Endocrine week 5 pt

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of Endocrine week 5 pt





MedicationsInsulin Main goal is to normalize insulin activity and blood

glucose levelClassified by action Regular Lente and NPH UltralenteClassified by type beefpork HumulinNovolinInjection sites should be rotated to prevent scar tissue formation

Sliding scaleInsulin- extracts from beef pork or human Illness and stress increase the need for it Given subQ because GI secretions deactivate it Regular insulin can be given IV

Donrsquot shake to prevent bubbles Refrigerate but donrsquot freeze Once opened maybe kept at room temp for a month or refrigerated for 3 months Donrsquot expose to sunlight

Lets Watch This



A Rotation of sites for insulin injections B Injection diagram to track rotation of injection sites



Peak action is important to monitor for hypoglycemia

Insulin type peakRapid acting (Humalog Novolog)- 1-2 hrsRegular (Humulin R Novolin R)- 2-4 hrsIntermediate (NPH Lente)- 6-8 hrsLong- acting (Lantus Ultralente)- 16-20 hrs




Medical managementnursing interventions Medications

Oral hypoglycemic agentsStimulate islet cells to secrete more insulinOnly for type II diabetes mellitus

Oral hypoglycemicSulfonylureas (Amaryl Diabreta Diabenase Glucotrol Micronase Orinase Tolinase)- stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin Contraindicated in people with renal or hepatic disease



Biguanides (Glucophage)- decrease releasse of glucose by liver and make cells more susceptible to insulin Can be used alone or combination with sulfonylureas Adverse effects include diarrhea nv abdominal bloating flatulence anorexia



Thi-zol-idine-diones (TZDrsquos) (Actos Avandia Avelox)- reduce the amount of insulin needed while improving blood sugar control Used in those over 18 without liver or heart disease Side effects decrease in bone density weight gain edema anemia could lead to congestive heart failure or worsen existing heart conditions


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSAlpha glucosidase inhibitor (Precose)- slows down bodyrsquos absorption of CHO and allows insulin to work better Must be taken with first bite of food at each meal Mabey combined with sulfonylureas Contraindications- inflammatory bowel syndrome ulcers of colon intestinal obstruction Side effects- GI symptoms rash hives fever




Patients must have some functioning insulin production for oral hypoglycemics to be effective Theyrsquore used in addition to diet and exercise Used for those over 40 at onset of DM

Medical managementnursing interventions (continued)Patient teaching

Good skin careReport any skin abnormalities to physician Special foot care is crucial

Do not trim toenailsmdashgo to podiatristNo hot water bottles or heating pads

Assess for symptoms of hypoglycemia


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSPatients with type 2 diabetes maybe require insulin temporarily during illness infection pregnancy surgery or other stressful event Donrsquot drink alcohol it may result to hypoglycemia

Fasting blood sugar- single specimen of blood in am after fasting for 8 hrs

Urine test- testing urine for presence of glucose and ketones

Accucheck- test for blood glucose level at any given time Done at home by the patient Used by patients on sliding scale





Acute complicationsComa

Diabetic ketoacidosisHyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoticHypoglycemic reaction

InfectionLong-term complications

Diabetic retinopathyCardiovascular problemsRenal failure




EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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MedicationsInsulin Main goal is to normalize insulin activity and blood

glucose levelClassified by action Regular Lente and NPH UltralenteClassified by type beefpork HumulinNovolinInjection sites should be rotated to prevent scar tissue formation

Sliding scaleInsulin- extracts from beef pork or human Illness and stress increase the need for it Given subQ because GI secretions deactivate it Regular insulin can be given IV

Donrsquot shake to prevent bubbles Refrigerate but donrsquot freeze Once opened maybe kept at room temp for a month or refrigerated for 3 months Donrsquot expose to sunlight

Lets Watch This



A Rotation of sites for insulin injections B Injection diagram to track rotation of injection sites



Peak action is important to monitor for hypoglycemia

Insulin type peakRapid acting (Humalog Novolog)- 1-2 hrsRegular (Humulin R Novolin R)- 2-4 hrsIntermediate (NPH Lente)- 6-8 hrsLong- acting (Lantus Ultralente)- 16-20 hrs




Medical managementnursing interventions Medications

Oral hypoglycemic agentsStimulate islet cells to secrete more insulinOnly for type II diabetes mellitus

Oral hypoglycemicSulfonylureas (Amaryl Diabreta Diabenase Glucotrol Micronase Orinase Tolinase)- stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin Contraindicated in people with renal or hepatic disease



Biguanides (Glucophage)- decrease releasse of glucose by liver and make cells more susceptible to insulin Can be used alone or combination with sulfonylureas Adverse effects include diarrhea nv abdominal bloating flatulence anorexia



