Engineering geology

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Engineering geology

Made By:-

Nikhil Dhamani (130850106018)

Bhavesh Gusai (130850106025)

Bhavin Bhanushali (130850106005)

Karan Chothani(130850106034)

Kaushik Patadiya(130850106055)

Vivek Joshi(130850106033)



*Geology is an earth science comprising the

study of solid Earth, the rocks of which it is

composed, and the processes by which they

change. In Short Geology means to study Earth.


*The study of Geology mainly concerns itself with the study

of the earth’s origin, structure, composition & history

(including the development of life), and the nature of the

process. So, it also known as earth science.

*This is fascinating subject which feels the pulse of the


*IT deals with the outer solid shell of the earth composed of

rocks which is known as lithosphere.