Ending the Great War End of 14.3 and 14.4. Regions where fighting took place in World War I 3 12 5 4...

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Transcript of Ending the Great War End of 14.3 and 14.4. Regions where fighting took place in World War I 3 12 5 4...

Ending the Ending the Great WarGreat WarEnd of 14.3 and 14.4

Regions where

fighting took place in World

War I3

1 2









12 1 Western European Front 2 Eastern European Front 3 Italian Front 4 Balkan Front 5 Palestine/Syria 6 Iraq 7 Arabia 8 German Togoland 9 German Camaroons10 German East Africa11 German Southwest Africa12 German Pacific Islands

United States Enters the WarNationalism Many Americans supported Allies due to cultural ties

Irish Americans opposed British rule of Ireland

Early in 1917, Germans announced unrestricted submarine warfare to end the stalemateBritish intercepted Zimmerman Note

Germany would help Mexico “to reconquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona”April 1917: Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany

Waging Total WarTo wage total war- governments had to take a stronger role in directing the economic and cultural lives of their peopleAll warring nations imposed universal military conscriptionEconomic Warfare

Britain formed a blockade of the North Sea- stopped anything from reaching GermanyIn retaliation Germany declared it would sink all ships carrying goods to Britain- including the Lusitania

Women join the fightNurses were on the front lines

US Navy “yeomanettes“Marines

Took factory jobs men left behind (Free a man to fight)At the outbreak of war women suffragists postponed their fight for equality so they could respond to their countries' wartime needs

1918 Flu Pandemic: Depletes All Armies

50,000,000 – 50,000,000 – 100,000,000 died100,000,000 died

1918 Flu Pandemic: Spanish Flu1918-1919Attacked strong healthy 18-30 year oldsKills 40-50+ million World wide675,000+ in US

Serious Economic Problems

Battles ruined crop land. Poisons left soil unfit to farm.Civilians died from starvation and diseaseFood Prices soared.Other Costs of the war reached $338 billion.

Percentage (%)

increase in the cost

of food from 1914

- 1919

Revolution in RussiaMany soldiers left front lines to go back home In March of 1917, there was unrest (a small civil war) and the Czar was forced to resign.A provisional government was formed.Support for the war was fading, due the lack of supplies and the large number of men dying (5.5 million either dead or POWs)


A second revolution strikes in November and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and the Communist seizes controlhis first acts is to end the war with Germany


Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, 1918. Caption: Officers from the staff of Field Marshall von Hindenburg meet the Leo Trotsky and delegation of Soviet Russia

Treaty of Brest-LitovskSigned in March 1918 between Russia and Germany ended the Russian involvement in the war. The treaty forced Russia to give up the land the contained modern day Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

At the end of the war the treaty was voided, but those areas will gain their independence.That will last until the end of WWII and then the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Soviet Union.

End of Imperial Germany

On 8th November 1918, Imperial Germany came to an end when a democratic republic was established.

Though it was intended to have Wilhelm tried as a ‘war criminal’ he was eventually allowed to spend the rest of his life in exile in the Netherlands. He died in 1941.

Victory at Last

Germans wanted a decisive victory before Americans arrived to helpTheir last attack pushed British back, but exhausted German forcesAmericans helped the Allies push German forces out of France and Belgium

Colorized photograph, which depicts from left to right: German Admiral Ernst Vanselow, German Count Alfred von Oberndorff (1870 - 1963) of the Foreign Ministry, German army general Detlof von Winterfeldt, British naval captain J.P.R. Marriott, head of the German delegation Center party member of the Reichstag Matthias Erzberger (1875 - 1921) who was later murdered by Freikorps rightists for his role in the Amristice, British Admiral George Hope, British First Sea Lord Sir Rosslyn Wemyss (1864 - 1933), French field marshall Ferdinand Foch (1851 - 1929), and French general Maxime Weygand (1867 - 1965).

German government sought an Armistice with the AlliesThe Armistice was signed by the allied commander Marshall Foch on - 11:00 A.M. Nov. 11, 1918 (11-11 at 11 am)

This photograph was taken after reaching an agreement for the armistice that ended World War I. This is Marshall Ferdinand Foch's own railway carriage and the location is in the forest of Compiègne. Foch is second from the right.