Thi-zol-idine-diones (TZDrsquos) (Actos Avandia Avelox)- reduce the amount of insulin needed while improving blood sugar control Used in those over 18 without liver or heart disease Side effects decrease in bone density weight gain edema anemia could lead to congestive heart failure or worsen existing heart conditions


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSAlpha glucosidase inhibitor (Precose)- slows down bodyrsquos absorption of CHO and allows insulin to work better Must be taken with first bite of food at each meal Mabey combined with sulfonylureas Contraindications- inflammatory bowel syndrome ulcers of colon intestinal obstruction Side effects- GI symptoms rash hives fever




Patients must have some functioning insulin production for oral hypoglycemics to be effective Theyrsquore used in addition to diet and exercise Used for those over 40 at onset of DM

Medical managementnursing interventions (continued)Patient teaching

Good skin careReport any skin abnormalities to physician Special foot care is crucial

Do not trim toenailsmdashgo to podiatristNo hot water bottles or heating pads

Assess for symptoms of hypoglycemia


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSPatients with type 2 diabetes maybe require insulin temporarily during illness infection pregnancy surgery or other stressful event Donrsquot drink alcohol it may result to hypoglycemia

Fasting blood sugar- single specimen of blood in am after fasting for 8 hrs

Urine test- testing urine for presence of glucose and ketones

Accucheck- test for blood glucose level at any given time Done at home by the patient Used by patients on sliding scale





Acute complicationsComa

Diabetic ketoacidosisHyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoticHypoglycemic reaction

InfectionLong-term complications

Diabetic retinopathyCardiovascular problemsRenal failure




EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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A Rotation of sites for insulin injections B Injection diagram to track rotation of injection sites



Peak action is important to monitor for hypoglycemia

Insulin type peakRapid acting (Humalog Novolog)- 1-2 hrsRegular (Humulin R Novolin R)- 2-4 hrsIntermediate (NPH Lente)- 6-8 hrsLong- acting (Lantus Ultralente)- 16-20 hrs




Medical managementnursing interventions Medications

Oral hypoglycemic agentsStimulate islet cells to secrete more insulinOnly for type II diabetes mellitus

Oral hypoglycemicSulfonylureas (Amaryl Diabreta Diabenase Glucotrol Micronase Orinase Tolinase)- stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin Contraindicated in people with renal or hepatic disease



Biguanides (Glucophage)- decrease releasse of glucose by liver and make cells more susceptible to insulin Can be used alone or combination with sulfonylureas Adverse effects include diarrhea nv abdominal bloating flatulence anorexia



Thi-zol-idine-diones (TZDrsquos) (Actos Avandia Avelox)- reduce the amount of insulin needed while improving blood sugar control Used in those over 18 without liver or heart disease Side effects decrease in bone density weight gain edema anemia could lead to congestive heart failure or worsen existing heart conditions


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSAlpha glucosidase inhibitor (Precose)- slows down bodyrsquos absorption of CHO and allows insulin to work better Must be taken with first bite of food at each meal Mabey combined with sulfonylureas Contraindications- inflammatory bowel syndrome ulcers of colon intestinal obstruction Side effects- GI symptoms rash hives fever




Patients must have some functioning insulin production for oral hypoglycemics to be effective Theyrsquore used in addition to diet and exercise Used for those over 40 at onset of DM

Medical managementnursing interventions (continued)Patient teaching

Good skin careReport any skin abnormalities to physician Special foot care is crucial

Do not trim toenailsmdashgo to podiatristNo hot water bottles or heating pads

Assess for symptoms of hypoglycemia


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSPatients with type 2 diabetes maybe require insulin temporarily during illness infection pregnancy surgery or other stressful event Donrsquot drink alcohol it may result to hypoglycemia

Fasting blood sugar- single specimen of blood in am after fasting for 8 hrs

Urine test- testing urine for presence of glucose and ketones

Accucheck- test for blood glucose level at any given time Done at home by the patient Used by patients on sliding scale





Acute complicationsComa

Diabetic ketoacidosisHyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoticHypoglycemic reaction

InfectionLong-term complications

Diabetic retinopathyCardiovascular problemsRenal failure




EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Peak action is important to monitor for hypoglycemia

Insulin type peakRapid acting (Humalog Novolog)- 1-2 hrsRegular (Humulin R Novolin R)- 2-4 hrsIntermediate (NPH Lente)- 6-8 hrsLong- acting (Lantus Ultralente)- 16-20 hrs




Medical managementnursing interventions Medications

Oral hypoglycemic agentsStimulate islet cells to secrete more insulinOnly for type II diabetes mellitus

