ENBE Final Project

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Transcript of ENBE Final Project

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future


LOONG BO LIN | 0321469 | Taylor University

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University



ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future


1. Introduction

2. A Town

3. Investigation & Data Collection: The Ancient Town / City

4. Investigation & Data Collection: The Present Town / City

5. Investigation & Data Collection: The Future and Better Township

6. The New “X” Town

7. Process & Progress

8. The Conclusion

9. References list

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University











ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future


We students were told to act as

a mayor to propose a new layout of a

new town for our final assignment of

Elements in Natural and Built

Environment (ENBE). We were given

to choose a new setting of a town such

as, underground town, underwater

town, town that floating on the water,

town in the air (skyscraper town), and

also town next to a river or sea.

For our tasks, we are required to

make through research on ancient,

current and future towns before we

plan the proposal for the “X” Town.

To plan for better future town, refer to

the past is a must. Also, research or

references can bring new concepts or

designs for the future town.

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future


1.1 Definition of Town

A town is a human settlement with

a name, defined boundaries. Normally, a

town is larger than a village and smaller

than a city.

1.2 What is the brief history?

The word town shares an origin with the

German word Zaun, the Dutch word tuin,

and the Old Norse tun. The German word

Zaun comes closest to the original

meaning of the word: a fence of any


In Dutch, the meaning of the word

took on the sense of the space which these

fences enclosed.

In Old Norse tun means a (grassy)

place between farmhouses, and is still used

in a similar meaning in modern


Whether in England, French,

Japan, or China, each town also has their

own historical stories. The great events of

great history may affect the community of

the town. So, researching on the local

history of the village, town or city is a best

way to understand the people, the places

and events of their own personal history.

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

1.3 What makes a town?

A town is making up of a certain amount of population, educational area, residential

area, commercial area, culture and religions, parks, and public service. Besides, in a town, it

should have a center where business and local government take place.

1.4 What makes a good town?

A good town should include:

Organize zoning

Proper planning of infrastructure


Green area to reduce the heat island effect

Free trade zone

Practicing 3R

Connectivity between citizens

Accessibility of open spaces

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469 | MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

1.5 What is a future town?

Basically, a future town is some people who plan for a new development to make the city much better, livable and sustainable than the present town. The future town also has new technologies in IT, farming or science.

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469 | MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future


3.1 When did it start? History and all

In 79 AD, the summit of Mount Vesuvius exploded without warning. The magnificent

ancient city of Pompeii was left buried under about 20 feet of earth and ash.

Oscan settled along the shore of the Tyrrhenian Sea on an elevated lavish spur that

was created by an ancient eruption of Vesuvius during the 8th century BC. The strategic

location made Pompeii an object of great importance to the Estuscans. The Samnites arrived

from the mountains of Irpinia in the 5th century, putting an end to the control of Campania by

the Greeks and Etruscans.

Seventeen-hundred years later, architect Domenico Fontana happened across some

inscriptions while building a tunnel in the area. Some excavation was done near the

amphitheater at that time, but no one suspected that an entire town was buried there. The first

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


Ancient Town / City

Pompeii, Italy

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

scientific exploration of the site took place in 1748, directed by Charles of Bourbon. In 1860,

Giuseppe Fiorelli invented a system of pouring liquid plaster into the spaces left in the ash


The oldest buildings of Pompeii date to the 6th century BC and likely only occupied a

small part of the south-western area, between the main Forum and the Triangular Forum.

Pompeii gradually expanded toward the east and the north. Most of the ruins date back to its

establishment as a Roman colony in 80 BC.

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

3.2 What ancient town you are concentrating on?

The city of Pompeii was an ancient Roman town-city near modern Naples in the

Italian region of Campania, in the territory of thecomune of Pompei. Pompeii, along

with Herculaneum and many villas in the surrounding area, was mostly destroyed and buried

under 4 to 6 m (13 to 20 ft) of ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469 | MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

3.3 What makes is the significant town and what are the details?

1. Amphitheatres

The Amphitheatre of Pompeii is the oldest surviving Roman amphitheatre. They were

used for events such as gladiator combats, chariot races, venationes (animal slayings)

and executions. 

2. Roads

The Romans are renowned for their road systems. Pompeii is a solid proof to that. It is

designed in a way that Pompeians are able to cross the road without stepping in the


LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University



ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

3.4 Conclusion about the town / city

In conclusion, Pompeii is a very well-planned town. Besides, Ancient Roman

architecture developed different aspects of Ancient Greek architecture and newer

technologies such as the arch and the dome to create a new architectural style. In fact, its

unique architecture is the symbol of the town.

