End of Year 2015 Campaign

Post on 24-Jul-2016

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Transcript of End of Year 2015 Campaign

In foster care by age four.

Severe physical abuse.

Deep emotional scars.

Heartbroken and afraid.

Little Kai endured years of abuse at the hands of his mother’s boyfriends. He suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder before he even started Pre-K. By the time he entered foster care, his exposure to a lifetime of violence made him timid, withdrawn, and fearful. That’s when CASA volunteer Diane stepped in! Diane served as Kai’s CASA volunteer for the length of his case. She worked tirelessly with his case workers, attorney, therapists, biological family, and foster family. She visited Kai 27 times. During a trial that lasted over a week, Diane was a critical voice for Kai’s best interests and provided key testimony to help the judge make the most informed decision. She was a constant in his life, giving him a voice when he needed one the most.

His case was complex, and Kai was not able to be adopted until all appeals had been exhausted. The Appeals Court ultimately decided to uphold the judge’s ruling—Kai was allowed to be adopted! The court appreciated Diane’s extensive interaction with him and cited her strong credibility as a witness. Her advocacy truly changed the course of his life. Your donation gives children like Kai the critical voice they need while in foster care! P.S. Kai is now thriving in a loving home full of siblings and laughter. His PTSD symptoms have improved, he excels in school, and he loves Superheroes, especially Spiderman!Kai’s CASA volunteer Diane &

CASA Casework Supervisor Kara

Kai with his CASA volunteer Diane

How Can You Give a Voice?

Last year you gave a voice to 874 abused and neglected children. Help CASA continue to speak up for children who are still waiting

for a CASA volunteer. Without you, they are vulnerable to being lost in an overburdened system. You can give them a voice.

It costs $1,500 for CASA to serve a child for a year. With your help, we’ll work together to give

a voice to abused and neglected children and change lives in our community.


CASA of Tarrant County and its court-appointed volunteers

advocate for the best interest of abused and neglected children


Provide a CASA volunteer to every child who needs one

CASA of Tarrant County101 Summit Ave, Suite 505

Fort Worth, TX 76102 SpeakUpForAChild.org

Hear my Voice.

Be my voice.