Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Great Man · 2020. 2. 13. · Emotionally Intelligent Leadership...

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Transcript of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Great Man · 2020. 2. 13. · Emotionally Intelligent Leadership...

Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Transactional Leadership

Great Man Leadership

Situational Leadership

Authentic Leadership



Traits &

Attributes of Leadership

Portfolio of Leadership Learning Submitted to

Professor Diana Petrarca for

EDUC 5201G by

Valerie Parke 100227866

November 7, 2012

Analyzing Leadership Portfolio 2


Principles that guided the creation of this portfolio:

“Leadership should be examined through a variety of lenses, including psychology, sociology, economics, and history.”

(Harvard Business School, 2010).

“Cognitive leadership: A broad range of approaches to leadership emphasizing how leaders and followers think and

process information.” (Avolio, Walumbwa, & Weber, 2009, p. 426)

Analyzing Leadership Portfolio 3


A Reflection on

Former Mayor of New York City

Rudolph Giuliani http://screencast.com/t/ReFf45lBlGM

Week 1: September 11. 2012

Leadership Theory: A Situational Leader Giuliani was the mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001. He exhibited situational leadership skills in the hours, days and months after the attack on the World Trade Center. He was recognized for his leadership when named The 2001Time Person of the Year and receiving an honorary knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II. Situational leadership was first defined by Blanchard & Hershey in the 1970’s (Johns & Moser, 2001). Thirty years later, leadership theorists continue to acknowledge the significance of the situation surrounding the leader. “I argue for renewed consideration of leader traits as important sources of variance in leader effectiveness, I do not, by any means, wish to minimize the importance of the leader’s situation” (Zaccaro, 2007, p. 9). Challenges & Opportunities for Situational Leaders The skills of a situational leader can be limiting. Leaders can be curtailed in their opportunities to lead, when they are branded a “certain situation” leader. Giuliani was not successful in campaigns for a Senate seat or a Republican presidential nomination. There are leadership opportunities for those who are skilled in balancing time-on-task with time-on-people. Giuliani had experience as a lawyer and businessperson prior to becoming mayor and appears to be an extrovert who genuinely cares for people. Giuliani’s leadership does exhibit that he was able to transfer his situational leadership skills from the private sector to the public sector and back to the private sector. Learning from Analyzing: Current New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg did not exhibit situational leadership after Hurricane Sandy struck the city, October 29th 2012. Bloomberg confidently insisted that the New York Marathon would be run on Sunday November 4. Late on Friday afternoon November 2, Bloomberg announced that the Marathon would be cancelled after he faced strong criticism from those who believed hosting the Marathon would be insulting to those hard-hit by the hurricane and disrespectful to the 41 who had died due to the tropical storm (Grossman & Futterman, 2012). There is little media evidence of Bloomberg experiencing the leadership success that Giuliani did in 2001. Press coverage reveals Bloomberg making desperate appeals for funds in Washington. On November 28th he attended eight meetings in DC, each time asking for money to support clean-up and reconstruction (Martin, 2012).

Analyzing Leadership Portfolio 4


A Reflection on

Businessman & Philanthropist

Galen Weston Sr. http://screencast.com/t/jOsyceqKFY

Week 2: September 18, 2012

Leadership Theory: A Great Man Leader Thomas Carlyle in On heroes, hero-worship, and heroic in history examines the lives of well-known men such as Shakespeare, Luther, Rousseau, and Napoleon. Galen Weston because of his wealth, intellect and philanthropy can be considered a Great Man Leader in the Canadian Context. How Great Men work with and in groups is worth considering (Stogdill, 1948). A quick skim of Weston’s biographical information indicates that he has not lived a life of solitude – writing in his attic- rather he has been associated with hundreds of business and not-for-profit initiatives working collaboratively and collegially with family members, volunteers, and paid staff. The media portrays Galen Weston as capable of completing tasks, assertive, and socially acceptable all factors of the Great Man Leader (Borgatta, 1954, pp. 756-757). Challenges & Opportunities for Great Men A challenge of the Great Man Theory is continuing the legacy. What happens if the Great Man’s offspring is neither interested in nor capable of continuing the work of the Great Man? Also, to be considered is the offspring’s feelings about becoming a Great Man Leader. There are numerous opportunities for leaders defined as Great Men. They are often asked to lead in other areas of society. Many Great Men have left their positions in industry to offer leadership in military situations; similarly Great Men with military expertise become leaders in industry and politics. Learning from Analyzing The Great Man Leader designation is not eagerly accepted by all. Women, at least this one, initially find the Great Man Leader, repulsive and dated. Closer examination, focussing on the positive traits or strengths of all leaders such as through the GLOBE Project, reveals that Great Wo-Men can be found in all cultures around the world (Avolio, Walumbwa, & Weber, 2009). This author will continue to observe the offspring of Great Wo-Men for signs of the Self-fulfilling Prophecy or SFP Leader. (Van Seters & Field, 1990, p. 38)

