
Post on 12-Apr-2016

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Transcript of ENglish

For the past two and a half decades, the research team of Drug Innovations Inc. had been achieving new milestones in the pharmaceutical industry by discovering breakthroughs that would've raised eyebrows of any intellectual.

Behind every discovery of the world renowned company, there was Henry in the background. Dr Henry J. Doe looks just like about every typical average Joe. Average height, average weight, average looks with an average face, he was someone you wouldn't even take a second glance at. That never did bother Henry that much since he was too busy working very diligently six times a week, plus overtime. He only takes a break every Sunday when he spends the whole day taking care of his immaculate garden and keeping does pesky weeds away.

September 11, 2014. Henry would never forget that cold Monday morning. The night before, he brought some of his work home so he stayed up really late working industriously. Henry woke up half an hour later than usual but he was still able to come to work before seven and as usual for that time, the lab was empty of activity. Not one soul in sight. So he then started his early morning routine of preparing and setting up all the lab equipment. Most people would find the task tiring and boring but for Henry, putting the things on their rightful places, organizing and cleaning each instrument is very relaxi —

"BOO!" Henry almost dropped the distilling flask he was planning to clean thanks to no other than Mike, his cocky lab partner. The 6"2 muscular blond, who no one would've expected to be a research pharmacist, was rarely on time so Henry didn't expect his patience to be tested anytime soon.

"Hey there Henryboy. Good news! Good news!" Mike exclaimed as he harshly shoved a pile of papers toward Henry's direction. "We have a new project. Extract from some mutated Mary Jane yada yada."

"Mutated Marijuana extract?", Henry thought. "Hmm. I'll start working on it right after I'm done with the set-up." Henry said even if he knew what will happen in the end; Him doing the project himself; him doing it himself and Mike getting all the credit during the next board meeting.

As time passed and Henry continued his tedious research and experiments, he was able to discover something he never saw coming. Serendipity, he thought, could've never been sweeter

Dr. Henry J. Doe discovered the cure to cancer.

Henry dashed into the middle of a board meeting that fateful morning. Looking almost close to a mad scientist with his worn-out white scrubs and exhausted yet determined face, he interrupted the executive vice president on his speech on Synergy.

"The mutated Cannabis Sativa", Henry gasped. "The mutated Cannabis Sativa, I extracted and synthesized with some of our latest drug's active ingredient that resulted to something that can reduce the speed of the cell's growth and with the right amalgamation can even restore the abnormal cell's former characteristics!" Henry declared. "I found the cure to cancer! I found it!".

The room fell into silence. As the news finally sank in, everyone turned ecstatic. Chaos broke down as the board bombarded him with tons of questions on his new discovery. Henry had to calm down since he was already in the verge of an asthma attack. He answered each and everyone's question and presented his data/ At last after every query was satisfied, tests and meetings were quickly scheduled. Henry knew that that day marked the beginning of his new life.

After every test and experiment possible was conducted and all his paper and results were reviewed and rechecked, his cancer-saving cure from the mutated Marijuana extract was finally out.

Dr Henry J. Doe, the guys who was looked so average, always ignored, unappreciated and in the background not only became a hero in every cancer-stricken patient, but also a superstar in the pharmaceutical field.

Finally, Henry said to himself, finally all my hard work has paid off. Finally, the whole world will know of Dr. Hen —


Henry was at first confused then he rubbed his eyes. He looked at the clock and it saw its digits meaning 5am. Next to it was a calendar. It's read September 11, 2014.