Enegy ppt

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The Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology Task 3 Functioning of the Body Systems

associated with Energy Metabolism. The role of energy in the body (P4, M1, D1) Hand in 2nd March

Learning objective: 2 Understand the functioning of the body systems associated with energy metabolismScenario:You have been asked as an advisor in a local sports centre to produce a booklet to explain to clients how the body requires and uses energy.

Task ref. Evidence submitted

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P4 explain the physiology of two named body systems in relation to energy metabolism in the body


M1 discuss the role of energy in the body


D1 analyse how two bodysystems interrelate toperform a named function/functions


Additional comments to the Assessor: 

Functioning of the Body Systems associated with Energy Metabolism.

 You have been asked as an advisor in a local sports centre to produce a booklet to explain to clients how the body requires and uses energy.Briefly describe the role of energy in the body, why it is needed and what it is used for.Explain how the cardiovascular system, respiratory system and digestive system interrelate with each other.Include;Blood circulation as the main transport system of the body.The raw materials and waste products involved in energy metabolism that are transported to and from cells.Maintenance of oxygen provision to the cells and removal of carbon dioxide.The process of digestion, explaining what happens in each part of the digestive system. Include absorption and the fate of the end products of digestion.M1 – consider 2 main body systems, how does their physiology (structure) help them to perform their function in relation to energy metabolism.D1 – using specific examples show clearly how the body systems interrelate to each other. Diagrams are required.

Learning Intentions:Overall aim: To understand the functioning of the body systems associated with energy metabolism To secure knowledge by being able to

define energy, identify how much energy the human body needs and specify where energy comes from

To further develop knowledge by describing the laws of energy, forms of energy and energy metabolism and how body systems collaborate to provide us with energy.

To show excellence by explaining the role of energy in the body and identify the role that the cardiovascular and respiratory system and digestive system play in energy metabolism.

Where do we get energy from?• From the foods we eat; specifically,

carbohydrates, fats and proteins. • First, the carbohydrates, proteins and

fats are broken down in the intestine and is absorbed as glucose, amino acids and fats.

• the most important source of energy is derived in the cells of the body, where these food molecules are further broken down.

Some Facts about energy Energy exists in several forms with chemical

energy the most common Energy is the chemical bond which unites atoms or molecules together Heat, light, sound are other forms of energy Metabolism is the sum of all the chemical reactions in human physiology Energy is not only concerned with muscular activity and movement. Energy is necessary to circulate blood and lymph, for breathing, making new cells and transmitting nerve impulses (electrical). Energy is needed to build complex molecules like enzymes to digest food.

More facts……. The sun provides light energy Chemical energy in glucose is

transferred into modules called ATP during respiration.

ATP stores energy in its bonds. Some chemical energy is transferred

into heat energy during respiration Splitting ATP provides energy in the

right amounts for use in the body. Reactions in cells are arranged in


Energy Laws; Conservation of EnergyThe energy balanceEnergy is used up all the time for body processes. The amount of energy you need depends upon your age, sex and your level of activity. Food provides the energy we use.The effect of increasing, decreasing and maintaining energy intake•If you eat food with more energy than you use up your body will store the excess as body fat - you will gain weight.•If you eat food with less energy than you require your body will use up stored fat - you will lose weight.•If your energy intake equals your energy use your weight will remain the same.


Energy Laws; Transformation of energyHow do we transform energy?

The digestive system breaks down sugars/starches into glucose.

The circulatory system delivers the glucose along with insulin to cells

The respiratory system is responsible for cellular respiration. It produces ATP which stores then releases energy that fuels all the metabolic chemical reactions needed by the body.

Metabolic Pathways

There are 2 types:Catabolic Pathways – break down large

molecules into simple smaller ones. Catabolic reactions release energy.

Anabolic Pathways – build up small molecules into larger ones. Anabolic reactions need energy.

A summary of how these work together:

We need food for energy We need oxygen to release the energy Energy is released from food through

respiration. The respiratory system takes in air and

diffuses oxygen to the blood stream. Digestive system breaks down food into

simple molecules. Cardiovascular system moves absorbed

food and oxygen to cells and takes away waste.

P4 explain the physiology of two named body systems in relation to energy metabolism in the body D1 analyse how two body systems interrelate to perform a named function/functions

The Systems involved in providing us with energy.Choose two of the following; The cardiovascular system The respiratory system The digestive system( the

following slides explains this one but you will have to research your second system)

The cardiovascular system

The Digestive & Circulatory Systems Converting Food Into Energy Your digestive and circulatory systems are among the

large organ systems in your body. Digestive organs pass food through your system, breaking it down and absorbing nutrients so you'll get the benefits, while your circulatory system -- made up of your heart and blood vessels -- transports oxygen and other compounds throughout your body. Your circulatory and digestive systems do not directly convert food into energy, but they process and circulate nutrients so your cells can use them for fuel.