Analyzing Leadership Portfolio 5


A Reflection on

Ontario Community College President

Rob MacIsaac


Week 3: September 25. 2012

Leadership Theory: A Transformational Leader “Here, leadership exercises influence to produce enthusiastic commitment by subordinates, as opposed to reluctant obedience or indifferent compliance." (Van Seters & Field, 1990, p. 38) Until I studied Transformational Leadership, I could have been considered a reluctant and indifferent subordinate. Recognizing the different skills required to a Transactional Leader and a Transformational Leader occurred when I reflected on the leadership exhibited by the president of my workplace. Until this fall semester, I believed that a college president should be like a Dean, but at a higher pay grade; and, have teaching experience but wear better suits. When I started to look for signs of a transformational leader in our college’s most senior position, it did not take long for me to find them. Our senior leader is continuously communicating with our community, establishing financial and gift-in-kind partnerships as well as offering leadership , by serving as the Chair of the Committee of College Presidents. Challenges & Opportunities If one is a transformational leader, s/her must be strategic in accepting opportunities. Transformational leaders will be successful only if they position themselves in groups or organizations that want change or are accepting of change. I sense that it is very important that the visions of the leader and the hiring organization must be closely aligned if not identical. Learning from Analyzing Van Seters and Field note that “transformational leadership is essential during organisational transition, by creating visions of potential opportunities and instilling employee commitment to change.” (Van Seters & Field, 1990, p. 38) Both followers and constituents must seek-out an analyze the messages of Transformational Leaders. I listened carefully to Rob MacIsaac’s keynote address to The Canadian Club on November 23, 2012. I hear many transformational words and phrases” “Colleges need to…” “Economic sustainability requires that we…” “Learners in the future will demands…”

Analyzing Leadership Portfolio 6


A Reflection on First Lady

Michelle Obama


Week 4: October 2, 2012

Theory of Leadership: The Parent Trait Leader From Discussion Post #1 September 18, 2012: “After our first class on September 11th, when I chose Laura Secord and a female soccer coach, as people I defined as good leaders, I think I want to focus my investigative lens on women as leaders during this course. Traditionally I step back from evaluating and commenting on female leaders. But as someone who is both a political junkie and a mother and who has been following with great interest the Michelle Obama “Mom-in-Chief” debate, I think my “Question for the Semester” will be: “ Do parents make better leaders than non-parents?” Challenges & Opportunities Instead of regarding family commitments and leadership tasks as a double bind (CATALYST, 2007) or a sticky floor (Sanches-Hucles & Davis, 2010) or a need to wear a tailored suit (Giles, 2012), why not look at how parenting prepares both men and women to be better Transactional and Transformational Leaders. In our small group discussion on the reviews of our research articles Erica, Guy and I agreed that there was significant and ill-directed attention paid to interpreting weaknesses in women’s leadership. I found the same in Charlotte Neuhauser’s 2007 article. Learning from Analyzing Many of the actions and thoughts that influenced my years of parenting and been re-played and re-deployed successfully in leadership roles outside my home. I know that it is time to adjourn a meeting when I see the same look on the face of a committee member that I used to see on the face of my son when he was mentally drained and not able to tackle one more homework question.

Analyzing Leadership Portfolio 7


A Reflection on

Member of Parliament Justin Trudeau


Week 5: October 9, 2012

Theory of Leadership: A Media Manufactured Leader This theory of mine began to develop after Week 3 of this course, when I began to understand the complicated and highly interrupted formulae of effective leadership. No matter how one defines leadership – the definition is a complicated mixture of traits, attributes and situations. 21st Century North America – is populated with constituents not followers. Challenges & Opportunities: One photo pasted across print pages and digital posts can irrevocably damage the careers of weak leaders without substance. Whereas leaders with demonstrated leadership skills can perform in drag and successfully advance the causes they support. For example Rudy Giuliani http://screencast.com/t/ReFf45lBlGM Learning from Analyzing Authentic leadership cannot be media-manufactured; the media is a heat seeking missile for weak and incapable leaders. The below image appeared in the media this week after a journalist asked Justin Trudeau: “Would you rather fight one horse-size duck or 100 duck-size horse?” Justin replied “Oh definitely the 100 duck-sized horses.” (A horse-size duck would be slow and awkward whereas horses, big or small are fast, natural born kickers.) Justin’s opponents within and beyond the Liberal Party are certain to respond with,” Justin Trudeau: wrong on duck-size horses. Wrong for Canada.” (Feschuk, 2012)