Peace Without VictoryPeace Without Victory

Wilson’s Plan For Peace

Wilson’s Fourteen Wilson’s Fourteen PointsPoints

US President, Woodrow Wilson, anticipated the end of the war and hoped to inspire a peace plan that would solve the long-term problems that caused the war (MAIN).He drafted a proposal called “The Fourteen Points”He brings his ideas to the Paris Peace Conference

• Self determination (personal independence) of all peoples

• Arms reduction

• Non-punishment

• Freedom of the Seas

• No secret treaties

• Free and open trade

• Formation of the League of Nations- provide a forum for nations to discuss and settle their grievances without war

Basics of Wilson’s Fourteen Points

Map of the World showing the Participants in World War Green: Entente and Allies (some entered the war or dropped out later)Gold : Central Powers Gray: Neutral Countries*

In 1919, the Big 4 met in Paris to negotiate the Treaty(Lloyd George of Great Britain, Orlando of Italy,

Clemenceau of France, and Woodrow Wilson of the U.S.)

What did Britain Want In public Lloyd-George said he wanted to punish the Germans. The British public was very anti-German at the end of the war.In private he realized that Britain needed Germany to recover because she was an important trading partner.

Prime Minister David Lloyd-George

Germany should be punished, but not so much that the people would turn to Communism, like what was happening in RussiaThe British public wanted severe repercussions for GermanyHad to go with popular opinion, rather than gut feeling

What did France want? to cripple Germany so it couldn't attack France again. Wanted Germany broken down into smaller states (weakened). France had suffered the most during the war so Clemenceau was under great pressure from the French people to make Germany pay.

What did the US want?

a better and more peaceful worldthe right to self-determination. The right to decide which country you wish to be governed bya League of Nations that would help and support each other and help to promote world peaceThe U.S.A. had joined war late (1917) and hadn't suffered as much as the other Allies in terms of human and material costs

Paris Peace Conference Central powers and Russia were not allowed to take partTreaty of Versailles-created new nations, shifted boundaries



What did Wilson hope

the League of Nations would


Outcome of the Peace Settlements

Self-Determination in Eastern EuropePoland became independent nationBaltic states developedThree new republics rose out of the old Hapsburg heartland

The Mandate SystemVictors of the war received over sea territories of the losersColonial leaders expected peace would bring an end to imperial rule

Anschluss (Combining of Germany and Austria) forbidden foreverLeague of Nations created but Germany not admitted

Why was Germany such a BRAT over the Treaty?

Germany had to accept the Blame for starting the war (Article 231)Germany paid Reparations for the damage done during the war. (33 billion)Germany was forbidden to have submarines or an air force.   She could have a navy of only six battleships, and an Army of just 100,000 men.  Germany lost Territory (land) in Europe (see map). Germany’s colonies were given to Britain and France.

Effects of the Treaty of Versailles

Germany: Territories in Africa and the Pacific were given to the League of Nations to govern; Alsace-Loraine to France and the French boarder was extended to the Rhine River. (buffer zone)Polish Corridor giving Poland access to the sea, BUT divided East Prussia from GermanySaar a large industrial area becomes a protectorate of the France/Allies for 15 years. In 1935 it votes to return back to Germany

Austria-Hungary: Was broken up and declared independent nations of

AustriaHungary Czechs and Slovaks formed Czechoslovakia

Croats and Slovenes joined with Serbia to form Yugoslavia The new Austria was forbidden to unite with GermanyItaly and Romania gained land from the old empire

Ottoman Empire:Gave up all of their territory, except present day Turkey.

New nations of Palestine, Iraq, Transjordan were placed under British control, Syria and Lebanon to France.Within Turkey, nationalists overthrew the Ottoman sultan

Great Britain “forgot” about its promises to both Arab Muslims and Jews to create an independent homeland for them in their holy lands

Russia: Romania and Poland gained Russian Territory. Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania became independent nations

The treaty was signed on June 28, 1919 ( five years from the date of the Archduke’s assassination)

Treaty’s WeaknessesFlaws in the treaty sowed the seeds of postwar international problems that eventually lead to WWIITreaty humiliated GermanyWar-Guilt Clause (Article 231)-forced Germany to admit sole responsibility for starting WWINo way Germany could pay the billRussia was excluded from the peace conference and lost more territory than Germany (Russia had the most causalities in war and fought for 3 years)

