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Transcript of ENGLISH LANGUAGE Std 6 REVISION Worksheet 2...

  • J H TARAPORE SCHOOL Revision Worksheet 1, [ 2020-2021 ]


    Q 1.Write a paragraph on any one of the topics:-

    ‘ My Grandmother’s House ‘ OR ‘ My Last Day in Std. V ‘

    Q 2.Give the antonyms of:-

    a) Poor b) rapidly c) downwards d) smiling e) enemy f) decrease

    Q 3.Give the synonyms of:-

    a) Finish b) big c) buy d) strong e) start f) reward

    Q 4.Complete the proverbs:-

    a) All work and no play _____________________ b) A problem shared ________________________

    Q 5.Rewrite the sentences by changing the underlined nouns into their plural forms:-

    a) The child carried an umbrella to school. b) The fairy told the child an interesting story.


    Revision Worksheet 2, [ 2020-2021 ] ENGLISH LANGUAGE

    Std VI

    Q1. Do as directed:-

    a) _____ table is made of wood. ( insert a, an or the ) b) Would you like ______ lemonade or a cup of tea? ( insert ‘some’ or ‘the’ ) c) I am afraid of the _______ animal.( insert an adjective ) d) We saw the boys throwing stones _____ the well. ( insert a suitable preposition ) e) little my a saw sister from monkey branch a swinging. ( rearrange to form a

    meaningful sentence ) _________________________________________________________________

    f) Jane was the ____ player of the two. ( good/ better/ best ) g) what are you doing next weekend ( punctuate the sentence )


    h) John ______ broken his leg. ( has broken/ have broken/ has breaking ) i) The dogs were barking loudly. ( underline the predicate and circle the subject ) j) He loves _____ parents more than anyone else. ( insert a pronoun )

    Q2. Make sentences with the following pair of words to bring out the difference in their meanings:-

    a) By, buy b) Hair, hare c) See, sea d) Stationery,stationary e) Hear, here

  • J. H. Tarapore School 


    Std 6                 Revision Worksheet 

    1) Put these numbers in increasing order:‐3, ‐7, 2, ‐6, 0, 12, ‐5  2) What is ‐3 times ‐5? 3) The cost of one meter cloth is Rs 30. Find the cost of  1/2 meter of cloth? 4) Express 2/4 as a percent. 5) Find 25% of 120 6) Rachael gets 94 marks in her exams. These are 47% of the total marks. Find the maximum number 

    of marks. 7) Find the LCM of 12, 24, 5, 6 8) Add: 23.004, 126.02, 36.1 and 72.82 9) Find the perimeter and area of a square of side 4cm. 10) Convert 123 kg to mg. 


    J. H. Tarapore School 


    Std 6                 Revision Worksheet 

    11) The weight of one bag of rice is 89 kg 350 gm and the weight of another bag of rice is 128 kg 250 gm. What is the total weight of both the bags? 

    12) Cost of one article is Rs 350. What is the cost of 15 such articles? 13) Write the greatest and smallest number of 6 digits. 14) In 24,673, the place value of 4 is ……………. 15) Write 1,50,342 in expanded form. 16) Using number line add +5 and +2. 17) Using number line subtract +7 and +3. 18) Calculate the HCF of 36, 54, 138. 19) What are the first 4 multiples 12. 20) 3 students out of a class of 30 were absent for the test. Find the percentage of the absent students. 


  • J.H. Tarapore School 

    Biology STD. VI 

    1. Draw the structure of a flower and label all its parts.                                            (5) 2. State the function of four important parts of a flower.                                        (4) 3. State the adaptation of the following which help them to live in their habitat.   (6) 

    a) Camel b) Cactus c) Lotus d) Polar Bear e) Fish f) Birds   

    4.  Draw the structure of the tooth and label all its parts.                                        (5) 



    J.H. Tarapore School 

    Biology STD. VI (WS 2) 


    1  Draw a leaf and label the parts.  (3) 

    2. Draw  and label a plant showing the root system and the shoot system   (2) 

    3 Draw the two types of root system and give two examples for each (4) 

    4 Give 3 functions of the root system and the shoot system (6) 


    Collect various types of leaves and dry it  

    Preserve it inside a book. 


              J.H.TARAPORE SCHOOL 

        Std VI  PHYSICS  REVISION WORKSHEET 1 (2020‐2021) 

    QUESTION 1 Give one word 

    1. The instrument used to measure‐ 

    a)  mass of potatoes      f) volume of a liquid 

    b) temperature of human body   g) temperature of a room 

    c) length of trousers 

    d) weight of school bag 

    e) breadth of a table  

    QUESTION 2 Define the given terms 

    Physics, Volume, Temperature, Area, Machine 

    QUESTION 3 Draw any solid, liquid and a gaseous object. Also show the arrangement of molecules in each.  