Analyzing Leadership Portfolio 8


A Reflection on Former Premier of Ontario

Dalton McGuinty


Week 6: October 16, 2012

Leadership Theory: A Transactional Leader “The basic concept in Situational Leadership Theory is that as the level of maturity of the group continues to increase in terms of accomplished specific tasks, the leader should begin to reduce his/her task behavior and increase relationship behavior until the group reaches a moderate level of maturity” (Johns & Moser, 2001, p. 120). There does not seem to be much evidence of the evolution of Dalton McGuinty leadership. In fact, as his term progressed, weak and unethical actions increased: Caledonia debacle, power station shell game, by-election fiascos (Successful politian, failed leader, 2012;Ferguson & Robert, 2012) Challenges & Opportunities “The lifestyle of a successful leader is being scrutinized carefully today. A balanced professional, family and recreation life is desirable… Much attention is being given to physical fitness, healthful diet, and good personal habits.” (Johns & Moser, 2001, p. 120) I could find little to no evidence of McGuinty’s family life, what he did when he was not working at Queen’s Park. His Google images gave none of the same queues that photos of Galen Weston and Michelle Obama did. The charismatic leader “must be visionary, [he] must transform those who see the vision, and give them a new and stronger sense of purpose and meaning.” (Van Seters & Field, 1990, p. 38) There is very little evidence of charisma in Dalton McGuinty’s speeches or actions. Learning from Analyzing Traits and Great Man genes do not a Transformational Leader make. Dalton has the 21st Century traits of leadership as defined by Khurana, being fully bilingual and well educated. (Harvard Business School, 2010) McGuinty’s father, Dalton McGuinty Sr. was a Harvard educated university professor who served as a Liberal MPP from 1987-1990 (Dalton McGuinty Sr., 2012). Dalton does not seem to have been able to use his traits and familial proximity to a Great Man to become either a successful Transactional or Transformational Leader.

Analyzing Leadership Portfolio 9


A Reflection on Major General

Isaac Brock


Week 7: October 23 , 2012

Leadership Theory: Communicator and GLOBE Leader Avolio et al in “Cross-cultural leadership: the examination of leadership in multicultural contexts” describe global leadership and organizational effectiveness which ”focuses on the role of leadership across cultural contexts.” (Avolio, Walumbwa, & Weber, 2009, p. 438) Isaac Brock arrived in Upper Canada with limited manpower, as the Seven Years War had depleted the ranks of the British Army. Brock built his fighting team from the ranks of volunteer farmers and merchants, captured hostile deserters and natives from warring tribes. Brock’s dying words on October 13, 1812 were: “Push on York Volunteers push on.” Brock had to have been an effective communicator. He needed to motivate unconnected and unaligned men to fight for a common cause. Challenges & Opportunities Guy Moulton posted a video of Canadian General Rick Hillier to our Discussion Board on October 8th. I was glad that Guy did this, because it made me aware of another type of leadership - military leadership. Rick Hillier does much to dispel the myth of cannon fodder prepared to die on any hill. He makes it clear that leading in a military situation takes great emotional intelligence. Learning from Analyzing Do I, along with 1812 Bicentennial enthusiasts think Major General Brock a strong and great leader because he is dead? Van Seters and Field in defining the Anti-Leadership Era reference the work of Pfeffer “The Ambiguity of Leadership” which” spoke of the leader primarily as a symbol, implying that actual leader performance was of little consequence.” (Van Seters & Field, 1990, p. 37) Do we tend to elevated people on the leadership effectiveness scale – once they are dead?

Analyzing Leadership Portfolio 10


A Reflection on The Honourable

Lincoln Alexander


Week 8: October 30, 2012

Leadership Theory: Authentic Luthers & Avolio defined authentic leadership as “a process that draws from both positive psychological capacities and a highly developed organizational context, which results in both greater self-awareness and self-regulated positive behaviors on the part of leaders and associates, fostering positive self-development.” (Avolio, Walumbwa, & Weber, 2009, p. 424) Everyone admired Linc: Linc made everyone feel that s/he was capable of doing whatever s/he wanted to do. (Lincoln Alexander inspired these feelings of positive self-worth before he died.) Challenges & Opportunities Authentic leaders openly and honestly define the challenges they face and then turn the challenges into opportunities. Authentic Leaders possess and follow moral compasses (George, 2007). The skills of Authentic Leaders are transferable. Lincoln Alexander was a railway porter, a lawyer, an MP, a lieutenant governor, a university chancellor, a jazz lover, a story teller. Learning from Analyzing : Authentic Leaders identify and accept challenges and are mindful of maintaining work-life balance. Authentic leaders know themselves, but they love others more than themselves. Authentic leaders believe in leaving their workplace and their communities in a better position than they found it. (Ted Rogers Leadership Centre, Ryerson University, 2012)

Analyzing Leadership Portfolio 11



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Analyzing Leadership Portfolio 12


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