Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping for Financial ... · Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping for...

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Transcript of Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping for Financial ... · Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping for...

Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping for Financial Abundance

and Business Success

Written by Evelyn Lim


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The information presented in this book is provided for your general information only. Due

to the experimental nature of the method introduced in this book and because it is a

relatively new healing approach and the extent of its effectiveness, as well as its risks and

benefits have not been fully researched, you agree to assume and accept full responsibility

for any and all risks associated with using EFT as a result of reading this book.

You agree and understand that the information contained in this book is for your personal

use only. You further understand that if you choose to use EFT, it is possible that emotional

or physical sensations or additional unresolved memories may surface, which can be

perceived as negative side effects.

The information presented in this book is not intended to represent that EFT is used to

diagnosed, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. EFT is not a

substitute for medical or psychological/mental health treatment. Any stories or testimonials

presented in this book do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction regarding the

outcome of an individual using EFT for any particular issue.

In addition, you understand that the author to this report makes no warranty, guarantee, or

prediction regarding any outcome for you using EFT for any particular issue. While all

materials and references to other resources are given in good faith, the accuracy,

effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information in this book cannot be

guaranteed. The author accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or

misuse of the information contained in this book, including links to other resources. The

author strongly advises that you seek professional advice as appropriate for any health


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All copyright and rights to this report is owned by Evelyn Lim of Abundance Tapestry. The

materials contained herein forms part of the material of the workshop she conducts. You

are not allowed to sell or alter this report without any prior written consent.

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Table of Contents

1. What Abundance or Business Struggles are You Facing

2. What is Emotional Freedom Technique

3. My EFT Journey

4. Ingredients for Success

5. EFT Discovery Statement

6. Target Issue Identification

7. Tapping Points

8. The Intensity Scale

9. The Setup

10. The Setup Statement

11. Basic EFT Instructions

12. Emotional Healing for Physical Ailments

13. Emotional Healing for Self-Love Issues

14. Emotional Healing for Financial Abundance Issues

15. EFT Surrogate Tap

16. Conclusion

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What Abundance and Business Struggles Are You Facing?

Are you in the following situations:

- Struggling with low self-confidence;

- Struggling with believing that you can achieve success;

- Have problems attracting clients;

- Have problems charging a reasonable price;

- Have a history of non-paying clients;

- Have difficulties with making money online;

- Feeling overworked but not making much;

- Feeling overwhelmed about running your business;

- Have emotional issues with manifesting your business vision?

- Have issues with holding on to and manifesting your business vision?

If you are someone with abundance issues, then this report is for you. You are likely to be

feeling stuck, miserable, frustrated and overwhelmed over the lack of success. You may

even feel like you want to give up your business, if you already own one. You are worried

about having trouble paying for your living expenses if your situation does not change.

I totally understand how you feel. If you don’t already know this, I quit my fast track career

some 12 years ago. I eventually become an online business owner myself, offering intuitive

readings, life coaching and selling books and programs. In the process, I have worked on

myself internally to achieve the breakthroughs I have today.

Just imagine the following:

You are able to project enough confidence to sell your products and programs;

You are able to have a waiting list of clients;

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You are making “more than enough”.

You are able to attract clients who will pay you for what you ask for, instead of haggling

over discounts;

You are able to attract clients who simply love you for being “you”;

You are able to attract clients who refer you to their friends in glowing testimonials;

You are able to attract partners who are willing to promote your products and programs.

In a nutshell, you are able to get out of your own way; so that you can focus on the work or

the service that you bring to others and at the same time, make enough money doing what

you love.

Allow me to share with you a tool that has helped me tremendously in my entrepreneurial

journey – EFT or The Emotional Freedom Technique. You can also watch the video on EFT

that accompanies this report over at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_4vPOdyP1E

What is EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is a method that involves tapping on specific

meridian points on your face and body to neutralize negative emotions. It is like applying

acupuncture without the needles, but just using your fingers to tap. You can apply EFT on

almost any issue that you find yourself having issues with. Because it can produce quick

results, it helps you save on huge therapy fees. I call it a lifeskill that everyone should


EFT involves the tapping on designated meridian points, the verbalizing of the problem

followed by a positive healing statement. With the combination, the technique balances the

energy system and appears to relieve psychological stress and physiological pain. When

your energy system is balanced, the body's natural healing abilities are restored.