              J.H.TARAPORE SCHOOL 

        Std VI  PHYSICS  REVISION WORKSHEET 2 (2020‐2021) 

    Question 1 Fill in the blanks with the help of the words given in the below 

    2000, a pair of pliers, Carbon dioxide, Oxygen, 100, 1000, Needle, circle, 16 square centimeter, meter,  Mercury, litre 

    1. I’m the gas given out during photosynthesis‐ 

    2. I pollute the environment‐ 

    3. I’m a unit used for measuring length of a solid‐ 

    4. 0ne kilogram is equal to _______ grams. 

    5. Water boils at _______ degree celcius. 

    6. _____ is a class one lever. 

    7. We measure petrol in _____.  

    8. Area of a square of side 4cm is _____. 

    9. ______ is an example of a wedge. 

    10. A closed figure having no sides is a _______. 

    11. ______ is present in a thermometer. 

    12. Two kilometers is equal to ______ meters. 

    Question 2 Who discovered the following‐ 

    Thermometer, fountain pen, steam engine, computer, telephone, electric bell 









    जे० एच० तारापोर ःकूल  हंद भाषा  

    अ यास पऽ - 1 (2020-2021)  

    क ा - 6 1) िन निल खत श द के त सम प िलख - आम खेत घर मोर चाँद दन नींद दधू 2) िन निल खत श द के त व प िलख -  अ न घोतक मःतक सप मयूर नािसका बानर रा ऽ  3) िन निल खत वदेशी श द के हंद पयाय िलखे-  शेन डा टर ःकूल आराम जमीन कताब मतलब  4) िन निल खत श द के भाववाचक श द बनाएँ -  कार गर घबराना गर ब बुढा ब चा चतुर चोर  5) सं ा श द को छांटकर उनके भेद िलखो -  अगरा बहुत सुदंर शहर है |      क ा म ब चे पढ़ रहे है |  नं दनी क िलखावट बहुत अ छ है |    तालाब म मछिलयाँ तैर रह ह | 6) क ा पांचवी म बताए गए बेहतर न समय के अनुभव को लेख के प म िलख | (२०० श द)    

    जे० एच० तारापोर ःकूल   हंद भाषा   अ यास पऽ - 2 (2020-2021) क ा – 6 1) िन निल खत वा य के िलगं प रवतन करे -  लडक गाना गा रह है |पाठको को यह पुःतक अ छ लगी |  बालक को बहुत भखू लगी है |    अ या पका पढ़ा रह है | 2) िन निल खत श द के वचन बदिलए -  माला लडक बहन प ी ूजा अ यापक पुःतक 3) िन निल खत श द के पयायवाची श द िलख (दो-दो)-  बादल औरत जग प ी  4) िन निल खत श द के वपर त िलख -  सामा य याय लाभ हत 5) िन निल खत म से जाितवाचक सं ा तथा वय वाचक सं ा श द को अलग - अलग कर िलख   कछुआ हमालय गांधीजी कलम बािलका शहर पटना रंजना सीता  6) रंग बरंगी होली आपने कैसे मनाई अनुभव साझा करते हुए लेख िलख | (२०० श द ) 


    Computer Science

    Std. VI Worksheet 1 (2020-2021)

    1. Father of modern computers ______________________________________________________

    2. What is a computer? _____________________________________________________________


    3. How does a computer works? ______________________________________________________



    4. What is internet? ________________________________________________________________


    5. Name two input devices - a) __________________________ b)___________________________

    6. Name two output devices - a) _________________________ b)___________________________

    7. Name two storage devices - a) ________________________ b)___________________________

    8. Name two web browsers - a) _________________________ b)___________________________

    9. Name two Internet Service Providers a) __________________ b)__________________________

    10. Name two virus - a) _____________________________ b)______________________________

    11. Name two anti-virus software - a) _________________________ b)_______________________

    12. Name two toggle keys - a) _________________________ b)___________________________

    13. Name two types of software - a) _____________________ b)___________________________

    14. Name two operating system - a) _____________________ b)___________________________

    15. Name three parts of CPU – a) ______________________________________________________

    b) _______________________________________ c) ___________________________________

    16. Write the full forms of

    a) DVD ______________________________________________________________

    b) VDU ______________________________________________________________

    c) ISP ______________________________________________________________

    d) ALU ______________________________________________________________

    e) CPU ______________________________________________________________

    f) CRT ______________________________________________________________

    g) 4G ______________________________________________________________

    h) ERP ______________________________________________________________

    i) SIM ______________________________________________________________

    j) LCD ______________________________________________________________

    k) PDF ______________________________________________________________

    l) RAM ______________________________________________________________

    m) KBPS ______________________________________________________________

    n) USB ______________________________________________________________

    o) URL ______________________________________________________________


    Computer Science

    Std. VI Worksheet 2 (2020-2021)

    1. ___________ are often delivered to a PC through an email attachment and are often designed to do


    2. What is the storage area for email received messages ________________________.

    3. Computers send and receive data in the form of ____________________ signals.

    4. Every component of your computer is either________________ or ____________________

    5. Computers connected to a LAN (Local Area Network) can share ___________________________

    6. File is a collection of ____________________________________________.

    7. Printed version of document is known as _____________________________.

    8. First page of the web site ______________________________

    9. Collection of web pages ______________________________.

    10. The process of carrying out command in the machine is known as _____________________.

    11. The time taken by a device to locate data and instructions and make them available to the CPU is

    known as _________________________________

    12. What type of program controls the various computer parts and allows the user to interact with the

    computer? ________________________________

    13. A ___________________________ is a collection of computers and device connected together.

    14. What is the name of the series of Laptop computers manufactured by IBM called?

    15. CEO of Google __________________________________.

    16. __________________________________ is used to search information on the web.