Transcript of Role of energy in the Respiratory, Cardiovascular and DigestRole Of Energy in Body SystemsEnergy in our body?

In our bodies we need energy so that we are able to do things such as, moving our muscles, talking and all the other things our body does.

It helps to function the different systems in our body, for example breathing and making the heat beat.

Our body gets energy by eating foods and drinking. It is like a fuel for the energy to run.

Without energy our bodies could not function and we would not be able to survive.

The role of energy in the body is to extract the oxygen from the atmosphere and diffuse it into our bloodstream.

Role of energy in the Respiratory system?

In the respiratory system the energy plays a role in the lungs. In the lungs haemoglobin reacts with oxygen, it binds the oxygen in the inhaled breath so that the oxygen would be carried around to the cells that need it.

When the oxygen is pulled of the haemoglobin for the body to use, that reaction is called endothermic which means the heat energy is taken in. So the role is that it cools the tissues and warms the air in our lungs.

Role of energy in the Cardiovascular system?

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood

The purpose of the system is to circulate oxygen into your blood cells.The cardiovascular system has to provide oxygenated blood to the body at a rate sufficient to meet energy requirements. Your cardiovascular system provides your cells with the oxygen and nutrients they need to generate energy and with the building blocks they need to make larger molecules.

Role of energy in the Respiratory, Cardiovascular and Digestive system

Role of energy in the digestive system?

The digestive system is a group of organs that breaks down bigger molecules of food into smaller molecules by using enzymes so our body can use it.Once the food is broken down it provides energy for most body functions.The energy is produced by all the food we eat and it helps our body to move, talking and other things we need our body for. https://prezi.com/jigipeh2qxpt/role-of-energy-in-the-respiratory-cardiovascular-and-digest/

The Digestive system

and energy

Digestion EnzymesWhat do they do?

Chemical breakdown of food into component nutrients

The nutrient protein is found in meats, fish, eggs, pulses and dairy products


The body requires protein (amino acids) for growth and repair. Growth of cells, nails and hair etc.Repair of cells after injuries

The enzyme protease is produced in the pancreas and found in the stomach and small intestines.

It breaks down proteins into amino acids which can

then be absorbed into the blood.

Protein > Protease


Lots of amino acid molecules → a protein molecule

There are only about 20 different naturally occurring amino acids. However, each protein molecule has hundreds, or even thousands, of them joined together in a unique sequence. This gives each protein its own individual properties.

Different proteinsThe long chains of amino acids fold to give each type of protein molecule a specific shape. Proteins act as:Structural components of tissues (such as muscles)Hormones (such as insulin)Antibodies (part of the body's immune system) Biological catalysts (enzymes)The particular shape that a protein molecule has allows other molecules to fit into it. This is particularly important for antibodies and enzymes.

StarchesThe nutrient starch is found in cereals, bread and potatoes.

The body needs starch for energy for cells in the body.

The enzyme carbohydrase is produced in the saliva glands (amylase) the pancreas and the small intestines.

It breaks down starches into simple sugars such as glucose

Starch > carbohydrase

The nutrient fat (there are different types) they are found in meats, dairy products and avocado pears!


The body needs fat for insulation and energy

The enzyme lipase is produced in the pancreas and the small intestines.

It breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol

Fats > Lipase

Enzymes mix with food to break it down into molecules which can be absorbed.


The Eat well plate,Other guideline include; 5 a day fruit and veg & 3 a day calcium( yogurt dairy etc.)Everything in moderation! Without adequate nutrition you can become malnourished.

Healthy diet

Absorption The ultimate aim

of digestion is absorption of food molecules

Structure of villi is designed to maximise surface area(just like alveoli in the lungs) and thus increase absorption of food molecules

The villiThe inner surface of the small intestine is folded into finger-like structures which are connected to blood vessel's

Each villus is lined with microvilli and has a single cell membrane for easy absorption of food molecules into the blood stream

Structure of a villus

Absorption of food; the lacteals A lacteal is one of the lymphatic capillaries that help

to absorb dietary fats in the small intestine. Lacteals were discovered by Gaspare Aselli, an Italian physician, anatomist and surgeon who worked at the end of the 16th century and at the beginning of the 17th century. When a meal is being digested in the small intestine, the lacteals usually take on a white color due to the accumulation of fat globules in their chyle, or lymph. Lacteals are typically found in the villi of the small intestine.