Oral hypoglycemicSulfonylureas (Amaryl Diabreta Diabenase Glucotrol Micronase Orinase Tolinase)- stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin Contraindicated in people with renal or hepatic disease



Biguanides (Glucophage)- decrease releasse of glucose by liver and make cells more susceptible to insulin Can be used alone or combination with sulfonylureas Adverse effects include diarrhea nv abdominal bloating flatulence anorexia



Thi-zol-idine-diones (TZDrsquos) (Actos Avandia Avelox)- reduce the amount of insulin needed while improving blood sugar control Used in those over 18 without liver or heart disease Side effects decrease in bone density weight gain edema anemia could lead to congestive heart failure or worsen existing heart conditions


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSAlpha glucosidase inhibitor (Precose)- slows down bodyrsquos absorption of CHO and allows insulin to work better Must be taken with first bite of food at each meal Mabey combined with sulfonylureas Contraindications- inflammatory bowel syndrome ulcers of colon intestinal obstruction Side effects- GI symptoms rash hives fever




Patients must have some functioning insulin production for oral hypoglycemics to be effective Theyrsquore used in addition to diet and exercise Used for those over 40 at onset of DM

Medical managementnursing interventions (continued)Patient teaching

Good skin careReport any skin abnormalities to physician Special foot care is crucial

Do not trim toenailsmdashgo to podiatristNo hot water bottles or heating pads

Assess for symptoms of hypoglycemia


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSPatients with type 2 diabetes maybe require insulin temporarily during illness infection pregnancy surgery or other stressful event Donrsquot drink alcohol it may result to hypoglycemia

Fasting blood sugar- single specimen of blood in am after fasting for 8 hrs

Urine test- testing urine for presence of glucose and ketones

Accucheck- test for blood glucose level at any given time Done at home by the patient Used by patients on sliding scale





Acute complicationsComa

Diabetic ketoacidosisHyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoticHypoglycemic reaction

InfectionLong-term complications

Diabetic retinopathyCardiovascular problemsRenal failure




EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Medical managementnursing interventions Medications

Oral hypoglycemic agentsStimulate islet cells to secrete more insulinOnly for type II diabetes mellitus

Oral hypoglycemicSulfonylureas (Amaryl Diabreta Diabenase Glucotrol Micronase Orinase Tolinase)- stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin Contraindicated in people with renal or hepatic disease



Biguanides (Glucophage)- decrease releasse of glucose by liver and make cells more susceptible to insulin Can be used alone or combination with sulfonylureas Adverse effects include diarrhea nv abdominal bloating flatulence anorexia



Thi-zol-idine-diones (TZDrsquos) (Actos Avandia Avelox)- reduce the amount of insulin needed while improving blood sugar control Used in those over 18 without liver or heart disease Side effects decrease in bone density weight gain edema anemia could lead to congestive heart failure or worsen existing heart conditions


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSAlpha glucosidase inhibitor (Precose)- slows down bodyrsquos absorption of CHO and allows insulin to work better Must be taken with first bite of food at each meal Mabey combined with sulfonylureas Contraindications- inflammatory bowel syndrome ulcers of colon intestinal obstruction Side effects- GI symptoms rash hives fever




Patients must have some functioning insulin production for oral hypoglycemics to be effective Theyrsquore used in addition to diet and exercise Used for those over 40 at onset of DM

Medical managementnursing interventions (continued)Patient teaching

Good skin careReport any skin abnormalities to physician Special foot care is crucial

Do not trim toenailsmdashgo to podiatristNo hot water bottles or heating pads

Assess for symptoms of hypoglycemia


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSPatients with type 2 diabetes maybe require insulin temporarily during illness infection pregnancy surgery or other stressful event Donrsquot drink alcohol it may result to hypoglycemia

Fasting blood sugar- single specimen of blood in am after fasting for 8 hrs

Urine test- testing urine for presence of glucose and ketones

Accucheck- test for blood glucose level at any given time Done at home by the patient Used by patients on sliding scale





Acute complicationsComa

Diabetic ketoacidosisHyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoticHypoglycemic reaction

InfectionLong-term complications

Diabetic retinopathyCardiovascular problemsRenal failure




EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Medical managementnursing interventions Medications

Oral hypoglycemic agentsStimulate islet cells to secrete more insulinOnly for type II diabetes mellitus

Oral hypoglycemicSulfonylureas (Amaryl Diabreta Diabenase Glucotrol Micronase Orinase Tolinase)- stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin Contraindicated in people with renal or hepatic disease



Biguanides (Glucophage)- decrease releasse of glucose by liver and make cells more susceptible to insulin Can be used alone or combination with sulfonylureas Adverse effects include diarrhea nv abdominal bloating flatulence anorexia