3.5 What information and element that you can use to your future town?

I will use the concept of having an amphtheatres in my town for organizing events to

increase the connectivity between the citizens. Also, an amphtheatres can be one of the

landmarks of the town

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future


4.1 When did it start? History and all

Tokyo was a fishing village called Edo at the beginning of 12th century.  The

important battle of Sekigahara in 1600 enabled Ieyasu Tokugawa to control the country of

Japan. He established his government in tiny Edo.  This is the famous Edo period when the

successors of Ieyasu continued to rule the country for more than 250 years, until 1867. 

It wasn’t until the mid-nineteenth century that Edo began opening itself up to trade

and commerce with foreign countries.  In 1853, four ships from the United Sates Navy, under

the command of Commodore Matthew Perry, dropped anchor in Tokyo Bay.  Perry

demanded that Japan open itself up to foreign trade, the city’s global isolation was soon over. 

This marked the end of the Tokugawa shogunate and the beginning of a tumultuous

period of civil unrest and imperial rule called the Meiji period (1868-1912).  This was also a

period of rapid expansion and modernization where Tokyo became more “westernized” with

its first telecommunication lines established in 1869 and the first steam train in 1872, which

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


Present Town / City

Tokyo, Japan

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

operated between Shimbashi to Yokohama.  In 1889, the Constitution of the Empire was

established that truly changed Japan’s political system into that of a modern nation-state. 

In 1923, Tokyo was devastated by the Great Kanto Earthquake , where more than

140,000 people lost their lives and more than 300,000 buildings destroyed by the spreading


Rebuilding quickly began, and the Showa period (1926-1989) saw a massive

restoration and modernization of the city. It was during this time that Tokyo’s airport at

Haneda opened up in 1931, and the Port of Tokyo in 1941.  By 1935, Tokyo’s population

grew to more than 6 million people, rivaling some of the major capital cities in the west. 

Tokyo was nearly destroyed again in 1945 due to the raids of World War II.

The Imperial Palaceplus many temples were destroyed during the war.  The American

Occupation of the city began on September 1945, from which point massive reconstruction

began and continued during the decades that followed.  Tokyo saw its streets widened,

shopping centers built, monorails operating and the famous Bullet Train link to Osaka

established.  The promise of the Olympic Games in the 1960s further spurred the city to

develop and modernize at an even faster pace. 

Today Tokyo is a modern, buzzing and noisy metropolis that rivals any major urban

center in the world. 

4.2 What city are you concentrating on?

Tokyo is the world's most populous metropolitan area and is the center of Japanese

culture, finance, and government. A bustling cosmopolitan city, Tokyo is also a major

transportation hub and a world economic and industrial center.

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

4.3 What makes is significant city and what are the details?


JR Yamanote Line

Tokyo has an aboveground train system which is run mostly by JR East. The center

of the system is the Yamanote Line, which loops around the city and links to all the

major stations. Apart from JR East, there are other private train companies. Japanese

trains are very punctual, and quite reasonably priced.


Tokyo Metro / Toei Subway

There are 13 subway lines including 9 Tokyo Metro lines and 4 Toei Subway lines.

For ease of use, each station is coded with a letter and number. You will find these on

platform signs and route maps.

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University



ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

4.4 Conclusion about the town / city

Overall, Tokyo has one of the most efficient and fast public transport systems in the

world. It combines an extensive train network, underground subway lines, a bus system,

taxis, and car rentals.

4.5 What information and element that you can use for your future city?

Obviously, the public transport systems which are well-planned in Tokyo will be used

for my future town. Good public transport systems are more easy and convenient to use, fast

and safe. Also, public transport is more efficient than personal motor vehicles in terms of the

road space it uses up and the energy it consumes.



ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

“The future of towns and better towns.”

5.1 China, Car -free City

Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture has completed the plans for Chengdu

Tianfu District Great City, a self-sustaining, environmentally sensitive satellite city due to

begin construction this fall outside Chengdu in China.

The Great City will be completed in around eight years with 80,000 people. It is

entirely walkable and surrounding with green space. Besides, the city is designed to use less

water, create less waste and generate less carbon dioxide than a normal city. Walking from

the center of the city to the green spaces takes just ten minutes, and other nearby urban

centers will be accessible by a mass transit system.

The development addresses the problem of overpopulation, pollution and urban

sprawl by compacting a lot of residents into vertical housing, growing food nearby. 