A lacteal's purpose is to move chyle, a type of lymph, through the intestines. This can help to keep lymph circulating through the small intestine. Lacteals can also help to transfer nutrients from the small intestine into the blood stream.


When food is digested, it's generally broken down in the stomach and passes into the small intestine. There, small nutrient molecules typically pass into the villi, which line the intestinal wall. These tiny projections allow nutrients to pass from the small intestines into the bloodstream, where they can nourish the body.

Not all of the nutrient molecules that pass into the villi may enter the bloodstream. Each villus contains a lacteal, or lymphatic capillary, in its center. Many of the dietary fats in digested food enter these lymphatic capillaries. There, the dietary fats typically mix with lymph to form chyle, a particular type of lymph generally produced by the lacteal.

1. The average number of villi in an adult human is about 10 to 40 per square millimeter) of tissue.

2. They are most prevalent at the beginning of the small intestine and diminish in number toward the end of the tract.

3. The large number of villi give the internal intestinal wall a velvety appearance

Interesting facts

Storage of excess fats and carbohydrates http://www.livestrong.com/article/517328-the-main-

storage-of-carbohydrates-in-the-human-body/ Carbohydrates are the body's preferred energy

source. Eating carbohydrates provides energy to your muscles, brain and nervous system; facilitates the metabolism of fat; and ensures that the protein in your muscles is not broken down to supply energy. Because carbohydrates are so important to your body's function, any excess carbs you eat will be stored in your liver and muscles

How Carbohydrates Are Stored?

When you eat carbohydrates, they are broken down into small sugar molecules in your stomach. These molecules are transported through your digestive system and then converted into glucose by the liver to make a usable form of energy for the brain and your muscles. Any glucose that is not needed immediately for energy is converted into glycogen and stored for later use. Your body can store around 2,000 calories' worth of glycogen, which can be used when you need more energy than is currently available in your bloodstream.

Loading Up the Liver Your liver stores the most concentrated amount of glycogen of all the

storage sites in your body. It can hold up to about 90 to 110 grams of glycogen at any time, and this glycogen is primarily used to maintain blood sugar levels and energy levels throughout the day. Research published in the "Journal of Clinical Investigation" in 1996 found that approximately 19 percent of the carbohydrates from each meal are stored as liver glycogen.

Massing in the MusclesYour muscles account for 20 percent to 30 percent of your total mass and therefore provide storage for a larger total amount of glycogen than the liver does. A healthy adult who is well-nourished can have about 400 grams of muscle glycogen. Your muscles are the secondary storage facility, filling up only when the liver has reached its storage capacity. Muscle glycogen is used for energy during prolonged strenuous activity.Found in FatAccording to a report from Iowa State University Extension, your liver and muscles can store around 500 grams of total carbohydrate as glycogen. If your intake exceeds the amount required to fill your liver and muscle tissue, your liver will convert the excess carbohydrate into glucose and release it into the bloodstream. At this point, insulin released from the pancreas will signal to your fat cells to take up the excess glucose and store it for future use.

Deamination of excess proteins

One of the liver's functions is to secrete bile into the small intestine to aid in digestion. It also plays an important role in metabolizing proteins. The liver synthesizes all nonessential proteins and most plasma proteins, like albumin, which moves molecules through the blood and prevents fluid in the blood from leaking out into the tissues, according to MedlinePlus. The liver is also responsible for the deamination and transamination of amino acids.

When we take in more protein than needed, the liver breaks down the excess into fatty acids and triglycerides that are then stored as adipose tissue, or fat. Part of the liver’s house-cleaning function is to produce urea, which removes wastes such as ammonia from our system. If we take in too much protein, we can get a build up of the toxic ammonia, which can cause nervous system disease, according to MayoClinic.com.

The role of the Kidneys http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/body/factfiles/

kidneys/kidneys.shtml Balancing your blood For your body to work properly, the conditions inside it, such

as water, pH and salt levels, need to be kept constant. Your kidneys play a vital role in keeping your blood composition constant. They filter your blood to remove excess water and waste products, which are secreted from your kidneys as urine.

One quarter of your blood supply passes through your kidneys every minute. It enters your kidney and is distributed to minute filtration units known as nephrons. Each of your kidneys contains more than one million nephrons.