    17. To stop the unauthorized access to the computer via the internet ________________________.

    18. The first microprocessors that were developed by _________________.

    19. Which day is celebrated as computer literacy day? _______________________

    20. ‘Do no Evil’ is tag line of ________________________.

    21. Four types of computers _________________________, ______________________________,

    ____________________________________, ___________________________________________.

    22. Full for of IEEE __________________________________________________________________.

    23. Email was developed by ____________________________________________________________.

    24. When was the first Smart Phone launched ______________________________________________.

    25. Who is netizen? ___________________________________________________________________.

    26. Who is the father of Computer Ethics? ________________________________________________.

    27. What is Blue Brain Project ? ________________________________________________________.

    28. iPad is manufactured by _______________________________.

    29. Four types of computer languages _______________________, ____________________________,

    _____________________________, ___________________________________________.

    30. What is cyber bullying? ___________________________________________________________.

  • J.H.TARAPORE SCHOOL Revision Worksheet 1 (2020 - 2021)

    CHEMISTRY Std. VI Question 1 Give one word answer:-

    a) Any substance that has mass and occupies space -______________ b) The changing of a liquid into its solid form - _________________ c) A gas that forms 0.03% of the total volume of air - ____________

    Question 2 Fill in the blanks:-

    a) The molecules are _________ packed in a solid. b) _______ and _______ are examples of miscible liquids. c) Matter is made up of smaller particles called ____________ d) The process of changing of a solid into its liquid form on heating is called _________ e) The process of changing of a gas into a liquid is called ________________ f) In gases, intermolecular spaces is ___________ .

    J.H.TARAPORE SCHOOL Revision Worksheet 2 (2020 - 2021)

    CHEMISTRY Std. VI Question 1 Give 2 examples of each of the following:-

    a) Metals b) Non – metals c) Two products made out of iron d) Foods rich in carbohydrates e) Foods rich in proteins f) Most important gases present in the air g) States of water

    Question 2 Fill in the blanks:-

    a) Water boils at _________ b) All kinds of matter occupy _______ c) Water freezes at ____________ d) Gaps between particles of matter are called __________ _______ e) Water is made up of ________ and ________

    Question 3 Write down the symbols of the following elements:- Refer to your text book. [ Chapter ‘Elements, Compounds, Mixtures’]

    a) Hydrogen b) Helium c) Lithium d) Beryllium e) Boron f) Carbon g) Nitrogen

    h) Oxygen i) Fluorine j) Neon k) Sodium l) Magnesium m) Aluminium n) Silicon

    o) Phosphorus p) Sulphur q) Chlorine r) Argon s) Potassium t) Calcium


    a) Which is the National Bird of India ? i) Peacock ii) Kingfisher iii) Bald Eagle

    b) Which is the National Animal of India ? i) Deer ii) Giraffe iii) Bengal Tiger

    c) What is the National Anthem of India ? i) ‘Vandemataram’ ii) ‘Jana GanaMana’ iii) ‘SareJaha Se Achha

    d) Who designed the present National Flag of India ? i) Sachindra Prasad Bose ii) SukumarMitra iii) PingaliVenkaiya

    e) Which colour remains at the top while hoisting the National Flag? i) Green ii) White iii) Saffron

    f) What does the white colour used in the National Flag signify? i) Sacrifice ii) Prosperity of life iii) Truth and Purity of Thoughts

    g) Where can the National Flag be hoisted? i) At RashtrapatiBhawan ii) At Parliament House iii) Both (i) and (ii)

    h) How many spokes are there in the ‘Ashoka Chakra’ in our National Flag ? i) 25 ii) 24 iii) 22

    i) What is the ratio of the length and width of the National Flag of India ? i) 2: 3 ii) 3:2 iii) 2:5

    j) The National Song of India was first composed by i) Rabindranath Tagore ii) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee iii) Iqbal

    II. Match Column A with Column B : COLUMN: A COLUMN: B

    a) Archaeology i) People who write history b) Historians ii) Coins , monuments c) Inscriptions iii) An old book or document written by hand d) Manuscript iv) Writings engraved either on stone surfaces or

    on metals or bricks e) Archaeological Sources v) Study of remains of the past

  • J.H.TARAPORE SCHOOL STD VI HISTORY REVISION WORKSHEET :2 I. Identify the following monuments :

    a._____________________________ b.___________________________

    c.______________________________ d.________________________

    II. Given below are the pictures of the founders of various religions. Identify them and name the religion founded by them:

    a._________________ b._________________ c._______________  

    III. Draw the National Flag and write the significance of each Colour and the Chakra.