Emerging India

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Transcript of Emerging India

  • 7/28/2019 Emerging India


    Ms Debjani ChowdhuryJoint Director-Research

    World Trade Centre Mumbai

    November 2011

  • 7/28/2019 Emerging India


    Slide 2

    India among top 15 countries in terms of GDP at constant prices

    Fourth largest economy in the world in terms of GDP at Purchasing Power

    Parity (PPP) (After the US, China and Japan)

    India is on track to overtake Japan this year in terms of GDP at PurchasingPower Parity (PPP)

    Attractive destination for business and investments

    Huge manpower base (1.2 billion people), diversified natural resourcesand strong macro-economic fundamentals

    Economic Reforms initiated since 1991

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    An emerging economic powerhouse

    Goldman Sachs predicts by 2050 India would emerge as the second

    largest economy in the world (After China)

    India could be 40 times bigger by 2050

    Pricewaterhouse Coopers forecast Indian economy will register the

    second fastest growth between now and 2050 and emerge as the

    second biggest economy in the world by the middle of the Century

    Slide 3

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    Consistent economic growth of 8-9% in recent years

    GDP growth in 2009- 10 was 8.0% despite global economicslowdown

    GDP growth in 2010-11 was 8.5%

    Growth likely to stabilise at around 8% in 2011-12

    Growth likely to return to 9% in a couple years

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    IMF predicts Indias growth for 2011 at 8.4%

    Second fastest growing economy after China

    India ranks 51 in World Economic Forums Global Competitiveness

    Index for 2010-11, ahead of South Africa, Brazil and Russia

    India among top four major wealth creating countries in the world

    in 2010 ( Global Wealth Report- Boston Consulting Group)

    Slide 5

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    Rising Foreign Exchange Reserves

    Enhanced economic performance has been major contributor

    towards increased Forex reserves

    Offer adequate security against currency crisis and monetary


    Strong Balance of Payments leading to steady accumulation of

    Indias foreign exchange reserves $318.4 billion foreign reserves as

    on October 21, 2011

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    Indias International Trade

    India accounts for 1.3 percent of world merchandise trade (2009)

    India ranks 21 among leading exporting countries in the world (2009)

    Among leading importers, India is ranked 14 and accounts for 2 per centof total global imports

    In respect of trade in commercial services India is placed in the 12thposition among global exporters of commercial services

    India exported 87 billion dollars worth of commercial services in 2009

    Slide 7

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    India Surging Exports

    Total Exports during April- September (2011-12) topped $ 160billion

    52 per cent growth registered

    Exports crossed target of $ 200 billion for 2010-11 to reach $ 252Billion ( $41 per cent growth)

    IT software and IT enabled services exports touched $49 billion in2010 rising from $2 billion in 1998

    Slide 8

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    April- September (2011- 12 ) imports were $234 billion ( 32 Per

    Cent growth)

    Acceptance of Indian products along with cost advantage has

    provided an edge to Indian companies

    Imports of products by India mainly includes petroleum products,minerals machinery and electronic goods

    Slide 9

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    India: Attractive Investment Destination

    India is ranked third in A.T.Kearney FDI Confidence Index 2010

    India is placed after China and US. Brazil and Germany follow India

    UNCTADs World Investment Prospects Survey 2010-12 ranks India secondmost favoured investment destination (behind China) followed by Brazil,

    United States and Russian Federation.

    For the first time the four major emerging markets China, India, Brazil

    and the Russian Federation all ranked among the top five investmentdestinations.

    FDI inflow for the period April 2000- August 2011 reached $ 219billion

    Slide 10

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    Mauritius has been the largest contributor towards FDI (42%)

    Singapore (9%), USA (7%), UK (5%), Netherlands (4%), Cyprus (4%),

    Japan (4%), Germany, France and UAE are among the top ten


    Sectors attracting Highest FDI equity inflows are

    Financial and non financial services (21%)

    Computer Software and Hardware (9%)

    Telecommunications (8%)

    Housing and Real Estate (7%)

    Construction activities (including roads & highways)(7%)

    Power (5%)

    Automobile Industry (4%)

    Metallurgical Industries (3%)

    Petroleum and natural gas (3%)

    Chemicals (2%)

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    India-Regional Cooperation

    Regional Trading Agreements have been a very prominent feature

    of the Multilateral Trading system

    India has signed free trade agreements with SAARC, ASEAN ,

    Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka and Bhutan,

    Negotiating FTAs with EU, EFTA, Japan, Thailand and Bangladesh

    India is a member of the SAARC Regional Trading Bloc

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    InfrastructureVast Opportunities

    India is planning to spend $514 billion in infrastructure

    development during the 11th

    Plan period (2007-2012)

    Investment in infrastructure accounts for 7.6 percent of total GDP

    during the 11th Plan Period

    Private sector investment is projected at $155 billion

    The Government has opened up major infrastructure projects to

    public private partnerships

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    Slide 14

    Projected Investment in infrastructure during theEleventh Plan (2007-2012)

    SectorsElectricityRoads & BridgesTelecommunicationRailwaysIrrigation

    Water & SanitationPorts

    AirportsStorageGas------------------------------ Total

    Amount $ Billion166.678.564.665.563.3


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    Slide 15

    Some Expressions About Indian Market

    India is not simply emerging : India has already emerged

    Barack Obama

    President, US

    I have been a great believer in the India growth story

    Wilfried AulburMD & CEO

    Mercedes Benz India

    India is our fastest growing market


    CEO, Samsung,SW Asia

    We will make India the export hub for L.G

    Moon Bum Shi

    Managing Director

    L.G. Electronics India

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    Slide 16 India has taken its place in the world economy. A lot of them (Indian

    companies) can be global companies. You already have them in cars andautos in electronics and systems

    Jamie DimonChairman and CEO

    J.P.Morgan Compared to China, India has a much stronger and self-sufficient skill

    base. India is truly the powerhouse of the future.Michael Maedel

    PresidentJWT Worldwide

    India is a very important market for Ford Motor Company. We are here ina big way. We are doubling our plant capacity in Chennai.

    Mark BentleyManager

    Ford Global Licensing

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