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EFT works well with the power of intent. Healing statements in EFT (i.e. “I deeply and

completely accept myself anyway”) introduces equanimity. This means that you embrace

your negative emotions, acknowledging that they are there but that it is okay to have them.

You give yourself the permission to have them in your experience. The aversions dissolve

on their own miraculously.

There is little or no negative side effects reported since EFT does not involve any invasive

surgical procedures, pills or pushing and pulling on the body. To the extent of my

knowledge, EFT is a safe method. You cannot get it wrong nor hurt yourself with it.

EFT is currently applied by thousands and thousands of people worldwide for a variety of

physical health and emotional life situations. It has been found to produce effective results

ranging from fear of public speaking, alleviation of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),

eliminating poor habits, phobia reduction, exam stress, insomnia to improvement of golf

scores. In many cases, applying the method produced almost instantaneous results. Results

do vary, however, depending on the individual.

My EFT Journey

When I first learned EFT 7-8 years ago, I was filled with doubt over its usefulness. I was

reluctant to try it wholeheartedly. My belief was that the best way to experience

transformations was through “positive thinking” and not by doing a bunch of energy

techniques. Even then, I had to admit that no matter how hard I willed myself, I was unable

to achieve any noticeable breakthroughs. Additionally, motivational workshops filled me

with a sense of hyped-up euphoria which sadly did not provide me with any lasting effects.

Finally, I decided to give EFT a 100% try. It happened at a time when when I was feeling

miserable. I attended a one-day group workshop. Even then, I did not observe any

miraculous results rightaway. On hindsight, I realized that the lack of observable results

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could be due to the fact that I was not addressing my personal issues sufficiently in a group


And so, I continued to live with my misery. Eventually, I hit the height of my pain. This

time, down on my knees, I knew that I had nothing else to lose but to give this method a real

try. I decided to be open and commit to healing. Having made the decision, I diligently

applied EFT to my personal issues. Then, amazingly, I started experiencing and could feel

the energetic shifts. In some of the cases I have applied to, results were almost instant. In

others, where the issues are deeper, it took a number of sessions. Finally, one noticeable

change was that I could finally settle my mind enough to meditate in quiet sittings.

Since then, I have applied EFT to cases such as anger, anxiety reduction, eczema, allergy

and pain relief, childhood trauma reduction and clearing of limiting beliefs. My husband

and I have applied it across a wide variety of physical situations like migraines, inability to

control bladder, knee pains, stress-triggered skin disorders, etc. Phobias that we have used

EFT on include fear of snakes, heights, exams, death, etc.

Notwithstanding, I prefer to err on the side of caution and not tout EFT as a miracle cure for

all kinds of situations. There will be situations whereby other forms of healing have to be

used. In some, surgery or medical intervention might even be necessary and more

appropriate. Likewise, the same non-conclusive suggestion is also adopted by Gary Craig,

the founder of the technique. Although he is known for saying “Try It on Everything”, he

has also advised to exercise reasonable judgement when using EFT.

At the same time, there is no denying that there are enough testimonials from thousands of

people worldwide attesting to its efficacy. EFT has been applied to many different

situations. Additionally, leading experts and top personal development teachers like Dr

Bruce Liption, Bob Proctor, Louis Hay and Jack Canfeld have also come forth to endorse

this method.

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Hence, it is possible that someone like yourself who can benefit from its usage. As such, I

urge you to adopt a sense of healthy skepticism like I once had in order to learn this pretty

amazing self-help tool.

I am sharing my version of using EFT in this report. I am a Level 3 certified EFT

practitioner with the Association of Advancement of Meridian Energy Therapies or AMET.