Thi-zol-idine-diones (TZDrsquos) (Actos Avandia Avelox)- reduce the amount of insulin needed while improving blood sugar control Used in those over 18 without liver or heart disease Side effects decrease in bone density weight gain edema anemia could lead to congestive heart failure or worsen existing heart conditions


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSAlpha glucosidase inhibitor (Precose)- slows down bodyrsquos absorption of CHO and allows insulin to work better Must be taken with first bite of food at each meal Mabey combined with sulfonylureas Contraindications- inflammatory bowel syndrome ulcers of colon intestinal obstruction Side effects- GI symptoms rash hives fever




Patients must have some functioning insulin production for oral hypoglycemics to be effective Theyrsquore used in addition to diet and exercise Used for those over 40 at onset of DM

Medical managementnursing interventions (continued)Patient teaching

Good skin careReport any skin abnormalities to physician Special foot care is crucial

Do not trim toenailsmdashgo to podiatristNo hot water bottles or heating pads

Assess for symptoms of hypoglycemia


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSPatients with type 2 diabetes maybe require insulin temporarily during illness infection pregnancy surgery or other stressful event Donrsquot drink alcohol it may result to hypoglycemia

Fasting blood sugar- single specimen of blood in am after fasting for 8 hrs

Urine test- testing urine for presence of glucose and ketones

Accucheck- test for blood glucose level at any given time Done at home by the patient Used by patients on sliding scale





Acute complicationsComa

Diabetic ketoacidosisHyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoticHypoglycemic reaction

InfectionLong-term complications

Diabetic retinopathyCardiovascular problemsRenal failure




EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Biguanides (Glucophage)- decrease releasse of glucose by liver and make cells more susceptible to insulin Can be used alone or combination with sulfonylureas Adverse effects include diarrhea nv abdominal bloating flatulence anorexia



Thi-zol-idine-diones (TZDrsquos) (Actos Avandia Avelox)- reduce the amount of insulin needed while improving blood sugar control Used in those over 18 without liver or heart disease Side effects decrease in bone density weight gain edema anemia could lead to congestive heart failure or worsen existing heart conditions


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSAlpha glucosidase inhibitor (Precose)- slows down bodyrsquos absorption of CHO and allows insulin to work better Must be taken with first bite of food at each meal Mabey combined with sulfonylureas Contraindications- inflammatory bowel syndrome ulcers of colon intestinal obstruction Side effects- GI symptoms rash hives fever




Patients must have some functioning insulin production for oral hypoglycemics to be effective Theyrsquore used in addition to diet and exercise Used for those over 40 at onset of DM

Medical managementnursing interventions (continued)Patient teaching

Good skin careReport any skin abnormalities to physician Special foot care is crucial

Do not trim toenailsmdashgo to podiatristNo hot water bottles or heating pads

Assess for symptoms of hypoglycemia


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSPatients with type 2 diabetes maybe require insulin temporarily during illness infection pregnancy surgery or other stressful event Donrsquot drink alcohol it may result to hypoglycemia

Fasting blood sugar- single specimen of blood in am after fasting for 8 hrs

Urine test- testing urine for presence of glucose and ketones

Accucheck- test for blood glucose level at any given time Done at home by the patient Used by patients on sliding scale





Acute complicationsComa

Diabetic ketoacidosisHyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoticHypoglycemic reaction

InfectionLong-term complications

Diabetic retinopathyCardiovascular problemsRenal failure




EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Thi-zol-idine-diones (TZDrsquos) (Actos Avandia Avelox)- reduce the amount of insulin needed while improving blood sugar control Used in those over 18 without liver or heart disease Side effects decrease in bone density weight gain edema anemia could lead to congestive heart failure or worsen existing heart conditions


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSAlpha glucosidase inhibitor (Precose)- slows down bodyrsquos absorption of CHO and allows insulin to work better Must be taken with first bite of food at each meal Mabey combined with sulfonylureas Contraindications- inflammatory bowel syndrome ulcers of colon intestinal obstruction Side effects- GI symptoms rash hives fever




Patients must have some functioning insulin production for oral hypoglycemics to be effective Theyrsquore used in addition to diet and exercise Used for those over 40 at onset of DM

Medical managementnursing interventions (continued)Patient teaching

Good skin careReport any skin abnormalities to physician Special foot care is crucial

Do not trim toenailsmdashgo to podiatristNo hot water bottles or heating pads

Assess for symptoms of hypoglycemia


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSPatients with type 2 diabetes maybe require insulin temporarily during illness infection pregnancy surgery or other stressful event Donrsquot drink alcohol it may result to hypoglycemia

