Emma Lenk MENU. The Why? Key Words The How? Examples Test Yourself 1A The Special Case This Button...

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Transcript of Emma Lenk MENU. The Why? Key Words The How? Examples Test Yourself 1A The Special Case This Button...


The Why?Key WordsThe How?


Test Yourself 1A

The Special Case

This Button will take you back to this Menu screen

Test Yourself 1B


Morgen Früh 2 Key Words Tomorrow Morning

Tomorrow being the day indicator, Morning being the time indicator

Morgen Abend 2 Key Words Tomorrow Evening

Tomorrow being the day indicator, Evening being time indicator

Vorgesrternmorgen 3 Key Words Before Yesterday Morning

Before and Yesterday being day indicators, and Morning being time indicator


Gestern Frűh 2 Key Words Yesterday Morning

Yesterday being the day indicator, Morning the time indicator

Morgenvormittag 3 Key Words Tomorrow Before Noon

Yesterday being the day indictor, Before and Noon the time indicators

Heute Abend 2 Key Words Today in the Evening

Today being the day indicator, Evening the time indicator


Heute Nachmittag 3 Key Words Today After Noon

Today being the day indicator, Nach and Mittag the time indicators

Vorgestern 2 Key Words Before Yesterday

This particular word has the two indicators switched because you are talking about the day before yesterday,

Gestern Abend 2 Key Words Yesterday Evening

Yesterday being the day indicator, Evening being the time indicator


Morgen Nachmittag 3 Key WordsTomorrow After Noon

Morgen Nachmittag gehe ich zum Kino.

Tomoorw After Noon I am going to the Movies.

Gesternvormittag 3 Key WordsYesterday Before Noon

Gesternvormittag war ich im Kino

Yesterday Before Noon I was at the Movies.

Heute 1 Key Word Today

Heute gehe ich zum Kino.

Today im going to the Movies.


Gestern Nachmittag 3 Key Words Yesterday After Noon

Gestern Nachmittag hatte ich Gymnastik.

Yesterday afternoon I had gymnastics.

Morgen Frűh 2 Key Words Tomorrow Morning

Morgen Frűh gehe ich zur Schule.

Tomorrow morning im going to School.

Heute Vormittag 3 Key Words Today Before Noon

Heute Vormittag hatte ich auch Gymnastik.

Today Before Noon I also had Gymnastics.


Heute Nacht 2 Key Words Tonight

Wo gehst du Heute Nacht?

Where are you going tonight?

Űbermorgen 2 Key Words After Tomorrow

Űbermorgen werden wir einkaufen.

After Tomorrow we will go shopping.

Vorgestern 2 Key Words Day Before Yesterday

Vorgestern was ich zu Hause.

Day Before Yesterday I was at home.


Űbermorgen 2 Key Words After Tomorrow

After being a day indicator, and tomorrow being a day indicator

Űber is a special case, since you cannot say Morgen Morgen the word Űber

can be used in its place to say “ day after tomorrow’

This is the only time in this structure that the term will be used for Times of The Day.

The only other way to use the word Űber is when you mean the word “over”

Ich Űber sehe dich. I over see you.


In America we use certain words to indicate the times of the day while in conversation or in text. In the German Language they do the same

You Will:•Learn how to use the correct terms in German• You will also be able to understand when to combine the words and when to keep hem apart•Learn about the special case


These Key words are the Basis for Times of Day. All you have to do is put the words together to form the Time. Note: Write this list down on a separate sheet, this will be your own help sheet while you familiarize yourself with the words.


• Today- Heute• Morning- Der

Morgen/Früh• Afternoon- Der

Nachmittag• Evening- Der Abend

• Noon- Der Mittag

• Yesterday- Gestern

• Tomorrow- Morgen

• Before-Vor• After- Über • Night-Nacht

Creating Times of Day is taking two or more words together to form one word. If you are given the word and you must identify the definition:

Gersternvormittag The best thing to do is to break the word down to its simplest form. This particular word consists of three KEY WORDS.

GESTERN- Yesterday

VOR- Before


When you put them together the word means “yesterday before noon”


If you are asked to create the word, whether while you are writing or while speaking the concept is the same as identifying. First step is to identify the time.

Lets use the phrase “Tomorrow Afternoon” Identify the KEY WORDS in German.



After you have identified the KEY WORDS, just put the words together.

Morgen Nachmittag


Gesternvormittag Heute Nachmittag

Morgen Nachmittag Morgen früh

Morgenvormittag Vorgestern

Gestern abend Vorgestern Nachmittag

Gestern früh Übermorgen

Heute Abend Heute Nacht


Break down the words using the KEY WORDS


Yesterday Before Noon This Afternoon

Tomorrow Afternoon Tomorrow morning

Tomorrow Before Noon Day Before Yesterday

Yesterday Evening Day Before Yesterday Afternoon

Yesterday Morning Day After Tomorrow

Today in the Evening Tonight


Tomorrow Morning Yesterday Morning

Tomorrow Afternoon This Afternnon

Day After Tomorrow Tomorrow

Tonight Day After Tomorrow Afternoon

Yesterday AfternoonToday in the Evening

Yesterday Before Afternoon Tomorrow Night


Identify the words down using the KEY WORDS


Morgen Früh Gestern Morgen

Morgen Nachmittag Heute Nachmittag

Übermorgen Morgen

Heute Nacht Übermorgen Nachmittag

Gestern Nachmittag Heute Abend

Gestern Vormittag Morgen Abend