I also include learning tips from my NLP training and other learning resources from EFT

masters such as Dr Carol Look and Dr Patricia Carrington, for the purpose of writing this


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Ingredients for the Right Attitude to Using EFT

What has helped me are the following ingredients:

1. Willingness to Try. Obviously, nothing is going to happen without going through the

steps for EFT. Back many years ago, I was a typical left-brained individual who needed lots

of proof before I ventured into anything new. In terms of needing proof, I required hard

“scientific” evidence. So when I started to learn EFT, I faced immense challenges in

breaking through my beliefs. Then, I decided that I was not going to learn whether EFT

worked or not, if I did not adopt a willingness to give it a try. As you now know, I have not

looked back since.

2. Commitment to Inner Work. I started experiencing enhanced results when I committed to

the process of EFT. It took me a while to change my attitude of commitment, though. At

first, I was only willing to commit to a once-a-week schedule. At the height of my

depression, I decided to give it a go everyday. That was when I began to experience a

lightness after every session of clearing. I also committed to applying EFT by working with

a friend-cum-practitioner. Having that support was crucial during a period when I needed to

stick to the process.

3. Try it on Everything. It is amazing the variety of situations that EFT has found to have

worked. Hence, do not limit yourself in the cases that you can apply it to. Try it on


4. Do EFT Daily. Consider doing EFT intensively for a start. I began by applying EFT in

two steps. First, I identified all known issues, wrote them down and tapped on these.

Second, I noted all the situations whereby I felt the slightest negative emotion. So it might

be with anyone I came across during the day, whether family or stranger, or any situation I

may possibly encounter. In a nutshell, I started taking charge of my own happiness. Instead

of blaming others for the horrible situations I found myself in, I took it upon myself to tap

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on these. Gary Craig suggested two concepts for EFT success; the personal peace

procedure and the rule of specificity.

The Personal Peace Procedure Adopt the Personal Peace Procedure whereby you make a

list of every situation that you have encountered and EFTing for them. By diligently doing

this, you can eliminate every negative tree from your emotional forest; thereby removing

many of your physical and emotional issues. Do at least one specific event per day. Or

preferably three. After three months, you would have resolved 90 to 270 specific issues.

The Rule of Specificity One major rule to success is that you need to be as specific as

possible. When you lump too many issues together to tap, your progress with the use of EFT

can be limited. As you chop down each tree, your emotional forest gets thinned out. In the

beginning, it may be that you need to chop down tree by tree. Then, there may be situations

whereby one tree when chopped, can cause a few trees to fall at the same time. What may

be of interest to you is that a forest with 100 trees can be removed by chopping down say 30


5. Persist in Your Investigations. There can be different aspects or perspectives to one issue.

For instance, a person can address his or her low confidence issues by identifying events

happening at work, client interactions, public speaking situations, poor relationships with

spouse or loved ones, and/or childhood traumas. You will need to apply your investigative

skills to identify as many aspects as possible in dealing with one major core issue.

6. Journal Your EFT Experiences. If you do not start journalling or to make a note of what

you have done, it may be quite difficult to notice if you have undergone any energetic shifts

or made any progress. Hence, start to keep records of the issues that you are addressing,

what EFT statements you have used and the date that you have done EFT.

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EFT Discovery Statement

The essence behind EFT is the discovery statement...

“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system.”

The discovery statement can be illustrated with the following diagram...

Target Issue Identification

How do you know which event or issue to begin with? If you are using EFT for the first

time, you may be confused over where to start. I have encountered a number of clients who

face a multitude of issues all at the same time.

Well, I prefer to begin with what is currently going on in your life and the issue that is

causing you the most distress. When you investigate into a current issue, you will find that

it opens up to a whole plethora of dense emotions. A skilled practitioner should be able to

help you to uncover enough triggers or aspects to collapse your entire core issue.

It is highly likely that your emotional reactions today are triggered by some memory that

has been lying in your subconscious. Much of the memories go back to childhood. When

you examine your life closely, you realize that you have been involved in a repeated pattern

of essentially the same behavior, thoughts and actions because of past programming.

