWDM

Coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) is a method of combining multiple signals on laser beams at various wavelengths for transmission along fiber optic cables, such that the number of channels is fewer than in dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) but more than in standard wavelength division multiplexing (WDM).

Properties of CWDM

CWDM systems have channels at wavelengths spaced 20 nanometers (nm) apart, compared with 0.4 nm spacing for DWDM. This allows the use of low-cost, uncooled lasers for CWDM.

In a typical CWDM system, laser emissions occur on eight channels at eight defined wavelengths: 1610 nm, 1590 nm, 1570 nm, 1550 nm, 1530 nm, 1510 nm, 1490 nm, and 1470 nm. But up to 18 different channels are allowed, with wavelengths ranging down to 1270 nm.

CWDM Principles

CWDM is a wavelength multiplexing technology for city and access networks. Transmission is realized using 16 channels with wavelengths between 1270 nm and 1610 nm. Due to the channel spacing of 20 nm cost-effective lasers can be used. The channel width itself is 13 nm. The remaining 7 nm is designed to secure the space to the next channel.

CWDM Principles

Transmode uses both CWDM and DWDM technologies as a means of transporting different types of services, e.g. Ethernet, SDH/SONET, and Fibre Channel (FC) in metro networks. CWDM is the most cost efficient of the two WDM variants, but has limitations in the distance over which the traffic is transported and in total channel count. With Transmode CWDM solutions, the distance supported is up to 100 km.

Transmode menggunakan kedua CWDM dan DWDM teknologi sebagai sarana transportasi berbagai jenis layanan, misalnya Ethernet, SDH / SONET, dan Fibre Channel (FC) di jaringan metro. CWDM adalah biaya yang paling efisien dari dua varian WDM, namun memiliki keterbatasan dalam jarak di mana lalu lintas yang diangkut dan jumlah total saluran. Dengan solusi CWDM Transmode, jarak yang didukung adalah hingga 100 km.

CWDM Highlights

• Up to 16 CWDM wavelength over one pair of fiber;• CWDM channel spacing 20, 1720, up to 1610 nm;• Distances up to 120 km;• Cost-effective WDM solution;• Scalable by hybrid CWDM/DWDM - perfect solution

for your investment.Sampai 16 CWDM panjang gelombang lebih dari sepasang

serat; Channel CWDM jarak 20, 1720, hingga 1610 nm; Jarak hingga 120 km; Biaya-efektif solusi WDM; Scalable oleh hybrid CWDM / DWDM - solusi sempurna untuk investasi Anda.

On the diagram below, there are up to sixteen DWDM channels are transmitted simultaneously in only one CWDM channel (1530 and 1550 nm). Thus an easy-to-realize channel extension can be achieved under continued use of existing CWDM components and thereby guarantees a protection of investment.

CWDM/DWDM Integration

Differences between CWDM and DWDM

Differences between CWDM and DWDM

Channel Numbers:DWDM can fit 40-plus channels into the

same frequency range which is twice of CWDM can fit. CWDM is used more often than DWDM due to the cost factor. Now that cabling and transmission has become more affordable, DWDM takes place of CWDM. CWDM is defined by wavelengths, while DWDM is defined in terms of frequencies.

Differences between CWDM and DWDM

Modulated laser:Unlike DWDM deploys cooled distributed-

feedback (DFB), CWDM is based on uncooled distributed-feedback (DFB) lasers and wide-band optical filters. These technologies provide several advantages to CWDM systems such as lower power dissipation, smaller size, and less cost. The commercial availability of CWDM systems offering these benefits makes the technology a viable alternative to DWDM systems for many metro and access applications.

Differences between CWDM and DWDM

Transmission Distance:Typically, CWDM can travel anywhere up to

about 100 miles (160 km), while an amplified dense wavelength system - in this case, DWDM- can go much further as the signal strength is boosted periodically throughout the run. As a result of the additional cost required to provide signal amplification, the CWDM solution is best for short runs that do not have mission critical data.