Post on 08-Mar-2019

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SMK(L) Methodist Jln. Hang Jebat, K.L.





1 03 – 06 Jan


2, 3, 4, 5 09 Jan – 25 Jan


Thu 26 – Tue 31 Jan CNY Wed 1 Feb Hari Wilayah

6, 7, 8 02 – 24 Feb


Thurs 9 Feb – Thaipusam

9, 10, 11, 12 27 Feb – 31 March


Week11(10–17 March) Ujian Selaras 18-26 MID TERM BREAK

13, 14, 15 03- 21 Apr


16, 17, 18, 19 24 Apr – 10 May


Mon 1 May – Labour Day Wed 10 May – Wesak Day

21, 24,25 24 May – 26 June


Wk 19-21: 11–23May Mid-Year Exam 27 May – 12 June MID-YEAR HOL

07 April – Sukan Sekolah

26 26 – 30 June

Hari Raya Aidil Fitri

27,28,29 03 – 21 July



24 July – 11 Aug


33,34,36,37 14 Aug – 15 Sept


26 Aug – 3 Sept MID-TERM BREAK

38,39,40 18 Sept – 06 Oct


Thu 21 Sept– Awal Muharram

43,44 09 Oct – 03 Nov


W42 Mon 16 – Fri 22 Oct Deepavali W40/41 Fri 6-10 Oct \ Final Year Exam

45, 46, 47 06 – 24 Nov


Discussion Final Year Exam Questions


Name of Teachers: Pn.Loh T.L Pn Nuraini S Pn Rahayu S Pn Norhayati A En Retna K.C

Form: 1


2, 3, 4, 5 (09 January – 25January) Week 1 (02 – 05 January) FORM 1 ORIENTATION Thursday 26 – Tuesday 31 January Chinese New Year Wednesday 1 February Hari Wilayah

Duration (weeks) Domain(s) Theme Topic

3 Personal Public

People and Culture New Year ,New You

Listening and Speaking Reading Writing

1.2.1 Listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures 1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: i retrieve main ideas ii retrieve supporting details 1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally

2.1.1 Read and develop vocabulary skills by understanding: i similes

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media by using: i dictionary Demonstrate understanding by i identifying main ideas in given

texts Locate and organise information by: i using graphic organisers

3.2.2 Write for creative and personal expressions: iii posters and slogans

Grammar item(s) Sounds Literature in Action

4.1.1 Identify and use nouns appropriately according to context: i common nouns ii proper nouns 4.1.4 identify and use articles appropriately according to context: i indefinite article ‘a’ and ‘an’

/ʌ/ and /ɑ:/ 1.1.1 Listen to, discriminate and pronounce accurately: i long and short vowels

Poem: Newsbreak

Listen to and respond orally to various literary works

Read and understand various literary works


1 Language Using language correctly 2 Values Being aware of good values and practise them in their daily lives

3 Patriotism/citizenship Understanding of the duties and obligations of each and every citizen of this country, thus loving the nation and proud to be Malaysian citizens

4 Creativity and innovation Using imagination to gather, comprehend and generate ideas to create something new and original and applying the creativity through modification, revision and development of an idea


1. Listen to a talk programme on New Year resolutions 2. Speak about one’s New Year resolutions 3. Read a brochure on New Year Celebrations 4. Create a poster on an event 5. Learn about common nouns, proper nouns and articles 6. Practise /ʌ/ and /ɑ:/

7. Appreciate a poem


Project-Based Learning


Name of Teachers: Pn.Loh T.L Pn Nuraini S Pn Rahayu S Pn Norhayati A En Retna K.C

Form: 1

Week: 6, 7, 8 (02 – 24 February) Thursday 9 February – Thaipusam

Duration (weeks) Domain(s) Theme Topic

3 Personal Public

Science and Technology It’s a Small World

Listening and Speaking Reading Writing

Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally Participate in simple conversations using speech acts: iii invitation v request

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media by using: i dictionary 2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by i identifying main ideas in given

texts 2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by: i skimming and scanning

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: ii note-taking iii outlining 3.2.1 Write for academic and functional purposes: i email