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Remember the rule of specificity that was previously discussed? If you tap on “anxiety over

mounting debts”, it is not good enough. The problem is just too general. You will need to

identify specific events to yield satisfactory results. Then again, tapping on a general

“anxiety over mounting debts” can also be a good way to start before you begin to identify

specific events or issues.

What we want to gather is enough information to apply the use of EFT. We are not

interested in apportioning blame on anyone but to identify the emotions that we feel

surrounding the issue.

0-10 Intensity Scale

The 0-10 intensity scale measures how much negative emotions you attach to your belief or

problem. Zero means that you have no intensity at all while ten means extreme emotion.

Having an intensity scale helps to provide a marker that you have reduced your emotions.

First, quieten your mind. When you tune in to ask yourself about how you feel towards

your problem, you instinctively “see” or perceive a number. The number comes from your

gut, intuition or inner wisdom. It is not from your intellect. Nor does it involve too much

thinking and analysis. Hence, do not doubt the number that has come forth.

Questions that you ask yourself to elicit an answer:

- How intense do you feel towards the problem?

- How upset do you feel towards the problem?

- How true do you feel towards your belief in your experience?

Even if you do make a mistake about this number, you can do no further wrong should you

perform any tapping procedure. If you start off with a number higher than zero, then what

you want to do is to tap until your intensity goes down to below two. As you tap in

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sequence, you will find that your intensity going down very naturally.

For clients who still face difficulties in knowing how intense they feel towards an issue,

muscle testing can be applied. As an Intuitive Consultant, I tune into the subconscious of

my clients for a more accurate reading. Also, in cases where clients cannot recall specific

childhood events, I can also tune in to obtain the necessary information for clearing work to

be done.

Interested to do more intensive work regarding your abundance issues and would like a

personal consultation? Go over to http://www.AbundanceTapestry.com/work-with-me .

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The Setup

Psychological reversal is best understood when you recall a time of having fitted in your

batteries into the torchlight, tape recorder or device backwards. A reversal happens should

you line up “+” and the “-” sides wrongly. As a result, your torchlight, tape recorder or

device does not work.

Psychological reversal can happen to you, when there is a disruption in your energy flow. It

is caused by self defeating, negative thinking which often occurs subconsciously and thus

outside of your awareness. It is the cause of self sabotage. It explains why despite your

best intents, you find it hard to achieve your goals such as weight loss, attracting money or

developing healthy relationships.

Since the cause of psychological reversal involves negative thinking, it should be no

surprise that the correction for it involves a neutralizing affirmation.

The Setup Statement

Tap the karate chop point (refer to diagram in the following pages) while repeating the setup

statement. It is as follows…

“Even though I have or am ______________(negative emotion or limiting belief), I deeply

and completely love and accept myself. I forgive myself and I forgive all others who have

contributed to this situation”.

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Basic EFT Instructions

1) Choose a target issue or event.

2) Find the crescendo moment for the target issue or event whereby your emotions are

most intense. Rate your intensity.

[Do the 3-2-1 method next (i.e. 3 rounds of doing the setup procedure, 2 rounds of tapping

sequence and 1 deep breath). ]

3) Setup procedure: Verbalize your setup statement, which involves a negative phrase

(identifying the problem) and a neutralizing phrase, three times. While repeating your

setup statement, tap on the karate chop point. Do three rounds of saying the setup


4) EFT Tapping Sequence Round . Start tapping the top of your head and follow the

sequence. Tap your way down on the various meridian points on your body. Tap each

point 7-10 times. A gentle touch will do. As you tap, mentally tune into the issue or event

and connect with your negative emotions. As you tap each meridian point, say what you

feel. Do two rounds of the tapping sequence.

5) Take one deep breath – in and out.

6) Check in and rate your intensity again. If it is not zero, go back to step 3. Choose a

remainder phrase statement “I still feel ________” or “tapping for remaining negative

emotion ______”. Continue to tap until your intensity scale towards the target problem is


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EFT Tapping Points

Tapping Sequence: - Top of the Head (TN) - Eyebrow - Side of the Eye - Under Eye - Under Nose - Chin - Collarbone - Sore Tender Point - Under Arm For Setup: - Karate Chop

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Don’t forget to drink a lot of water during and after you apply EFT. Water is cleansing. It

helps you to remove energy toxins as well. So make sure you are not dehydrated by

drinking water between tapping sequences.