Fasting blood sugar- single specimen of blood in am after fasting for 8 hrs

Urine test- testing urine for presence of glucose and ketones

Accucheck- test for blood glucose level at any given time Done at home by the patient Used by patients on sliding scale





Acute complicationsComa

Diabetic ketoacidosisHyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoticHypoglycemic reaction

InfectionLong-term complications

Diabetic retinopathyCardiovascular problemsRenal failure




EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSAlpha glucosidase inhibitor (Precose)- slows down bodyrsquos absorption of CHO and allows insulin to work better Must be taken with first bite of food at each meal Mabey combined with sulfonylureas Contraindications- inflammatory bowel syndrome ulcers of colon intestinal obstruction Side effects- GI symptoms rash hives fever




Patients must have some functioning insulin production for oral hypoglycemics to be effective Theyrsquore used in addition to diet and exercise Used for those over 40 at onset of DM

Medical managementnursing interventions (continued)Patient teaching

Good skin careReport any skin abnormalities to physician Special foot care is crucial

Do not trim toenailsmdashgo to podiatristNo hot water bottles or heating pads

Assess for symptoms of hypoglycemia


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSPatients with type 2 diabetes maybe require insulin temporarily during illness infection pregnancy surgery or other stressful event Donrsquot drink alcohol it may result to hypoglycemia

Fasting blood sugar- single specimen of blood in am after fasting for 8 hrs

Urine test- testing urine for presence of glucose and ketones

Accucheck- test for blood glucose level at any given time Done at home by the patient Used by patients on sliding scale





Acute complicationsComa

Diabetic ketoacidosisHyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoticHypoglycemic reaction

InfectionLong-term complications

Diabetic retinopathyCardiovascular problemsRenal failure




EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Patients must have some functioning insulin production for oral hypoglycemics to be effective Theyrsquore used in addition to diet and exercise Used for those over 40 at onset of DM

Medical managementnursing interventions (continued)Patient teaching

Good skin careReport any skin abnormalities to physician Special foot care is crucial

Do not trim toenailsmdashgo to podiatristNo hot water bottles or heating pads

Assess for symptoms of hypoglycemia


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSPatients with type 2 diabetes maybe require insulin temporarily during illness infection pregnancy surgery or other stressful event Donrsquot drink alcohol it may result to hypoglycemia

Fasting blood sugar- single specimen of blood in am after fasting for 8 hrs

Urine test- testing urine for presence of glucose and ketones

Accucheck- test for blood glucose level at any given time Done at home by the patient Used by patients on sliding scale





Acute complicationsComa

Diabetic ketoacidosisHyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoticHypoglycemic reaction

InfectionLong-term complications

Diabetic retinopathyCardiovascular problemsRenal failure




EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Patients must have some functioning insulin production for oral hypoglycemics to be effective Theyrsquore used in addition to diet and exercise Used for those over 40 at onset of DM

Medical managementnursing interventions (continued)Patient teaching

Good skin careReport any skin abnormalities to physician Special foot care is crucial

Do not trim toenailsmdashgo to podiatristNo hot water bottles or heating pads

Assess for symptoms of hypoglycemia


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSPatients with type 2 diabetes maybe require insulin temporarily during illness infection pregnancy surgery or other stressful event Donrsquot drink alcohol it may result to hypoglycemia

Fasting blood sugar- single specimen of blood in am after fasting for 8 hrs

Urine test- testing urine for presence of glucose and ketones

Accucheck- test for blood glucose level at any given time Done at home by the patient Used by patients on sliding scale





Acute complicationsComa

Diabetic ketoacidosisHyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoticHypoglycemic reaction

InfectionLong-term complications

Diabetic retinopathyCardiovascular problemsRenal failure




EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSPatients with type 2 diabetes maybe require insulin temporarily during illness infection pregnancy surgery or other stressful event Donrsquot drink alcohol it may result to hypoglycemia

Fasting blood sugar- single specimen of blood in am after fasting for 8 hrs

Urine test- testing urine for presence of glucose and ketones

Accucheck- test for blood glucose level at any given time Done at home by the patient Used by patients on sliding scale





Acute complicationsComa

Diabetic ketoacidosisHyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoticHypoglycemic reaction

InfectionLong-term complications

Diabetic retinopathyCardiovascular problemsRenal failure




EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Acute complicationsComa

Diabetic ketoacidosisHyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoticHypoglycemic reaction

InfectionLong-term complications

Diabetic retinopathyCardiovascular problemsRenal failure




EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Acute complicationsComa

Diabetic ketoacidosisHyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketoticHypoglycemic reaction

InfectionLong-term complications

Diabetic retinopathyCardiovascular problemsRenal failure




EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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EMERGENCY Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) ndash a condition brought on by inadequate insulin - is a life-threatening emergency affecting people with type 1 diabetes