League of Nations Offers Hope

More than 40 nations joined Agreed to negotiate disputes rather than go to warHenry Cabot Lodge voiced his resistance to the League- Senate refused to ratify the treaty for the US to join the LeagueLoss of the US weakened the League’s powerLeague could not prevent war

How did Germans React to the Treaty?Germans thought the Treaty was a “diktat” : a dictated peace. They had not been invited to the peace conference at Versailles and when the Treaty was presented to them they were threatened with war if they did not sign it. The Treaty was NOT based on Wilson’s Fourteen Points as the Germans had been promised it would. Most Germans believed that the War Guilt Clause was unjustified. The French and British had done just as much to start the war

The loss of territory and population angered most Germans who believed that the losses were too severe.Many Germans believed the German economy would be crippled by having to pay reparations.Will make payments on and off until 1931

Wilson’s Lack of Wilson’s Lack of SupportSupport

The USA became isolationist after the war.

The US Senate disagreed with the League of Nations because they thought that by becoming a member they would lose their independence and get drawn into international disputes.

The Senate also felt that Wilson was partisan (favoring one political party) and they disliked him.

The Legacy of the War War takes heavy toll: 8.5 + million soldiers dead, 21 million wounded War devastates European economies, drains national treasuries Many acres of land and homes, villages, towns destroyed Survivors suffer disillusionment and despair; reflected in the arts Three major European dynasties were dethroned: the Hohenzollerns of Germany, the Hapsburgs of Austria-Hungary, and the Romanovs of Russia

World War I Casualties

Even those men who lived were horribly scarred, crippled or emotionally destroyed.

Name 6 problems a country that loses 9 million people in 3 years will face?

Called WWI “the war to end all wars”Treaty of Versailles settled nothingAdolf Hitler emerged as an angry WWI vet and rose to power in Germany

From left to right: standing: Sperl (Munich), Litigraph, Max Mund (Munich), Vergolder, sitting: George Wimmer (Munich), Strassenbahner, Josef Inkofer (Munich) Lausamer (Fallen), the fuhrer, lying: Balthasar Brandmayer (Bad Aibling), bricklayers

THE LEGACY OF THE WAR in USMany Americans looked forward to return to “normalcy”World War I had many changes in the U.S.

Strengthened militarySocial change for African Americans and Women

Women will gain political power and the right to vote

Other WWI TreatiesPeace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk -(March 3, 1918)

Conditions of an Armistice with Germany (signed November 11, 1918)

The Peace Treaty of Versailles- The Allies (except the US) and Germany(signed June 28, 1919)

Treaty of Neuilly- The Allies and Bulgaria(November 27, 1919)

Treaty of Trianon- The Allies and Hungary(signed June 4, 1920)

US Peace Treaties with Austria, Hungary and Germany(August, 1921)

Treaty of Lausanne- The Allies (except the US) and Turkey(July 24, 1923)

And more Treaties…League of Nations Protocol-

Established the League of Nations


Washington Conference Establishing a Commission of

Jurists to Consider Laws of War

(February 4, 1922)

Washington Treaty in Relation to the Use of Submarines and Noxious Gases in Warfare

(February 6, 1922)

San Remo Convention- Gives control of Palestine to Britain

(24 July, 1922)

Geneva Protocol Geneva Protocol for the Prohibition of Poisonous Gases for the Prohibition of Poisonous Gases and Bacteriological Methods of Warfare and Bacteriological Methods of Warfare (June 17, 1925) (June 17, 1925)

Treaty Providing for the Renunciation of Treaty Providing for the Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy - War as an Instrument of National Policy - Signed by nearly every country in the war.Signed by nearly every country in the war.(Kellogg-Briand Pact) (Kellogg-Briand Pact) (August 27, 1928) (August 27, 1928)

1. What is the historical subject?

2. What does this cartoon imply about the League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles?

Will it Survive?

1. Is the artist optimistic that there will be lasting peace?

2. What clues provide the evidence to support your answer to number 1?

3. How has this artist foreshadowed World War 2 and the Cold War?