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Emotional Healing For Physical Issuess

EFT is not a miracle cure when you have cases of broken bones or really need surgical

intervention. However, in many situations, it has been found that physical health symptoms

are caused by emotional stress or trauma. For example, if you identify that it is stress which

is firing your migraine or eczema symptoms, EFT offers a drug-free solution in reducing

your psychological or emotional triggers.

Emotional Healing for Self-Love Issues

Heard of the phrase that “we are our worst enemies”? It is true. We are often harshest

towards ourselves. Nonetheless, we tend to blame others for our anger, frustration and pain.

In reality, we need to look inwards.

Most situations are just triggers, mirroring the conflict that we have with ourselves

internally. As I have shared in my book, Self-Love Secrets: How to Love Yourself

Unconditionally, I found out that the situations are a reflection of the root beliefs of “I am

not lovable”, “I am not good enough” and “I am not deserving”.

I am lucky to have discovered EFT as it works beautifully for self-love issues. To begin

with, there is the setup statement that helps us to embrace ourselves….…

“Even though I have or am ______________(negative emotion or limiting belief), I deeply

and completely love and accept myself. I forgive myself and I forgive all others who have

contributed to this situation”.

The healing statement incorporates love, acceptance and forgiveness. We also make the

choice to love, accept and forgive ourselves unconditionally. When we heal internally, we

change the “zzzz” in our energy system. We find that we are also more willing to adopt a

different perspective to the same life situation. Consequently, our relationships with others

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Emotional Healing for Financial Abundance Issues

“When riches begin to come, they come so quickly, in such great abundance, that one

wonders where they have been hiding during all those lean years.”

---- Napolean Hill in Think and Grow Rich

When you are not manifesting what you want, it is because you are focused on “not

having”. You are overcome by your negative emotions when you think about your lack.

Negative emotions are contributed by feelings such as anger, hatred, envy, jealousy,

irritation, guilt or shame. These emotions when felt bring down your vibrations.

Negative emotions are often caused by the limiting beliefs you have in your subconscious.

Your beliefs are installed due to a triggering childhood event, unconscious adopted beliefs

from your parents or caregivers or societal norms and attitudes that you have simply viewed

as the truth without inquiry.

Your limiting beliefs and thinking in your subconscious often sabotages your original intent.

Their existence often explains why “positive thinking” alone will not work. They make up

your tail enders. Tail enders are your “yes buts”. For instance, you say “I want this but


The point to highlight is that you do not pretend that your negative emotions do not exist.

On the contrary, you acknowledge that you do feel them. Upon emotional release, you then

make a choice towards better-feeling thoughts and redirecting your focus. When you do so,

you start to raise your vibrations. Emotions such as joy, gratitude, appreciation and bliss

uplift you. The more often and the more deeply you feel these positive emotions, the

greater you are in vibrational match with the outcomes that you hope to attract.

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One area of success that my husband and I had with using EFT was with attracting business

clients and thereby money. Incidentally, my husband is also an entrepreneur; having quit his

high-flying career to run his own consultancy nine years ago. We have applied EFT and

attained observable improvements in our individual businesses.

I also remember the times when I do a new product or service launch. Even though I have

done a couple of launches, I would invariably be filled with anxiety as to whether people

will like my new offering or not. The first hour after launch was usually nerve wrecking.

Behind the computer screen, I was stressed out.

However, each time after I used EFT, I managed to secure clients. It was almost immediate.

I would get email notifications about having made a sale. Hurray!

Over the years, I found that I was able to generate 5-figures from a single income stream

without aggressive promotion. There was no need to do hard sell. I also experienced

virtually little or low risk, as I was able to recoup my investment with each product or

service I roll out within a month or two. Please note that your results may vary and it also

depends on other factors such as what product you are selling and the niche you are in.

