ENGI 9397: Advanced Modeling and Quality Management

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Transcript of ENGI 9397: Advanced Modeling and Quality Management

ENGI 9397: Advanced Modeling and QualityManagement

Introduction to Quality

9 Jan 2011

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I Quality

I Dimensions of Quality

I Manage for Quality - Planning, Control and Improvement

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I Fitness for use - Juran

I Meeting Customer Requirements - Philip Crosby

I Totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its abilityto satisfy stated and implied needs of the customer - ISO 9000

I Loss to Society - Genechi Taguchi

I Customer Satisfaction (general)

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Customer Needs

I Q 1: Identify the stated and implied needs of the customerwho wish to buy a ”car”

I Q 2: Identify the stated and implied needs of the customerwho wish to buy a ”pant”

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The next person (individual or functional group) in a work place,who receive the output and the next to act on it.

I A customer may be either External or Internal

I Customers want Good Quality at Minimum Price

I Companies should aim for continuous improvement of Qualityand Reduction of Cost

I Understand the needs of the customer and act upon them tosatisfy him

I Customers wantRight Quality, Quantity, Cost, Service, Time

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Quality Eras

I Individual oriented (craftsmanship)

I Inspect in Quality (product control - 100% inspection) &Product Standards

I Statistical Quality Control (sampling plans)

I Statistical Process Control (control charts etc.)

I Quality Assurance (planning, control and improvement)

I Quality Systems (process oriented - ISO 9000, TQM, SixSigma)

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Dimensions of Quality

Quality of a product can be described and evaluated in severalways. Garvin (1987) provide an excellent discussion of eightcomponents of dimensions of quality.

1. Performance: Will the product do the intended job?

2. Reliability: How often does the product fail?

3. Durability: How long does the product last?

4. Serviceability? How easy is it to repair the product?

5. Aesthetics: What does the product look like?

6. Features: What does the product do?

7. Perceived Quality: What is the reputation of the companyor its product?

8. Conformance to Standards: Is the product made exactly asthe designer intended?Other few dimensions (especially for service sector) areResponsiveness, Professionalism and Attentiveness

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Quality of a Product

I Quality of Designis the quality which the producer or supplier is intending tooffer to the customer.If the quality of design does not reflect the customerrequirements, the product which may not satisfy the customer.

I Quality of Conformanceis the level of the quality of product actually produced anddelivered to through the production or service process of theorganization as per the specification or design.When the quality of a product entirely conforms to the design,the qualify of conformance is deemed excellent.Good quality can be attained only when both quality of designand quality of conformance are good.

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Quality of a Product - Example

I Design Quality of ”Car”

I Conformance Quality of ”Car”

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Quality of ConformanceMeeting Targets and Reduce Variation

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Quality Terminology

I Quality CharacteristicsEvery product possesses a number of elements that jointlydescribes what the user or consumer think of quality. Theseare called quality characteristics which may be of severaltypes: Physical (length, height etc.), Sensory (taste,appearance etc.) and Time orientation (reliability, durability,serviceability etc.)

I Quality Engineeringis the set of operational, managerial, and technical activitiesthat a company uses to ensure that the quality characteristicsof a product are at the nominal or required levels and that thevariability around these desired levels is minimum.

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Manage for Quality: The Juran Trilogy

To attain quality, it is well to begin by establishing the ”vision” forthe organization, along with policies and goals. Conversion of goalsinto results (making quality happen) is then done throughmanagerial processes - sequence of activities that produce theintended results.Managing for quality makes extensive use of three managerialprocesses:

I Quality Planning

I Quality Control

I Quality Improvement

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Quality Planning

I Establish quality goals

I Identify who are the customers

I Determine the needs of the customers

I Develop product features that respond to customers’ needs

I Develop processes able to produce the product features

I Establish process controls; transfer the plans to the operatingforces

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Quality Function Deployment

I QFD is a systematic approach to design based on a closeawareness of customers desires, coupled with the integrationof corporate functional group. It consists in translatingcustomer desires design characteristics for each stage of theproduct development

I The three main goals in implementing QFD are,I Prioritize spoken and unspoken customer wants and needsI Translate these needs into technical characteristics and

specificationsI Build and deliver a quality product or service by focusing

everybody toward customer satisfaction.

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Quality Control

I Evaluate actual performance

I Compare actual performance with quality goals

I Act on difference

I QC Feedback LoopI Choose control subjectsI Establish MeasurementsI Establish standards of performanceI Measure actual performanceI Interpret actual vs standardI Take action on difference

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Quality Improvement

I Prove the need

I Establish the infrastructure

I Identify the improvement projects

I Establish improvement teams

I Provide the teams with resources, training, and motivation toDistinguish the causesStimulate remedies

I Establish controls to hold the gains

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Manage for Quality - Juran Trilogy

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99.9% Quality means:

I 21.7m lost emails each year in the UK

I 19.8m letters lost by the UK Post Office last year

I 1632 defective cars sold in the UK every year

I 639 lost babies in maternity wards each year

I 450 failed take off or landings in the UK

I 80 Escaped prisoners per annum

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Aiming for Zero DefectsI 99.9% quality may not yield the customer satisfaction. So

almost all quality management philosophies focus on 100%quality or zero defects.

I Focus on continual improvement of qualityI Deming’s Plan - Do - Check - Act approach for continual


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Aiming for Zero DefectsI For substantial improvement, we need to improve the DesignI Total Quality Management

* Every one has a role for quality* Do it Right First Time

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Aiming for Zero Defects

I Product Standards - specific to products

I Process Standards - ISO / QS 9000 standards - Common toall process

I Six Sigma Strategy - For any process

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