English Portfolio New Edition

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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Transcript of English Portfolio New Edition

Carlos A. Vargas ColónProf

SEC. 101. Mario Medina

This portfolio case is to present evidence upon my job carried out in the class of English in the past 3 weeks. I present as and where work and the website that utilize for my you practices in the class room or in the laboratory.

In the next pages, I presented the photos of the evidence and the different page that utilize for it practices in my area of writing.

www.ego4u.com ESL Folder- Mr. Fixitup ESL Folder- Eliza ESL Quizzes. Practices your Verbs Essay Practices Quizzes

ESL Folder “Eliza”

This program is utilize to practices the conversation skills with the computer, she asks you and the person responds her, is very good to be able to lose the fear to express your ideas.

I practices in this page 15 minutes approximately.

ESL Folders- Mr. Fixitup

In this page I work in the Cafeteria and Food Level.

I dedicate in this page 15 minutes approximately.

ESL Quizzes- English Media LAB.

In this folder, I practices in the How Much and How Many exercises. This areas is a very interesting for me because she help for me in this areas in my writing process.

I worked in the page 20 minutes approximately.

ESL FolderMr. Fixitup

In this exercise I practice with the Capital Letter.

I practices in this program 15 minutes approximately.

ESL Folder- Practices Your Verbs

I practice in this page my form to use the verb. Me it went very well since not understand a great deal what they explained me.

I use this page 35 minutes approximately.


In this website I worked with the Present Perfect Simple for have or has. I see what not necessity very help because I have the knowledge in this areas o the Superior Schools

I dedicate 25 minutes approximately in work in this page.


I worked in this occasion with the phrasal verbs in the turn form.

I dedicates for work in this page 25 minutes approximately.


I practices in this page the form with pronouns.

In this page I practices the different form to use the pronouns. In the pronouns I considerate what not necessity plus help because I dominate the pronouns skills.

I practices and work in this page 25 minutes.


Exercises on Nouns and Direct Articles.

I practices in this page because reformed my skills in the nouns, in this page I work 20 minutes.

www.ego4u.com/en /cram-up/grammar/prepositions/exercises?0

Exercise on preposition-place.

In this page work approximate a 25 minutes, because she explain the concepts and the person practices in the exercise, after the little class.


Exercises on simple form with Be.

In this page I work approximate 25 minutes. this exercise is a very good, because explain the different form to use the form be. In my personal evaluation, I necessity plus help for improve the skills in this areas.

To ends of the month of February the group of writing , job in a reunion with the professor some individual knowledge. We utilize some copies that the professor I offer ourselves.

The title of the exercises is Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.


Quiz for Writing and Essay.

In this page I practices the vocabulary and essay form in the quiz, I not obtained great score, because y not understanding the skills and I have plus practices in this page for improve my English writing.

I worked in this page 25 minutes.

ESL Folder

I practices in the Mr. Fixitup in the pronouns exercises, I refresh my skills in this area, because I practices in the last semester with this folder.

I worked in this page 25 minutes.


In this page I practices the Phrasal Verb.

This web page is for my problem to use the verb in the different writings in the English language. I practices the different form to use the verb, in this case, I practices the Phrasal Verb with up. My result is not satisfactory, because my score are 3/7.

I worked in this page 25 minutes.


I practices in this page the use of much and many.

In this web page I practices the different for to use the much and many form. This exercises is to the vocabulary links in the www.ego4u.com.

I exposed in this page what I not necessities a very help, because I understand this skills and my score in the practices is 7/10. I dedicate 15 minutes in this page.


In this page I worked with the Auxiliary Verbs.

This page is a very good to practices the auxiliary verbs, because she explain the different form to use. I not obtained the best score in the exercises, I accept what I necessities very big help I the form use the different verb in the English writing.

I practices in this web side 15 minutes, because she cause in my courage, because I not understand the different skills to use the verbs.


In this website I worked in the exercises on Future Simple Verb.

I dedicated in the page 30 minutes in different levels of difficulty


I practices in this page the Future Simple Form to (Will), in the level #1, I accept what I necessity a plus help in the verb areas because for improve my writing skills.

Work in this page 30 minutes approximately.

In addition I worked with the professor, more work in the essay areas.

1. Paragraph above to Teacher’s Strike.2. Sentences with different nouns and

pronouns.3. Essay above my predilection classes.4. Modify my Learning Plan5. Google Search Activity