EFT has been my companion tool in my journey as an entrepreneur and a life coach. It is

the tool that has helped me whenever I need to bring my business to the next level. It is also

the same tool that has helped me bring better balance, love and harmony in my family life


Running a business online can cause stress especially if you are depending on it to pay your

bills. It is very hard to achieve success when you feel as if you are in struggle. Hence, if

you are having difficulties with achieving abundance or business success that you are

looking for, then it is imperative that you do some emotional release work. EFT offers you

a method to go about it.

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Surrogate EFT Tapping for Family and Everyone Around

Stress can be triggered by what is happening at home too. Being young, your kids need

extra care and support. Imagine yourself having to worry about your kids – even whilst you

battle stress that comes from running your online business.

Well, the solution is: introduce EFT into your family.

My kids learn how to tap themselves ever since they were 5-6 years old. It is a good idea to

start them young. EFT is a lifelong skill that they can rely upon whenever they feel

stressed, down or in pain.

Even though my kids already know how to apply EFT on themselves, there have also been

many times when we surrogate tap for them. Surrogate tapping simply means that we

mentally imagine ourselves as them, tune in and tap for their negative emotions. Does it

work? Yes it does. Several times.We have used the technique when they are feeling upset,

stressed, unmotivated and also when they are physically ill or having some limiting beliefs.

Therein lies the beauty of doing EFT. We can basically tap for anyone in the world. I have

also surrogate tapped from Singapore (where I reside) to as far out as friends in the States

and clients in England and Ireland. I have surrogate tapped for my husband when he was

overseas and facing some work challenges. In many of the cases, we have observed pretty

good results.

Being able to surrogate tap has allowed me to tap together with my clients. EFT works for

distance healing too; because it is essentially an energy tool, we are able to effect changes

through shifting vibrations.

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EFT has been our secret tool for navigating through business and family challenges over

the years. We liken EFT to be the secret behind "The Secret" (the movie that taught

about the Law of Attraction). EFT is certainly the tool that has been accompanying us on

our path to emotional and financial freedom!!

EFT is great if you would like to be in much less struggle while working towards business

success and financial abundance. You are more able to overcome low self-love and self-

worth issues and increase your net worth. Not just your finance, you can also expect to

experience an improvement in overall well-being.

I often like to use the metaphor of the full cup. If your cup is pretty much filled to the brim

with negative emotions and beliefs, it is impossible to pour any positive stuff into it. You

need to first empty your cup to some extent. Once you have done that, you will find greater

success when you add the use of other personal development methods such as positive


Please allow for 21 days to settle for all energy work. You can back your EFT work up with

repeating positive affirmations on a daily basis for 21 days as well. To stay anchored in

feeling positive, consider also adopting an attitude of gratitude and appreciation for the

blessings you currently enjoy.

By all means, learn to use EFT and apply it to your situation. However, if you find that you

are still stuck, you may want to consider getting more personalized help. There is an

opportunity cost to not getting assistance when you need it. You could spend months and

years without experiencing any breakthrough.

There can be different aspects and layers to the issues that you are facing. It may help to

have someone point out blocks that you have overlooked. 80% of successful entrepreneurs

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and business owners admitted to receiving mentorship and support to get to where they are


As a Certified EFT Practitioner (Level 3 AAMET), Life Coach, Master NLP Practitioner

and Master Kundalini Reiki Practitioner, I facilitate sessions for deeper healing and long-

lasting results. In particular, I specialize with helping women who would like to set up their

own coaching practice or small business online but who are struggling with believing in

themselves about achieving success and making money. I help them get out of their own

way, so that they can focus on the transformation work they provide, yet make money doing

what they love.

If you are interested in my services, check out http://www.AbundanceTapestry.com/work-

with-me. I will be delighted to be of help to you.

I wish you much love and success in your journey!

Abundance always,

Abundance Healing Energy Therapist


- Abundance Alchemy: Journey of Gold

- Self-Love Secrets: How to Love Yourself Unconditonally