What causes DKA A lack of insulin usually due to

Unknown or newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes Missed or inadequate doses of insulin or spoiled insulin Infection Steroid medications An extremely stressful medical condition

Symptoms of DKA includeNausea vomiting Stomach pain Fruity breath ndash the smell of ketoacids Frequent urination Excessive thirst

Weakness fatigue confusion or unconsciousness



DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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DKA Increased production of glucose and inability of cells to use glucose resulting to hyperglycemia Cells starve resulting to breakdown of fats into glycerol and free fatty acids which are converted by the liver to ketones resulting to acidosis The condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis (DKA)- acute insulin deficiency followed by decrease in glucose in body cells and increased production of glucose by the liver

3 main causes-DKA decreasedmissed insulin dose illness or infection initial manifestation of undiagnoseduntreated diabetes




Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Symptoms of DKA- Kussmaul respiration (fast deep labored breathing) acetone breath (fruity odor) rapid weak pulse low BP weakness vomiting flushed cheeks dry skin and mouth

Rx- rehydration (6-10 L of IV fluid K replacement IV insulin hourly blood glucose test If untreated outcome is circulatory collapse renal shutdown and death



Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome or HHNS is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons HHNS can happen to people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes but it occurs more often in people with type 2 HHNS is usually brought on by something else such as an illness or infection

In HHNS blood sugar levels rise and your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar by passing it into your urine You make lots of urine at first and you have to go to the bathroom more often Later you may not have to go to the bathroom as often and your urine becomes very dark Also you may be very thirsty


DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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DMA LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SS high blood glucose low Na and K thirst

dehydration tachycardia fever seizures lethargy coma

What are the warning signs Blood sugar level over 600 mgdl Dry parched mouth Extreme thirst (although this may gradually disappear) Warm dry skin that does not sweat High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit for example) Sleepiness or confusion Loss of vision Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not

there) Weakness on one side of the body


HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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HHNS TREATMENTHospitalization - HHNS can be severe enough to require hospitalization especially if occurring in a newly diagnosed diabetic

Lowering blood sugars - Extreme HHNS requires gradual blood sugar lowering in a hospital setting Milder HHNS can be treated mainly by reducing blood sugars using insulin

Fluid replacement - Fluids such as water are required to replace the lost fluid and fix the dehydration

Treat metabolic imbalances -Treat the underlying cause - Once the main symptoms are alleviated it is important to identify what caused the HHNS








Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar It occurs when there is not enough sugar or glucose in the blood It is also called insulin shock or insulin reaction Hypoglycemia is most common in type 1 diabetics especially diabetics who have tight control of their blood sugar level People with Type 2 diabetes who take insulin or certain diabetic medications may also have hypoglycemia reactions

Hypoglycemia (insulin shock)- excessive insulin resulting to hypoglycemia due to overdose of hypoglycemic decreased food intake ingestion of certain drugs or too much exercise Blood glucose below 50-60 Usually occurs before meals



The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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The causes of low blood sugar include missing a meal taking too much insulin or medication unexpected or excessive exercise drinking alcohol certain other medications older age vomiting and diarrhea other medical problems or an unknown cause

SS- weakness headache drowsiness hunger confusion slurred speech tremors High BP and PR



The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness dizziness weak feeling sweating nervousness fast heart rate pale skin color hunger difficulty paying attention or confusion headache sudden moodiness or behavior changes and tingling sensations around the mouth



Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Hypoglycemia (cont)- if untreated unconsciousness and seizures permanent brain damage and death

Rx- administer quick acting CHO glucagon (insulin antagonist works in 5-20 min) simple sugar such as orange juice Proglycem- stimulates release of epinephrine used to treat chronic hypoglycemia (onset- 1 hr duration 8 hrs)



keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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keep blood sugar in normal range check blood sugar regularly and whenever symptoms

of hypoglycemia occur know what causes hypoglycemia know the symptoms of hypoglycemia carry glucose tablets or hard candy at all times wear a medical ID bracelet or carry a diabetic ID card let friends co-workers or family members know how

to give an injection of glucagon eat a full meal at regular times do not skip meals or

eat partial meals eat more than usual when exercising and check blood sugar more often when you are ill eating

less or exercising more than usual



Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Neuropathy- is damage to a single nerve or nerve group which results in loss of movement sensation or other function of that nerve

Poor circulation results to nerve damage Commonly affects the lower extremities retina and kidneys May resolve spontaneously in 6 months or persist for many years

Symptoms depend on the specific nerve affected and may includeLoss of sensationParalysisTingling burning pain abnormal sensationsWeakness




The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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The goal of treatment is to allow you to use the affected body part as much as possible