Grammar item(s) Sounds Literature in Action

4.1.7 Identify and use tenses appropriately according to context: i simple present tense 4.1.11 Identify and use question forms appropriately according to context:

ii yes/no questions/statements

/i:/ and /i/

1.1.1 Listen to, discriminate and pronounce accurately: i long and short vowels

Short story: Fair’s Fair Listen to and respond orally to various literary works

Read and understand various literary works

EXPECTATIONS 1. Listen to a conversation and indentify invitations and requests 2. Speak politely to invite or make requests 3. Read an article about social networking security 4. Compose an email 5. Learn about the simple present tense and yes/no questions and statements 6. Practise /i:/ and /i/

7. Appreciate a short story


Inquiry-Based Learning

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENTS 1 Science and Technology Inculcating interest in science and technology to accelerate literacy in science and


2 Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Using multimedia resources and utilization of computer related activities


Name of Teachers: Pn.Loh T.L Pn Nuraini S Pn Rahayu S Pn Norhayati A En Retna K.C

Form: 1

Week: 9, 10, 11, 12 (27 Feb - 31 March) Week 11 (10–17 March) Ujian Selaras 17 – 25 March MID-TERM HOLIDAY

Duration (weeks) Domain(s) Theme Topic

3 Educational Health and Environment Nature’s Warning

Listening and Speaking Reading Writing

1.2.1 Listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures 1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: i retrieve main ideas ii retrieve supporting details 1.3.2 Listen to and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: ii identify cause and effect

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media by using: i dictionary

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by i identifying main ideas in given

texts 2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by: i skimming and scanning

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: i brainstorming (mind maps,

bubble maps, etc.) ii note-taking

Grammar item(s) Sounds Literature in Action

4.1.5 Identify and use verbs appropriately according to context: i regular verbs ii irregular verbs 4.1.7 Identify and use tenses appropriately according to context: ii simple past tense

/u:/ and /ʊ/ 1.1.1 Listen to, discriminate and pronounce accurately: i long and short vowels

Poem: Newsbreak 5.1.3 Share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new ideas or solve problems 5.2.1 Identify meaning of words based on context


1 Language Using language correctly 2 Values Being aware of good values and practise them in their daily lives

3 Conservation of the environment Cultivating appreciation of the environment and subsequently effect behaviour


1. Listen to a report of a survey on causes of floods and a talk on flash flood evacuation 2. Speak about simple procedures 3. Read a leaflet about haze 4. Write a letter of complaint 5. Learn about regular and irregular verbs and simple past tense

6. Practise /u:/ and /ʊ/

7. Appreciate a poem


Inquiry-Based Learning


Name of Teachers: Pn.Loh T.L Pn Nuraini S Pn Rahayu S Pn Norhayati A En Retna K.C

Form: 1

Week: 13, 14, 15 (03 – 21 April)

Duration (weeks) Domain(s) Theme Topic

3 Educational Consumerism and

Financial Awareness Be Wise, Think Twice The Savvy e-Shopper

Listening and Speaking Reading Writing

1.2.2 Listen to texts of different genres and classify the grammar items and vocabulary 1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally.

Demonstrate understanding by i identifying main ideas in given

texts Locate and organise information by: i using graphic organizers 2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by: i skimming and scanning

3.1.2 Organise and write ideas in a paragraph:

ii captions for illustrations, posters and cartoons 3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: i brainstorming (mind maps,

bubble maps, etc.)

3.2.2 Write for creative and personal expressions: iii posters and slogans

Grammar item(s) Sounds Literature in Action

4.1.1 Identify and use nouns appropriately according to context: iii countable nouns iv uncountable nouns

/З:/ , /e/ and /æ/ 1.1.1 Listen to, discriminate and pronounce accurately: i long and short vowels

Short Story: Fair’s Fair 5.1.3 Share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new ideas or solve problems 5.2.1 Identify meaning of words based on context


1 Values Being aware of good values and practise them in their daily lives 2 Learning How To Learn Skills Incorporating information skills, library skills and study skills to locate sources of

information more efficiently, to become independent lifelong learners.