The main substances your nephrons filter out of your blood are:•Water•Nitrogen-containing compounds like urea that are produced when your body breaks down proteins•Salts•Acids•AlkalisYour nephrons filter these substances out of your blood and then reabsorb some of them back into your blood. This keeps your blood composition constant. Excess water and waste products are then secreted as urine. Your kidneys vary the amount of a substance that is reabsorbed into the blood or secreted as urine. This determines the volume and composition of your urine. For example, when you drink a lot of water, your kidneys produce a lot of urine to stop the water levels in your body getting too high. But, if you don't drink much, your kidneys only produce a small amount of concentrated urine, keeping as much water as possible in your body.In 24 hours, your kidneys filter around 150 litres of blood and produce roughly 1.5 litres of urine.Regulating blood pressureWhen your kidneys detect that your blood pressure is dropping, they secrete an enzyme called renin. This enzyme triggers a chain of events that makes your kidneys reabsorb more salt and water, leading to an increase in blood pressure.

When kidneys go wrongPeople can live healthily with one functioning kidney. However, when about 90% of kidney function has been lost, a person can only survive by having dialysis.

Dialysis works by using a machine that replicates the blood-cleaning function of healthy kidneys. In the most extreme cases of kidney failure, survival depends on the person receiving a donor organ.

Absorption and egestionThese are the processes that happen in the digestive system:ingestion (eating) → digestion (breaking down) → absorption → egestionWe've already looked at how foods are broken down by enzymes in digestion. Now we will look at how the products of digestion are absorbed into the body.AbsorptionDigested food molecules are absorbed in the small intestine. This means that they pass through the wall of the small intestine and into our bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the digested food molecules are carried around the body to where they are needed.Only small, soluble substances can pass across the wall of the small intestine. Large insoluble substances cannot pass through. Study the slideshow to check your understanding of this.EgestionExcess water is absorbed back into the body in the large intestine. What is left then is undigested food. This is stored in the rectum, the lower part of the large intestine, until we are ready to go to the toilet. It then comes out of the rectum through the anus as faeces. This process is called egestion.


How Does the Cardiovascular System Work With the Respiratory System? The cardiovascular and the respiratory system both work

toward the same goal: getting oxygen to tissues and getting carbon dioxide out. The respiratory system is involved in supplying oxygen to the blood and removing carbon dioxide. When the heart receives blood that is low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide, it pumps it to the lungs via the pulmonary arteries. When the lungs expand and get fresh air from the environment, oxygen is transferred (via the alveoli) into the low-oxygen blood, which also then sends some of its carbon dioxide back into the lungs. Now that this blood has fresh oxygen in it, it returns to the heart and the heart then pumps it throughout the body.


Respirationhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/add_ocr_21c/life_processes/energyrev1.shtml Energy released by respiration is allowing this sportsperson

to perform a number of actions such as moving, growing and repairing any damaged tissue.

Aerobic respiration Respiration is not the same thing as breathing. Breathing is more properly called

ventilation. Instead, respiration is a chemical process in which energy is released from food substances, such as glucose - a sugar.

Aerobic respiration needs oxygen to work. Most of the chemical reactions involved in the process happen in tiny objects inside the cell cytoplasm, called mitochondria.

This is the equation for aerobic respiration: glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water (+ energy) The energy released by respiration is used to make large molecules from smaller

ones. In plants, for example, sugars, nitrates and other nutrients are converted into amino acids. Amino acids can then join together to make proteins. The energy is also used:

• To allow muscles to contract in animals• To maintain a constant body temperature in birds and mammals Aerobic respiration - the symbol equation for aerobic respiration: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O

Anaerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration is a type of respiration that does not use

oxygen. It is used when there is not enough oxygen for aerobic respiration. It can be summarised by the following equation:

glucose → lactic acid (+ energy released) This type of respiration may be used when, for example, an

animal is being chased by a predator. Anaerobic respiration also takes place in plants and some

microbial cells in the presence of little or no oxygen. Examples of this include the roots of plants in waterlogged soils and bacteria in puncture wounds.

Anaerobic respiration in plant cells and some microorganisms (such as yeast) produces ethanol and carbon dioxide, as opposed to lactic acid. It can be summarised by the following equation:

glucose → ethanol + carbon dioxide (+ energy released) Aerobic respiration releases more energy per glucose molecule

than anaerobic respiration.

Bacteria and yeastAnaerobic respiration takes place in yeast and some bacteria, producing ethanol and carbon dioxide. They have been used in the making of many foods such as bread, yoghurt and vinegar. You must know the structure and functions of a bacterial cell and yeast cell.