The cause of the neuropathy should be identified and treated as appropriate

High blood pressure and diabetes can injure an artery which can often affect a single nerve The underlying condition should be treated

Corticosteroids injected into the area may reduce swelling and pressure on the

MedicationsOver-the-counter or prescription pain medicine may be needed to control pain (neuralgia)


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSexual dysfunction- impotence is common

Prone to infection Treatment- diet meds foot careNutritional management- crucial part of DM management Aims to maintain consistency in amount of calories and CHO eaten at different times to maintain blood sugar Menu is individualized based on age sex weight height activity occupation and cultural background Diet is rigid and uncompromising




DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSDiabetic exchange list- milk vegetables fruits breads meats and fats Each list shows equivalents that can be exchanged to allow some freedom of choice Exchanges cannot be from one list to another Patients cannot have more than daily food allowance and must eat all of it Patient must participate in meal planning




Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Exercise- How exercise can helpAerobic exercise increases insulin sensitivity and along with proper nutrition helps restore normal glucose metabolism by decreasing body fat Strength training (aka resistance or weight training) also decreases body fat by raising the metabolism Its main benefit however is increasing glucose uptake by the muscles and enhancing the ability to store glucose Exercise can mean the difference between medical management and lifestyle management of Type 2 diabetes

Very important because it lowers blood sugar Should be regular not sporadic ADA recommends 30 min of moderate exercise most days of the week Counsel patient to carry 15 gm


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSSick day rulesTake insulin or oral hypoglycemics as usual Check blood glucose Q 3-4 hrs If gt 300 call MDSmall frequent meals 6-8 timesdayIf vomitingdiarrhea persist take liquids Q 12-1 hr to prevent dehydration

For patients with type 1 diabetes inability to retain fluids may require hospitalization



DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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DIABETES MELLITUSTeachingTeachingStart with the basics assume the pt knows nothing about diabetes

It is chronic condition and requires a lifetime of self-management behaviors

Evaluate literacy level finances family support and typical daily schedule

Diabetic foot care is very importantDiscuss safety measures to prevent cuts wounds and infection

Stop smokingTeach patient about diet blood testing sliding scale and insulin administration

Medic-Alert tag


DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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DIABETES MELLITUSDIABETES MELLITUSNANDAHigh risk for fluid volume deficit Rt polyuria and dehydration

Altered nutrition Rt imbalance of insulinfood Knowledge deficitAnxietySelf-esteem risk for situational lowSensory and perceptual alterations visualInfection risk forSexual dysfunctionBody image disturbedCoping ineffectiveActivity intolerance




Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System


Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Common Drugs use in the Endocrine System

Posterior Pituitary Hormones

1048708 Animal posterior pituitary hormone extract

1048708 Examples Pitressin (vasopressin) IM SC

(desmopressin) synthetic IV SC intranasal

1048708 MOA Natural antidiuretics Produces concentrated urine by increasing tubular reabsorption of water

1048708 Uses Diabetes insipidus SIADH caused by trauma

surgery etc Bedwetting (DDAVP)

1048708 Monitor BP IampO weight and urine specific gravity


Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Posterior pituitary hormone

Pitocin (oxytocin)

Action Enhances contractile activity of the

uterine smooth muscle

1048708 Uses Induce or stimulate labor control post

partum hemorrhage

1048708 Adverse Effects Uterine rupture fetal

hypoxia or trauma

1048708 Nursing Measures Accurate dose Close

monitoring of contractions and FHT in labor

Add drug to IV bag after IV is started


Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Example Genotropin (somatropin)1048708 Action Promotes growth in children whose

growth has been impaired by a deficiency of

growth hormone

1048708 Uses Children with deficiency of growth

hormone adults with deficiency of growth

hormone from disease surgery or radiation of



Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Thyroid HormonesExamples Synthroid Levothroid

(levothyroxine) synthetic thyroxine (T4)

1048708 Action Increase metabolic activity of body

1048708 Uses Drug of choice for long-term

hypothyroidism simple goiter

1048708 Adverse Effects SS of hyperthyroidism ndash

tachycardia sweating intolerance to heat

diarrhea abd cramping weight loss

decreased bone density in the hip amp spine


Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Antithyroid DrugsExamples PTU (propylthiouracil) prototype

Tapazole (methimazole) Lugolrsquos solution

(strong iodine solution)

1048708 MOA PTU and Tapazole interfere with

synthesis of thyroid hormone and inhibits

conversion of T4 to the more active T3

1048708 Lugolrsquos Inhibits the release of thyroid

hormone causing them to accumulate in the

thyroid gland


Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Antithyroid Drugs

Lugolrsquos solutionUses Short-term treatment of hyperthyroid to bring patient to euthyroid pre-op decrease the size and vascularity of thyroid pre-op

