Energieziele eu bearbeitete-version[1]

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Energieziele eu bearbeitete-version[1]

Germany´s attitude towards the energy-goals of the EU

EU wants to increase the proportion of renewable energies from 6% (today) to 20%

Reduce emission of greenhouse gas ( 20%)

Reduction of energie consumption about 20%

Energy- Goals of the EU (until 2020:)

Realisation of the goals

Increase efficiency of “power guzzlers” (energy-saving lamps) & better isolation of buildings

Extension of power supply -and gasnetwork internationally -> no dependance, no „energy isles“

EU- memberstates decide for themselves, how moneys are distributed

Improve cooperation with neighbour states

Invest in innovation and science

Haltung Deutschlands

provider of renewable energies expect to replace nuclear energy until 2020

Goals enable creation of many jobs

Plan to focus on solar power and wind power, nuclear energy as “bridge solution”

Harsh rules concerning efficiency of electric appliances: power guzzlers shouldnt be sold

Merkel sees it as improvement, as a step into a completely new direction