1. Listen to a dialogue on how to be smart consumers 2. Speak about strategies on how to be a smart consumer and do a role-play 3. Read an article on smart consumerism 4. Write captions for posters on the dangers of impulse buying 5. Learn about countable and uncountable nouns

6. Practise /З:/ , /e/ and /æ/

7. Appreciate a short story


Collaborative Learning


Name of Teachers: Pn.Loh T.L Pn Nuraini S Pn Rahayu S Pn Norhayati A En Retna K.C

Form: 1

Week: 16, 17, 18 (24 April – 09 May) Monday 1 May – Labour Day Wednesday 10 May – Wesak Day

Duration (weeks) Domain(s) Theme Topic

3 Personal People and Culture A Bundle Of Joy

Listening and Speaking Reading Writing

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: i retrieve main ideas ii retrieve supporting details Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally. Participate in simple conversations using speech acts: iii invitation vii refusal

Demonstrate understanding by i identifying main ideas in given

texts Locate and organise information by: i using graphic organisers 2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by: i skimming and scanning

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: iii outlining

3.2.2 Write for creative and personal expressions: ii journals

Grammar item(s) Sounds Literature in Action

4.1.1 Identify and use nouns appropriately according to context: v singular nouns vi plural nouns viii Subject Verb Agreement (SVA)

/ɔ:/ , /ɒ/ 1.1.1 Listen to, discriminate and pronounce accurately: i long and short vowels

Poem: Newsbreak

Produce a new genre from the literary text read Create and produce linear and/or graphic presentation in a fun manner

Share personal responses to literary works through performances


1 Language Using language correctly 2 Values Being aware of good values and practise them in their daily lives


1. Listen to an audio text 2. Speak about how to accept and decline invitations 3. Read an article on the naming ceremony of the Ibans

4. Write a journal entry 5. Learn about singular and plural nouns and subject-verb agreement 6. Practise /ɔ:/ and /ɒ/

7. Appreciate a poem


Inquiry-Based Learning


Name of Teachers: Pn.Loh T.L Pn Nuraini S Pn Rahayu S Pn Norhayati A En Retna K.C

Form: 1

Week: 21, 24, 25 (24 May – 23 June) 11 – 23 May Mid-Year Exam,

27 May – 12 June MID-YEAR HOLIDAY

Duration (weeks) Domain(s) Theme Topic

3 Educational Science and Technology Ready , Set, Action

Listening and Speaking Reading Writing

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: ii retrieve supporting details

1.3.2 Listen to and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: iv identify and organise 1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally.

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media by using: i dictionary

Demonstrate understanding by i identifying main ideas in given

texts Locate and organise information by i using graphic organisers 2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by: i skimming and scanning

Apply pre-writing strategies: iii outlining Select relevant information and elaborate / extend /explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices

3.2.2 Write for creative and personal expressions: i e-diary

Grammar item(s) Sounds Literature in Action

4.1.3 Identify and use adjectives appropriately according to context: i adjective of quality 4.2.1 Construct simple sentences correctly and meaningfully

/eə/ , /ʊə/

1.1.1 Listen to, discriminate and pronounce accurately: ii dipthongs

Short Story: Fair’s Fair

Produce a new genre from the literary text read Create and produce linear and/or graphic presentation in a fun manner

Share personal responses to literary works through performances


1 Science and Inculcating interest in science and technology to accelerate literacy in science and

Technology technology

2 Creativity and Using imagination to gather, comprehend and generate ideas to create something new and

innovation original and applying the creativity through modification, revision and development of an idea

3 Information and Using multimedia resources and utilization of computer related activities

Communications Technology (ICT)


1. Listen to a conversation and share personal experiences 2. Speak about the gadgets you use 3. Read an article on vending machines 4. Write an online journal entry 5. Learn about adjectives 6. Practise /eə/ and /ʊə/

7. Appreciate a short story


Inquiry-Based Learning


Name of Teachers: Pn.Loh T.L Pn Nuraini S Pn Rahayu S Pn Norhayati A En Retna K.C

Form: 1

Week: 27, 28, 29 (03 – 20 July)

Duration (weeks) Domain(s) Theme Topic

3 Public

Educational Health and Environment Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Listening and Speaking Reading Writing

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: i retrieve main ideas ii retrieve supporting details

1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally.

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media by using: i dictionary

2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by: i skimming and scanning

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: i brainstorming (mind maps,

bubble maps, etc.)