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypothyroidism hair loss allergic reaction




1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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1048708 Example Florinef (fludrocortisone)

1048708 MOA Promote Na and water retention Help

maintain fluid and electrolyte balance

Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid

1048708 Uses Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency

1048708 Adverse Effects Hypokalemia fluid

retention hypertension HA


Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Glucocorticoids Examples Decadron (dexamethasone) Solu-Medrol

(methylpredinisolone) Prednisone Celestone

(betamethasone) Aristocort (triancinolone) Nasonex

Azmacort1048708 MOA Affect CHO protein and lipid metabolism by

Increasing the catabolism of protein in bone skin and

connective tissue Increasing output of glucose by

the liver and decreasing cellular use of glucose

Mobilizing amino acids to increase energy in times of

stress Antiinflammatory response protects cells from

damage related to immune response gtgtgtcontinue


GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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GlucocorticoidsUses Replacement therapy in deficiency

states Antiinflammatory for hpersensitivity

and inflammatory diseases like arthritis

lupus psoriasis Bronchospasm and edema

related to emphysema asthma and other

respiratory diseases or injuries Mature lungs

in preterm fetus prior to delivery1048708 Adverse Effects Edema hyperglycemia

hypokalemia muscle wasting peptic ulcer

hypertension immunosuppression increased

WBC masks signs of infection thin skingtgtgt


Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Glucocorticoids1048708 Nursing Measures Give PO with food Give

at 9am to mimic normal corticosteroid levels

and minimize adrenal suppression Weigh

daily Monitor BP blood sugars and

electrolytes Monitor for ss of adverse

effects1048708 Teach to moderate salt intake eat K rich

foods diet high in protein Avoid licorice

(may intensify hypokalemia) alcohol and

caffeine Medic Alert Tapering drugs


Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Adrenal Sex Hormones 1048708 Androgens ndash male hormones secreted by the


cortex in both sexes and are responsible for the

physiological effects exerted by adrenal sex

hormones 1048708 They increase protein synthesis (anabolism)


increases muscle and bone mass and strength effect

development of male secondary sex characteristics

They increase hair growth and libido in women

Excessive secretion masculine effects in women 1048708 Female sex hormones exert few effects Excessive

secretion feminine characteristics in men


Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Drugs Affecting the ReproductiveSystem

Female Hormones

1048708 Estrogen and Progesterone

1048708 Example Oral contraceptives (OCPs)

1048708 MOA Estrogen prevents ovulation

Progesterone prevents implantation of ovum

decreases amount and increases viscosity of

cervical mucous to impair sperm motility and

impedes motility of the ova by affecting

peristalsis of the fallopian tubesgtgtgtgt


OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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OCPs1048708 Uses Contraception menstrual irregularities

1048708 Adverse Effects NV HA weight gain fluid

retention breast tenderness breakthrough

bleeding1048708 Contraindications ABSOULUTE

Thromboplebitis CVA breast cancer

pregnancy liver disease or impairment CAD

over 35 and smokes


OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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OCPsNursing Measures Teach how to take pill and how to use BUM to use with missed pills and antibiotic use Encourage not to dc pills without consulting HCP (30-50 stop before one year) Teach to report ACHES immediately and dc pills

1048708 A=Abdominal pain1048708 C=Chest pain cough dyspnea H=HA

severedizziness numbness

1048708 E=eye problems vision loss blurred vision

1048708 S=severe leg pain calf or thigh


Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Infertility DrugsExample Clomid1048708 MOA Stimulates secretion of FSH and LH

which stimulates maturation of folliclesovulation amp development of the corpusluteum1048708 Uses Inadequate ovulation low sperm count

in males1048708 Adverse Effects Similar to OCPs Increased

incidence of early abortion amp multiple births

1048708 Teach to report pelvic pain immediately


Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Male Hormones1048708 Example Testosterone1048708 Secreted by the testes1048708 Uses Treatment of low sperm count and impotence

caused by deficiency Undescended testiclesAnabolic action in conditions such as osteoporisis

anemia and debilitated states Inoperable breast

cancer in post menopausal women1048708 Adverse Effects Edema acne hirsutism voice

deepening NampV polycythemia increasedcholesterol depression1048708 Contraindications Pregnancy prostate cancerbreast cancer in males


Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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Drugs used to treat Diabetes InsulinOral Hypoglycemic AgentsHyperglycemic Agents

1048708 Glucagon1048708 MOA Appears to increase synthesis ofCAMP and phosporylase activity which

increases hepatic gluconeogenesis1048708 Uses Emergency treatment of severe

hypoglycemia reactions when patient is

unconscious or unable to swallow


Dietary Consideration in the Endocrine System

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