The Great City will use less energy, less water, produce less landfill waste, and

generate less carbon dioxide than a normal city with a similar population. 

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

5.2 Masdar, Zero-carbon City

Rising in the desert outside of Abu Dhabi, Masdar City will be the world’s most

sustainable metropolis with no cars. It is the one of the world’s first zero-carbon, zero-waste


The desert city is designed to be powered entirely with renewable energy,

including solar power and wind power. Giant “sunflower umbrella” designed for the city

center will provide moveable shade during the day to store heat, and then close and release

heat at the night.

Instead of private personal automobiles, the public rapid transit system represents a

shift from ‘mass’ to ‘mini’ in the form of small programmable multi-person vehicles. This

new urban area aims to be the definitive regional hotpot for developing green energy and

researching clean technology.


6.1 How did you came up with the solution to create this new town?LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

In year 2074, the scientist have discovered and confirmed that a 12-magnitide

earthquake will happen in 4 years time. Cities and towns will be destroyed including our

town. As a mayor, I have decided to propose a new town with new hope which floating in the

air which named SKYHOPE.

6.2 Town in the air

Floating in the air is the most suitable option to avoid the strong magnitude of

earthquake from crashing the town. This area of town is 55km2 with the population which

about 250,000 people.

This floating town is named after the “sky” and the “hope” words which have the meaning of there is a hope in the sky.

6.3 What is the important characteristic and elements?

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

The characteristic in the city is that I

refer to the ancient city, present city and future

city as reference to make my city much better.

Based on the well-planned characteristic of

Pompeii city, I had figured out some new ideas

about how to propose a well-planned town.

Also, I pick some ideas from present city

that is Tokyo, Japan. As a green city, it has

many parks green areas which I can develop the

green idea into my city. People can walk by foot

to reach a park in 15 minutes. Besides, the

public transport systems also will be my guide

on how to make my town more efficient.

The new ‘X’ city is a carbon free city.

People can cycle to their destination. Everything

is ecofriendly. The idea in Abu Dahbi plan is

good that consider about the urban

neighborhood. People can live, work and play at

the same time.

6.4 Planning of city

The facilities of this town are government department, business and financial center,

recreational areas, education center, industrial areas agriculture area and so on. This city is

well zoning city. For example people can reach their work place by public transport.

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

The security in the town is good. There are police who patrol in residential area,

business area, and more. Our military has tank, weapons and planes. These are all well design

for the security and safety of the city.

The electricity is from the wind and solar energy. It is green and also ecofriendly to

people and environment. The water supply is from the rain water. The rain water is collected

in a big pond then filters the water to become drinking and clean water.

6.5 Conclusion about the new “X” town

This town is a well-planned town. It is a great, sustainable and liveable town. This

town is green and also ecofriendly to people and environment. The problem of pollution and

health are in control. The town will also provide spaces for people activities and interactions.

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future


LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future


LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future

In this project, I have learnt a lot about how to plan a city and what the needs for a

city or town are. I also learnt to describe the different characteristic of the natural and built

environment by exploring the basic elements such as topography, landscape, space, building

and infrastructure. Besides, I learnt about how to differentiate and compare the different

development of the built environment. This is a very good experience in doing this project.

The most important thing is I learnt more about built and environment.

LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | Better Town of the Future


LOONG BO LIN | 0321469| MS RENNE | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


Dictionary.com, (2014). the definition of town. Retrieved from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/town

Members.tripod.com, (2014). History of The Ancient City of Pompeii. Retrieved from http://members.tripod.com/mr_sedivy/pompeii.html

 Japan-guide.com, (2014). Transportation in Tokyo. Retrieved from http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2017.html

 Tokyo Top Guide, (2012). Tokyo History, History Of Japan, Japan History. Retrieved from http://www.tokyo-top-guide.com/tokyo_history

WebUrbanist, (2013). Car-Free City: China Builds Dense Metropolis from Scratch. Retrieved from http://weburbanist.com/2013/02/11/car-free-city-china-builds-dense-metropolis-from-scratch

McGrath, J. (2014). Is a zero-carbon, zero-waste, zero-car city on the horizon? - HowStuffWorks. Retrieved from http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-science/zero-carbon-city.htm

WebEcoist, (2012). Meet Masdar: World's First Zero Carbon, Zero Waste City - WebEcoist. Retrieved from http://webecoist.momtastic.com/2012/08/15/meet-masdar-worlds-first-zero-carbon-zero-waste-city