3.2.1 Write for academic and functional purposes: iii letters

Grammar item(s) Sounds Literature in Action

4.1.5 Identify and use verbs appropriately according to context: iii auxiliary verbs

4.1.10 Identify and use conjunctions appropriately according to context: i and ii but iv or

/aɪ/ , /eɪ/ 1.1.1 Listen to, discriminate and pronounce accurately: ii dipthongs

Poem: Sad I Ams

Listen to and respond orally to various literary works Read and understand various literary works


1 Language Using language correctly 2 Conservation of the environment Cultivating appreciation of the environment and subsequently effect behaviour

3 Values Being aware of good values and practise them in their daily lives


1. Listen to an expository text 2. Speak about how to prevent Aedes mosquitoes from breeding 3. Read a narrative passage on a Clean-Up Campaign 4. Write an informal letter 5. Learn about auxiliary verbs and conjunctions 6. Practise /aɪ/ and /eɪ/

7. Appreciate a poem


Project-Based Learning


Name of Teachers: Pn.Loh T.L Pn Nuraini S Pn Rahayu S Pn Norhayati A En Retna K.C

Form: 1

Week: 30,31,32 (24 July – 11 August)

Duration (weeks) Domain(s) Theme Topic

3 Public

Educational Consumerism and

Financial Awareness Prudent Lifestyles

Smart Plan, Better Future

Listening and Speaking Reading Writing

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: ii retrieve supporting details 1.3.2 Listen to and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: iii paraphrase and summarise 1.4.2 Participate in simple conversations using speech acts: vi complaint

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media by using: i dictionary

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by i identifying main ideas in given


2.2.3 Analyse and infer information by: i using contextual clues to predict

outcomes or conclusions 2.4.1 Read a variety of texts from various media to obtain information to solve simple problems

3.1.4 Select relevant information and elaborate / extend /explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices 3.15 Use a variety of sentence structures to elaborate, extend ideas in paragraphs / organizational structures: ii thesis statement 3.2.2 Write for creative and personal expressions: i e-diary

Grammar item(s) Sounds Literature in Action

4.1.3 Identify and use adverbs appropriately according to context: i manner ii time iii place

/ɔɪ/ , /əʊ/

1.1.1 Listen to, discriminate and pronounce accurately: ii dipthongs

Graphic novel: Swiss Family Robinson

Listen to and respond orally to various literary works Read and understand various literary works


1. Listen to a dialogue and share opinions on being thrifty 2. Speak about slogans 3. Read an article on online shopping 4. Write an e-diary 5. Learn about adverbs 6. Practise /ɔɪ/ and /əʊ/

7. Appreciate a graphic novel


Collaborative Learning

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENTS 1 Information and Communications

Technology (ICT) Creativity and innovation

Using multimedia resources and utilization of computer related activities


3 Entrepreneurship

Using imagination to gather, comprehend and generate ideas to create something new and original and applying the creativity through modification, revision and development of an idea

Introducing entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and practice and fostering entrepreneurial mind-set


Name of Teachers: Pn.Loh T.L Pn Nuraini S Pn Rahayu S Pn Norhayati A En Retna K.C

Form: 1

Week: 33, 34, 36, 37 (14 August – 15 September) 26 August – 3 September MID-TERM HOLIDAYS

Duration (weeks) Domain(s) Theme Topic

3 Public

Educational People and Culture

Stand by Me I am Malaysian

Listening and Speaking Reading Writing

1.2.1 Listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures 1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: i retrieve main ideas ii retrieve supporting details

Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally. Participate in simple conversations using speech acts: i greeting ii invitation

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by i identifying main ideas in given


2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by: i skimming and scanning

Apply pre-writing strategies: i brainstorming (mind maps,

bubble maps, etc.) ii note-taking Select relevant information and elaborate / extend /explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices 3.2.1 Write for academic and functional purposes: ii process and procedures

Grammar item(s) Sounds Literature in Action

4.1.3 Identify and use adjectives appropriately according to context: ii possessive iii comparison of adjectives

Stress on notes

1.1.2 Speak with correct intonation, stress and sentence rhythm

Poem: Sad I Ams 5.1.3 Share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new ideas or solve problems 5.2.1 Identify meaning of words based on context


1 Language Using language correctly 2 Values Being aware of good values and practise them in their daily lives

3 Patriotism/citizenship Understanding of the duties and obligations of each and every citizen of this country, thus loving the nation and proud to be Malaysian citizens


