English For Elementary School Students Grade 4. May I Have the Pencil?

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Transcript of English For Elementary School Students Grade 4. May I Have the Pencil?


For Elementary School Students Grade 4

May I Have the Pencil?





Listen and say

Pencil sharpener



May I have the pencil, please?

Sure. Here you are.

Thank you.

Listen and say


Clean the blackboard, please.

Thank you.

Listen and say

Can you move this table, please?

Alright. Gosh. It’s heavy.

No. It’s light.

What about this chair? Is it heavy?

Listen and say

An you get me a ruler, please?


Listen and say

Say The Chant

(page 34)

Look and read

(page 34)

Say the chant

(page 37)

Sing the Song

A New School Year

Unit 2

Be quietSpell ‘Hello”

Listen and do

Count up to five.

Hand in your work

One, two, three, four, five!

Good morning Miss Melati

Good morning, Baim.

Hello, Lani.

Hi, Baim!

Listen and say

Good morning.

Good evening.

Good afternoon.

Good morning, Miss Melati. How are you?

Good morning, Mutia

I’m fine. How about you?

I,m great. Thank you

Listen and say

I’m happy.I’m sad.

Listen and say

Good morning, students

How are you today?

Good morning, ma’am


Listen and say

Excuse me. What’s your name, please?

Is that L-A-N-Y?

Lani, sir.

No. It’s L-A-N-I.

Listen and say

Say the chant(Page 13)

Good morning, miss melati

Good morning, Baim

I’m sorry I’m late

It’s okay. But don’t be late next time

Listen and say

How was your first day at school?

It was great.

Listen and say

Sing the song

Hello, Hello. How are you?

It’s Cold

Unit 3

1. Listen carefully. 2. Taste the soup.

3. Smell the flower. 4. Look around.

5. Touch your forehead.

Listen and do

(page 44)

Say the chant

We see with our eyes.

We smell with our nose. We hear with our ears.

We taste with our tongue.

We feel with our fingers.

Listen and say

(page 47)

Play the game

(page 47)

Sing the song

Taste the ice cream, please.

Hm. It’s sweet.

Feel the table, please.

It’s smooth.

Listen and say

(page 49)

Play the game

Why not?

Don’t touch the pan.

Don’t eat the orange.

Why not?

It’s hot.It’s sour.

Listen and say

It is.

Look! What a nice flower!

Hm. It smells nice, too.

Let’s smell the flower.

(page 55)

Check it out!

Sorry, I’m doing My HomeworkUnit 4

Do your homeworkBrush your teeth

Say ‘good night’Do your homework

Listen and do

It’s me, Mahar. This is my family.

Listen and say

Dad is cookingMom and grandpa are

watching TV. Grandma is sleeping

Uncle Jo is reading a newspaper. Adam is taking a bath.

Aunt Via is brushing her teeth.

Mega is doing her homework.

Listen and say

(page 65)

Say the chant

Let’s watch TV


Let’s watch TV

I’m sorry I can’t. I’m doing my homework

Listen and say

Where is Dad?

He’s in the kitchen. He’s cooking

Listen and say

(page 69)

Sing the song

Where’s Grandpa?

In the living room.

Is he watching TV? No. He’s reading.

Listen and say

I’m sorry.Mom

It’s alright, dear.

Listen and say

Good night, Mahar. Sleep tight.

Good night, Mom. I love you.

Listen and say

Could You Make the Bed, Please?

Unit 5

Fold the blanket Make the bed

Open the window Turn off the light

Listen and do




mirror poster


(page 94)

Say the chant

Yes, sure

Could you turn off the light, please?

Listen and say

May I wacth TV?


Listen and say

(page 98)


1st 2nd 3rd 4th

5th 6th 7th 8th

9th 10th 11th 12th

13th 15th 20th 21st

22nd 23rd 29th 30th

Listen and say

What’s the seventh month?

It’s july

Listen and say

What’s the date today?

it’s March seventh.

Listen and say

What a nice T-shirt

Unit 6

Wash the clothes

Dry the clothes

Rinse the clothes

Iron the clothes

Fold the clothes

Listen and Do

pants socks


Listen and say




Listen and say

(page 115)


What a nice T-shirt!

Thank you.

Listen and say

It’s your jacket, isn’t it?

Yes, it is.

Listen and say






Listen and say

Sure. It’s like this.It’s your jacket, isn’t it?

O, I see. Thanks a lot.

Listen and say

Where’s Baim?Is he sleeping?

No. She’s washing his shoes.

Listen and say

(page 124)

Say the chant

Can I Have a Durian, Please?

Unit 7

Draw some apples

Say the numberCount the apples

Color the apples

Listen and Do

mango pineapple orange

banana durian carrot

Listen and say

cabbage potatospinach

chilitomatoWater spinach

Listen and say

A bunch of banana

A kilo of applesA kilo of tomatoes

A bunch of spinach

Listen and say

Sure. Here you are. Excuse me. Can I have a kilo of apples, please?

Thank you.

Listen and say

Excuse me. Do you have tomatoes?

Can I have a kilo, please?

How much is it?

Here’s the money.

Yes. I do.

Sure. Here you are.

It’s Rp 6,000,00

Thank you.

Listen and say

(page 139)

Sing the song

The mango is sweetThe lemon is sour

The chili is hotThe apples are fresh

Listen and say

Taste this apple.

Hmmm. it’s fresh. I like it.

Listen and say

(page 142)

Sing the song

Children’s zoo

Unit 8

Feed the horse.Mount the horse.

Feed the horse.Feed the horse.

Listen and do




Listen and say




Listen and say

(page 142)

Sing the song

This little lion is tame.

This bird is cute.

This big lion is not tame.

This bird is not cute at all.

Listen and say

He snake is cute, isn’t it? Really?

It is.

I don’t think so.

Listen and say

Can I pat the cat, please?


Listen and say

Excuse me, where’s iguana’s


It’s over there, next to the horse barn.


You’re welcome

Listen and say

(page 162)

Sing the song

Thank you.