1. Listen to directions in a dialogue 2. Speak about historical sites and give directions 3. Read a text on the nation’s history 4. Write on process and procedures 5. Learn about possessive adjectives and comparison of adjectives 6. Practise correct intonation and stress 7. Appreciate a poem


Project-Based Learning


Name of Teachers: Pn.Loh T.L Pn Nuraini S Pn Rahayu S Pn Norhayati A En Retna K.C

Form: 1

Week: 38, 39,40 (18 September – 06 October) Thursday 21 September – Awal Muharram

Duration (weeks) Domain(s) Theme Topic

3 Public

Educational Science and Technology

Gadgets and Gizmos Heals and Aids

Listening and Speaking Reading Writing

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: i retrieve main ideas ii retrieve supporting details Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally. Participate in simple conversations using speech acts: iv compliment

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by i identifying main ideas in given

texts 2.2.3 Analyse and infer information by: i using contextual clues to predict

outcomes or conclusions 2.3.2 Read various texts and select information for specific purposes

3.1.2 Organise and write ideas in a paragraph:

ii captions for illustrations, posters and cartoons

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: i brainstorming (mind maps,

bubble maps, etc.) 3.2.2 Write for creative and personal expressions: ii journals

Grammar item(s) Sounds Literature in Action

4.1.7 Identify and use tenses appropriately according to context: iii future tense

4.1.12 Identify and use punctuation appropriately according to context: i capital letters

ii comma/full stop iii question mark iv exclamation mark

Stress on statements 1.1.2 Speak with correct intonation, stress and sentence rhythm

Graphic Novel: Swiss Family Robinson

5.1.3 Share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new ideas or solve problems 5.2.1 Identify meaning of words based on context

EXPECTATIONS 1. Listen to a news bulletin 2. Speak about your views and feelings concerning disabled people 3. Read a timeline on medical discoveries 4. Create a photo journal 5. Learn about simple future tense and punctuation 6. Practise the stress patterns for nouns and verbs

7. Appreciate a graphic novel


Collaborative Learning


1 Language

2 Science and Technology

3 Creativity and innovation

Using language correctly

Inculcating interest in science and technology to accelerate literacy in science and technology

Using imagination to gather, comprehend and generate ideas to create something new and original and applying the creativity through modification, revision and development of an idea


Project-Based Learning

Name of Teachers: Pn.Loh T.L Pn Nuraini S Pn Rahayu S Pn Norhayati A En Retna K.C

Form: 1

Week: 43, 44,45,46,47 (23 October – 24 November) Week 46 ,47 – SPM (cuti bergilir)

Duration (weeks) Domain(s) Theme Topic

3 Public

Educational Health and Environment Live Life to the Fullest

Keep Green, Keep Clean

Listening and Speaking Reading Writing

1.3.2 Listen to and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: ii identify cause and effect v solve problems 1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally.

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media by using: i dictionary

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by i identifying main ideas in given

texts 2.2.3 Analyse and infer information by: i using contextual clues to predict

outcomes or conclusions ii finding meaning of unfamiliar


2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by: i skimming and scanning

Apply pre-writing strategies: iii outlining Select relevant information and elaborate / extend /explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices 3.2.1 Write for academic and functional purposes: iii letters

Grammar item(s) Sounds Literature in Action

4.1.9 Identify and use modals appropriately according to context: i can ii may iii might 4.1.11 Identify and use question forms appropriately according to context: iii choice question

Stress on sentences/words

1.1.2 Speak with correct intonation, stress and sentence rhythm

Poem: Sad I Ams

Produce a new genre from the literary text read Create and produce linear and/or graphic presentation in a fun manner Share personal responses to literary works through performances



1 Language Using language correctly 2 Values Being aware of good values and practise them in their daily lives

3 Conservation of the environment Cultivating appreciation of the environment and subsequently effect behaviour


1. Listen to a on the cause and effect of water pollution 2. Speak about ways to conserve water 3. Read a fact file on the importance of clean water 4. Write a formal letter seeking permission to carry out a project 5. Learn about modals and choice questions 6. Practise intonation, stress and sentence rhythm

7. Appreciate a poem